(Empty) | |
| 1 This is a testharness.js-based test. |
| 2 FAIL RTCPeerConnection.length RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 3 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection() RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 4 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection(null) RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 5 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection(undefined) RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 6 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({}) RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 7 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: null }) assert_throws: function "functi
on () { |
| 8 eval(expr); |
| 9 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 10 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: undefined }) RTCPeerConnection is not d
efined |
| 11 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [] }) RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 12 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{}] }) assert_throws: function "functi
on () { |
| 13 eval(expr); |
| 14 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 15 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [null] }) assert_throws: function "func
tion () { |
| 16 eval(expr); |
| 17 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 18 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [undefined] }) assert_throws: function
"function () { |
| 19 eval(expr); |
| 20 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 21 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: "stun:stun1.example.net" }] })
RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 22 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: [] }] }) RTCPeerConnection is
not defined |
| 23 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: ["stun:stun1.example.net"] }]
}) RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 24 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: ["stun:stun1.example.net", "st
un:stun2.example.net"] }] }) RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 25 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: "turns:turn.example.org", user
name: "user", credential: "cred" }] }) RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 26 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: "turn:turn.example.net", usern
ame: "user", credential: "cred" }] }) RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 27 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: ["turns:turn.example.org", "tu
rn:turn.example.net"], username: "user", credential: "cred" }] }) RTCPeerConnect
ion is not defined |
| 28 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: "stun:stun1.example.net", cred
entialType: "password" }] }) RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 29 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: "stun:stun1.example.net", cred
entialType: "token" }] }) RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 30 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: "turn:turn.example.net" }] })
assert_throws: function "function () { |
| 31 eval(expr); |
| 32 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" that is
not a DOMException InvalidAccessError: property "code" is equal to undefined, e
xpected 15 |
| 33 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: "turn:turn.example.net", usern
ame: "user" }] }) assert_throws: function "function () { |
| 34 eval(expr); |
| 35 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" that is
not a DOMException InvalidAccessError: property "code" is equal to undefined, e
xpected 15 |
| 36 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: "turn:turn.example.net", crede
ntial: "cred" }] }) assert_throws: function "function () { |
| 37 eval(expr); |
| 38 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" that is
not a DOMException InvalidAccessError: property "code" is equal to undefined, e
xpected 15 |
| 39 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: "turns:turn.example.org" }] })
assert_throws: function "function () { |
| 40 eval(expr); |
| 41 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" that is
not a DOMException InvalidAccessError: property "code" is equal to undefined, e
xpected 15 |
| 42 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: "turns:turn.example.org", user
name: "user" }] }) assert_throws: function "function () { |
| 43 eval(expr); |
| 44 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" that is
not a DOMException InvalidAccessError: property "code" is equal to undefined, e
xpected 15 |
| 45 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: "turns:turn.example.org", cred
ential: "cred" }] }) assert_throws: function "function () { |
| 46 eval(expr); |
| 47 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" that is
not a DOMException InvalidAccessError: property "code" is equal to undefined, e
xpected 15 |
| 48 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: "relative-url" }] }) assert_th
rows: function "function () { |
| 49 eval(expr); |
| 50 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" that is
not a DOMException SyntaxError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected
12 |
| 51 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: "http://example.com" }] }) ass
ert_throws: function "function () { |
| 52 eval(expr); |
| 53 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" that is
not a DOMException SyntaxError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected
12 |
| 54 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: [], credentialType: "password"
}] }) RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 55 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: [], credentialType: "token" }]
}) RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 56 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: [], credentialType: "invalid"
}] }) assert_throws: function "function () { |
| 57 eval(expr); |
| 58 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 59 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ url: "stun:stun1.example.net" }] })
assert_throws: function "function () { |
| 60 eval(expr); |
| 61 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 62 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceTransportPolicy: null }) assert_throws: function
"function () { |
| 63 eval(expr); |
| 64 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 65 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceTransportPolicy: undefined }) RTCPeerConnection
is not defined |
| 66 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceTransportPolicy: "relay" }) RTCPeerConnection is
not defined |
| 67 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceTransportPolicy: "all" }) RTCPeerConnection is n
ot defined |
| 68 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceTransportPolicy: "invalid" }) assert_throws: fun
ction "function () { |
| 69 eval(expr); |
| 70 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 71 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceTransportPolicy: "none" }) assert_throws: functi
on "function () { |
| 72 eval(expr); |
| 73 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 74 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceTransports: "invalid" }) RTCPeerConnection is no
t defined |
| 75 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceTransports: "none" }) RTCPeerConnection is not d
efined |
| 76 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ bundlePolicy: null }) assert_throws: function "func
tion () { |
| 77 eval(expr); |
| 78 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 79 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ bundlePolicy: undefined }) RTCPeerConnection is not
defined |
| 80 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ bundlePolicy: "balanced" }) RTCPeerConnection is no
t defined |
| 81 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ bundlePolicy: "max-compat" }) RTCPeerConnection is
not defined |
| 82 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ bundlePolicy: "max-bundle" }) RTCPeerConnection is
not defined |
| 83 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ bundlePolicy: "invalid" }) assert_throws: function
"function () { |
| 84 eval(expr); |
| 85 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 86 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ rtcpMuxPolicy: null }) assert_throws: function "fun
ction () { |
| 87 eval(expr); |
| 88 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 89 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ rtcpMuxPolicy: undefined }) RTCPeerConnection is no
t defined |
| 90 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ rtcpMuxPolicy: "negotiate" }) RTCPeerConnection is
not defined |
| 91 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ rtcpMuxPolicy: "require" }) RTCPeerConnection is no
t defined |
| 92 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ rtcpMuxPolicy: "invalid" }) assert_throws: function
"function () { |
| 93 eval(expr); |
| 94 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 95 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ peerIdentity: toStringThrows }) assert_throws: func
tion "function () { |
| 96 eval(expr); |
| 97 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "Error" ("Error") |
| 98 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ certificates: null }) assert_throws: function "func
tion () { |
| 99 eval(expr); |
| 100 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 101 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ certificates: undefined }) RTCPeerConnection is not
defined |
| 102 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ certificates: [] }) RTCPeerConnection is not define
d |
| 103 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ certificates: [null] }) assert_throws: function "fu
nction () { |
| 104 eval(expr); |
| 105 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 106 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ certificates: [undefined] }) assert_throws: functio
n "function () { |
| 107 eval(expr); |
| 108 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 109 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ iceCandidatePoolSize: toNumberThrows }) assert_thro
ws: function "function () { |
| 110 eval(expr); |
| 111 }" threw object "ReferenceError: RTCPeerConnection is not defined" ("Refer
enceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| 112 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ certificates: [certificate] }) RTCPeerConnection is
not defined |
| 113 FAIL new RTCPeerConnection({ certificates: [expiredCertificate] }) RTCPeerConnec
tion is not defined |
| 114 FAIL localDescription initial value RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 115 FAIL currentLocalDescription initial value RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 116 FAIL pendingLocalDescription initial value RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 117 FAIL remoteDescription initial value RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 118 FAIL currentRemoteDescription initial value RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 119 FAIL pendingRemoteDescription initial value RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 120 FAIL signalingState initial value RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 121 FAIL iceGatheringState initial value RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 122 FAIL iceConnectionState initial value RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 123 FAIL connectionState initial value RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 124 FAIL canTrickleIceCandidates initial value RTCPeerConnection is not defined |
| 125 Harness: the test ran to completion. |
| 126 |