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Unified Diff: test/cctest/wasm/

Issue 2420373002: [wasm] Test deserialized module still has bytes, + negative test (Closed)
Patch Set: [wasm] Test deserialized module still has bytes, + negative test Created 4 years, 2 months ago
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Index: test/cctest/wasm/
diff --git a/test/cctest/wasm/ b/test/cctest/wasm/
index 3cc37048f895663dbab2f1d61367a235ad866cde..4f4f496d6b21956558908e981293fc21f9a8927e 100644
--- a/test/cctest/wasm/
+++ b/test/cctest/wasm/
@@ -173,105 +173,192 @@ TEST(Run_WasmModule_Global) {
TestModule(&zone, builder, 97);
-TEST(Run_WasmModule_Serialization) {
- static const char* kFunctionName = "increment";
- v8::internal::AccountingAllocator allocator;
- Zone zone(&allocator, ZONE_NAME);
+// Approximate gtest TEST_F style, in case we adopt gtest.
+class WasmSerializationTest {
+ public:
+ WasmSerializationTest() : zone_(&allocator_, ZONE_NAME) {
+ // Don't call here if we move to gtest.
+ SetUp();
+ }
- WasmModuleBuilder* builder = new (&zone) WasmModuleBuilder(&zone);
- TestSignatures sigs;
+ void ClearSerializedData() {
+ serialized_bytes_.first = nullptr;
+ serialized_bytes_.second = 0;
+ }
- WasmFunctionBuilder* f = builder->AddFunction(sigs.i_i());
- byte code[] = {WASM_GET_LOCAL(0), kExprI32Const, 1, kExprI32Add};
- f->EmitCode(code, sizeof(code));
- f->ExportAs(CStrVector(kFunctionName));
+ void InvalidateVersion() {
+ uint32_t* buffer = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(
+ const_cast<uint8_t*>(serialized_bytes_.first));
+ buffer[SerializedCodeData::kVersionHashOffset] = Version::Hash() + 1;
+ }
- ZoneBuffer buffer(&zone);
- builder->WriteTo(buffer);
+ void InvalidateWireBytes() {
+ memset(const_cast<uint8_t*>(wire_bytes_.first), '\0',
+ wire_bytes_.second / 2);
+ }
- Isolate* isolate = CcTest::InitIsolateOnce();
- ErrorThrower thrower(isolate, "");
- uint8_t* bytes = nullptr;
- size_t bytes_size = 0;
- v8::WasmCompiledModule::SerializedModule data;
- {
- HandleScope scope(isolate);
- testing::SetupIsolateForWasmModule(isolate);
- ModuleResult decoding_result = DecodeWasmModule(
- isolate, &zone, buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), false, kWasmOrigin);
- std::unique_ptr<const WasmModule> module(decoding_result.val);
- CHECK(!decoding_result.failed());
- MaybeHandle<WasmCompiledModule> compiled_module =
- module->CompileFunctions(isolate, &thrower);
- CHECK(!compiled_module.is_null());
- Handle<JSObject> module_obj = CreateCompiledModuleObject(
- isolate, compiled_module.ToHandleChecked(), ModuleOrigin::kWasmOrigin);
- v8::Local<v8::Object> v8_module_obj = v8::Utils::ToLocal(module_obj);
- CHECK(v8_module_obj->IsWebAssemblyCompiledModule());
- v8::Local<v8::WasmCompiledModule> v8_compiled_module =
- v8_module_obj.As<v8::WasmCompiledModule>();
- v8::Local<v8::String> uncompiled_bytes =
- v8_compiled_module->GetWasmWireBytes();
- bytes_size = static_cast<size_t>(uncompiled_bytes->Length());
- bytes = zone.NewArray<uint8_t>(uncompiled_bytes->Length());
- uncompiled_bytes->WriteOneByte(bytes);
- data = v8_compiled_module->Serialize();
+ v8::MaybeLocal<v8::WasmCompiledModule> Deserialize() {
+ ErrorThrower thrower(current_isolate(), "");
+ v8::MaybeLocal<v8::WasmCompiledModule> deserialized =
+ v8::WasmCompiledModule::DeserializeOrCompile(
+ current_isolate_v8(), serialized_bytes(), wire_bytes());
+ return deserialized;
- v8::WasmCompiledModule::CallerOwnedBuffer wire_bytes = {
- const_cast<const uint8_t*>(bytes), bytes_size};
- v8::WasmCompiledModule::CallerOwnedBuffer serialized_bytes = {
- data.first.get(), data.second};
- v8::Isolate::CreateParams create_params;
- create_params.array_buffer_allocator =
- CcTest::InitIsolateOnce()->array_buffer_allocator();
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- v8::Isolate* v8_isolate = v8::Isolate::New(create_params);
- if (i == 1) {
- // Invalidate the header by providing a mismatched version
- uint32_t* buffer = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(
- const_cast<uint8_t*>(serialized_bytes.first));
- buffer[SerializedCodeData::kVersionHashOffset] = Version::Hash() + 1;
+ void DeserializeAndRun() {
+ ErrorThrower thrower(current_isolate(), "");
+ v8::Local<v8::WasmCompiledModule> deserialized_module;
+ CHECK(Deserialize().ToLocal(&deserialized_module));
+ Handle<JSObject> module_object =
+ Handle<JSObject>::cast(v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*deserialized_module));
+ {
+ DisallowHeapAllocation assume_no_gc;
+ Handle<WasmCompiledModule> compiled_part(
+ WasmCompiledModule::cast(module_object->GetInternalField(0)),
+ current_isolate());
+ CHECK_EQ(memcmp(compiled_part->module_bytes()->GetCharsAddress(),
+ wire_bytes().first, wire_bytes().second),
+ 0);
+ Handle<JSObject> instance =
+ WasmModule::Instantiate(current_isolate(), &thrower, module_object,
+ Handle<JSReceiver>::null(),
+ Handle<JSArrayBuffer>::null())
+ .ToHandleChecked();
+ Handle<Object> params[1] = {
+ Handle<Object>(Smi::FromInt(41), current_isolate())};
+ int32_t result = testing::CallWasmFunctionForTesting(
+ current_isolate(), instance, &thrower, kFunctionName, 1, params,
+ ModuleOrigin::kWasmOrigin);
+ CHECK(result == 42);
+ }
- if (i == 2) {
- // Provide no serialized data to force recompilation.
- serialized_bytes.first = nullptr;
- serialized_bytes.second = 0;
- }
+ Isolate* current_isolate() {
+ return reinterpret_cast<Isolate*>(current_isolate_v8_);
+ }
+ ~WasmSerializationTest() {
+ // Don't call from here if we move to gtest
+ TearDown();
+ }
+ private:
+ static const char* kFunctionName;
+ Zone* zone() { return &zone_; }
+ const v8::WasmCompiledModule::CallerOwnedBuffer& wire_bytes() const {
+ return wire_bytes_;
+ }
+ const v8::WasmCompiledModule::CallerOwnedBuffer& serialized_bytes() const {
+ return serialized_bytes_;
+ }
+ v8::Isolate* current_isolate_v8() { return current_isolate_v8_; }
+ void SetUp() {
+ WasmModuleBuilder* builder = new (zone()) WasmModuleBuilder(zone());
+ TestSignatures sigs;
+ WasmFunctionBuilder* f = builder->AddFunction(sigs.i_i());
+ byte code[] = {WASM_GET_LOCAL(0), kExprI32Const, 1, kExprI32Add};
+ f->EmitCode(code, sizeof(code));
+ f->ExportAs(CStrVector(kFunctionName));
+ ZoneBuffer buffer(&zone_);
+ builder->WriteTo(buffer);
+ Isolate* serialization_isolate = CcTest::InitIsolateOnce();
+ ErrorThrower thrower(serialization_isolate, "");
+ uint8_t* bytes = nullptr;
+ size_t bytes_size = 0;
- v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(v8_isolate);
- v8::HandleScope new_scope(v8_isolate);
- v8::Local<v8::Context> new_ctx = v8::Context::New(v8_isolate);
- new_ctx->Enter();
- isolate = reinterpret_cast<Isolate*>(v8_isolate);
- testing::SetupIsolateForWasmModule(isolate);
- v8::MaybeLocal<v8::WasmCompiledModule> deserialized =
- v8::WasmCompiledModule::DeserializeOrCompile(
- v8_isolate, serialized_bytes, wire_bytes);
- v8::Local<v8::WasmCompiledModule> compiled_module;
- CHECK(deserialized.ToLocal(&compiled_module));
- Handle<JSObject> module_object =
- Handle<JSObject>::cast(v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*compiled_module));
- Handle<JSObject> instance =
- WasmModule::Instantiate(isolate, &thrower, module_object,
- Handle<JSReceiver>::null(),
- Handle<JSArrayBuffer>::null())
- .ToHandleChecked();
- Handle<Object> params[1] = {Handle<Object>(Smi::FromInt(41), isolate)};
- int32_t result = testing::CallWasmFunctionForTesting(
- isolate, instance, &thrower, kFunctionName, 1, params,
+ HandleScope scope(serialization_isolate);
+ testing::SetupIsolateForWasmModule(serialization_isolate);
+ ModuleResult decoding_result =
+ DecodeWasmModule(serialization_isolate, zone(), buffer.begin(),
+ buffer.end(), false, kWasmOrigin);
+ std::unique_ptr<const WasmModule> module(decoding_result.val);
+ CHECK(!decoding_result.failed());
+ MaybeHandle<WasmCompiledModule> compiled_module =
+ module->CompileFunctions(serialization_isolate, &thrower);
+ CHECK(!compiled_module.is_null());
+ Handle<JSObject> module_obj = CreateCompiledModuleObject(
+ serialization_isolate, compiled_module.ToHandleChecked(),
- CHECK(result == 42);
- new_ctx->Exit();
+ v8::Local<v8::Object> v8_module_obj = v8::Utils::ToLocal(module_obj);
+ CHECK(v8_module_obj->IsWebAssemblyCompiledModule());
+ v8::Local<v8::WasmCompiledModule> v8_compiled_module =
+ v8_module_obj.As<v8::WasmCompiledModule>();
+ v8::Local<v8::String> uncompiled_bytes =
+ v8_compiled_module->GetWasmWireBytes();
+ bytes_size = static_cast<size_t>(uncompiled_bytes->Length());
+ bytes = zone()->NewArray<uint8_t>(uncompiled_bytes->Length());
+ uncompiled_bytes->WriteOneByte(bytes);
+ // keep alive data_ until the end
+ data_ = v8_compiled_module->Serialize();
- v8_isolate->Dispose();
+ wire_bytes_ = {const_cast<const uint8_t*>(bytes), bytes_size};
+ serialized_bytes_ = {data_.first.get(), data_.second};
+ v8::Isolate::CreateParams create_params;
+ create_params.array_buffer_allocator =
+ serialization_isolate->array_buffer_allocator();
+ current_isolate_v8_ = v8::Isolate::New(create_params);
+ v8::HandleScope new_scope(current_isolate_v8());
+ v8::Local<v8::Context> deserialization_context =
+ v8::Context::New(current_isolate_v8());
+ deserialization_context->Enter();
+ testing::SetupIsolateForWasmModule(current_isolate());
+ void TearDown() {
+ current_isolate_v8()->Dispose();
+ current_isolate_v8_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ v8::internal::AccountingAllocator allocator_;
+ Zone zone_;
+ v8::WasmCompiledModule::SerializedModule data_;
+ v8::WasmCompiledModule::CallerOwnedBuffer wire_bytes_;
+ v8::WasmCompiledModule::CallerOwnedBuffer serialized_bytes_;
+ v8::Isolate* current_isolate_v8_;
+const char* WasmSerializationTest::kFunctionName = "increment";
+TEST(DeserializeValidModule) {
+ WasmSerializationTest test;
+ HandleScope scope(test.current_isolate());
+ test.DeserializeAndRun();
+TEST(DeserializeMismatchingVersion) {
+ WasmSerializationTest test;
+ HandleScope scope(test.current_isolate());
+ test.InvalidateVersion();
+ test.DeserializeAndRun();
+TEST(DeserializeNoSerializedData) {
+ WasmSerializationTest test;
+ HandleScope scope(test.current_isolate());
+ test.ClearSerializedData();
+ test.DeserializeAndRun();
+TEST(DeserializeWireBytesAndSerializedDataInvalid) {
+ WasmSerializationTest test;
+ HandleScope scope(test.current_isolate());
+ test.InvalidateVersion();
+ test.InvalidateWireBytes();
+ test.Deserialize();
TEST(MemorySize) {
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