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Side by Side Diff: third_party/gvr-android-sdk/native_callbacks_jni.h

Issue 2467873004: Linking arm and arm64 gvr static shim library (Closed)
Patch Set: Move DEPS to android Created 4 years, 1 month ago
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1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // This file is autogenerated by
6 // base/android/jni_generator/
7 // For
8 // com/google/vr/internal/controller/NativeCallbacks
10 // Local modification includes:
11 // 1. Remove all implementaiton, only keep definition.
12 // 2. Use absolute path instead of relative path.
13 // 3. Removed all helper functions such as: Create.
14 // 4. Replace all nativeHandle to handle. This is because
15 // require jni functions start with "native" prefix. So we add the prefix to
16 // generate the file. But the real jni functions in the static library
17 // doesn't have the prefix.
18 // 5. Added function RegisterNativeCallbacksNatives at the end of this file.
20 #ifndef com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_JNI
21 #define com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_JNI
23 #include "base/android/jni_android.h"
24 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 // Native JNI methods
26 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 #include <jni.h>
29 #include "base/android/jni_generator/jni_generator_helper.h"
31 #include "base/android/jni_int_wrapper.h"
33 // Step 1: forward declarations.
34 namespace {
35 const char kNativeCallbacksClassPath[] =
36 "com/google/vr/internal/controller/NativeCallbacks";
37 // Leaking this jclass as we cannot use LazyInstance from some threads.
38 base::subtle::AtomicWord g_NativeCallbacks_clazz __attribute__((unused)) = 0;
39 #define NativeCallbacks_clazz(env) \
40 base::android::LazyGetClass(env, kNativeCallbacksClassPath, \
41 &g_NativeCallbacks_clazz)
43 } // namespace
45 namespace NativeCallbacks {
47 // Step 2: method stubs.
49 extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) void
50 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleStateChanged(
51 JNIEnv* env,
52 jobject jcaller,
53 jlong userData,
54 jint controllerId,
55 jint newState);
57 extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) void
58 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleControllerRecentere d(
59 JNIEnv* env,
60 jobject jcaller,
61 jlong userData,
62 jlong timestampNanos,
63 jfloat qx,
64 jfloat qy,
65 jfloat qz,
66 jfloat qw);
68 extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) void
69 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleTouchEvent(
70 JNIEnv* env,
71 jobject jcaller,
72 jlong userData,
73 jlong timestampNanos,
74 jint action,
75 jfloat x,
76 jfloat y);
78 extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) void
79 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleOrientationEvent(
80 JNIEnv* env,
81 jobject jcaller,
82 jlong userData,
83 jlong timestampNanos,
84 jfloat qx,
85 jfloat qy,
86 jfloat qz,
87 jfloat qw);
89 extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) void
90 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleButtonEvent(
91 JNIEnv* env,
92 jobject jcaller,
93 jlong userData,
94 jlong timestampNanos,
95 jint buttonCode,
96 jboolean down);
98 extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) void
99 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleAccelEvent(
100 JNIEnv* env,
101 jobject jcaller,
102 jlong userData,
103 jlong timestampNanos,
104 jfloat x,
105 jfloat y,
106 jfloat z);
108 extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) void
109 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleGyroEvent(
110 JNIEnv* env,
111 jobject jcaller,
112 jlong userData,
113 jlong timestampNanos,
114 jfloat x,
115 jfloat y,
116 jfloat z);
118 extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) void
119 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleServiceInitFailed(
120 JNIEnv* env,
121 jobject jcaller,
122 jlong userData,
123 jint failureReason);
125 extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) void
126 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleServiceFailed(
127 JNIEnv* env,
128 jobject jcaller,
129 jlong userData);
131 extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) void
132 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleServiceUnavailable(
133 JNIEnv* env,
134 jobject jcaller,
135 jlong userData);
136 extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) void
137 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleServiceConnected(
138 JNIEnv* env,
139 jobject jcaller,
140 jlong userData,
141 jint flags);
143 extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) void
144 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleServiceDisconnected (
145 JNIEnv* env,
146 jobject jcaller,
147 jlong userData);
149 // Step 3: RegisterNatives.
151 static const JNINativeMethod kMethodsNativeCallbacks[] = {
152 {"handleStateChanged",
153 "("
154 "J"
155 "I"
156 "I"
157 ")"
158 "V",
159 reinterpret_cast<void*>(
160 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleStateChang ed)},
161 {"handleControllerRecentered",
162 "("
163 "J"
164 "J"
165 "F"
166 "F"
167 "F"
168 "F"
169 ")"
170 "V",
171 reinterpret_cast<void*>(
172 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleController Recentered)},
173 {"handleTouchEvent",
174 "("
175 "J"
176 "J"
177 "I"
178 "F"
179 "F"
180 ")"
181 "V",
182 reinterpret_cast<void*>(
183 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleTouchEvent )},
184 {"handleOrientationEvent",
185 "("
186 "J"
187 "J"
188 "F"
189 "F"
190 "F"
191 "F"
192 ")"
193 "V",
194 reinterpret_cast<void*>(
195 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleOrientatio nEvent)},
196 {"handleButtonEvent",
197 "("
198 "J"
199 "J"
200 "I"
201 "Z"
202 ")"
203 "V",
204 reinterpret_cast<void*>(
205 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleButtonEven t)},
206 {"handleAccelEvent",
207 "("
208 "J"
209 "J"
210 "F"
211 "F"
212 "F"
213 ")"
214 "V",
215 reinterpret_cast<void*>(
216 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleAccelEvent )},
217 {"handleGyroEvent",
218 "("
219 "J"
220 "J"
221 "F"
222 "F"
223 "F"
224 ")"
225 "V",
226 reinterpret_cast<void*>(
227 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleGyroEvent) },
228 {"handleServiceInitFailed",
229 "("
230 "J"
231 "I"
232 ")"
233 "V",
234 reinterpret_cast<void*>(
235 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleServiceIni tFailed)},
236 {"handleServiceFailed",
237 "("
238 "J"
239 ")"
240 "V",
241 reinterpret_cast<void*>(
242 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleServiceFai led)},
243 {"handleServiceUnavailable",
244 "("
245 "J"
246 ")"
247 "V",
248 reinterpret_cast<void*>(
249 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleServiceUna vailable)},
250 {"handleServiceConnected",
251 "("
252 "J"
253 "I"
254 ")"
255 "V",
256 reinterpret_cast<void*>(
257 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleServiceCon nected)},
258 {"handleServiceDisconnected",
259 "("
260 "J"
261 ")"
262 "V",
263 reinterpret_cast<void*>(
264 Java_com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_handleServiceDis connected)},
265 };
267 static bool RegisterNativesImpl(JNIEnv* env) {
268 if (base::android::IsManualJniRegistrationDisabled())
269 return true;
271 const int kMethodsNativeCallbacksSize = arraysize(kMethodsNativeCallbacks);
273 if (env->RegisterNatives(NativeCallbacks_clazz(env), kMethodsNativeCallbacks,
274 kMethodsNativeCallbacksSize) < 0) {
275 jni_generator::HandleRegistrationError(env, NativeCallbacks_clazz(env),
276 __FILE__);
277 return false;
278 }
280 return true;
281 }
283 static bool RegisterNativeCallbacksNatives(JNIEnv* env) {
284 return RegisterNativesImpl(env);
285 }
287 } // namespace NativeCallbacks
289 #endif // com_google_vr_internal_controller_NativeCallbacks_JNI
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