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Side by Side Diff: third_party/dpkg-dev/scripts/Dpkg/Shlibs/

Issue 2411423002: Linux build: Use sysroot when calculating dependencies (Closed)
Patch Set: Update expected_deps Created 4 years, 2 months ago
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1 # Copyright © 2007 Raphaël Hertzog <>
2 # Copyright © 2009-2010 Modestas Vainius <>
3 #
4 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 # (at your option) any later version.
8 #
9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # GNU General Public License for more details.
13 #
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
17 package Dpkg::Shlibs::Symbol;
19 use strict;
20 use warnings;
22 our $VERSION = '0.01';
24 use Dpkg::Gettext;
25 use Dpkg::Deps;
26 use Dpkg::ErrorHandling;
27 use Dpkg::Util qw(:list);
28 use Dpkg::Version;
29 use Storable ();
30 use Dpkg::Shlibs::Cppfilt;
32 # Supported alias types in the order of matching preference
33 use constant ALIAS_TYPES => qw(c++ symver);
35 sub new {
36 my $this = shift;
37 my $class = ref($this) || $this;
38 my %args = @_;
39 my $self = bless {
40 symbol => undef,
41 symbol_templ => undef,
42 minver => undef,
43 dep_id => 0,
44 deprecated => 0,
45 tags => {},
46 tagorder => [],
47 }, $class;
48 $self->{$_} = $args{$_} foreach keys %args;
49 return $self;
50 }
52 # Deep clone
53 sub clone {
54 my $self = shift;
55 my $clone = Storable::dclone($self);
56 if (@_) {
57 my %args=@_;
58 $clone->{$_} = $args{$_} foreach keys %args;
59 }
60 return $clone;
61 }
63 sub parse_tagspec {
64 my ($self, $tagspec) = @_;
66 if ($tagspec =~ /^\s*\((.*?)\)(.*)$/ && $1) {
67 # (tag1=t1 value|tag2|...|tagN=tNp)
68 # Symbols ()|= cannot appear in the tag names and values
69 my $tagspec = $1;
70 my $rest = ($2) ? $2 : '';
71 my @tags = split(/\|/, $tagspec);
73 # Parse each tag
74 for my $tag (@tags) {
75 if ($tag =~ /^(.*)=(.*)$/) {
76 # Tag with value
77 $self->add_tag($1, $2);
78 } else {
79 # Tag without value
80 $self->add_tag($tag, undef);
81 }
82 }
83 return $rest;
84 }
85 return;
86 }
88 sub parse_symbolspec {
89 my ($self, $symbolspec, %opts) = @_;
90 my $symbol;
91 my $symbol_templ;
92 my $symbol_quoted;
93 my $rest;
95 if (defined($symbol = $self->parse_tagspec($symbolspec))) {
96 # (tag1=t1 value|tag2|...|tagN=tNp)"Foo::Bar::foobar()"@Base 1.0 1
97 # Symbols ()|= cannot appear in the tag names and values
99 # If the tag specification exists symbol name template might be quoted t oo
100 if ($symbol =~ /^(['"])/ && $symbol =~ /^($1)(.*?)$1(.*)$/) {
101 $symbol_quoted = $1;
102 $symbol_templ = $2;
103 $symbol = $2;
104 $rest = $3;
105 } else {
106 if ($symbol =~ m/^(\S+)(.*)$/) {
107 $symbol_templ = $1;
108 $symbol = $1;
109 $rest = $2;
110 }
111 }
112 error(_g('symbol name unspecified: %s'), $symbolspec) if (!$symbol);
113 } else {
114 # No tag specification. Symbol name is up to the first space
115 # foobarsymbol@Base 1.0 1
116 if ($symbolspec =~ m/^(\S+)(.*)$/) {
117 $symbol = $1;
118 $rest = $2;
119 } else {
120 return 0;
121 }
122 }
123 $self->{symbol} = $symbol;
124 $self->{symbol_templ} = $symbol_templ;
125 $self->{symbol_quoted} = $symbol_quoted if ($symbol_quoted);
127 # Now parse "the rest" (minver and dep_id)
128 if ($rest =~ /^\s(\S+)(?:\s(\d+))?/) {
129 $self->{minver} = $1;
130 $self->{dep_id} = defined($2) ? $2 : 0;
131 } elsif (defined $opts{default_minver}) {
132 $self->{minver} = $opts{default_minver};
133 $self->{dep_id} = 0;
134 } else {
135 return 0;
136 }
137 return 1;
138 }
140 # A hook for symbol initialization (typically processing of tags). The code
141 # here may even change symbol name. Called from
142 # Dpkg::Shlibs::SymbolFile::create_symbol().
143 sub initialize {
144 my $self = shift;
146 # Look for tags marking symbol patterns. The pattern may match multiple
147 # real symbols.
148 my $type;
149 if ($self->has_tag('c++')) {
150 # Raw symbol name is always demangled to the same alias while demangled
151 # symbol name cannot be reliably converted back to raw symbol name.
152 # Therefore, we can use hash for mapping.
153 $type = 'alias-c++';
154 }
156 # Support old style wildcard syntax. That's basically a symver
157 # with an optional tag.
158 if ($self->get_symbolname() =~ /^\*@(.*)$/) {
159 $self->add_tag('symver') unless $self->has_tag('symver');
160 $self->add_tag('optional') unless $self->has_tag('optional');
161 $self->{symbol} = $1;
162 }
164 if ($self->has_tag('symver')) {
165 # Each symbol is matched against its version rather than full
166 # name@version string.
167 $type = (defined $type) ? 'generic' : 'alias-symver';
168 if ($self->get_symbolname() eq 'Base') {
169 error(_g("you can't use symver tag to catch unversioned symbols: %s" ),
170 $self->get_symbolspec(1));
171 }
172 }
174 # As soon as regex is involved, we need to match each real
175 # symbol against each pattern (aka 'generic' pattern).
176 if ($self->has_tag('regex')) {
177 $type = 'generic';
178 # Pre-compile regular expression for better performance.
179 my $regex = $self->get_symbolname();
180 $self->{pattern}{regex} = qr/$regex/;
181 }
182 if (defined $type) {
183 $self->init_pattern($type);
184 }
185 }
187 sub get_symbolname {
188 return $_[0]->{symbol};
189 }
191 sub get_symboltempl {
192 return $_[0]->{symbol_templ} || $_[0]->{symbol};
193 }
195 sub set_symbolname {
196 my ($self, $name, $templ, $quoted) = @_;
197 unless (defined $name) {
198 $name = $self->{symbol};
199 }
200 if (!defined $templ && $name =~ /\s/) {
201 $templ = $name;
202 }
203 if (!defined $quoted && defined $templ && $templ =~ /\s/) {
204 $quoted = '"';
205 }
206 $self->{symbol} = $name;
207 $self->{symbol_templ} = $templ;
208 if ($quoted) {
209 $self->{symbol_quoted} = $quoted;
210 } else {
211 delete $self->{symbol_quoted};
212 }
213 }
215 sub has_tags {
216 my $self = shift;
217 return scalar (@{$self->{tagorder}});
218 }
220 sub add_tag {
221 my ($self, $tagname, $tagval) = @_;
222 if (exists $self->{tags}{$tagname}) {
223 $self->{tags}{$tagname} = $tagval;
224 return 0;
225 } else {
226 $self->{tags}{$tagname} = $tagval;
227 push @{$self->{tagorder}}, $tagname;
228 }
229 return 1;
230 }
232 sub delete_tag {
233 my ($self, $tagname) = @_;
234 if (exists $self->{tags}{$tagname}) {
235 delete $self->{tags}{$tagname};
236 $self->{tagorder} = [ grep { $_ ne $tagname } @{$self->{tagorder}} ];
237 return 1;
238 }
239 return 0;
240 }
242 sub has_tag {
243 my ($self, $tag) = @_;
244 return exists $self->{tags}{$tag};
245 }
247 sub get_tag_value {
248 my ($self, $tag) = @_;
249 return $self->{tags}{$tag};
250 }
252 # Checks if the symbol is equal to another one (by name and optionally,
253 # tag sets, versioning info (minver and depid))
254 sub equals {
255 my ($self, $other, %opts) = @_;
256 $opts{versioning} = 1 unless exists $opts{versioning};
257 $opts{tags} = 1 unless exists $opts{tags};
259 return 0 if $self->{symbol} ne $other->{symbol};
261 if ($opts{versioning}) {
262 return 0 if $self->{minver} ne $other->{minver};
263 return 0 if $self->{dep_id} ne $other->{dep_id};
264 }
266 if ($opts{tags}) {
267 return 0 if scalar(@{$self->{tagorder}}) != scalar(@{$other->{tagorder}} );
269 for my $i (0 .. scalar(@{$self->{tagorder}}) - 1) {
270 my $tag = $self->{tagorder}->[$i];
271 return 0 if $tag ne $other->{tagorder}->[$i];
272 if (defined $self->{tags}{$tag} && defined $other->{tags}{$tag}) {
273 return 0 if $self->{tags}{$tag} ne $other->{tags}{$tag};
274 } elsif (defined $self->{tags}{$tag} || defined $other->{tags}{$tag} ) {
275 return 0;
276 }
277 }
278 }
280 return 1;
281 }
284 sub is_optional {
285 my $self = shift;
286 return $self->has_tag('optional');
287 }
289 sub is_arch_specific {
290 my $self = shift;
291 return $self->has_tag('arch');
292 }
294 sub arch_is_concerned {
295 my ($self, $arch) = @_;
296 my $arches = $self->{tags}{arch};
298 if (defined $arch && defined $arches) {
299 my $dep = Dpkg::Deps::Simple->new();
300 my @arches = split(/[\s,]+/, $arches);
301 $dep->{package} = 'dummy';
302 $dep->{arches} = \@arches;
303 return $dep->arch_is_concerned($arch);
304 }
306 return 1;
307 }
309 # Get reference to the pattern the symbol matches (if any)
310 sub get_pattern {
311 return $_[0]->{matching_pattern};
312 }
314 ### NOTE: subroutines below require (or initialize) $self to be a pattern ###
316 # Initializes this symbol as a pattern of the specified type.
317 sub init_pattern {
318 my ($self, $type) = @_;
320 $self->{pattern}{type} = $type;
321 # To be filled with references to symbols matching this pattern.
322 $self->{pattern}{matches} = [];
323 }
325 # Is this symbol a pattern or not?
326 sub is_pattern {
327 return exists $_[0]->{pattern};
328 }
330 # Get pattern type if this symbol is a pattern.
331 sub get_pattern_type {
332 return $_[0]->{pattern}{type} || '';
333 }
335 # Get (sub)type of the alias pattern. Returns empty string if current
336 # pattern is not alias.
337 sub get_alias_type {
338 return ($_[0]->get_pattern_type() =~ /^alias-(.+)/ && $1) || '';
339 }
341 # Get a list of symbols matching this pattern if this symbol is a pattern
342 sub get_pattern_matches {
343 return @{$_[0]->{pattern}{matches}};
344 }
346 # Create a new symbol based on the pattern (i.e. $self)
347 # and add it to the pattern matches list.
348 sub create_pattern_match {
349 my $self = shift;
350 return unless $self->is_pattern();
352 # Leave out 'pattern' subfield while deep-cloning
353 my $pattern_stuff = $self->{pattern};
354 delete $self->{pattern};
355 my $newsym = $self->clone(@_);
356 $self->{pattern} = $pattern_stuff;
358 # Clean up symbol name related internal fields
359 $newsym->set_symbolname();
361 # Set newsym pattern reference, add to pattern matches list
362 $newsym->{matching_pattern} = $self;
363 push @{$self->{pattern}{matches}}, $newsym;
364 return $newsym;
365 }
367 ### END of pattern subroutines ###
369 # Given a raw symbol name the call returns its alias according to the rules of
370 # the current pattern ($self). Returns undef if the supplied raw name is not
371 # transformable to alias.
372 sub convert_to_alias {
373 my ($self, $rawname, $type) = @_;
374 $type = $self->get_alias_type() unless $type;
376 if ($type) {
377 if ($type eq 'symver') {
378 # In case of symver, alias is symbol version. Extract it from the
379 # rawname.
380 return "$1" if ($rawname =~ /\@([^@]+)$/);
381 } elsif ($rawname =~ /^_Z/ && $type eq 'c++') {
382 return cppfilt_demangle_cpp($rawname);
383 }
384 }
385 return;
386 }
388 sub get_tagspec {
389 my ($self) = @_;
390 if ($self->has_tags()) {
391 my @tags;
392 for my $tagname (@{$self->{tagorder}}) {
393 my $tagval = $self->{tags}{$tagname};
394 if (defined $tagval) {
395 push @tags, $tagname . '=' . $tagval;
396 } else {
397 push @tags, $tagname;
398 }
399 }
400 return '(' . join('|', @tags) . ')';
401 }
402 return '';
403 }
405 sub get_symbolspec {
406 my $self = shift;
407 my $template_mode = shift;
408 my $spec = '';
409 $spec .= "#MISSING: $self->{deprecated}#" if $self->{deprecated};
410 $spec .= ' ';
411 if ($template_mode) {
412 if ($self->has_tags()) {
413 $spec .= sprintf('%s%3$s%s%3$s', $self->get_tagspec(),
414 $self->get_symboltempl(), $self->{symbol_quoted} || '');
415 } else {
416 $spec .= $self->get_symboltempl();
417 }
418 } else {
419 $spec .= $self->get_symbolname();
420 }
421 $spec .= " $self->{minver}";
422 $spec .= " $self->{dep_id}" if $self->{dep_id};
423 return $spec;
424 }
426 # Sanitize the symbol when it is confirmed to be found in
427 # the respective library.
428 sub mark_found_in_library {
429 my ($self, $minver, $arch) = @_;
431 if ($self->{deprecated}) {
432 # Symbol reappeared somehow
433 $self->{deprecated} = 0;
434 $self->{minver} = $minver if (not $self->is_optional());
435 } else {
436 # We assume that the right dependency information is already
437 # there.
438 if (version_compare($minver, $self->{minver}) < 0) {
439 $self->{minver} = $minver;
440 }
441 }
442 # Never remove arch tags from patterns
443 if (not $self->is_pattern()) {
444 if (not $self->arch_is_concerned($arch)) {
445 # Remove arch tag because it is incorrect.
446 $self->delete_tag('arch');
447 }
448 }
449 }
451 # Sanitize the symbol when it is confirmed to be NOT found in
452 # the respective library.
453 # Mark as deprecated those that are no more provided (only if the
454 # minver is later than the version where the symbol was introduced)
455 sub mark_not_found_in_library {
456 my ($self, $minver, $arch) = @_;
458 # Ignore symbols from foreign arch
459 return if not $self->arch_is_concerned($arch);
461 if ($self->{deprecated}) {
462 # Bump deprecated if the symbol is optional so that it
463 # keeps reappering in the diff while it's missing
464 $self->{deprecated} = $minver if $self->is_optional();
465 } elsif (version_compare($minver, $self->{minver}) > 0) {
466 $self->{deprecated} = $minver;
467 }
468 }
470 # Checks if the symbol (or pattern) is legitimate as a real symbol for the
471 # specified architecture.
472 sub is_legitimate {
473 my ($self, $arch) = @_;
474 return ! $self->{deprecated} &&
475 $self->arch_is_concerned($arch);
476 }
478 # Determine whether a supplied raw symbol name matches against current ($self)
479 # symbol or pattern.
480 sub matches_rawname {
481 my ($self, $rawname) = @_;
482 my $target = $rawname;
483 my $ok = 1;
484 my $do_eq_match = 1;
486 if ($self->is_pattern()) {
487 # Process pattern tags in the order they were specified.
488 for my $tag (@{$self->{tagorder}}) {
489 if (any { $tag eq $_ } ALIAS_TYPES) {
490 $ok = not not ($target = $self->convert_to_alias($target, $tag)) ;
491 } elsif ($tag eq 'regex') {
492 # Symbol name is a regex. Match it against the target
493 $do_eq_match = 0;
494 $ok = ($target =~ $self->{pattern}{regex});
495 }
496 last if not $ok;
497 }
498 }
500 # Equality match by default
501 if ($ok && $do_eq_match) {
502 $ok = $target eq $self->get_symbolname();
503 }
504 return $ok;
505 }
507 1;
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