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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/webaudio/AudioParam/audioparam-processing.html

Issue 2420983002: AudioParams with automations must process timelines (Closed)
Patch Set: Fix paths. Created 3 years, 11 months ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/webaudio/AudioParam/audioparam-processing.html
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/webaudio/AudioParam/audioparam-processing.html b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/webaudio/AudioParam/audioparam-processing.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f6eb35c7990ff44d2f8f5f921a81f9e6c861dd21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/webaudio/AudioParam/audioparam-processing.html
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+<!doctype html>
+ <head>
+ <title>Test Processing Of AudioParams of Disconnected AudioNodes</title>
+ <script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+ <script src="../resources/audio-testing.js"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <script>
+ // Arbitrary sample rate.
+ var sampleRate = 8000;
+ // Arbitrary number of frames for the test, except it must be greater than
+ // |automationEndFrame|.
+ var renderFrames = 1024;
+ // The linear ramp automation ends at this frame. Arbitrary, except it
+ // must be strictly less than the render length.
+ var automationEndFrame = 128;
+ var audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
+ // There should be a test for every single node which has an AudioParam.
+ // Source nodes are not included in this because the AudioParams for the
+ // source nodes only process when the node has been started.
+ audit.defineTask("BiquadFilterNode", function (taskDone) {
+ var nodeName = "BiquadFilterNode"
+ Promise.all([
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: nodeName,
+ paramName: "Q",
+ initialValue: 2,
+ rampFinalValue: 5
+ }),
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: nodeName,
+ paramName: "detune",
+ initialValue: 1,
+ rampFinalValue: 0.5
+ }),
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: nodeName,
+ paramName: "frequency",
+ initialValue: 1000,
+ rampFinalValue: 100
+ }),
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: nodeName,
+ paramName: "gain",
+ initialValue: -3,
+ rampFinalValue: 3
+ }),
+ ]).then(taskDone);
+ });
+ audit.defineTask("DelayNode", function (taskDone) {
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: "DelayNode",
+ paramName: "delayTime",
+ initialValue: 0.25,
+ rampFinalValue: 0.5
+ }).then(taskDone);
+ });
+ audit.defineTask("DynamicsCompressorNode", function (taskDone) {
+ var nodeName = "DynamicsCompressorNode";
+ Promise.all([
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: nodeName,
+ paramName: "attack",
+ initialValue: 0.1,
+ rampFinalValue: 0.5
+ }),
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: nodeName,
+ paramName: "knee",
+ initialValue: 0,
+ rampFinalValue: 25
+ }),
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: nodeName,
+ paramName: "ratio",
+ initialValue: 1,
+ rampFinalValue: 15
+ }),
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: nodeName,
+ paramName: "release",
+ initialValue: 0,
+ rampFinalValue: 0.75
+ }),
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: nodeName,
+ paramName: "threshold",
+ initialValue: -50,
+ rampFinalValue: -10
+ })
+ ]).then(taskDone);
+ });
+ audit.defineTask("GainNode", function (taskDone) {
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: "GainNode",
+ paramName: "gain",
+ initialValue: 1,
+ rampFinalValue: 0.5
+ }).then(taskDone);
+ });
+ audit.defineTask("PannerNode", function (taskDone) {
+ var nodeName = "PannerNode";
+ Promise.all([
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: nodeName,
+ paramName: "positionX",
+ initialValue: 0.1,
+ rampFinalValue: 0.5
+ }),
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: nodeName,
+ paramName: "positionY",
+ initialValue: 2,
+ rampFinalValue: 30
+ }),
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: nodeName,
+ paramName: "positionZ",
+ initialValue: 1,
+ rampFinalValue: 15
+ }),
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: nodeName,
+ paramName: "orientationX",
+ initialValue: 0.1,
+ rampFinalValue: 0.5
+ }),
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: nodeName,
+ paramName: "orientationY",
+ initialValue: 2,
+ rampFinalValue: 30
+ }),
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: nodeName,
+ paramName: "orientationZ",
+ initialValue: 1,
+ rampFinalValue: 15
+ }),
+ ]).then(taskDone);
+ });
+ audit.defineTask("StereoPannerNode", function (taskDone) {
+ testParamAutomation({
+ nodeName: "StereoPannerNode",
+ paramName: "pan",
+ initialValue: 1,
+ rampFinalValue: 0.5
+ }).then(taskDone);
+ });
+ audit.defineTask("AudioListener", function (taskDone) {
+ Promise.all([
+ testAudioListener({
+ paramName: "positionX",
+ initialValue: 1,
+ rampFinalValue: 100
+ }),
+ testAudioListener({
+ paramName: "positionY",
+ initialValue: 1,
+ rampFinalValue: 200
+ }),
+ testAudioListener({
+ paramName: "positionZ",
+ initialValue: 1,
+ rampFinalValue: 300
+ }),
+ testAudioListener({
+ paramName: "forwardX",
+ initialValue: 1,
+ rampFinalValue: -100
+ }),
+ testAudioListener({
+ paramName: "forwardY",
+ initialValue: 1,
+ rampFinalValue: -200
+ }),
+ testAudioListener({
+ paramName: "forwardZ",
+ initialValue: 1,
+ rampFinalValue: -300
+ }),
+ testAudioListener({
+ paramName: "upX",
+ initialValue: 1,
+ rampFinalValue: 99
+ }),
+ testAudioListener({
+ paramName: "upY",
+ initialValue: 1,
+ rampFinalValue: 42
+ }),
+ testAudioListener({
+ paramName: "upZ",
+ initialValue: 1,
+ rampFinalValue: 137
+ }),
+ ]).then(taskDone);
+ });
+ // Run test of automation processing. |options| is a dictionary that
+ // describes the node to test, the AudioParams to be tested and the values
+ // for the AudioParam. The members of the dictionary are:
+ //
+ // nodeName - name of the node (constructor name)
+ // paramName - name of the AudioParam to be tested
+ // initialValue - starting value for linear ramp
+ // rampFinalValue - finale value for linear ramp
+ //
+ // The test is considered to have succeeded if the |.value| of the AudioParam
+ // is the final value.
+ //
+ // A simple graph is created containing the node to be tested, connected
+ // to the destination. A linear ramp automation is scheduled for the
+ // specified AudioParam, starting and ending at the values given.
+ //
+ // Processing is started and after some number of frames, the |.value| of
+ // the AudioParam is obtained and compared against the final value. These
+ // should match exactly.
+ function testParamAutomation(options) {
+ var context = new OfflineAudioContext(1, renderFrames, sampleRate);
+ // Create the node to be tested
+ var node = new window[options.nodeName](context);
+ node.connect(context.destination);
+ // A linear ramp starting at frame 0 to frame |automationEndFrame| is
+ // used for the test. This value is fairly arbitrary, but it should be
+ // less than the total render frames.
+ node[options.paramName].setValueAtTime(options.initialValue, 0);
+ node[options.paramName].linearRampToValueAtTime(options.rampFinalValue,
+ automationEndFrame / context.sampleRate);
+ return context.startRendering()
+ .then(function (resultBuffer) {
+ // Sanity check: the given ramp final value must not be the default
+ // value, otherwise we can't easily tell if the automation was
+ // actually run.
+ Should(options.nodeName + "." + options.paramName + " ramp final value",
+ options.rampFinalValue)
+ .notBeEqualTo(node[options.paramName].defaultValue);
+ // The actual AudioParam value should be the rampe final value.
+ Should(options.nodeName + "." + options.paramName +
+ ".value",
+ node[options.paramName].value)
+ .beEqualTo(options.rampFinalValue);
+ });
+ }
+ function testAudioListener(options) {
+ var context = new OfflineAudioContext(1, renderFrames, sampleRate);
+ // Create the node to be tested
+ var node = new PannerNode(context);
+ node.connect(context.destination);
+ // A linear ramp starting at frame 0 to frame |automationEndFrame| is
+ // used for the test. This value is fairly arbitrary, but it should be
+ // less than the total render frames.
+ context.listener[options.paramName].setValueAtTime(options.initialValue, 0);
+ context.listener[options.paramName].linearRampToValueAtTime(options.rampFinalValue,
+ automationEndFrame / context.sampleRate);
+ return context.startRendering()
+ .then(function (resultBuffer) {
+ // Sanity check: the given ramp final value must not be the default
+ // value, otherwise we can't easily tell if the automation was
+ // actually run.
+ Should("AudioListener." + options.paramName + " ramp final value",
+ options.rampFinalValue)
+ .notBeEqualTo(context.listener[options.paramName].defaultValue);
+ // The actual AudioParam value should be the rampe final value.
+ Should("AudioListener." + options.paramName +
+ ".value",
+ context.listener[options.paramName].value)
+ .beEqualTo(options.rampFinalValue);
+ });
+ }
+ audit.runTasks();
+ </script>
+ </body>
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