| (Empty) |
1 <!DOCTYPE html> | |
2 <html> | |
3 <head> | |
4 <script src="../../../resources/testharness.js"></script> | |
5 <script src="../../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> | |
6 </head> | |
7 <body> | |
8 <script> | |
9 var documents, doctypes; | |
10 setup(function() { | |
11 documents = [ | |
12 [document, "parser"], | |
13 [document.implementation.createDocument("", "test", null), "createDocume
nt"], | |
14 [document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("title"), "createHTMLDocumen
t"], | |
15 ] | |
16 doctypes = [ | |
17 [document.doctype, "parser"], | |
18 [document.implementation.createDocumentType("x", "", ""), "script"], | |
19 ] | |
20 }); | |
21 | |
22 // Getting | |
23 // DocumentFragment, Element: | |
24 test(function() { | |
25 var element = document.createElement("div"); | |
26 assert_equals(element.textContent, ""); | |
27 }, "For an empty Element, textContent should be the empty string"); | |
28 | |
29 test(function() { | |
30 assert_equals(document.createDocumentFragment().textContent, ""); | |
31 }, "For an empty DocumentFragment, textContent should be the empty string"); | |
32 | |
33 test(function() { | |
34 var el = document.createElement("div"); | |
35 el.appendChild(document.createComment(" abc ")); | |
36 el.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\tDEF\t")); | |
37 el.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", " ghi ")); | |
38 assert_equals(el.textContent, "\tDEF\t"); | |
39 }, "Element with children"); | |
40 | |
41 test(function() { | |
42 var el = document.createElement("div"); | |
43 var child = document.createElement("div"); | |
44 el.appendChild(child); | |
45 child.appendChild(document.createComment(" abc ")); | |
46 child.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\tDEF\t")); | |
47 child.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", " ghi ")); | |
48 assert_equals(el.textContent, "\tDEF\t"); | |
49 }, "Element with descendants"); | |
50 | |
51 test(function() { | |
52 var df = document.createDocumentFragment(); | |
53 df.appendChild(document.createComment(" abc ")); | |
54 df.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\tDEF\t")); | |
55 df.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", " ghi ")); | |
56 assert_equals(df.textContent, "\tDEF\t"); | |
57 }, "DocumentFragment with children"); | |
58 | |
59 test(function() { | |
60 var df = document.createDocumentFragment(); | |
61 var child = document.createElement("div"); | |
62 df.appendChild(child); | |
63 child.appendChild(document.createComment(" abc ")); | |
64 child.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\tDEF\t")); | |
65 child.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", " ghi ")); | |
66 assert_equals(df.textContent, "\tDEF\t"); | |
67 }, "DocumentFragment with descendants"); | |
68 | |
69 // Text, ProcessingInstruction, Comment: | |
70 test(function() { | |
71 assert_equals(document.createTextNode("").textContent, ""); | |
72 }, "For an empty Text, textContent should be the empty string"); | |
73 | |
74 test(function() { | |
75 assert_equals(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", "").textContent, "")
; | |
76 }, "For an empty ProcessingInstruction, textContent should be the empty string")
; | |
77 | |
78 test(function() { | |
79 assert_equals(document.createComment("").textContent, ""); | |
80 }, "For an empty Comment, textContent should be the empty string"); | |
81 | |
82 test(function() { | |
83 assert_equals(document.createTextNode("abc").textContent, "abc"); | |
84 }, "For a Text with data, textContent should be that data"); | |
85 | |
86 test(function() { | |
87 assert_equals(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", "abc").textContent,
"abc"); | |
88 }, "For a ProcessingInstruction with data, textContent should be that data"); | |
89 | |
90 test(function() { | |
91 assert_equals(document.createComment("abc").textContent, "abc"); | |
92 }, "For a Comment with data, textContent should be that data"); | |
93 | |
94 // Any other node: | |
95 documents.forEach(function(argument) { | |
96 var doc = argument[0], creator = argument[1]; | |
97 test(function() { | |
98 assert_equals(doc.textContent, null); | |
99 }, "For Documents created by " + creator + ", textContent should be null"); | |
100 }); | |
101 | |
102 doctypes.forEach(function(argument) { | |
103 var doctype = argument[0], creator = argument[1]; | |
104 test(function() { | |
105 assert_equals(doctype.textContent, null); | |
106 }, "For DocumentType created by " + creator + ", textContent should be null"
); | |
107 }); | |
108 | |
109 // Setting | |
110 // DocumentFragment, Element: | |
111 var arguments = [ | |
112 [null, null], | |
113 [undefined, null], | |
114 ["", null], | |
115 [42, "42"], | |
116 ["abc", "abc"], | |
117 ["<b>xyz<\/b>", "<b>xyz<\/b>"], | |
118 ["d\0e", "d\0e"] | |
119 // XXX unpaired surrogate? | |
120 ] | |
121 arguments.forEach(function(aValue) { | |
122 var argument = aValue[0], expectation = aValue[1]; | |
123 var check = function(aElementOrDocumentFragment) { | |
124 if (expectation === null) { | |
125 assert_equals(aElementOrDocumentFragment.textContent, ""); | |
126 assert_equals(aElementOrDocumentFragment.firstChild, null); | |
127 } else { | |
128 assert_equals(aElementOrDocumentFragment.textContent, expectation); | |
129 assert_equals(aElementOrDocumentFragment.childNodes.length, 1, "Shou
ld have one child"); | |
130 var firstChild = aElementOrDocumentFragment.firstChild; | |
131 assert_true(firstChild instanceof Text, "child should be a Text"); | |
132 assert_equals(firstChild.data, expectation); | |
133 } | |
134 } | |
135 | |
136 test(function() { | |
137 var el = document.createElement("div"); | |
138 el.textContent = argument; | |
139 check(el); | |
140 }, "Element without children set to " + format_value(argument)); | |
141 | |
142 test(function() { | |
143 var el = document.createElement("div"); | |
144 var text = el.appendChild(document.createTextNode("")); | |
145 el.textContent = argument; | |
146 check(el); | |
147 assert_equals(text.parentNode, null, "Preexisting Text should have been
removed"); | |
148 }, "Element with empty text node as child set to " + format_value(argument))
; | |
149 | |
150 test(function() { | |
151 var el = document.createElement("div"); | |
152 el.appendChild(document.createComment(" abc ")); | |
153 el.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\tDEF\t")); | |
154 el.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", " ghi ")); | |
155 el.textContent = argument; | |
156 check(el); | |
157 }, "Element with children set to " + format_value(argument)); | |
158 | |
159 test(function() { | |
160 var el = document.createElement("div"); | |
161 var child = document.createElement("div"); | |
162 el.appendChild(child); | |
163 child.appendChild(document.createComment(" abc ")); | |
164 child.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\tDEF\t")); | |
165 child.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", " ghi ")); | |
166 el.textContent = argument; | |
167 check(el); | |
168 assert_equals(child.childNodes.length, 3, "Should not have changed the i
nternal structure of the removed nodes."); | |
169 }, "Element with descendants set to " + format_value(argument)); | |
170 | |
171 test(function() { | |
172 var df = document.createDocumentFragment(); | |
173 df.textContent = argument; | |
174 check(df); | |
175 }, "DocumentFragment without children set to " + format_value(argument)); | |
176 | |
177 test(function() { | |
178 var df = document.createDocumentFragment(); | |
179 var text = df.appendChild(document.createTextNode("")); | |
180 df.textContent = argument; | |
181 check(df); | |
182 assert_equals(text.parentNode, null, "Preexisting Text should have been
removed"); | |
183 }, "DocumentFragment with empty text node as child set to " + format_value(a
rgument)); | |
184 | |
185 test(function() { | |
186 var df = document.createDocumentFragment(); | |
187 df.appendChild(document.createComment(" abc ")); | |
188 df.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\tDEF\t")); | |
189 df.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", " ghi ")); | |
190 df.textContent = argument; | |
191 check(df); | |
192 }, "DocumentFragment with children set to " + format_value(argument)); | |
193 | |
194 test(function() { | |
195 var df = document.createDocumentFragment(); | |
196 var child = document.createElement("div"); | |
197 df.appendChild(child); | |
198 child.appendChild(document.createComment(" abc ")); | |
199 child.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\tDEF\t")); | |
200 child.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", " ghi ")); | |
201 df.textContent = argument; | |
202 check(df); | |
203 assert_equals(child.childNodes.length, 3, "Should not have changed the i
nternal structure of the removed nodes."); | |
204 }, "DocumentFragment with descendants set to " + format_value(argument)); | |
205 }) | |
206 | |
207 // Text, ProcessingInstruction, Comment: | |
208 test(function() { | |
209 var text = document.createTextNode("abc"); | |
210 text.textContent = "def"; | |
211 assert_equals(text.textContent, "def"); | |
212 assert_equals(text.data, "def"); | |
213 }, "For a Text, textContent should set the data"); | |
214 | |
215 test(function() { | |
216 var pi = document.createProcessingInstruction("x", "abc"); | |
217 pi.textContent = "def"; | |
218 assert_equals(pi.textContent, "def"); | |
219 assert_equals(pi.data, "def"); | |
220 assert_equals(pi.target, "x"); | |
221 }, "For a ProcessingInstruction, textContent should set the data"); | |
222 | |
223 test(function() { | |
224 var comment = document.createComment("abc"); | |
225 comment.textContent = "def"; | |
226 assert_equals(comment.textContent, "def"); | |
227 assert_equals(comment.data, "def"); | |
228 }, "For a Comment, textContent should set the data"); | |
229 | |
230 // Any other node: | |
231 documents.forEach(function(argument) { | |
232 var doc = argument[0], creator = argument[1]; | |
233 test(function() { | |
234 var root = doc.documentElement; | |
235 doc.textContent = "a"; | |
236 assert_equals(doc.textContent, null); | |
237 assert_equals(doc.documentElement, root); | |
238 }, "For Documents created by " + creator + ", setting textContent should do
nothing"); | |
239 }); | |
240 | |
241 doctypes.forEach(function(argument) { | |
242 var doctype = argument[0], creator = argument[1]; | |
243 test(function() { | |
244 var props = { | |
245 name: doctype.name, | |
246 publicId: doctype.publicId, | |
247 systemId: doctype.systemId, | |
248 } | |
249 doctype.textContent = "b"; | |
250 assert_equals(doctype.textContent, null); | |
251 assert_equals(doctype.name, props.name, "name should not change"); | |
252 assert_equals(doctype.publicId, props.publicId, "publicId should not cha
nge"); | |
253 assert_equals(doctype.systemId, props.systemId, "systemId should not cha
nge"); | |
254 }, "For DocumentType created by " + creator + ", setting textContent should
do nothing"); | |
255 }); | |
256 </script> | |
257 </body> | |
258 </html> | |