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Unified Diff: third_party/inspector_protocol/templates/TypeBuilder_cpp.template

Issue 2463673004: [inspector_protocol] Support fall through. (Closed)
Patch Set: example domain converted Created 4 years, 2 months ago
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Index: third_party/inspector_protocol/templates/TypeBuilder_cpp.template
diff --git a/third_party/inspector_protocol/templates/TypeBuilder_cpp.template b/third_party/inspector_protocol/templates/TypeBuilder_cpp.template
index 0ea21e9337d76f8bf304f7ce076d8a08e8629142..a4b8b15eb3c23cf35b24bf22749223335b087fd7 100644
--- a/third_party/inspector_protocol/templates/TypeBuilder_cpp.template
+++ b/third_party/inspector_protocol/templates/TypeBuilder_cpp.template
@@ -192,32 +192,32 @@ public:
{% endfor %}
~DispatcherImpl() override { }
- void dispatch(int callId, const String& method, std::unique_ptr<protocol::DictionaryValue> messageObject) override;
+ DispatchResponse::Status dispatch(int callId, const String& method, std::unique_ptr<protocol::DictionaryValue> messageObject) override;
- using CallHandler = void (DispatcherImpl::*)(int callId, std::unique_ptr<DictionaryValue> messageObject, ErrorSupport* errors);
+ using CallHandler = DispatchResponse::Status (DispatcherImpl::*)(int callId, std::unique_ptr<DictionaryValue> messageObject, ErrorSupport* errors);
using DispatchMap = protocol::HashMap<String, CallHandler>;
DispatchMap m_dispatchMap;
{% for command in domain.commands %}
{% if "redirect" in command %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% if "handlers" in command and not ("renderer" in command["handlers"]) %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
- void {{}}(int callId, std::unique_ptr<DictionaryValue> requestMessageObject, ErrorSupport*);
+ DispatchResponse::Status {{}}(int callId, std::unique_ptr<DictionaryValue> requestMessageObject, ErrorSupport*);
{% endfor %}
Backend* m_backend;
-void DispatcherImpl::dispatch(int callId, const String& method, std::unique_ptr<protocol::DictionaryValue> messageObject)
+DispatchResponse::Status DispatcherImpl::dispatch(int callId, const String& method, std::unique_ptr<protocol::DictionaryValue> messageObject)
protocol::HashMap<String, CallHandler>::iterator it = m_dispatchMap.find(method);
if (it == m_dispatchMap.end()) {
- reportProtocolError(callId, MethodNotFound, "'" + method + "' wasn't found", nullptr);
- return;
+ reportProtocolError(callId, DispatchResponse::kMethodNotFound, "'" + method + "' wasn't found", nullptr);
+ return DispatchResponse::kError;
protocol::ErrorSupport errors;
- (this->*(it->second))(callId, std::move(messageObject), &errors);
+ return (this->*(it->second))(callId, std::move(messageObject), &errors);
{% for command in domain.commands %}
@@ -231,14 +231,14 @@ public:
: DispatcherBase::Callback(std::move(backendImpl), callId) { }
void sendSuccess(
- {%- for parameter in command.returns -%}
- {%- if "optional" in parameter -%}
+ {%- for parameter in command.returns -%}
+ {%- if "optional" in parameter -%}
const Maybe<{{resolve_type(parameter).raw_type}}>& {{}}
- {%- else -%}
+ {%- else -%}
{{resolve_type(parameter).pass_type}} {{}}
- {%- endif -%}
- {%- if not loop.last -%}, {% endif -%}
- {%- endfor -%}) override
+ {%- endif -%}
+ {%- if not loop.last -%}, {% endif -%}
+ {%- endfor -%}) override
std::unique_ptr<protocol::DictionaryValue> resultObject = DictionaryValue::create();
{% for parameter in command.returns %}
@@ -249,19 +249,26 @@ public:
resultObject->setValue("{{}}", ValueConversions<{{resolve_type(parameter).raw_type}}>::serialize({{resolve_type(parameter).to_raw_type %}}));
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
- sendIfActive(std::move(resultObject), ErrorString());
+ sendIfActive(std::move(resultObject), DispatchResponse::OK());
+ {% if new_style(domain) %}
+ void sendFailure(const DispatchResponse& response) override
+ {
+ DCHECK(response.status() == DispatchResponse::kError);
+ sendIfActive(nullptr, response);
+ }
+ {% else %}
void sendFailure(const ErrorString& error) override
- sendIfActive(nullptr, error);
+ sendIfActive(nullptr, DispatchResponse::Error(error));
+ {% endif %}
{% endif %}
-void DispatcherImpl::{{}}(int callId, std::unique_ptr<DictionaryValue> requestMessageObject, ErrorSupport* errors)
+DispatchResponse::Status DispatcherImpl::{{}}(int callId, std::unique_ptr<DictionaryValue> requestMessageObject, ErrorSupport* errors)
{% if "parameters" in command %}
// Prepare input parameters.
@@ -282,15 +289,12 @@ void DispatcherImpl::{{}}(int callId, std::unique_ptr<DictionaryValu
{% endfor %}
if (errors->hasErrors()) {
- reportProtocolError(callId, InvalidParams, kInvalidRequest, errors);
- return;
+ reportProtocolError(callId, DispatchResponse::kInvalidParams, kInvalidParamsString, errors);
+ return DispatchResponse::kError;
{% endif %}
- {% if "async" in command %}
- std::unique_ptr<{{ | to_title_case}}CallbackImpl> callback(new {{ | to_title_case}}CallbackImpl(weakPtr(), callId));
- {% elif "returns" in command %}
+ {% if "returns" in command and not ("async" in command) %}
// Declare output parameters.
- std::unique_ptr<protocol::DictionaryValue> result = DictionaryValue::create();
{% for property in command.returns %}
{% if "optional" in property %}
Maybe<{{resolve_type(property).raw_type}}> out_{{}};
@@ -300,24 +304,36 @@ void DispatcherImpl::{{}}(int callId, std::unique_ptr<DictionaryValu
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
- std::unique_ptr<DispatcherBase::WeakPtr> weak = weakPtr();
{% if not("async" in command) %}
+ std::unique_ptr<DispatcherBase::WeakPtr> weak = weakPtr();
+ {% if not new_style(domain) %}
ErrorString error;
+ {%- else %}
+ DispatchResponse response = m_backend->{{}}(
+ {%- endif -%}
{%- for property in command.parameters -%}
+ {%- if not loop.first or not new_style(domain) -%}, {% endif -%}
{%- if "optional" in property -%}
- , in_{{}}
+ in_{{}}
{%- else -%}
- , {{resolve_type(property).to_pass_type % ("in_" +}}
+ {{resolve_type(property).to_pass_type % ("in_" +}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor %}
{%- if "returns" in command %}
{%- for property in command.returns -%}
- , &out_{{}}
+ {%- if not loop.first or command.parameters or not new_style(domain) -%}, {% endif -%}
+ &out_{{}}
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %});
- {% if "returns" in command and not("async" in command) %}
- if (!error.length()) {
+ {% if not new_style(domain) %}
+ DispatchResponse response = error.length() ? DispatchResponse::Error(error) : DispatchResponse::OK();
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if "returns" in command %}
+ if (response.status() == DispatchResponse::kFallThrough)
+ return response.status();
+ std::unique_ptr<protocol::DictionaryValue> result = DictionaryValue::create();
+ if (response.status() == DispatchResponse::kSuccess) {
{% for parameter in command.returns %}
{% if "optional" in parameter %}
if (out_{{}}.isJust())
@@ -328,21 +344,26 @@ void DispatcherImpl::{{}}(int callId, std::unique_ptr<DictionaryValu
{% endfor %}
if (weak->get())
- weak->get()->sendResponse(callId, error, std::move(result));
+ weak->get()->sendResponse(callId, response, std::move(result));
{% else %}
if (weak->get())
- weak->get()->sendResponse(callId, error);
+ weak->get()->sendResponse(callId, response);
{% endif %}
- {%- else %}
+ return response.status();
+ {% else %}
+ std::unique_ptr<{{ | to_title_case}}CallbackImpl> callback(new {{ | to_title_case}}CallbackImpl(weakPtr(), callId));
{%- for property in command.parameters -%}
+ {%- if not loop.first -%}, {% endif -%}
{%- if "optional" in property -%}
- in_{{}},
+ in_{{}}
{%- else -%}
- {{resolve_type(property).to_pass_type % ("in_" +}},
+ {{resolve_type(property).to_pass_type % ("in_" +}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
+ {%- if command.parameters -%}, {% endif -%}
+ return DispatchResponse::kAsync;
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
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