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Unified Diff: tools/gn/

Issue 2481423002: Convert gn docstrings to C++11 raw strings. (Closed)
Patch Set: Fixes Created 4 years, 1 month ago
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Index: tools/gn/
diff --git a/tools/gn/ b/tools/gn/
index 9f86016dd8d1e39a328da280690c4b19feabff7d..7285d7a5388a4e042d7674f14090c2d3446fc58c 100644
--- a/tools/gn/
+++ b/tools/gn/
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
const char kBuildArgs_Help[] =
R"(Build Arguments Overview
- Build arguments are variables passed in from outside of the build
- that build files can query to determine how the build works.
+ Build arguments are variables passed in from outside of the build that build
+ files can query to determine how the build works.
How build arguments are set
- First, system default arguments are set based on the current system.
- The built-in arguments are:
+ First, system default arguments are set based on the current system. The
+ built-in arguments are:
- host_cpu
- host_os
- current_cpu
@@ -25,20 +25,18 @@ How build arguments are set
- target_cpu
- target_os
- If specified, arguments from the --args command line flag are used. If
- that flag is not specified, args from previous builds in the build
- directory will be used (this is in the file in the build
- directory).
+ If specified, arguments from the --args command line flag are used. If that
+ flag is not specified, args from previous builds in the build directory will
+ be used (this is in the file in the build directory).
- Last, for targets being compiled with a non-default toolchain, the
- toolchain overrides are applied. These are specified in the
- toolchain_args section of a toolchain definition. The use-case for
- this is that a toolchain may be building code for a different
- platform, and that it may want to always specify Posix, for example.
- See "gn help toolchain" for more.
+ Last, for targets being compiled with a non-default toolchain, the toolchain
+ overrides are applied. These are specified in the toolchain_args section of a
+ toolchain definition. The use-case for this is that a toolchain may be
+ building code for a different platform, and that it may want to always
+ specify Posix, for example. See "gn help toolchain" for more.
- If you specify an override for a build argument that never appears in
- a "declare_args" call, a nonfatal error will be displayed.
+ If you specify an override for a build argument that never appears in a
+ "declare_args" call, a nonfatal error will be displayed.
@@ -49,22 +47,21 @@ Examples
gn gen out/FooBar --args="enable_doom_melon=true os=\"android\""
- This will overwrite the build directory with the given arguments.
- (Note that the quotes inside the args command will usually need to
- be escaped for your shell to pass through strings values.)
+ This will overwrite the build directory with the given arguments. (Note
+ that the quotes inside the args command will usually need to be escaped
+ for your shell to pass through strings values.)
How build arguments are used
- If you want to use an argument, you use declare_args() and specify
- default values. These default values will apply if none of the steps
- listed in the "How build arguments are set" section above apply to
- the given argument, but the defaults will not override any of these.
+ If you want to use an argument, you use declare_args() and specify default
+ values. These default values will apply if none of the steps listed in the
+ "How build arguments are set" section above apply to the given argument, but
+ the defaults will not override any of these.
- Often, the root build config file will declare global arguments that
- will be passed to all buildfiles. Individual build files can also
- specify arguments that apply only to those files. It is also useful
- to specify build args in an "import"-ed file if you want such
- arguments to apply to multiple buildfiles.
+ Often, the root build config file will declare global arguments that will be
+ passed to all buildfiles. Individual build files can also specify arguments
+ that apply only to those files. It is also useful to specify build args in an
+ "import"-ed file if you want such arguments to apply to multiple buildfiles.
namespace {
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