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Unified Diff: dartium_tools/

Issue 239993009: Revert accidental dartium code push (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 8 months ago
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diff --git a/dartium_tools/ b/dartium_tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0b675a1091e8933e2159cd81aaefa88d5beb3b75..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dartium_tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-# Update Dartium DEPS automatically.
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-import optparse
-import os
-import re
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-import sys
-from time import strptime
-# Instructions:
-# To run locally:
-# (a) Create and change to a directory to run the updater in:
-# > mkdir /usr/local/google/home/$USER/dartium_deps_updater
-# > cd /usr/local/google/home/$USER/dartium_deps_updater
-# (b) Checkout a copy of the DEPS for the updater to process / update:
-# > svn co
-# (c) Checkout dartium_tools (with this script) using the current branch instead of 1750:
-# > svn co svn://
-# (d) If your home directory is remote, consider redefining it for this shell/script:
-# > cp -R $HOME/.subversion /usr/local/google/home/$USER
-# > export HOME=/usr/local/google/home/$USER
-# (e) Test by running (Ctrl-C to quit):
-# > ./dartium_tools/
-# (f) Run periodical update:
-# > while true; do ./dartium_tools/ --force ; sleep 300 ; done
-# Repositories to auto-update
-# Each element in this map represents a repository to update. Entries
-# take the form:
-# (repo_tag: (svn_url, view_url))
-# The repo_tag must match the DEPS revision entry. I.e, there must be
-# an entry of the form:
-# 'dartium_%s_revision' % repo_tag
-# to roll forward.
-# The view_url should be parameterized by revision number. This is
-# used to generated the commit message.
- 'webkit': (
- '',
- ''),
- 'chromium': (
- '',
- ''),
-# Actions
-def write_file(filename, content):
- f = open(filename, "w")
- f.write(content)
- f.close()
-def run_cmd(cmd):
- print "\n[%s]\n$ %s" % (os.getcwd(), " ".join(cmd))
- pipe = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
- output = pipe.communicate()
- if pipe.returncode == 0:
- return output[0]
- else:
- print output[1]
- print "FAILED. RET_CODE=%d" % pipe.returncode
- sys.exit(pipe.returncode)
-def parse_iso_time(s):
- pair = s.rsplit(' ', 1)
- d = datetime.strptime(pair[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
- offset = timedelta(hours=int(pair[1][0:3]))
- return d - offset
-def parse_git_log(output, repo):
- if len(output) < 4:
- return []
- lst = output.split(os.linesep)
- lst = [s.strip('\'') for s in lst]
- lst = [s.split(',', 3) for s in lst]
- lst = [{'repo': repo,
- 'rev': s[0],
- 'isotime':s[1],
- 'author': s[2],
- 'utctime': parse_iso_time(s[1]),
- 'info': s[3]} for s in lst]
- return lst
-def parse_svn_log(output, repo):
- lst = output.split(os.linesep)
- lst = [s.strip('\'') for s in lst]
- output = '_LINESEP_'.join(lst)
- lst = output.split('------------------------------------------------------------------------')
- lst = [s.replace('_LINESEP_', '\n') for s in lst]
- lst = [s.strip('\n') for s in lst]
- lst = [s.strip(' ') for s in lst]
- lst = [s for s in lst if len(s) > 0]
- pattern = re.compile(' \| (\d+) line(s|)')
- lst = [pattern.sub(' | ', s) for s in lst]
- lst = [s.split(' | ', 3) for s in lst]
- lst = [{'repo': repo,
- 'rev': s[0].replace('r', ''),
- 'author': s[1],
- 'isotime':s[2][0:25],
- 'utctime': parse_iso_time(s[2][0:25]),
- 'info': s[3].split('\n')[2]} for s in lst]
- return lst
-def commit_url(repo, rev):
- numrev = rev.replace('r', '')
- if repo in REPOSITORIES:
- (_, view_url) = REPOSITORY_INFO[repo]
- return view_url % numrev
- else:
- raise Exception('Unknown repo');
-def find_max(revs):
- max_time = None
- max_position = None
- for i, rev in enumerate(revs):
- if rev == []:
- continue
- if max_time is None or rev[0]['utctime'] > max_time:
- max_time = rev[0]['utctime']
- max_position = i
- return max_position
-def merge_revs(revs):
- position = find_max(revs)
- if position is None:
- return []
- item = revs[position][0]
- revs[position] = revs[position][1:]
- return [item] + merge_revs(revs)
-def main():
- option_parser = optparse.OptionParser()
- option_parser.add_option('', '--force', help="Push DEPS update to server without prompting", action="store_true", dest="force")
- options, args = option_parser.parse_args()
- src_dir = "/usr/local/google/home/%s/dartium_deps_updater/dartium.deps" % os.environ["USER"]
- os.putenv("GIT_PAGER", "")
- if not os.path.exists(src_dir):
- print "Error: prior to running this script, you need to check out a Dartium source tree at"
- print " %s" % src_dir
- print "Please reserve the above directory for this script and do not use it for other purposes."
- sys.exit(1)
- os.chdir(src_dir)
- # parse DEPS
- deps = run_cmd(['svn', 'cat', ''])
- rev_num = {}
- for repo in REPOSITORIES:
- revision = 'dartium_%s_revision":\s*"(.+)"' % repo
- rev_num[repo] =, deps).group(1)
- # update repos
- all_revs = []
- for repo, (svn_url, _) in REPOSITORY_INFO.items():
- output = run_cmd(["svn", "log", "-r", "HEAD:%s" % rev_num[repo], svn_url])
- revs = parse_svn_log(output, repo)
- if revs and revs[-1]['rev'] == rev_num[repo]:
- revs.pop()
- all_revs.append(revs)
- pending_updates = merge_revs(all_revs)
- pending_updates.reverse()
- print
- print "Current DEPS revisions:"
- for repo in REPOSITORIES:
- print ' dartium_%s_revision=%s' % (repo, rev_num[repo])
- if len(pending_updates) == 0:
- print "DEPS is up-to-date."
- sys.exit(0)
- else:
- print "Pending DEPS updates:"
- for s in pending_updates:
- print " %s to %s (%s) %s" % (s['repo'], s['rev'], s['isotime'], s['info'])
- # make the next DEPS update
- os.chdir(src_dir)
- run_cmd(['rm', 'DEPS'])
- print run_cmd(['svn', 'update'])
- s = pending_updates[0]
- pattern = re.compile('dartium_' + s['repo'] + '_revision":\s*"(.+)"')
- new_deps = pattern.sub('dartium_' + s['repo'] + '_revision": "' + s['rev'] + '"', deps)
- write_file('DEPS', new_deps)
- commit_log = 'DEPS AutoUpdate: %s to %s (%s) %s\n' % (s['repo'], s['rev'], s['isotime'], s['author'])
- commit_log += s['info'] + '\n' + commit_url(s['repo'], s['rev'])
- write_file('commit_log.txt', commit_log)
- print run_cmd(['svn', 'diff'])
- print
- print "Commit log:"
- print "---------------------------------------------"
- print commit_log
- print "---------------------------------------------"
- if not options.force:
- print "Ready to push; press Enter to continue or Control-C to abort..."
- sys.stdin.readline()
- print run_cmd(['svn', 'commit', '--file', 'commit_log.txt'])
- print "Done."
-if '__main__' == __name__:
- main()
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