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Unified Diff: test/debugger/debug/es6/debug-step-destructuring-bind.js

Issue 2480283002: Revert of [debugger] Migrate more debugger tests to inspector (Closed)
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 1 month ago
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Index: test/debugger/debug/es6/debug-step-destructuring-bind.js
diff --git a/test/debugger/debug/es6/debug-step-destructuring-bind.js b/test/debugger/debug/es6/debug-step-destructuring-bind.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b6446cfd6dd9ad62ae0a9203d391004249e23044..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/debugger/debug/es6/debug-step-destructuring-bind.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-var exception = null;
-var Debug = debug.Debug;
-var break_count = 0;
-function listener(event, exec_state, event_data, data) {
- if (event != Debug.DebugEvent.Break) return;
- try {
- var source = exec_state.frame(0).sourceLineText();
- print(source, break_count);
- assertTrue(source.indexOf(`B${break_count++}`) > 0);
- if (source.indexOf("assertEquals") > 0) {
- exec_state.prepareStep(Debug.StepAction.StepNext);
- } else {
- exec_state.prepareStep(Debug.StepAction.StepIn);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- exception = e;
- print(e);
- }
-var id = x => x; // B9 B10 B36 B37
-function test() {
- debugger; // B0
- function fx1([
- a, // B2
- b // B3
- ]) {
- assertEquals([1, 2], [a, b]); // B4
- } // B5
- fx1([1, 2, 3]); // B1
- function f2([
- a, // B7
- b = id(3) // B8
- ]) {
- assertEquals([4, 3], [a, b]); // B11
- } // B12
- f2([4]); // B6
- function f3({
- x: a, // B14
- y: b // B15
- }) {
- assertEquals([5, 6], [a, b]); // B16
- } // B17
- f3({y: 6, x: 5}); // B13
- function f4([
- a, // B19
- {
- b, // B20
- c, // B21
- }
- ]) {
- assertEquals([2, 4, 6], [a, b, c]); // B22
- } // B23
- f4([2, {c: 6, b: 4}]); // B18
- function f5([
- {
- a, // B25
- b = 7 // B26
- },
- c = 3 // B27
- ] = [{a:1}]) {
- assertEquals([1, 7, 3], [a, b, c]); // B28
- } // B29
- f5(); // B24
- var name = "x"; // B30
- function f6({
- [id(name)]: a, // B34 B35
- b = a // B38
- }) {
- assertEquals([9, 9], [a, b]); // B39
- } // B40
- var o6 = {}; // B31
- o6[name] = 9; // B32
- f6(o6); // B33
- try {
- throw [3, 4]; // B41
- } catch ([
- a, // B42
- b, // B43
- c = 6 // B44
- ]) {
- assertEquals([3, 4, 6], [a, b, c]); // B45
- }
- var {
- x: a, // B46
- y: b = 9 // B47
- } = { x: 4 };
- assertEquals([4, 9], [a, b]); // B48
-} // B49
-Debug.setListener(null); // B50

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