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Side by Side Diff: third_party/dpkg-dev/scripts/Dpkg/Source/Package/

Issue 2411423002: Linux build: Use sysroot when calculating dependencies (Closed)
Patch Set: Update expected_deps Created 4 years, 2 months ago
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1 # Copyright © 2008-2011 Raphaël Hertzog <>
2 #
3 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6 # (at your option) any later version.
7 #
8 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # GNU General Public License for more details.
12 #
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
16 package Dpkg::Source::Package::V2;
18 use strict;
19 use warnings;
21 our $VERSION = '0.01';
23 use parent qw(Dpkg::Source::Package);
25 use Dpkg;
26 use Dpkg::Gettext;
27 use Dpkg::ErrorHandling;
28 use Dpkg::File;
29 use Dpkg::Compression;
30 use Dpkg::Source::Archive;
31 use Dpkg::Source::Patch;
32 use Dpkg::Exit qw(push_exit_handler pop_exit_handler);
33 use Dpkg::Source::Functions qw(erasedir is_binary fs_time);
34 use Dpkg::Vendor qw(run_vendor_hook);
35 use Dpkg::Control;
36 use Dpkg::Changelog::Parse;
38 use POSIX qw(:errno_h);
39 use Cwd;
40 use File::Basename;
41 use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
42 use File::Path;
43 use File::Spec;
44 use File::Find;
45 use File::Copy;
49 sub init_options {
50 my ($self) = @_;
51 $self->SUPER::init_options();
52 $self->{options}{include_removal} = 0
53 unless exists $self->{options}{include_removal};
54 $self->{options}{include_timestamp} = 0
55 unless exists $self->{options}{include_timestamp};
56 $self->{options}{include_binaries} = 0
57 unless exists $self->{options}{include_binaries};
58 $self->{options}{preparation} = 1
59 unless exists $self->{options}{preparation};
60 $self->{options}{skip_patches} = 0
61 unless exists $self->{options}{skip_patches};
62 $self->{options}{unapply_patches} = 'auto'
63 unless exists $self->{options}{unapply_patches};
64 $self->{options}{skip_debianization} = 0
65 unless exists $self->{options}{skip_debianization};
66 $self->{options}{create_empty_orig} = 0
67 unless exists $self->{options}{create_empty_orig};
68 $self->{options}{auto_commit} = 0
69 unless exists $self->{options}{auto_commit};
70 }
72 sub parse_cmdline_option {
73 my ($self, $opt) = @_;
74 if ($opt =~ /^--include-removal$/) {
75 $self->{options}{include_removal} = 1;
76 return 1;
77 } elsif ($opt =~ /^--include-timestamp$/) {
78 $self->{options}{include_timestamp} = 1;
79 return 1;
80 } elsif ($opt =~ /^--include-binaries$/) {
81 $self->{options}{include_binaries} = 1;
82 return 1;
83 } elsif ($opt =~ /^--no-preparation$/) {
84 $self->{options}{preparation} = 0;
85 return 1;
86 } elsif ($opt =~ /^--skip-patches$/) {
87 $self->{options}{skip_patches} = 1;
88 return 1;
89 } elsif ($opt =~ /^--unapply-patches$/) {
90 $self->{options}{unapply_patches} = 'yes';
91 return 1;
92 } elsif ($opt =~ /^--no-unapply-patches$/) {
93 $self->{options}{unapply_patches} = 'no';
94 return 1;
95 } elsif ($opt =~ /^--skip-debianization$/) {
96 $self->{options}{skip_debianization} = 1;
97 return 1;
98 } elsif ($opt =~ /^--create-empty-orig$/) {
99 $self->{options}{create_empty_orig} = 1;
100 return 1;
101 } elsif ($opt =~ /^--abort-on-upstream-changes$/) {
102 $self->{options}{auto_commit} = 0;
103 return 1;
104 } elsif ($opt =~ /^--auto-commit$/) {
105 $self->{options}{auto_commit} = 1;
106 return 1;
107 }
108 return 0;
109 }
111 sub do_extract {
112 my ($self, $newdirectory) = @_;
113 my $fields = $self->{fields};
115 my $dscdir = $self->{basedir};
117 my $basename = $self->get_basename();
118 my $basenamerev = $self->get_basename(1);
120 my ($tarfile, $debianfile, %origtar, %seen);
121 my ($tarsign, %origtarsign);
122 my $re_ext = compression_get_file_extension_regex();
123 foreach my $file ($self->get_files()) {
124 my $uncompressed = $file;
125 $uncompressed =~ s/\.$re_ext$/.*/;
126 $uncompressed =~ s/\.$re_ext\.asc$/.*.asc/;
127 error(_g('duplicate files in %s source package: %s'), 'v2.0',
128 $uncompressed) if $seen{$uncompressed};
129 $seen{$uncompressed} = 1;
130 if ($file =~ /^\Q$basename\E\.orig\.tar\.$re_ext$/) {
131 $tarfile = $file;
132 } elsif ($file =~ /^\Q$basename\E\.orig\.tar\.$re_ext\.asc$/) {
133 $tarsign = $file;
134 } elsif ($file =~ /^\Q$basename\E\.orig-([[:alnum:]-]+)\.tar\.$re_ext$/) {
135 $origtar{$1} = $file;
136 } elsif ($file =~ /^\Q$basename\E\.orig-([[:alnum:]-]+)\.tar\.$re_ext\.a sc$/) {
137 $origtarsign{$1} = $file;
138 } elsif ($file =~ /^\Q$basenamerev\E\.debian\.tar\.$re_ext$/) {
139 $debianfile = $file;
140 } else {
141 error(_g('unrecognized file for a %s source package: %s'),
142 'v2.0', $file);
143 }
144 }
146 unless ($tarfile and $debianfile) {
147 error(_g('missing orig.tar or debian.tar file in v2.0 source package'));
148 }
149 if ($tarsign and $tarfile ne substr $tarsign, 0, -4) {
150 error(_g('mismatched orig.tar %s for signature %s in source package'),
151 $tarfile, $tarsign);
152 }
153 foreach my $name (keys %origtarsign) {
154 error(_g('missing addon orig.tar for signature %s in source package'),
155 $origtarsign{$name})
156 if not exists $origtar{$name};
157 error(_g('mismatched addon orig.tar %s for signature %s in source packag e'),
158 $origtar{$name}, $origtarsign{$name})
159 if $origtar{$name} ne substr $origtarsign{$name}, 0, -4;
160 }
162 erasedir($newdirectory);
164 # Extract main tarball
165 info(_g('unpacking %s'), $tarfile);
166 my $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => "$dscdir$tarfile");
167 $tar->extract($newdirectory, no_fixperms => 1,
168 options => [ '--anchored', '--no-wildcards-match-slash',
169 '--exclude', '*/.pc', '--exclude', '.pc' ]);
170 # The .pc exclusion is only needed for 3.0 (quilt) and to avoid
171 # having an upstream tarball provide a directory with symlinks
172 # that would be blindly followed when applying the patches
174 # Extract additional orig tarballs
175 foreach my $subdir (keys %origtar) {
176 my $file = $origtar{$subdir};
177 info(_g('unpacking %s'), $file);
178 if (-e "$newdirectory/$subdir") {
179 warning(_g("required removal of `%s' installed by original tarball") , $subdir);
180 erasedir("$newdirectory/$subdir");
181 }
182 $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => "$dscdir$file");
183 $tar->extract("$newdirectory/$subdir", no_fixperms => 1);
184 }
186 # Stop here if debianization is not wanted
187 return if $self->{options}{skip_debianization};
189 # Extract debian tarball after removing the debian directory
190 info(_g('unpacking %s'), $debianfile);
191 erasedir("$newdirectory/debian");
192 # Exclude existing symlinks from extraction of debian.tar.gz as we
193 # don't want to overwrite something outside of $newdirectory due to a
194 # symlink
195 my @exclude_symlinks;
196 my $wanted = sub {
197 return if not -l $_;
198 my $fn = File::Spec->abs2rel($_, $newdirectory);
199 push @exclude_symlinks, '--exclude', $fn;
200 };
201 find({ wanted => $wanted, no_chdir => 1 }, $newdirectory);
202 $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => "$dscdir$debianfile");
203 $tar->extract($newdirectory, in_place => 1,
204 options => [ '--anchored', '--no-wildcards',
205 @exclude_symlinks ]);
207 # Apply patches (in a separate method as it might be overriden)
208 $self->apply_patches($newdirectory, usage => 'unpack')
209 unless $self->{options}{skip_patches};
210 }
212 sub get_autopatch_name {
213 return 'zz_debian-diff-auto';
214 }
216 sub get_patches {
217 my ($self, $dir, %opts) = @_;
218 $opts{skip_auto} //= 0;
219 my @patches;
220 my $pd = "$dir/debian/patches";
221 my $auto_patch = $self->get_autopatch_name();
222 if (-d $pd) {
223 opendir(my $dir_dh, $pd) or syserr(_g('cannot opendir %s'), $pd);
224 foreach my $patch (sort readdir($dir_dh)) {
225 # patches match same rules as run-parts
226 next unless $patch =~ /^[\w-]+$/ and -f "$pd/$patch";
227 next if $opts{skip_auto} and $patch eq $auto_patch;
228 push @patches, $patch;
229 }
230 closedir($dir_dh);
231 }
232 return @patches;
233 }
235 sub apply_patches {
236 my ($self, $dir, %opts) = @_;
237 $opts{skip_auto} //= 0;
238 my @patches = $self->get_patches($dir, %opts);
239 return unless scalar(@patches);
240 my $applied = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', '.dpkg-source-a pplied');
241 open(my $applied_fh, '>', $applied)
242 or syserr(_g('cannot write %s'), $applied);
243 print { $applied_fh } "# During $opts{usage}\n";
244 my $timestamp = fs_time($applied);
245 foreach my $patch ($self->get_patches($dir, %opts)) {
246 my $path = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', $patch);
247 info(_g('applying %s'), $patch) unless $opts{skip_auto};
248 my $patch_obj = Dpkg::Source::Patch->new(filename => $path);
249 $patch_obj->apply($dir, force_timestamp => 1,
250 timestamp => $timestamp,
251 add_options => [ '-E' ]);
252 print { $applied_fh } "$patch\n";
253 }
254 close($applied_fh);
255 }
257 sub unapply_patches {
258 my ($self, $dir, %opts) = @_;
259 my @patches = reverse($self->get_patches($dir, %opts));
260 return unless scalar(@patches);
261 my $applied = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', '.dpkg-source-a pplied');
262 my $timestamp = fs_time($applied);
263 foreach my $patch (@patches) {
264 my $path = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', $patch);
265 info(_g('unapplying %s'), $patch) unless $opts{quiet};
266 my $patch_obj = Dpkg::Source::Patch->new(filename => $path);
267 $patch_obj->apply($dir, force_timestamp => 1, verbose => 0,
268 timestamp => $timestamp,
269 add_options => [ '-E', '-R' ]);
270 }
271 unlink($applied);
272 }
274 sub upstream_tarball_template {
275 my ($self) = @_;
276 my $ext = '{' . join(',',
277 sort map {
278 compression_get_property($_, 'file_ext')
279 } compression_get_list()) . '}';
280 return '../' . $self->get_basename() . ".orig.tar.$ext";
281 }
283 sub can_build {
284 my ($self, $dir) = @_;
285 return 1 if $self->find_original_tarballs(include_supplementary => 0);
286 return 1 if $self->{options}{create_empty_orig} and
287 $self->find_original_tarballs(include_main => 0);
288 return (0, sprintf(_g('no upstream tarball found at %s'),
289 $self->upstream_tarball_template()));
290 }
292 sub before_build {
293 my ($self, $dir) = @_;
294 $self->check_patches_applied($dir) if $self->{options}{preparation};
295 }
297 sub after_build {
298 my ($self, $dir) = @_;
299 my $applied = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', '.dpkg-source-a pplied');
300 my $reason = '';
301 if (-e $applied) {
302 open(my $applied_fh, '<', $applied)
303 or syserr(_g('cannot read %s'), $applied);
304 $reason = <$applied_fh>;
305 close($applied_fh);
306 }
307 my $opt_unapply = $self->{options}{unapply_patches};
308 if (($opt_unapply eq 'auto' and $reason =~ /^# During preparation/) or
309 $opt_unapply eq 'yes') {
310 $self->unapply_patches($dir);
311 }
312 }
314 sub prepare_build {
315 my ($self, $dir) = @_;
316 $self->{diff_options} = {
317 diff_ignore_regex => $self->{options}{diff_ignore_regex} .
318 '|(^|/)debian/patches/.dpkg-source-applied$',
319 include_removal => $self->{options}{include_removal},
320 include_timestamp => $self->{options}{include_timestamp},
321 use_dev_null => 1,
322 };
323 push @{$self->{options}{tar_ignore}}, 'debian/patches/.dpkg-source-applied';
324 $self->check_patches_applied($dir) if $self->{options}{preparation};
325 if ($self->{options}{create_empty_orig} and
326 not $self->find_original_tarballs(include_supplementary => 0))
327 {
328 # No main orig.tar, create a dummy one
329 my $filename = $self->get_basename() . '.orig.tar.' .
330 $self->{options}{comp_ext};
331 my $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => $filename);
332 $tar->create();
333 $tar->finish();
334 }
335 }
337 sub check_patches_applied {
338 my ($self, $dir) = @_;
339 my $applied = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', '.dpkg-source-a pplied');
340 unless (-e $applied) {
341 info(_g('patches are not applied, applying them now'));
342 $self->apply_patches($dir, usage => 'preparation');
343 }
344 }
346 sub generate_patch {
347 my ($self, $dir, %opts) = @_;
348 my ($dirname, $updir) = fileparse($dir);
349 my $basedirname = $self->get_basename();
350 $basedirname =~ s/_/-/;
352 # Identify original tarballs
353 my ($tarfile, %origtar);
354 my $comp_ext_regex = compression_get_file_extension_regex();
355 my @origtarballs;
356 foreach (sort $self->find_original_tarballs()) {
357 if (/\.orig\.tar\.$comp_ext_regex$/) {
358 if (defined($tarfile)) {
359 error(_g('several orig.tar files found (%s and %s) but only ' .
360 'one is allowed'), $tarfile, $_);
361 }
362 $tarfile = $_;
363 push @origtarballs, $_;
364 $self->add_file($_);
365 } elsif (/\.orig-([[:alnum:]-]+)\.tar\.$comp_ext_regex$/) {
366 $origtar{$1} = $_;
367 push @origtarballs, $_;
368 $self->add_file($_);
369 }
370 }
372 error(_g('no upstream tarball found at %s'),
373 $self->upstream_tarball_template()) unless $tarfile;
375 if ($opts{usage} eq 'build') {
376 info(_g('building %s using existing %s'),
377 $self->{fields}{'Source'}, "@origtarballs");
378 }
380 # Unpack a second copy for comparison
381 my $tmp = tempdir("$dirname.orig.XXXXXX", DIR => $updir);
382 push_exit_handler(sub { erasedir($tmp) });
384 # Extract main tarball
385 my $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => $tarfile);
386 $tar->extract($tmp);
388 # Extract additional orig tarballs
389 foreach my $subdir (keys %origtar) {
390 my $file = $origtar{$subdir};
391 $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => $file);
392 $tar->extract("$tmp/$subdir");
393 }
395 # Copy over the debian directory
396 erasedir("$tmp/debian");
397 system('cp', '-a', '--', "$dir/debian", "$tmp/");
398 subprocerr(_g('copy of the debian directory')) if $?;
400 # Apply all patches except the last automatic one
401 $opts{skip_auto} //= 0;
402 $self->apply_patches($tmp, skip_auto => $opts{skip_auto}, usage => 'build');
404 # Create a patch
405 my ($difffh, $tmpdiff) = tempfile($self->get_basename(1) . '.diff.XXXXXX',
406 DIR => File::Spec->tmpdir(), UNLINK => 0);
407 push_exit_handler(sub { unlink($tmpdiff) });
408 my $diff = Dpkg::Source::Patch->new(filename => $tmpdiff,
409 compression => 'none');
410 $diff->create();
411 if ($opts{header_from} and -e $opts{header_from}) {
412 my $header_from = Dpkg::Source::Patch->new(
413 filename => $opts{header_from});
414 my $analysis = $header_from->analyze($dir, verbose => 0);
415 $diff->set_header($analysis->{patchheader});
416 } else {
417 $diff->set_header($self->get_patch_header($dir));
418 }
419 $diff->add_diff_directory($tmp, $dir, basedirname => $basedirname,
420 %{$self->{diff_options}},
421 handle_binary_func => $opts{handle_binary},
422 order_from => $opts{order_from});
423 error(_g('unrepresentable changes to source')) if not $diff->finish();
425 if (-s $tmpdiff) {
426 info(_g('local changes detected, the modified files are:'));
427 my $analysis = $diff->analyze($dir, verbose => 0);
428 foreach my $fn (sort keys %{$analysis->{filepatched}}) {
429 print " $fn\n";
430 }
431 }
433 # Remove the temporary directory
434 erasedir($tmp);
435 pop_exit_handler();
436 pop_exit_handler();
438 return $tmpdiff;
439 }
441 sub do_build {
442 my ($self, $dir) = @_;
443 my @argv = @{$self->{options}{ARGV}};
444 if (scalar(@argv)) {
445 usageerr(_g("-b takes only one parameter with format `%s'"),
446 $self->{fields}{'Format'});
447 }
448 $self->prepare_build($dir);
450 my $include_binaries = $self->{options}{include_binaries};
451 my @tar_ignore = map { "--exclude=$_" } @{$self->{options}{tar_ignore}};
453 my $sourcepackage = $self->{fields}{'Source'};
454 my $basenamerev = $self->get_basename(1);
456 # Check if the debian directory contains unwanted binary files
457 my $binaryfiles = Dpkg::Source::Package::V2::BinaryFiles->new($dir);
458 my $unwanted_binaries = 0;
459 my $check_binary = sub {
460 if (-f $_ and is_binary($_)) {
461 my $fn = File::Spec->abs2rel($_, $dir);
462 $binaryfiles->new_binary_found($fn);
463 unless ($include_binaries or $binaryfiles->binary_is_allowed($fn)) {
464 errormsg(_g('unwanted binary file: %s'), $fn);
465 $unwanted_binaries++;
466 }
467 }
468 };
469 my $tar_ignore_glob = '{' . join(',',
470 map {
471 my $copy = $_;
472 $copy =~ s/,/\\,/g;
473 $copy;
474 } @{$self->{options}{tar_ignore}}) . '}';
475 my $filter_ignore = sub {
476 # Filter out files that are not going to be included in the debian
477 # tarball due to ignores.
478 my %exclude;
479 my $reldir = File::Spec->abs2rel($File::Find::dir, $dir);
480 my $cwd = getcwd();
481 # Apply the pattern both from the top dir and from the inspected dir
482 chdir($dir) or syserr(_g("unable to chdir to `%s'"), $dir);
483 $exclude{$_} = 1 foreach glob($tar_ignore_glob);
484 chdir($cwd) or syserr(_g("unable to chdir to `%s'"), $cwd);
485 chdir($File::Find::dir)
486 or syserr(_g("unable to chdir to `%s'"), $File::Find::dir);
487 $exclude{$_} = 1 foreach glob($tar_ignore_glob);
488 chdir($cwd) or syserr(_g("unable to chdir to `%s'"), $cwd);
489 my @result;
490 foreach my $fn (@_) {
491 unless (exists $exclude{$fn} or exists $exclude{"$reldir/$fn"}) {
492 push @result, $fn;
493 }
494 }
495 return @result;
496 };
497 find({ wanted => $check_binary, preprocess => $filter_ignore,
498 no_chdir => 1 }, File::Spec->catdir($dir, 'debian'));
499 error(P_('detected %d unwanted binary file (add it in ' .
500 'debian/source/include-binaries to allow its inclusion).',
501 'detected %d unwanted binary files (add them in ' .
502 'debian/source/include-binaries to allow their inclusion).',
503 $unwanted_binaries), $unwanted_binaries)
504 if $unwanted_binaries;
506 # Handle modified binary files detected by the auto-patch generation
507 my $handle_binary = sub {
508 my ($self, $old, $new) = @_;
509 my $relfn = File::Spec->abs2rel($new, $dir);
510 $binaryfiles->new_binary_found($relfn);
511 unless ($include_binaries or $binaryfiles->binary_is_allowed($relfn)) {
512 errormsg(_g('cannot represent change to %s: %s'), $relfn,
513 _g('binary file contents changed'));
514 errormsg(_g('add %s in debian/source/include-binaries if you want ' .
515 'to store the modified binary in the debian tarball'),
516 $relfn);
517 $self->register_error();
518 }
519 };
521 # Create a patch
522 my $autopatch = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches',
523 $self->get_autopatch_name());
524 my $tmpdiff = $self->generate_patch($dir, order_from => $autopatch,
525 header_from => $autopatch,
526 handle_binary => $handle_binary,
527 skip_auto => $self->{options}{auto_commi t},
528 usage => 'build');
529 unless (-z $tmpdiff or $self->{options}{auto_commit}) {
530 info(_g('you can integrate the local changes with %s'),
531 'dpkg-source --commit');
532 error(_g('aborting due to unexpected upstream changes, see %s'),
533 $tmpdiff);
534 }
535 push_exit_handler(sub { unlink($tmpdiff) });
536 $binaryfiles->update_debian_source_include_binaries() if $include_binaries;
538 # Install the diff as the new autopatch
539 if ($self->{options}{auto_commit}) {
540 mkpath(File::Spec->catdir($dir, 'debian', 'patches'));
541 $autopatch = $self->register_patch($dir, $tmpdiff,
542 $self->get_autopatch_name());
543 info(_g('local changes have been recorded in a new patch: %s'),
544 $autopatch) if -e $autopatch;
545 rmdir(File::Spec->catdir($dir, 'debian', 'patches')); # No check on purp ose
546 }
547 unlink($tmpdiff) or syserr(_g('cannot remove %s'), $tmpdiff);
548 pop_exit_handler();
550 # Create the debian.tar
551 my $debianfile = "$basenamerev.debian.tar." . $self->{options}{comp_ext};
552 info(_g('building %s in %s'), $sourcepackage, $debianfile);
553 my $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => $debianfile);
554 $tar->create(options => \@tar_ignore, chdir => $dir);
555 $tar->add_directory('debian');
556 foreach my $binary ($binaryfiles->get_seen_binaries()) {
557 $tar->add_file($binary) unless $binary =~ m{^debian/};
558 }
559 $tar->finish();
561 $self->add_file($debianfile);
562 }
564 sub get_patch_header {
565 my ($self, $dir) = @_;
566 my $ph = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'source', 'local-patch-header') ;
567 unless (-f $ph) {
568 $ph = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'source', 'patch-header');
569 }
570 my $text;
571 if (-f $ph) {
572 open(my $ph_fh, '<', $ph) or syserr(_g('cannot read %s'), $ph);
573 $text = file_slurp($ph_fh);
574 close($ph_fh);
575 return $text;
576 }
577 my $ch_info = changelog_parse(offset => 0, count => 1,
578 file => File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'changelog'));
579 return '' if not defined $ch_info;
580 my $header = Dpkg::Control->new(type => CTRL_UNKNOWN);
581 $header->{'Description'} = "<short summary of the patch>\n";
582 $header->{'Description'} .=
583 "TODO: Put a short summary on the line above and replace this paragraph
584 with a longer explanation of this change. Complete the meta-information
585 with other relevant fields (see below for details). To make it easier, the
586 information below has been extracted from the changelog. Adjust it or drop
587 it.\n";
588 $header->{'Description'} .= $ch_info->{'Changes'} . "\n";
589 $header->{'Author'} = $ch_info->{'Maintainer'};
590 $text = "$header";
591 run_vendor_hook('extend-patch-header', \$text, $ch_info);
592 $text .= "\n---
593 The information above should follow the Patch Tagging Guidelines, please
594 checkout to learn about the format. Here
595 are templates for supplementary fields that you might want to add:
597 Origin: <vendor|upstream|other>, <url of original patch>
598 Bug: <url in upstream bugtracker>
599 Bug-Debian:<bugnumber>
600 Bug-Ubuntu:<bugnumber>
601 Forwarded: <no|not-needed|url proving that it has been forwarded>
602 Reviewed-By: <name and email of someone who approved the patch>
603 Last-Update: <YYYY-MM-DD>\n\n";
604 return $text;
605 }
607 sub register_patch {
608 my ($self, $dir, $patch_file, $patch_name) = @_;
609 my $patch = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', $patch_name);
610 if (-s $patch_file) {
611 copy($patch_file, $patch)
612 or syserr(_g('failed to copy %s to %s'), $patch_file, $patch);
613 chmod(0666 & ~ umask(), $patch)
614 or syserr(_g("unable to change permission of `%s'"), $patch);
615 my $applied = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', '.dpkg-sour ce-applied');
616 open(my $applied_fh, '>>', $applied)
617 or syserr(_g('cannot write %s'), $applied);
618 print { $applied_fh } "$patch\n";
619 close($applied_fh) or syserr(_g('cannot close %s'), $applied);
620 } elsif (-e $patch) {
621 unlink($patch) or syserr(_g('cannot remove %s'), $patch);
622 }
623 return $patch;
624 }
626 sub _is_bad_patch_name {
627 my ($dir, $patch_name) = @_;
629 return 1 if not defined($patch_name);
630 return 1 if not length($patch_name);
632 my $patch = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', $patch_name);
633 if (-e $patch) {
634 warning(_g('cannot register changes in %s, this patch already exists'),
635 $patch);
636 return 1;
637 }
638 return 0;
639 }
641 sub do_commit {
642 my ($self, $dir) = @_;
643 my ($patch_name, $tmpdiff) = @{$self->{options}{ARGV}};
645 $self->prepare_build($dir);
647 # Try to fix up a broken relative filename for the patch
648 if ($tmpdiff and not -e $tmpdiff) {
649 $tmpdiff = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $tmpdiff)
650 unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($tmpdiff);
651 error(_g("patch file '%s' doesn't exist"), $tmpdiff) if not -e $tmpdiff;
652 }
654 my $binaryfiles = Dpkg::Source::Package::V2::BinaryFiles->new($dir);
655 my $handle_binary = sub {
656 my ($self, $old, $new) = @_;
657 my $fn = File::Spec->abs2rel($new, $dir);
658 $binaryfiles->new_binary_found($fn);
659 };
661 unless ($tmpdiff) {
662 $tmpdiff = $self->generate_patch($dir, handle_binary => $handle_binary,
663 usage => 'commit');
664 $binaryfiles->update_debian_source_include_binaries();
665 }
666 push_exit_handler(sub { unlink($tmpdiff) });
667 unless (-s $tmpdiff) {
668 unlink($tmpdiff) or syserr(_g('cannot remove %s'), $tmpdiff);
669 info(_g('there are no local changes to record'));
670 return;
671 }
672 while (_is_bad_patch_name($dir, $patch_name)) {
673 # Ask the patch name interactively
674 print _g('Enter the desired patch name: ');
675 chomp($patch_name = <STDIN>);
676 $patch_name =~ s/\s+/-/g;
677 $patch_name =~ s/\///g;
678 }
679 mkpath(File::Spec->catdir($dir, 'debian', 'patches'));
680 my $patch = $self->register_patch($dir, $tmpdiff, $patch_name);
681 system('sensible-editor', $patch);
682 subprocerr('sensible-editor') if $?;
683 unlink($tmpdiff) or syserr(_g('cannot remove %s'), $tmpdiff);
684 pop_exit_handler();
685 info(_g('local changes have been recorded in a new patch: %s'), $patch);
686 }
688 package Dpkg::Source::Package::V2::BinaryFiles;
690 use Dpkg::ErrorHandling;
691 use Dpkg::Gettext;
693 use File::Path;
695 sub new {
696 my ($this, $dir) = @_;
697 my $class = ref($this) || $this;
699 my $self = {
700 dir => $dir,
701 allowed_binaries => {},
702 seen_binaries => {},
703 include_binaries_path =>
704 File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'source', 'include-binaries'),
705 };
706 bless $self, $class;
707 $self->load_allowed_binaries();
708 return $self;
709 }
711 sub new_binary_found {
712 my ($self, $path) = @_;
714 $self->{seen_binaries}{$path} = 1;
715 }
717 sub load_allowed_binaries {
718 my ($self) = @_;
719 my $incbin_file = $self->{include_binaries_path};
720 if (-f $incbin_file) {
721 open(my $incbin_fh, '<', $incbin_file)
722 or syserr(_g('cannot read %s'), $incbin_file);
723 while (defined($_ = <$incbin_fh>)) {
724 chomp; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//;
725 next if /^#/ or /^$/;
726 $self->{allowed_binaries}{$_} = 1;
727 }
728 close($incbin_fh);
729 }
730 }
732 sub binary_is_allowed {
733 my ($self, $path) = @_;
734 return 1 if exists $self->{allowed_binaries}{$path};
735 return 0;
736 }
738 sub update_debian_source_include_binaries {
739 my ($self) = @_;
741 my @unknown_binaries = $self->get_unknown_binaries();
742 return unless scalar(@unknown_binaries);
744 my $incbin_file = $self->{include_binaries_path};
745 mkpath(File::Spec->catdir($self->{dir}, 'debian', 'source'));
746 open(my $incbin_fh, '>>', $incbin_file)
747 or syserr(_g('cannot write %s'), $incbin_file);
748 foreach my $binary (@unknown_binaries) {
749 print { $incbin_fh } "$binary\n";
750 info(_g('adding %s to %s'), $binary, 'debian/source/include-binaries');
751 $self->{allowed_binaries}{$binary} = 1;
752 }
753 close($incbin_fh);
754 }
756 sub get_unknown_binaries {
757 my ($self) = @_;
758 return grep { not $self->binary_is_allowed($_) } $self->get_seen_binaries();
759 }
761 sub get_seen_binaries {
762 my ($self) = @_;
763 my @seen = sort keys %{$self->{seen_binaries}};
764 return @seen;
765 }
767 1;
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