Index: docs/language/dartLangSpec.tex |
diff --git a/docs/language/dartLangSpec.tex b/docs/language/dartLangSpec.tex |
index 9a6ad52bbfa8c2f749b61e5e606465962dabe99d..4e884c18e2f1fd10077df5918a99a657a3c1b8dc 100644 |
--- a/docs/language/dartLangSpec.tex |
+++ b/docs/language/dartLangSpec.tex |
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ a program that interfaces between the engine and the surrounding computing envir |
{\em Dynamic type errors} are type errors reported in checked mode. |
\LMHash{} |
-{\em Run-time errors} are exceptions raised during execution. Whenever we say that an exception $ex$ is {\em raised} or {\em thrown}, we mean that a throw expression (\ref{throw}) of the form: \code{\THROW{} $ex$;} was implicitly evaluated or that a rethrow statement (\ref{rethrow}) of the form \code{\RETHROW} was executed. When we say that {\em a} $C$ {\em is thrown}, where $C$ is a class, we mean that an instance of class $C$ is thrown. When we say that a stream raises an exception, we mean that an exception occurred while computing the value(s) of the stream. |
+{\em Run-time errors} are exceptions raised during execution. Whenever we say that an exception $ex$ is {\em raised} or {\em thrown}, we mean that a throw expression (\ref{throw}) of the form: \code{\THROW{} $ex$;} was implicitly evaluated or that a rethrow statement (\ref{rethrow}) of the form \code{\RETHROW} was executed. When we say that {\em a} $C$ {\em is thrown}, where $C$ is a class, we mean that an instance of class $C$ is thrown. When we say that a stream raises an exception, we mean that the stream emits the exception and its associated stack trace as an error event. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:37
I'd be quite happy if we only every said "raised"
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:22
I thought about removing the `rethrow` part, but a
\LMHash{} |
If an uncaught exception is thrown by a running isolate $A$, $A$ is immediately suspended. |
@@ -1214,7 +1214,8 @@ Iff no constructor is specified for a class $C$, it implicitly has a default con |
\LMLabel{generativeConstructors} |
\LMHash{} |
-A {\em generative constructor} consists of a constructor name, a constructor parameter list, and either a redirect clause or an initializer list and an optional body. |
+A {\em generative constructor} is executed to initialize a freshly allocated object. |
+It consists of a constructor name, a constructor parameter list, and either a redirect clause or an initializer list and an optional body. |
\begin{grammar} |
{\bf constructorSignature:} |
@@ -1286,6 +1287,16 @@ A generative constructor may be {\em redirecting}, in which case its only action |
. |
\end{grammar} |
+A redirecting generative constructor is executed to initialize an object $o$ as |
+follows: |
+ |
+Let $C$ be the class containing the redirecting generative constructor. |
+Let $k$ the target generative constructor specified by either \THIS{} (the constructor named $C$) or $\THIS{}.id$ (the constructor named $$). |
+Evaluate \code{arguments} to an argument list. |
+Then bind the argument list to the formal parameters of $k$ and |
+execute $k$ on the fresh object $o$. |
+ |
+ |
% Need to specify exactly how executing a redirecting constructor works |
@@ -1326,7 +1337,7 @@ Let $k$ be a generative constructor. Then $k$ may include at most one superini |
Each final instance variable $f$ declared in the immediately enclosing class must have an initializer in $k$'s initializer list unless it has already been initialized by one of the following means: |
\begin{itemize} |
\item Initialization at the declaration of $f$. |
- \item Initialization by means of an initializing formal of $k$. |
+ \item Initialization by means of an initializing formal of $k$. |
\end{itemize} |
or a static warning occurs. It is a compile-time error if $k$'s initializer list contains an initializer for a variable that is not an instance variable declared in the immediately surrounding class. |
@@ -1339,43 +1350,67 @@ or a static warning occurs. It is a compile-time error if $k$'s initializer list |
It is a compile-time error if a generative constructor of class \code{Object} includes a superinitializer. |
\LMHash{} |
-Execution of a generative constructor $k$ is always done with respect to a set of bindings for its formal parameters and with \THIS{} bound to a fresh instance $i$ and the type parameters of the immediately enclosing class bound to a set of actual type arguments $V_1, \ldots , V_m$. |
+Execution of a generative constructor $k$ to initialize a fresh instance $i$ |
+is always done with respect to a set of bindings for its formal parameters |
+and the type parameters of the immediately enclosing class bound to a set of actual type arguments $V_1, \ldots , V_m$. |
\commentary{These bindings are usually determined by the instance creation expression that invoked the constructor (directly or indirectly). However, they may also be determined by a reflective call,. |
} |
+ |
\LMHash{} |
If $k$ is redirecting then its redirect clause has the form |
\THIS{}$.g(a_1, \ldots , a_n, x_{n+1}: a_{n+1}, \ldots , x_{n+k}: a_{n+k})$ |
-where $g$ identifies another generative constructor of the immediately surrounding class. Then execution of $k$ proceeds by evaluating the argument list $(a_1, \ldots , a_n, x_{n+1}: a_{n+1}, \ldots , x_{n+k}: a_{n+k})$, and then executing $g$ with respect to the bindings resulting from the evaluation of $(a_1, \ldots , a_n, x_{n+1}: a_{n+1}, \ldots , x_{n+k}: a_{n+k})$ and with \THIS{} bound to $i$ and the type parameters of the immediately enclosing class bound to $V_1, \ldots , V_m$. |
+where $g$ identifies another generative constructor of the immediately surrounding class. Then execution of $k$ to initialize $i$ proceeds by evaluating the argument list $(a_1, \ldots , a_n, x_{n+1}: a_{n+1}, \ldots , x_{n+k}: a_{n+k})$, and then executing $g$ to initialize $i$ with respect to the bindings resulting from the evaluation of $(a_1, \ldots , a_n, x_{n+1}: a_{n+1}, \ldots , x_{n+k}: a_{n+k})$ and with \THIS{} bound to $i$ and the type parameters of the immediately enclosing class bound to $V_1, \ldots , V_m$. |
\LMHash{} |
Otherwise, execution proceeds as follows: |
\LMHash{} |
-%First, a fresh instance (\ref{generativeConstructors}) $i$ of the immediately enclosing class is allocated. Next, the instance variable declarations of the immediately enclosing class are visited in the order they appear in the program text. For each such declaration $d$, if $d$ has the form \code{$finalConstVarOrType$ $v$ = $e$; } then the instance variable $v$ of $i$ is bound to the value of $e$ (which is necessarily a compile-time constant). |
+%First, a fresh instance (\ref{generativeConstructors}) $i$ of the immediately enclosing class is allocated. |
+ |
+The instance variable declarations of the immediately enclosing class are visited in the order they appear in the program text. |
+For each such declaration $d$, if $d$ has the form \code{$finalConstVarOrType$ $v$ = $e$; } |
+then $e$ is evaluated to an object $o$ |
+and the instance variable $v$ of $i$ is bound to $o$. |
+ |
%Next, a |
Any initializing formals declared in $k$'s parameter list are executed in the order they appear in the program text. |
% In fact, this order is unobservable; this could be done any time prior to running the body, since |
% these only effect \THIS{}. |
-Then, $k$'s initializers are executed in the order they appear in the program. |
+Then, $k$'s initializers are executed to initialize $i$ |
+in the order they appear in the program. |
+ |
+\rationale {We could observe the order by side effecting external routines called. So we need to specify the order.} |
-\rationale {We could observe the order by side effecting external routines called. So we need to specify the order.} |
+Then if any instance variable of $i$ declared by the immediately enclosing class |
+is not yet bound to a value, |
+it is a dynamic error if such a variable is a \FINAL{} variable, |
+otherwise all such variables are initialized with the \NULL{} value. |
+ |
+After this, unless the enclosing class is \code{Object}, the super constructor call implicitly or explicitly specified in $k$'s initializers, is now executed to further initialize $i$, as specified below. |
+ |
+\commentary{ |
+The super constructor call can be written anywhere in the initializers of $k$, but the actual call always happens after all initializers have been processed. |
+It is not equivalent to moving the super call to the end of the initializers |
+because the argument expressions may have visible side effects |
+which must happen in the order the expressions occur in the program text. |
+} |
\LMHash{} |
-After all the initializers have completed, the body of $k$ is executed in a scope where \THIS{} is bound to $i$. Execution of the body begins with execution of the body of the superconstructor with \THIS{} bound to $i$, the type parameters of the immediately enclosing class bound to a set of actual type arguments $V_1, \ldots , V_m$ and the formal parameters bindings determined by the argument list of the superinitializer of $k$. |
+After all superclass constructors have completed, the body of $k$ is executed in a scope where \THIS{} is bound to $i$. |
\rationale{ |
This process ensures that no uninitialized final field is ever seen by code. Note that \THIS{} is not in scope on the right hand side of an initializer (see \ref{this}) so no instance method can execute during initialization: an instance method cannot be directly invoked, nor can \THIS{} be passed into any other code being invoked in the initializer. |
} |
\LMHash{} |
-Execution of an initializer of the form \code{\THIS{}.$v$ = $e$} proceeds as follows: |
+Execution of an initializer of the form \code{\THIS{}.$v$ = $e$} to initialize an object $i$ proceeds as follows: |
\LMHash{} |
-First, the expression $e$ is evaluated to an object $o$. Then, the instance variable $v$ of the object denoted by \THIS{} is bound to $o$, unless $v$ is a final variable that has already been initialized, in which case a runtime error occurs. In checked mode, it is a dynamic type error if $o$ is not \NULL{} and the interface of the class of $o$ is not a subtype of the actual type of the field $v$. |
+First, the expression $e$ is evaluated to an object $o$. Then, the instance variable $v$ of $i$ is bound to $o$, unless $v$ is a final variable that has already been initialized, in which case a runtime error occurs. In checked mode, it is a dynamic type error if $o$ is not \NULL{} and the interface of the class of $o$ is not a subtype of the actual type of the field $v$. |
\LMHash{} |
An initializer of the form \code{$v$ = $e$} is equivalent to an initializer of the form \code{\THIS{}.$v$ = $e$}. |
@@ -1391,12 +1426,13 @@ proceeds as follows: |
\LMHash{} |
First, the argument list $(a_1, \ldots, a_n, x_{n+1}: a_{n+1}, \ldots, x_{n+k}: a_{n+k})$ is evaluated. |
+This evaluated argument list is remembered until after the entire initializer list has been evaluated, at which point the constructor is executed as follows: |
\LMHash{} |
Let $C$ be the class in which the superinitializer appears and let $S$ be the superclass of $C$. If $S$ is generic (\ref{generics}), let $U_1, , \ldots, U_m$ be the actual type arguments passed to $S$ in the superclass clause of $C$. |
\LMHash{} |
-Then, the initializer list of the constructor $S$ (respectively $$) is executed with respect to the bindings that resulted from the evaluation of the argument list, with \THIS{} bound to the current binding of \THIS{}, and the type parameters (if any) of class $S$ bound to the current bindings of $U_1, , \ldots, U_m$. |
+The generative constructor $S$ (respectively $$) of $S$ is executed to initialize $i$ with respect to the bindings that resulted from the evaluation of the argument list, and the type parameters (if any) of class $S$ bound to the current bindings of $U_1, , \ldots, U_m$. |
\LMHash{} |
It is a compile-time error if class $S$ does not declare a generative constructor named $S$ (respectively $$). |
@@ -1429,7 +1465,6 @@ In checked mode, it is a dynamic type error if a factory returns a non-null obje |
\rationale{Factories address classic weaknesses associated with constructors in other languages. |
Factories can produce instances that are not freshly allocated: they can come from a cache. Likewise, factories can return instances of different classes. |
- |
} |
\paragraph{Redirecting Factory Constructors} |
@@ -2339,6 +2374,15 @@ The constant expression given in an annotation is type checked and evaluated in |
\LMHash{} |
An {\em expression} is a fragment of Dart code that can be evaluated at run time to yield a {\em value}, which is always an object. Every expression has an associated static type (\ref{staticTypes}). Every value has an associated dynamic type (\ref{dynamicTypeSystem}). |
+Expressions can also {\em throw} an exception object and an associated stack trace. |
+ |
+Evaluation of an expression will always either {\em yield a value} or it will {\em throw an exception} along with an associated stack trace. |
+ |
+If evaluation of an expression is defined in terms of evaluation of another |
+expression, and the evaluation of the other expression throws an exception, |
+if nothing else is stated, the evaluation of the first expression stops |
+at that point and throws the same exception. |
+ |
\begin{grammar} |
@@ -3045,10 +3089,7 @@ The {\em throw expression} is used to raise an exception. |
\end{grammar} |
\LMHash{} |
- The {\em current exception} is the last exception raised and not subsequently caught at a given moment during runtime. |
- |
-\LMHash{} |
- Evaluation of a throw expression of the form \code{\THROW{} $e$;} proceeds as follows: |
+Evaluation of a throw expression of the form \code{\THROW{} $e$;} proceeds as follows: |
\LMHash{} |
The expression $e$ is evaluated yielding a value $v$. |
@@ -3058,32 +3099,16 @@ There is no requirement that the expression $e$ evaluate to a special kind of ex |
} |
\LMHash{} |
-If $e$ evaluates to \NULL{} (\ref{null}), then a \code{NullThrownError} is thrown. Otherwise the current exception is set to $v$ and the current return value (\ref{return}) becomes undefined. |
- |
-\rationale{The current exception and the current return value must never be simultaneously defined, as they represent mutually exclusive options for exiting the current function. |
-} |
- |
-\LMHash{} |
-Let $f$ be the immediately enclosing function. |
+If $e$ evaluates to \NULL{} (\ref{null}), then a \code{NullThrownError} is thrown. Otherwise let $t$ be a stack trace corresponding to the current execution state, and the \THROW{} statement aborts by {\em throwing} with $e$ as exception object and $t$ as stack trace. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:37
$e$ evaluates to ==> $v$ is
Throw is an expressio
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:24
-> If $v$ is the null value
(as you correctly poin
\LMHash{} |
-If $f$ is synchronous (\ref{functions}), control is transferred to the nearest dynamically enclosing exception handler. |
+If $e$ is an instance of class \code{Error} or a subclass thereof, its \code{stackTrace} getter will return the stack trace captured at the point where the object was first thrown. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:36
$e$ ==> $v$
Maybe captured isn't quite right, we
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:24
\commentary{ |
-If $f$ is marked \SYNC* then a dynamically enclosing exception handler encloses the call to \code{moveNext()} that initiated the evaluation of the throw expression. |
+If the same \code{Error} object is thrown more than once, its \code{stackTrace} getter will return the stack trace captured the {\em first} time it was thrown. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:37
Same comment about captured.
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:23
} |
\LMHash{} |
-If $f$ is asynchronous then if there is a dynamically enclosing exception handler $h$ (\ref{try}) introduced by the current activation, control is transferred to $h$, otherwise $f$ terminates. |
- |
-\rationale{ |
-The rules for where a thrown exception will be handled must necessarily differ between the synchronous and asynchronous cases. Asynchronous functions cannot transfer control to an exception handler defined outside themselves. Asynchronous generators post exceptions to their stream. Other asynchronous functions report exceptions via their future. |
-} |
- |
-\LMHash{} |
-If the object being thrown is an instance of class \code{Error} or a subclass thereof, its \code{stackTrace} getter will return the stack trace current at the point where the object was first thrown. |
- |
-\LMHash{} |
The static type of a throw expression is $\bot$. |
@@ -3345,7 +3370,7 @@ Then, if $q$ is a non-factory constructor of an abstract class then an \code{Abs |
\LMHash{} |
If $T$ is malformed or if $T$ is a type variable a dynamic error occurs. In checked mode, if $T$ or any of its superclasses is malbounded a dynamic error occurs. |
- Otherwise, if $q$ is not defined or not accessible, a \code{NoSuchMethodError} is thrown. If $q$ has less than $n$ positional parameters or more than $n$ required parameters, or if $q$ lacks any of the keyword parameters $\{ x_{n+1}, \ldots, x_{n+k}\}$ a \code{NoSuchMethodError} is thrown. |
+Otherwise, if $q$ is not defined or not accessible, a \code{NoSuchMethodError} is thrown. If $q$ has less than $n$ positional parameters or more than $n$ required parameters, or if $q$ lacks any of the keyword parameters $\{ x_{n+1}, \ldots, x_{n+k}\}$ a \code{NoSuchMethodError} is thrown. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:37
less ==> fewer
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:23
\LMHash{} |
Otherwise, if $q$ is a generative constructor (\ref{generativeConstructors}), then: |
@@ -3353,14 +3378,10 @@ Otherwise, if $q$ is a generative constructor (\ref{generativeConstructors}), th |
\commentary{Note that it this point we are assured that the number of actual type arguments match the number of formal type parameters.} |
\LMHash{} |
-A fresh instance (\ref{generativeConstructors}), $i$, of class $R$ is allocated. For each instance variable $f$ of $i$, if the variable declaration of $f$ has an initializer expression $e_f$, then $e_f$ is evaluated, with the type parameters (if any) of $R$ bound to the actual type arguments $V_1, \ldots, V_l$, to an object $o_f$ and $f$ is bound to $o_f$. Otherwise $f$ is bound to \NULL{}. |
+A fresh instance (\ref{generativeConstructors}), $i$, of class $R$ is allocated. |
+Then $q$ is executed to initialize $i$ with its formal parameters bound to the evaluated argument list and, if $R$ is a generic class, with its type parameters bound to $V_1 \ldots V_m$. |
-\commentary{ |
-Observe that \THIS{} is not in scope in $e_f$. Hence, the initialization cannot depend on other properties of the object being instantiated. |
-} |
- |
-\LMHash{} |
-Next, $q$ is executed with \THIS{} bound to $i$, the type parameters (if any) of $R$ bound to the actual type arguments $V_1, \ldots, V_l$ and the formal parameter bindings that resulted from the evaluation of the argument list. The result of the evaluation of $e$ is $i$. |
+If execution of $q$ completes normally, $e$ evaluates to $i$. |
\LMHash{} |
Otherwise, $q$ is a factory constructor (\ref{factories}). Then: |
@@ -3368,11 +3389,15 @@ Otherwise, $q$ is a factory constructor (\ref{factories}). Then: |
\LMHash{} |
If $q$ is a redirecting factory constructor of the form $T(p_1, \ldots, p_{n+k}) = c;$ or of the form $, \ldots, p_{n+k}) = c;$ then the result of the evaluation of $e$ is equivalent to evaluating the expression |
-$[V_1, \ldots, V_m/T_1, \ldots, T_m]($\code{\NEW{} $c(a_1, \ldots, a_n, x_{n+1}: a_{n+1}, \ldots, x_{n+k}: a_{n+k}))$}. If evaluation of $q$ causes $q$ to be re-evaluated cyclically, a runtime error occurs. |
+$[V_1, \ldots, V_m/T_1, \ldots, T_m]($\code{\NEW{} $c(a_1, \ldots, a_n, x_{n+1}: a_{n+1}, \ldots, x_{n+k}: a_{n+k}))$}. If evaluation of $q$ causes $q$ to be re-evaluated cyclically, with only factory constructor redirections in-between, a runtime error occurs. |
+% Used to not have the "in-between" clause, which would disallow a factory constructor redirecting to another constructor which conditionally calls the original factory constructor again with different arguments. |
\LMHash{} |
-Otherwise, the body of $q$ is executed with respect to the bindings that resulted from the evaluation of the argument list and the type parameters (if any) of $q$ bound to the actual type arguments $V_1, \ldots, V_l$ resulting in an object $i$. The result of the evaluation of $e$ is $i$. |
+Otherwise, the body of $q$ is executed with respect to the bindings that resulted from the evaluation of the argument list and the type parameters (if any) of $q$ bound to the actual type arguments $V_1, \ldots, V_l$. |
+If this execution {\em returns} or {\em completes normally} (\ref{completion}), |
+let $i$ be the value {\em returned} by this execution, or \NULL{} if the execution returns without a value or it completes normally. |
+The result of the evaluation of $e$ is $i$. |
\LMHash{} |
It is a static warning if $q$ is a constructor of an abstract class and $q$ is not a factory constructor. |
@@ -3536,16 +3561,16 @@ As discussed in section \ref{errorsAndWarnings}, the handling of a suspended iso |
Function invocation occurs in the following cases: when a function expression (\ref{functionExpressions}) is invoked (\ref{functionExpressionInvocation}), when a method (\ref{methodInvocation}), getter (\ref{topLevelGetterInvocation}, \ref{propertyExtraction}) or setter (\ref{assignment}) is invoked or when a constructor is invoked (either via instance creation (\ref{instanceCreation}), constructor redirection (\ref{redirectingConstructors}) or super initialization). The various kinds of function invocation differ as to how the function to be invoked, $f$, is determined, as well as whether \THIS{} (\ref{this}) is bound. Once $f$ has been determined, the formal parameters of $f$ are bound to corresponding actual arguments. When the body of $f$ is executed it will be executed with the aforementioned bindings. |
\LMHash{} |
-If $f$ is marked \ASYNC{} (\ref{functions}), then a fresh instance (\ref{generativeConstructors}) $o$ implementing the built-in class \code{Future} is associated with the invocation and immediately returned to the caller. The body of $f$ is scheduled for execution at some future time. The future $o$ will complete when $f$ terminates. The value used to complete $o$ is the current return value (\ref{return}), if it is defined, and the current exception (\ref{throw}) otherwise. |
+If $f$ is marked \ASYNC{} (\ref{functions}), then a fresh instance (\ref{generativeConstructors}) $o$ implementing the built-in class \code{Future} is associated with the invocation and immediately returned to the caller. The body of $f$ is scheduled for execution at some future time. The future $o$ will complete when execution of $f$ completes (\ref{completion}). If $f$ completes by {\em returning} a value, that value used to complete $o$, if it {\em completes normally} or by {\em returning} with no value, $o$ is completed with \NULL{}, and if it completes by {\em throwing} an exception $e$ and stack trace $t$, $o$ is completed with $e$ and stack trace $t$ as an error. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:37
I think this has to be "when execution of the body
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:23
I ignored the added return of section 9 because I
\LMHash{} |
-If $f$ is marked \ASYNC* (\ref{functions}), then a fresh instance $s$ implementing the built-in class \code{Stream} is associated with the invocation and immediately returned. When $s$ is listened to, execution of the body of $f$ will begin. When $f$ terminates: |
+If $f$ is marked \ASYNC* (\ref{functions}), then a fresh instance $s$ implementing the built-in class \code{Stream} is associated with the invocation and immediately returned. When $s$ is listened to, execution of the body of $f$ will begin. When $f$ completes: |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:38
When the body of f completes. We also should find
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:22
\begin{itemize} |
-\item If the current return value is defined then, if $s$ has been canceled then its cancellation future is completed with \NULL{} (\ref{null}). |
-\item If the current exception $x$ is defined: |
+\item If $f$ {\em completes normally}, then if $s$ has been canceled then its cancellation future is completed with \NULL{} (\ref{null}). |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:36
the body of f
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:22
+\item If $f$ {\em throws} exception $e$ and stack trace $t$: |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:37
the body of f
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:24
\begin{itemize} |
- \item $x$ is added to $s$. |
- \item If $s$ has been canceled then its cancellation future is completed with $x$ as an error. |
+ \item $e$ and $t$ are added to $s$ as an error. |
+ \item If $s$ has been canceled then its cancellation future is completed with $e$ and $t$ as an error. |
\end{itemize} |
\item $s$ is closed. |
\end{itemize} |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:37
Perhaps here mention that the possibilities break,
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:22
@@ -3554,12 +3579,6 @@ If $f$ is marked \ASYNC* (\ref{functions}), then a fresh instance $s$ implementi |
When an asynchronous generator's stream has been canceled, cleanup will occur in the \FINALLY{} clauses (\ref{try}) inside the generator. We choose to direct any exceptions that occur at this time to the cancellation future rather than have them be lost. |
} |
-\LMHash{} |
-If $f$ is asynchronous then, when $f$ terminates, any open stream subscriptions associated with any asynchronous for loops (\ref{asynchronousFor-in}) or yield-each statements (\ref{yieldEach}) executing within $f$ are canceled, in the order of their nesting, innermost first. |
- |
-\rationale{Such streams may be left open by for loops that were escaped when an exception was thrown within them for example. |
-} |
- |
%\LMHash{} |
%When a stream is canceled, the implementation must wait for the cancelation future returned by \cd{cancell()} to complete before proceeding. |
@@ -3579,7 +3598,11 @@ The contract explicitly mentions a number of situations where certain iterables |
} |
\LMHash{} |
-When iteration over the iterable is started, by getting an iterator $j$ from the iterable and calling \code{moveNext()}, execution of the body of $f$ will begin. When $f$ terminates, $j$ is positioned after its last element, so that its current value is \NULL{} and the current call to \code{moveNext()} on $j$ returns false, as will all further calls. |
+When iteration over the iterable is started, by getting an iterator $j$ from the iterable and calling \code{moveNext()}, execution of the body of $f$ will begin. When $f$ completes (\ref{completion}, |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:38
the body of f
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:23
+\begin{itemize} |
+\item If $f$ {\em completes normally}, $j$ is positioned after its last element, so that its current value is \NULL{} and the current call to \code{moveNext()} on $j$ returns false, as will all further calls. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:37
the body of f
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:24
+\item If $f$ {\em throws} exception $e$ and stack trace $t$ then the current value is \NULL{} and the current call to \code{moveNext()} throws $e$ and $t$ as well. Further calls must return false. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:38
the body of f
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:22
+\end{itemize} |
Each iterator starts a separate computation. If the \SYNC* function is impure, the sequence of values yielded by each iterator may differ. |
@@ -3600,19 +3623,19 @@ Two executions of an iterator interact only via state outside the function. |
\LMHash{} |
-If $f$ is synchronous and is not a generator (\ref{functions}) then execution of the body of $f$ begins immediately. When $f$ terminates the current return value is returned to the caller. |
- |
- |
-\LMHash{} |
-Execution of $f$ terminates when the first of the following occurs: |
-\begin{itemize} |
-\item An exception is thrown and not caught within the current function activation. |
-\item A return statement (\ref{return}) immediately nested in the body of $f$ is executed and not intercepted in a \FINALLY{} (\ref{try}) clause. |
-\item The last statement of the body completes execution. |
-\end{itemize} |
- |
- |
+If $f$ is synchronous and is not a generator (\ref{functions}) then execution of the body of $f$ begins immediately. |
+When $f$ completes (\ref{completion}) by returning a value, that value is returned to the caller. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:37
When ==> If
that value is returned to the caller
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:23
+If $f$ completes by returning without a value or by completing normally, \NULL{} is returned to the callee. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:37
Definitely not callee :)
null is returned ==> the
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:23
-> the invocation evaluates to \code{null}.
+If $f$ completes by {\em throwing}, the invoking call expression throws the same exception object and stack trace. |
+\commentary{ |
+A function body can never {\em abort} by {\em breaking} or {\em continuing} |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:36
abort ==> complete
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:22
+because any \BREAK{} or \CONTINUE{} statement must occur inside a statement |
+which will handle the \BREAK{} or \CONTINUE{}, |
+either by declaring the same label, if the \BREAK{} or \CONTINUE{} has a label, |
+or merely by being a loop or \SWITCH{} statement. |
+This means that a function body can only abort by {\em throwing} or by {\em returning} a value, so a function call expression can always propagate the behavior of the called function's body. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:36
abort ==> complete
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:24
+} |
\subsubsection{ Actual Argument List Evaluation} |
\LMLabel{actualArguments} |
@@ -5012,15 +5035,21 @@ Evaluation of an await expression $a$ of the form \AWAIT{} $e$ proceeds as follo |
First, the expression $e$ is evaluated. Next: |
\LMHash{} |
-If $e$ raises an exception $x$, then an instance $f$ of class \code{Future} is allocated and later completed with $x$. Otherwise, if $e$ evaluates to an object $o$ that is not an instance of \code{Future}, then let $f$ be the result of calling \code{Future.value()} with $o$ as its argument; otherwise let $f$ be the result of evaluating $e$. |
+% NOTICE: Removed the requirement that an error thrown by $e$ is caught in a |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:36
Thank you!
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:23
+% future. There is no reason $var x = e; await x;$ and $await e$ should behave |
+% differently, and no implementation actually implemented it. |
+If $e$ evaluates to an object $o$ that is not an instance of \code{Future}, then let $f$ be the result of creating a new object using the constructor \code{Future.value()} with $o$ as its argument; otherwise let $f$ be the result of evaluating $e$. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:36
The result of evaluating e is o (or maybe an excep
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:22
\LMHash{} |
-Next, execution of the function $m$ immediately enclosing $a$ is suspended until after $f$ completes. The stream associated with the innermost enclosing asynchronous for loop (\ref{asynchronousFor-in}), if any, is paused. At some time after $f$ is completed, control returns to the current invocation. The stream associated with the innermost enclosing asynchronous for loop (\ref{asynchronousFor-in}), if any, is resumed. If $f$ has completed with an exception $x$, $a$ raises $x$. If $f$ completes with a value $v$, $a$ evaluates to $v$. |
+Next, the stream associated with the innermost enclosing asynchronous for loop (\ref{asynchronousFor-in}), if any, is paused. Execution of the function $m$ immediately enclosing $a$ is suspended until after $f$ completes. At some time after $f$ is completed, control returns to the current invocation. If $f$ has completed with an exception $x$ and stack trace $t$, $a$ {\em throws} $x$ and $t$. If $f$ completes with a value $v$, $a$ evaluates to $v$. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:36
I would say that we're not really executing the fu
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:22
%Otherwise, the value of $a$ is the value of $e$. If evaluation of $e$ raises an exception $x$, $a$ raises $x$. |
\commentary{ |
It is a compile-time error if the function immediately enclosing $a$ is not declared asynchronous. However, this error is simply a syntax error, because in the context of a normal function, \AWAIT{} has no special meaning. |
+% TODO(lrn): Update this, it's not actually correct, |
+% the expression "await(expr)" is valid non-async syntax *and* a valid |
+% async await expression. |
} |
\rationale{ |
@@ -5425,6 +5454,29 @@ The static type of a cast expression \code{$e$ \AS{} $T$} is $T$. |
\section{Statements} |
\LMLabel{statements} |
+A {\em statement} is a fragment of Dart code that can be executed at runtime. Statements, unlike expressions, do not evaluate to a value, but are instead executed for their effect on the program state. |
+Some statements can affect control flow, in particular \BREAK{}, \CONTINUE{}, \RETURN{} and \THROW{} statements. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:38
Throw is not a statement, but rethrow is. If you
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:22
+ |
+\LMLabel{completion} |
+Execution of a statement can {\em complete} in two ways: either it {\em completes normally} or it {\em aborts}. It can {\em abort} in one of four ways: Either it {\em breaks} or it {\em continues} (either to a label or without a label), it {\em returns}, either with a value or without one, or it {\em throws} an exception object and an associated stack trace. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:37
Instead of two possibilities, one of which is four
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:23
+ |
+In the description of statement execution, the default is that the execution |
+{\em completes normally} unless otherwise stated. |
+ |
+If the execution of a statement, $s$, is defined in terms of executing |
+another statement, |
+like the body of a loop or the branches of an \IF{} statement, |
+and the execution of that other statement {\em aborts}, |
+then, unless otherwise stated, the execution of $s$ stops |
+at that point and aborts in the same way. |
+ |
+If the execution of a statement is defined in terms of evaluating an expression, |
+like the condition expression of an \IF{} statement or the value of a \RETURN{}, |
+and the evaluation of that expression throws, |
+then, unless otherwise stated, the execution of the statement stops |
+at that point and throws the same exception object and stack trace. |
+ |
+\LMHash{} |
\begin{grammar} |
{\bf statements:} |
@@ -5460,7 +5512,7 @@ The static type of a cast expression \code{$e$ \AS{} $T$} is $T$. |
\LMLabel{blocks} |
\LMHash{} |
- A {\em block statement} supports sequencing of code. |
+A {\em block statement} supports sequencing of code. |
\LMHash{} |
Execution of a block statement $\{s_1, \ldots, s_n\}$ proceeds as follows: |
@@ -5471,10 +5523,8 @@ For $i \in 1 .. n, s_i$ is executed. |
\LMHash{} |
A block statement introduces a new scope, which is nested in the lexically enclosing scope in which the block statement appears. |
- |
- |
- \subsection{Expression Statements} |
- \LMLabel{expressionStatements} |
+\subsection{Expression Statements} |
+\LMLabel{expressionStatements} |
\LMHash{} |
An {\em expression statement} consists of an expression other than a non-constant map literal (\ref{maps}) that has no explicit type arguments. |
@@ -5601,15 +5651,14 @@ The {\em if statement} allows for conditional execution of statements. |
\begin{grammar} |
{\bf ifStatement:} |
- \IF{} `(' expression `)' statement ( \ELSE{} statement)? % we could allow top level expression |
+ \IF{} `(' expression `)' statement ( \ELSE{} statement)? |
. |
- \end{grammar} |
+\end{grammar} |
Execution of an if statement of the form \code {\IF{} (}$b$\code{)}$s_1$ \code{\ELSE{} } $s_2$ proceeds as follows: |
\LMHash{} |
- First, the expression $b$ is evaluated to an object $o$. Then, $o$ is subjected to boolean conversion (\ref{booleanConversion}), producing an object $r$. If $r$ is \TRUE{}, then the statement $\{s_1\}$ is executed, otherwise statement $\{s_2\}$ is executed. |
- |
+ First, the expression $b$ is evaluated to an object $o$. Then, $o$ is subjected to boolean conversion (\ref{booleanConversion}), producing an object $r$. If $r$ is \TRUE{}, then the statement $\{s_1\}$ is executed, otherwise statement $\{s_2\}$ is executed. |
\commentary { |
Put another way, \code {\IF{} (}$b$\code{)}$s_1$ \code{\ELSE{} } $s_2$ is equivalent to |
@@ -5696,7 +5745,13 @@ The expression $[v^\prime/v]c$ is evaluated and subjected to boolean conversion |
\item |
\label{beginIteration} |
The statement $[v^\prime/v]\{s\}$ is executed. |
-\item |
+ |
+If this execution {\em continues} without a label, |
+or with a label that this \FOR{} statement is labeled with (\ref{labels}), |
+then the statement is treated as if it had completed normally. |
+If it aborts in any other way, |
+execution of the for loop stops and aborts in the same way. |
+ |
\label{allocateFreshVar} |
Let $v^{\prime\prime}$ be a fresh variable. $v^{\prime\prime}$ is bound to the value of $v^\prime$. |
\item |
@@ -5740,8 +5795,6 @@ var n0 = $e$.iterator; |
\end{dartCode} |
where \code{n0} is an identifier that does not occur anywhere in the program, except that for purposes of static typechecking, it is checked under the assumption that $n0$ is declared to be of type $T$, where $T$ is the static type of $e.iterator$. |
- |
- |
\subsubsection{Asynchronous For-in} |
\LMLabel{asynchronousFor-in} |
@@ -5749,22 +5802,65 @@ where \code{n0} is an identifier that does not occur anywhere in the program, ex |
A for-in statement may be asynchronous. The asynchronous form is designed to iterate over streams. An asynchronous for loop is distinguished by the keyword \AWAIT{} immediately preceding the keyword \FOR. |
\LMHash{} |
-Execution of a for-in statement of the form \code{\AWAIT{} \FOR{} (finalConstVarOrType? id \IN{} $e$) $s$} proceeds as follows: |
+Execution of a for-in statement, $f$, of the form \code{\AWAIT{} \FOR{} (finalConstVarOrType? id \IN{} $e$) $s$} proceeds as follows: |
2016/10/19 13:37:04
We do have a couple of occurrences of `id` as a me
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/31 16:54:43
\LMHash{} |
-The expression $e$ is evaluated to an object $o$. It is a dynamic error if $o$ is not an instance of a class that implements \code{Stream}. Otherwise, the expression \code{\AWAIT{} $v_f$} (\ref{awaitExpressions}) is evaluated, where $v_f$ is a fresh variable whose value is a fresh instance (\ref{generativeConstructors}) $f$ implementing the built-in class \code{Future}. |
+The expression $e$ is evaluated to an object $o$. |
+It is a dynamic error if $o$ is not an instance of a class that implements \code{Stream}. |
\LMHash{} |
-The stream $o$ is listened to, and on each data event in $o$ the statement $s$ is executed with \code{id} bound to the value of the current element of the stream. If $s$ raises an exception, or if $o$ raises an exception, then $f$ is completed with that exception. Otherwise, when all events in the stream $o$ have been processed, $f$ is completed with \NULL{} (\ref{null}). |
+The stream associated with the innermost enclosing asynchronous for loop, if any, is paused. |
+The stream $o$ is listened to, producing a stream subscription $u$, |
2016/10/19 13:37:04
Yes, thank you! The spec mentions stream subscript
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/31 16:54:43
+and execution of the asynchronous for-in loop is suspended |
+until a stream event is available. |
+This allows other asynchronous events to execute while this loop is waiting for stream events. |
2016/10/19 13:37:05
This sentence should not be normative, but it migh
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/19 14:34:32
I'm not sure where we define "suspend", so I thoug
+ |
+Pausing an asynchronous for loop means pausing the associated stream subscription. |
+A stream subscription is paused by calling its \code{pause} method. |
+\commentary{ |
+The \code{pause} call can throw, although that should never happen for a correctly implemented stream. |
+} |
+If the subscription is already paused, the \code{pause} call may be omitted. |
2016/10/19 13:37:05
I think it gets too difficult to distinguish comme
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/31 16:54:43
\LMHash{} |
-Let $u$ be the stream associated with the immediately enclosing asynchronous for loop or generator function (\ref{functions}), if any. If another event $e_u$ of $u$ occurs before execution of $s$ is complete, handling of $e_u$ must wait until $s$ is complete. |
+For each {\em data event} from $u$, |
+the statement $s$ is executed with \code{id} bound to the value of the current data event. |
2016/10/19 13:37:05
\code{id} --> $id$
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/31 16:54:43
-\rationale{ |
-The future $f$ and the corresponding \AWAIT{} expression ensure that execution suspends as an asynchronous for loop begins and resumes after the \FOR{} statement when it ends. They also ensure that the stream of any enclosing asynchronous \FOR{} loop is paused for the duration of this loop. |
+\LMHash{} |
+If another event $e_u$ of $u$ occurs before execution of $s$ is complete, handling of $e_u$ must wait until $s$ is complete. |
2016/10/19 13:37:04
This could be commentary, but for normative text w
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/31 16:54:43
We can pause the source stream. That will definite
+ |
+\LMHash{} |
+If execution of $s$ {\em continues} with no label, or with a label that prefixes the asynchronous for statement (\ref{labels}), then the execution of $s$ is treated as if it had completed normally. |
2016/10/19 13:37:05
I still think that it's messy to add `{\em ..}` in
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/31 16:54:43
Removing all the {\em's}.
+ |
+If execution of $s$ {\em aborts} in any other way, the subscription $u$ is canceled by evaluating \code{\AWAIT{} v.cancel()} where $v$ is a fresh variable referencing the stream subscription $u$. |
+If that evaluation throws, |
+execution of $f$ throws the same exception and stack trace. |
+Otherwise execution of $f$ aborts in the same way as the execution of $s$. |
+% Notice: The previous specification was unclear about what happened when |
+% a subscripton is canceled. This text is explicit, and existing |
+% implementations may not properly await the cancel call. |
+ |
+Otherwise the execution of $f$ is suspended again, waiting for the next stream subscription event, and $u$ is resumed if it has been paused. |
+If $u$ has been paused more than once, the \code{resume} method is called |
+until $u$ is no longer paused. |
2016/10/19 13:37:05
Couldn't we mandate the interpretation that '$u$ i
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/31 16:54:43
Let's do that.
+\commentary{ |
+The \code{resume} call can throw, in which case it aborts the asynchronous for |
+loop. That should never happen for a correctly implemented stream. |
} |
\LMHash{} |
+On the first {\em error event} from $u$, |
+with error object $e$ and stack trace $st$, |
+the subscription $u$ is canceled by evaluating \code{\AWAIT{} v.cancel()} |
+where $v$ is a fresh variable referencing the stream subscription $u$. |
+If that evaluation throws, |
+execution of $f$ throws the same exception object and stack trace. |
+Otherwise execution of $f$ throws with $e$ as exception object and $st$ as stack trace. |
+ |
+\LMHash{} |
+When $u$ is done, execution of $f$ completes normally. |
+ |
+\LMHash{} |
It is a compile-time error if an asynchronous for-in statement appears inside a synchronous function (\ref{functions}). It is a compile-time error if a traditional for loop (\ref{forLoop}) is prefixed by the \AWAIT{} keyword. |
\rationale{An asynchronous loop would make no sense within a synchronous function, for the same reasons that an await expression makes no sense in a synchronous function.} |
@@ -5783,10 +5879,15 @@ The while statement supports conditional iteration, where the condition is evalu |
\end{grammar} |
\LMHash{} |
- Execution of a while statement of the form \code{\WHILE{} ($e$) $s$;} proceeds as follows: |
+Execution of a while statement of the form \code{\WHILE{} ($e$) $s$;} proceeds as follows: |
\LMHash{} |
-The expression $e$ is evaluated to an object $o$. Then, $o$ is subjected to boolean conversion (\ref{booleanConversion}), producing an object $r$. If $r$ is \TRUE{}, then the statement $\{s\}$ is executed and then the while statement is re-executed recursively. If $r$ is \FALSE{}, execution of the while statement is complete. |
+The expression $e$ is evaluated to an object $o$. Then, $o$ is subjected to boolean conversion (\ref{booleanConversion}), producing an object $r$. |
+ |
+If $r$ is \TRUE{}, then the statement $\{s\}$ is executed. |
+If that execution completes normally or it {\em continues} with no label or with a label that prefixes the \WHILE{} statement (\ref{labels}), then the while statement is re-executed. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:37
For 'for' we have the language "a label that this
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:23
It seems "prefixes" is the wording used in most ot
2016/10/19 13:37:05
New style: 'completes normally or it continues wit
+ |
+If $r$ is \FALSE{}, then execution of the while statement completes normally. |
2016/10/19 13:37:04
+` (\ref{completion})`
\LMHash{} |
It is a static type warning if the static type of $e$ may not be assigned to \code{bool}. |
@@ -5809,7 +5910,12 @@ The do statement supports conditional iteration, where the condition is evaluate |
Execution of a do statement of the form \code{\DO{} $s$ \WHILE{} ($e$);} proceeds as follows: |
\LMHash{} |
-The statement $\{s\}$ is executed. Then, the expression $e$ is evaluated to an object $o$. Then, $o$ is subjected to boolean conversion (\ref{booleanConversion}), producing an object $r$. If $r$ is \FALSE{}, execution of the do statement is complete. If $r$ is \TRUE{}, then the do statement is re-executed recursively. |
+The statement $\{s\}$ is executed. |
+If that execution {\em continues} with no label, or with a label that prefixes the do statement (\ref{labels}), then the execution of $s$ is treated as if it had completed normally. |
2016/10/19 13:37:05
The usual stuff: `If that execution continues with
+ |
+\LMHash{} |
+Then, the expression $e$ is evaluated to an object $o$. Then, $o$ is subjected to boolean conversion (\ref{booleanConversion}), producing an object $r$. If $r$ is \FALSE{}, execution of the do statement completes normally. |
2016/10/19 13:37:05
+` (\ref{completion})`
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/31 16:54:43
Do we need this reference when we had one in the p
+If $r$ is \TRUE{}, then the do statement is re-executed. |
\LMHash{} |
It is a static type warning if the static type of $e$ may not be assigned to \code{bool}. |
@@ -5820,7 +5926,7 @@ It is a static type warning if the static type of $e$ may not be assigned to \co |
\LMHash{} |
The {\em switch statement} supports dispatching control among a large number of cases. |
- \begin{grammar} |
+\begin{grammar} |
{\bf switchStatement:} |
\SWITCH{} `(' expression `)' `\{' switchCase* defaultCase? `\}'% could do top level here and in cases |
. |
@@ -5909,13 +6015,13 @@ The statement \code{\VAR{} id = $e$;} is evaluated, where \code{id} is a variabl |
\commentary{Note that if there are no case clauses ($n = 0$), the type of $e$ does not matter.} |
\LMHash{} |
-Next, the case clause \CASE{} $e_{1}: s_{1}$ is executed if it exists. If \CASE{} $e_{1}: s_{1}$ does not exist, then if there is a \DEFAULT{} clause it is executed by executing $s_{n+1}$. |
+Next, the case clause \CASE{} $e_{1}: s_{1}$ is matched against {\code id} if it exists. If \CASE{} $e_{1}: s_{1}$ does not exist, then if there is a \DEFAULT{} clause, its statements, if any, are executed (\ref{case-execute}). |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:37
It sounds like id might not exist. I would say so
2016/10/19 13:37:04
I suggested switching the order, which would handl
\LMHash{} |
A case clause introduces a new scope, nested in the lexically surrounding scope. The scope of a case clause ends immediately after the case clause's statement list. |
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:23
\LMHash{} |
-Execution of a \CASE{} clause \CASE{} $e_{k}: s_{k}$ of a switch statement |
+Matching of a \CASE{} clause \CASE{} $e_{k}: s_{k}$ of a switch statement |
\begin{dartCode} |
\SWITCH{} ($e$) \{ |
@@ -5926,16 +6032,15 @@ Execution of a \CASE{} clause \CASE{} $e_{k}: s_{k}$ of a switch statement |
\} |
\end{dartCode} |
-proceeds as follows: |
+against a value {\code id} proceeds as follows: |
\LMHash{} |
The expression \code{$e_k$ == id} is evaluated to an object $o$ which is then subjected to boolean conversion yielding a value $v$. |
-If $v$ is not \TRUE{} the following case, \CASE{} $e_{k+1}: s_{k+1}$ is executed if it exists. If \CASE{} $e_{k+1}: s_{k+1}$ does not exist, then the \DEFAULT{} clause is executed by executing $s_{n+1}$. |
-If $v$ is \TRUE{}, let $h$ be the smallest number such that $h \ge k$ and $s_h$ is non-empty. If no such $h$ exists, let $h = n + 1$. The sequence of statements $s_h$ is then executed. |
-If execution reaches the point after $s_h$ then a runtime error occurs, unless $h = n+1$. |
+If $v$ is not \TRUE{} the following case, \CASE{} $e_{k+1}: s_{k+1}$ is matched against {\code id} if it exists. If \CASE{} $e_{k+1}: s_{k+1}$ does not exist, then the \DEFAULT{} clause's statements are executed (\ref{case-execute}). |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:36
Again, it sounds like id might not exist.
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:23
2016/10/19 13:37:05
I'd suggest a similar rewrite as the previous one
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/31 16:54:43
Rewritten again to not say "if such a thing exists
+If $v$ is \TRUE{}, let $h$ be the smallest number such that $h \ge k$ and $s_h$ is non-empty. If no such $h$ exists, let $h = n + 1$. The statements $s_h$ are then executed (\ref{case-execute}). |
\LMHash{} |
-Execution of a \CASE{} clause \CASE{} $e_{k}: s_{k}$ of a switch statement |
+Matching of a \CASE{} clause \CASE{} $e_{k}: s_{k}$ of a switch statement |
\begin{dartCode} |
\SWITCH{} ($e$) \{ |
@@ -5945,19 +6050,56 @@ Execution of a \CASE{} clause \CASE{} $e_{k}: s_{k}$ of a switch statement |
\} |
\end{dartCode} |
-proceeds as follows: |
+against a value {\code id} proceeds as follows: |
\LMHash{} |
The expression \code{$e_k$ == id} is evaluated to an object $o$ which is then subjected to boolean conversion yielding a value $v$. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:37
Note that there may be zero cases, so you need the
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:22
I don't think that is necessary, it's handled at t
-If $v$ is not \TRUE{} the following case, \CASE{} $e_{k+1}: s_{k+1}$ is executed if it exists. |
-If $v$ is \TRUE{}, let $h$ be the smallest integer such that $h \ge k$ and $s_h$ is non-empty. The sequence of statements $s_h$ is executed if it exists. |
-If execution reaches the point after $s_h$ then a runtime error occurs, unless $h = n$. |
+If $v$ is not \TRUE{} the following case, \CASE{} $e_{k+1}: s_{k+1}$ is matched against {\code id} if it exists. |
+If $v$ is \TRUE{}, let $h$ be the smallest integer such that $h \ge k$ and $s_h$ is non-empty. The sequence of statements $s_h$ is executed if it exists (\ref{case-execute}). |
+ |
+\LMHash{} |
+\subsection{ Executing the statements of a switch case} |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:38
Should be a subsubsection of switch I think.
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:24
Absolutely, and should have a more consistent name
+\LMLabel{case-execute} |
+Execution of the statements $s_h$ of a switch statement |
+ |
+\begin{dartCode} |
+\SWITCH{} ($e$) \{ |
+ $label_{11} \ldots label_{1j_1}$ \CASE{} $e_1: s_1$ |
+ $\ldots$ |
+ $label_{n1} \ldots label_{nj_n}$ \CASE{} $e_n: s_n$ |
+\} |
+\end{dartCode} |
+or a switch statement |
+ |
+\begin{dartCode} |
+\SWITCH{} ($e$) \{ |
+ $label_{11} \ldots label_{1j_1}$ \CASE{} $e_1: s_1$ |
+ $\ldots$ |
+ $label_{n1} \ldots label_{nj_n}$ \CASE{} $e_n: s_n$ |
+ $label_{(n+1)1} \ldots label_{(n+1)j_{n+1}}$ \DEFAULT{}: $s_{n+1}$ |
+\} |
+\end{dartCode} |
+ |
+proceeds as follows: |
+ |
+\LMHash{} |
+Execute $\{s_h\}$. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:36
Note that the language about how a case clause int
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:24
+If this execution completes normally, and if $s_h$ is not the statements of the last case of the switch ($h = n$ if there is no \DEFAULT{} clause, $h = n+1$ if there is a \DEFAULT{} clause), then the execution of the switch case aborts by throwing a runtime error. Otherwise $s_h$ are the last statements of the switch case, and execution of the switch case completes normally. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:38
aborts ==> completex
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:23
\commentary{ |
In other words, there is no implicit fall-through between non-empty cases. The last case in a switch (default or otherwise) can `fall-through' to the end of the statement. |
} |
+If execution of $\{s_h\}$ aborts by {\em breaking} with no label, or with a label that prefixes the switch statement, then the execution of the switch statement completes normally. |
+ |
+If execution of $\{s_h\}$ aborts with a continue with a label, and the label is $label_{ij}$, where $1 \le i \le n+1$ if the \SWITCH{} statement has a \DEFAULT{}, or $1 \le i \le n$ if there is no \DEFAULT{}, and where $1 \le j \le j_{i}$, then |
+execution of the switch statement continues with the case labeled by that label. |
+let $h$ be the smallest number such that $h \ge i$ and $s_h$ is non-empty. If no such $h$ exists, and let $h = n + 1$ if the \SWITCH{} statement has a \DEFAULT{}, otherwise let $h = n$. |
+The statements $s_h$ are then executed (\ref{case-execute}). |
+ |
+If execution of $\{s_h\}$ aborts in any other way, execution of the \SWITCH{} statement aborts in the same way. |
+ |
\LMHash{} |
It is a static warning if the type of $e$ may not be assigned to the type of $e_k$. It is a static warning if the last statement of the statement sequence $s_k$ is not a \BREAK{}, \CONTINUE{}, \RETURN{} or \THROW{} statement. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:36
This paragraph and the rest of this section is out
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:22
Moved it to before the subsection.
@@ -6014,25 +6156,12 @@ A \RETHROW{} statement always appears inside a \CATCH{} clause, and any \CATCH{} |
} |
\LMHash{} |
-The current exception (\ref{throw}) is set to $p_1$, the current return value (\ref{return}) becomes undefined, and the active stack trace (\ref{try}) is set to $p_2$. |
- |
-\LMHash{} |
-If $f$ is marked \ASYNC{} or \ASYNC* (\ref{functions}) and there is a dynamically enclosing exception handler (\ref{try}) $h$ introduced by the current activation, control is transferred to $h$, otherwise $f$ terminates. |
- |
-\rationale{ |
-In the case of an asynchronous function, the dynamically enclosing exception handler is only relevant within the function. If an exception is not caught within the function, the exception value is channelled through a future or stream rather than propagating via exception handlers. |
-} |
- |
-\LMHash{} |
-Otherwise, control is transferred to the innermost enclosing exception handler. |
- |
-\commentary{The change in control may result in multiple functions terminating if these functions do not catch the exception via a \CATCH{} or \FINALLY{} clause, both of which introduce a dynamically enclosing exception handler.} |
+The \RETHROW{} statement aborts by {\em throwing} with $p_1$ as the exception object and $p_2$ as the stack trace. |
\LMHash{} |
It is a compile-time error if a \code{\RETHROW{}} statement is not enclosed within an \ON-\CATCH{} clause. |
- |
\subsection{ Try} |
\LMLabel{try} |
@@ -6058,10 +6187,10 @@ The try statement supports the definition of exception handling code in a struct |
\end{grammar} |
\LMHash{} |
- A try statement consists of a block statement, followed by at least one of: |
- \begin{enumerate} |
- \item |
-A set of \ON{}-\CATCH{} clauses, each of which specifies (either explicitly or implicitly) the type of exception object to be handled, one or two exception parameters and a block statement. |
+A try statement consists of a block statement, followed by at least one of: |
+\begin{enumerate} |
+\item |
+A set of \ON{}-\CATCH{} clauses, each of which specifies (either explicitly or implicitly) the type of exception object to be handled, two exception parameters and a block statement. |
\item |
A \FINALLY{} clause, which consists of a block statement. |
\end{enumerate} |
@@ -6071,115 +6200,76 @@ The syntax is designed to be upward compatible with existing Javascript programs |
} |
\LMHash{} |
-An \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause of the form \code{\ON{} $T$ \CATCH{} ($p_1, p_2$) $s$} {\em matches} an object $o$ if the type of $o$ is a subtype of $T$. If $T$ is a malformed or deferred type (\ref{staticTypes}), then performing a match causes a run time error. |
- |
-\commentary { |
-It is of course a static warning if $T$ is a deferred or malformed type. |
-} |
- |
-\LMHash{} |
-An \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause of the form \code{\ON{} $T$ \CATCH{} ($p_1, p_2$) $s$} introduces a new scope $CS$ in which final local variables specified by $p_1$ and $p_2$ are defined. The statement $s$ is enclosed within $CS$. The static type of $p_1$ is $T$ and the static type of $p_2$ is \code{StackTrace}. |
- |
+A try statement of the form \code{\TRY{} $s_1$ $on-catch_1 \ldots on-catch_n$;} is equivalent to the statement \code{\TRY{} $s_1$ $on-catch_1 \ldots on-catch_n$ \FINALLY{} $\{\}$}. |
\LMHash{} |
An \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause of the form \code{\ON{} $T$ \CATCH{} ($p_1$) $s$} is equivalent to an \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause \code{\ON{} $T$ \CATCH{} ($p_1, p_2$) $s$} where $p_2$ is an identifier that does not occur anywhere else in the program. |
- |
\LMHash{} |
-An \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause of the form \code{\CATCH{} ($p$) $s$} is equivalent to an \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause \code{\ON{} \DYNAMIC{} \CATCH{} ($p$) $s$}. An \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause of the form \code{\CATCH{} ($p_1, p_2$) $s$} is equivalent to an \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause \code{\ON{} \DYNAMIC{} \CATCH{} ($p_1, p_2$) $s$}. |
- |
- |
-%If an explicit type is associated with of $p_2$, it is a static warning if that type is not \code{Object} or \DYNAMIC{}. |
+An \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause of the form \code{\ON{} $T$ $s$} is equivalent to an \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause \code{\ON{} $T$ \CATCH{} ($p_1, p_2$) $s$} where $p_1$ and $p_2$ are identifiers that do not occur anywhere else in the program. |
\LMHash{} |
-The {\em active stack trace} is an object whose \code{toString()} method produces a string that is a record of exactly those function activations within the current isolate that had not completed execution at the point where the current exception (\ref{throw}) was thrown. |
-%\begin{enumerate} |
-%\item Started execution after the currently executing function. |
-%\item Had not completed execution at the point where the exception caught by the currently executing \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause was initially thrown. |
-%\commentary{The active stack trace contains the frames between the exception handling code and the original point when an exception is thrown, not where it was rethrown.} |
-%\end{enumerate} |
+An \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause of the form \code{\CATCH{} ($p$) $s$} is equivalent to an \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause \code{\ON{} \DYNAMIC{} \CATCH{} ($p$, $p_2$) $s$} where $p_2$ is an identifier that does not occur anywhere else in the program. |
- \commentary{ |
-This implies that no synthetic function activations may be added to the trace, nor may any source level activations be omitted. |
-This means, for example, that any inlining of functions done as an optimization must not be visible in the trace. Similarly, any synthetic routines used by the implementation must not appear in the trace. |
- |
-Nothing is said about how any native function calls may be represented in the trace. |
- } |
- |
-\commentary{ |
-Note that we say nothing about the identity of the stack trace, or what notion of equality is defined for stack traces. |
-} |
- |
-% Sadly, the info below cannot be computed efficiently. It would need to be computed at the throw point, since at latte points it might be destroyed. Native code in calling frames executes relative to the stack pointer, which therefore needs to be reset as each frame is unwound. This means that the |
-% OS kernel can dispose of this stack memory - it is not reliably preserved. And such code must execute if only to test if the exception should be caught or sent onward. |
- |
-% For each such function activation, the active stack trace includes the name of the function, the bindings of all its formal parameters, local variables and \THIS{}, and the position at which the function was executing. |
- |
- % Is this controversial? We were thinking of viewing the trace as a List<Invocation>, |
- % but that won't capture the receiver or the locals. More generally, we need a standard interface that describes these traces, so one can type the stack trace variable in the catch. |
- |
- \commentary{The term position should not be interpreted as a line number, but rather as a precise position - the exact character index of the expression that raised the exception. } |
- |
- % A position can be represented via a Token. If we make that part of the core reflection facility, we can state this here. |
- |
-\LMHash{} |
-A try statement \TRY{} $s_1$ $on-catch_1 \ldots on-catch_n$ \FINALLY{} $s_f$ defines an exception handler $h$ that executes as follows: |
+An \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause of the form \code{\CATCH{} ($p_1, p_2$) $s$} is equivalent to an \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause \code{\ON{} \DYNAMIC{} \CATCH{} ($p_1, p_2$) $s$}. |
\LMHash{} |
-The \ON{}-\CATCH{} clauses are examined in order, starting with $catch_1$, until either an \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause that matches the current exception (\ref{throw}) is found, or the list of \ON{}-\CATCH{} clauses has been exhausted. If an \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause $on-catch_k$ is found, then $p_{k1}$ is bound to the current exception, $p_{k2}$, if declared, is bound to the active stack trace, and then $catch_k$ is executed. If no \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause is found, the \FINALLY{} clause is executed. Then, execution resumes at the end of the try statement. |
+An \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause of the form \code{\ON{} $T$ \CATCH{} ($p_1, p_2$) $s$} introduces a new scope $CS$ in which final local variables specified by $p_1$ and $p_2$ are defined. The statement $s$ is enclosed within $CS$. The static type of $p_1$ is $T$ and the static type of $p_2$ is \code{StackTrace}. |
\LMHash{} |
-A finally clause \FINALLY{} $s$ defines an exception handler $h$ that executes as follows: |
+Execution of a \TRY{} statement $s$ on the form: |
+\begin{dartCode} |
+\TRY{} b |
+\ON{} $T_1$ \CATCH{} ($e_1$, $t_1$) c_1 |
+\ldots{} |
+\ON{} $T_n$ \CATCH{} ($e_n$, $t_n$) c_n |
+\FINALLY{} f |
+\end{dartCode} |
+proceeds as follows: |
\LMHash{} |
-Let $r$ be the current return value (\ref{return}). Then the current return value becomes undefined. Any open streams associated with any asynchronous for loops (\ref{asynchronousFor-in}) and yield-each (\ref{yieldEach}) statements executing within the dynamic scope of $h$ are canceled, in the order of their nesting, innermost first. |
+First $b$ is executed. |
+If execution of $b$ aborts by throwing with exception object $e$ and stack trace $t$, then $e$ and $t$ are matched against the \ON{}-\CATCH{} clauses to yield a new completion (\ref{on-catch}). |
-\rationale{ |
-Streams left open by for loops that were escaped for whatever reason would be canceled at function termination, but it is best to cancel them as soon as possible. |
-} |
+Then, even if execution of $b$ aborted or matching against the \ON{}-\CATCH{} clauses aborted, the $f$ block is executed. |
-\LMHash{} |
-Then the \FINALLY{} clause is executed. Let $m$ be the immediately enclosing function. If $r$ is defined then the current return value is set to $r$ and then: |
-\begin{itemize} |
-\item |
- if there is a dynamically enclosing error handler $g$ defined by a \FINALLY{} clause in $m$, control is transferred to $g$. |
- \item |
-Otherwise $m$ terminates. |
-\end{itemize} |
- |
-Otherwise, execution resumes at the end of the try statement. |
+If execution of $f$ aborts, execution of the \TRY{} statement aborts in |
+the same way. |
+Otherwise if execution of $b$ threw, the \TRY{} statement completes in the same way as the matching against the \ON{}-\CATCH{} clauses. |
+Otherwise the \TRY{} statement completes in the same way as the execution of $b$. |
+\subsubsection{Matching against \ON{}-\CATCH{} clauses} |
\LMHash{} |
-Execution of an \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause \code{\ON{} $T$ \CATCH{} ($p_1$, $p_2$)} $s$ of a try statement $t$ proceeds as follows: The statement $s$ is executed in the dynamic scope of the exception handler defined by the finally clause of $t$. Then, the current exception and active stack trace both become undefined. |
+Matching an exception object $e$ and stack trace $t$ against a (potentially empty) sequence of \ON{}-\CATCH{} clauses on the form: |
+\begin{dartCode} |
+\ON{} $T_1$ \CATCH{} ($e_1$, $st_1$) \{ $s_1$ \} |
+\ldots |
+\ON{} $T_n$ \CATCH{} ($e_n$, $st_n$) \{ $s_n$ \} |
+\end{dartCode} |
\LMHash{} |
-Execution of a \FINALLY{} clause \FINALLY{} $s$ of a try statement proceeds as follows: |
+If there are no \ON{}-\CATCH{} clauses ($n = 0$), matching completes by {\em throwing} the exception object $e$ and stack trace $t$. |
+Otherwise the exception is matched against the first clause. |
\LMHash{} |
-Let $x$ be the current exception and let $t$ be the active stack trace. Then the current exception and the active stack trace both become undefined. The statement $s$ is executed. Then, if $x$ is defined, it is rethrown as if by a rethrow statement (\ref{rethrow}) enclosed in a \CATCH{} clause of the form \code{\CATCH{} ($v_x$, $v_t$)} where $v_x$ and $v_t$ are fresh variables bound to $x$ and $t$ respectively. |
- |
-\LMHash{} |
-Execution of a try statement of the form \code{\TRY{} $s_1$ $on-catch_1 \ldots on-catch_n$ \FINALLY{} $s_f$;} proceeds as follows: |
+If $T_1$ is a malformed or deferred type (\ref{staticTypes}), then performing a match causes a run time error. |
+\commentary { |
+It is of course a static warning if $T_i$, $1 \le i \le n$ is a deferred or malformed type. |
+} |
\LMHash{} |
-The statement $s_1$ is executed in the dynamic scope of the exception handler defined by the try statement. Then, the \FINALLY{} clause is executed. |
- |
-\commentary{ |
-Whether any of the \ON{}-\CATCH{} clauses is executed depends on whether a matching exception has been raised by $s_1$ (see the specification of the throw statement). |
- |
-If $s_1$ has raised an exception, it will transfer control to the try statement's handler, which will examine the catch clauses in order for a match as specified above. If no matches are found, the handler will execute the \FINALLY{} clause. |
- |
-If a matching \ON{}-\CATCH{} was found, it will execute first, and then the \FINALLY{} clause will be executed. |
- |
-If an exception is thrown during execution of an \ON{}-\CATCH{} clause, this will transfer control to the handler for the \FINALLY{} clause, causing the \FINALLY{} clause to execute in this case as well. |
- |
-If no exception was raised, the \FINALLY{} clause is also executed. Execution of the \FINALLY{} clause could also raise an exception, which will cause transfer of control to the next enclosing handler. |
-} |
+Otherwise, if the type of $e$ is a subtype of $T_1$, then the first clause matches, and then $e_1$ is bound to the exception object $e$ and $t_1$ is bound to the stack trace $t$, and $s_1$ is executed in this scope. |
+The matching completes in the same way as this execution. |
\LMHash{} |
-A try statement of the form \code{\TRY{} $s_1$ $on-catch_1 \ldots on-catch_n$;} is equivalent to the statement \code{\TRY{} $s_1$ $on-catch_1 \ldots on-catch_n$ \FINALLY{} $\{\}$}. |
+Otherwise, if the first clause did not match $e$, $e$ and $t$ are recursively matched against the remaining \ON{}-\CATCH{} clauses: |
+\begin{dartCode} |
+\ON{} $T_2$ \CATCH{} ($e_2$, $t_2$) \{ $s_2$ \} |
+\ldots |
+\ON{} $T_n$ \CATCH{} ($e_n$, $t_n$) \{ $s_n$ \} |
+\end{dartCode} |
\subsection{ Return} |
@@ -6195,31 +6285,12 @@ The {\em return statement} returns a result to the caller of a synchronous funct |
. |
\end{grammar} |
- \commentary{ |
- Due to \FINALLY{} clauses, the precise behavior of \RETURN{} is a little more involved. Whether the value a return statement is supposed to return is actually returned depends on the behavior of any \FINALLY{} clauses in effect when executing the return. A \FINALLY{} clause may choose to return another value, or throw an exception, or even redirect control flow leading to other returns or throws. All a return statement really does is set a value that is intended to be returned when the function terminates. |
- } |
- |
-\LMHash{} |
-The {\em current return value} is a unique value specific to a given function activation. It is undefined unless explicitly set in this specification. |
- |
\LMHash{} |
Executing a return statement \code{\RETURN{} $e$;} proceeds as follows: |
\LMHash{} |
-First the expression $e$ is evaluated, producing an object $o$. Next: |
-\begin{itemize} |
-\item |
-The current return value is set to $o$ and the current exception (\ref{throw}) and active stack trace (\ref{try}) become undefined. |
-\item |
-Let $c$ be the \FINALLY{} clause of the innermost enclosing try-finally statement (\ref{try}), if any. If $c$ is defined, let $h$ be the handler induced by $c$. If $h$ is defined, control is transferred to $h$. |
-\item |
-Otherwise execution of the current method terminates. |
-\end{itemize} |
- |
-\commentary{ |
-In the simplest case, the immediately enclosing function is an ordinary, synchronous non-generator, and upon function termination, the current return value is given to the caller. The other possibility is that the function is marked \ASYNC{}, in which case the current return value is used to complete the future associated with the function invocation. Both these scenarios are specified in section \ref{functionInvocation}. |
-The enclosing function cannot be marked as generator (i.e, \ASYNC* or \SYNC*), since generators are not allowed to contain a statement of the form \code{\RETURN{} $e$;} as discussed below. |
-} |
+First the expression $e$ is evaluated, producing an object $o$. |
+Then the return statement completes by \em{returning} $o$. |
\LMHash{} |
Let $T$ be the static type of $e$ and let $f$ be the immediately enclosing function. |
@@ -6228,13 +6299,6 @@ Let $T$ be the static type of $e$ and let $f$ be the immediately enclosing funct |
It is a static type warning if the body of $f$ is marked \ASYNC{} and the type \code{Future$<$flatten(T)$>$} (\ref{functionExpressions}) may not be assigned to the declared return type of $f$. Otherwise, it is a static type warning if $T$ may not be assigned to the declared return type of $f$. |
\LMHash{} |
-Let $S$ be the runtime type of $o$. In checked mode: |
-\begin{itemize} |
-\item If the body of $f$ is marked \ASYNC{} (\ref{functions}) it is a dynamic type error if $o$ is not \NULL{} (\ref{null}) and \code{Future$<$flatten(S)$>$} is not a subtype of the actual return type (\ref{actualTypeOfADeclaration}) of $f$. |
-\item Otherwise, it is a dynamic type error if $o$ is not \NULL{} and the runtime type of $o$ is not a subtype of the actual return type of $f$. |
-\end{itemize} |
- |
-\LMHash{} |
It is a compile-time error if a return statement of the form \code{\RETURN{} $e$;} appears in a generative constructor (\ref{generativeConstructors}). |
\rationale{ |
@@ -6263,40 +6327,14 @@ Hence, a static warning will not be issued if $f$ has no declared return type, s |
\rationale{ An asynchronous non-generator always returns a future of some sort. If no expression is given, the future will be completed with \NULL{} and this motivates the requirement above.} \commentary{Leaving the return type of a function marked \ASYNC{} blank will be interpreted as \DYNAMIC{} as always, and cause no type error. Using \code{Future} or \code{Future$<$Object$>$} is acceptable as well, but any other type will cause a warning, since \NULL{} has no subtypes.} |
\LMHash{} |
-A return statement with no expression, \code{\RETURN;} is executed as follows: |
+A return statement with no expression, \code{\RETURN;} is executed |
+by {\em returning} with no value (\ref{completion}). |
-\LMHash{} |
-If the immediately enclosing function $f$ is a generator, then: |
-\begin{itemize} |
-\item |
-The current return value is set to \NULL{}. |
-\item |
-Let $c$ be the \FINALLY{} clause of the innermost enclosing try-finally statement, if any. If $c$ is defined, let $h$ be the handler induced by $c$. If $h$ is defined, control is transferred to $h$. |
-\item |
-Otherwise, execution of the current method terminates. |
-\end{itemize} |
- |
-\LMHash{} |
-Otherwise the return statement is executed by executing the statement \code{\RETURN{} \NULL{};} if it occurs inside a method, getter, setter or factory; otherwise, the return statement necessarily occurs inside a generative constructor, in which case it is executed by executing \code{\RETURN{} \THIS{};}. |
- |
-\commentary{Despite the fact that \code{\RETURN{};} is executed as if by a \code{\RETURN{} $e$;}, it is important to understand that it is not a static warning to include a statement of the form \code{\RETURN{};} |
-%in a \VOID{} function; neither is it illegal |
-in a generative constructor. The rules relate only to the specific syntactic form \code{\RETURN{} $e$;}. |
-} |
- |
- |
-\rationale{ |
-The motivation for formulating \code{\RETURN{};} in this way stems from the basic requirement that all function invocations indeed return a value. Function invocations are expressions, and we cannot rely on a mandatory typechecker to always prohibit use of \VOID{} functions in expressions. Hence, a return statement must always return a value, even if no expression is specified. |
- |
-The question then becomes, what value should a return statement return when no return expression is given. In a generative constructor, it is obviously the object being constructed (\THIS{}). A void function is not expected to participate in an expression, which is why it is marked \VOID{} in the first place. Hence, this situation is a mistake which should be detected as soon as possible. The static rules help here, but if the code is executed, using \NULL{} leads to fast failure, which is desirable in this case. The same rationale applies for function bodies that do not contain a return statement at all. |
-} |
\LMHash{} |
It is a static warning if a function contains both one or more explicit return statements of the form \code{\RETURN;} and one or more return statements of the form \code{\RETURN{} $e$;}. |
- |
- |
\subsection{ Labels} |
\LMLabel{labels} |
@@ -6314,7 +6352,12 @@ A {\em label} is an identifier followed by a colon. A {\em labeled statement} is |
\end{grammar} |
\LMHash{} |
- The semantics of a labeled statement $L: s$ are identical to those of the statement $s$. The namespace of labels is distinct from the one used for types, functions and variables. |
+Execution a labeled statement $s$, $label: s_l$, consists of executing $s_l$. |
+If execution of $s_l$ aborts by {\em breaking} with the label $label$, |
+then execution of $s$ completes normally, |
+otherwise execution of $s$ aborts in the same ways as $sl$. |
+ |
+The namespace of labels is distinct from the one used for types, functions and variables. |
\LMHash{} |
The scope of a label that labels a statement $s$ is $s$. The scope of a label that labels a case clause of a switch statement $s$ is $s$. |
@@ -6336,11 +6379,12 @@ The {\em break statement} consists of the reserved word \BREAK{} and an optional |
\end{grammar} |
\LMHash{} |
-Let $s_b$ be a \BREAK{} statement. If $s_b$ is of the form \code{\BREAK{} $L$;}, then let $s_E$ be the innermost labeled statement with label $L$ enclosing $s_b$. If $s_b$ is of the form \code{\BREAK{};}, then let $s_E$ be the innermost \DO{} (\ref{do}), \FOR{} (\ref{for}), \SWITCH{} (\ref{switch}) or \WHILE{} (\ref{while}) statement enclosing $s_b$. It is a compile-time error if no such statement $s_E$ exists within the innermost function in which $s_b$ occurs. Furthermore, let $s_1, \ldots, s_n$ be those \TRY{} statements that are both enclosed in $s_E$ and that enclose $s_b$, and that have a \FINALLY{} clause. Lastly, let $f_j$ be the \FINALLY{} clause of $s_j, 1 \le j \le n$. Executing $s_b$ first executes $f_1, \ldots, f_n$ in innermost-clause-first order and then terminates $s_E$. |
+Let $s_b$ be a \BREAK{} statement. If $s_b$ is of the form \code{\BREAK{} $L$;}, then let $s_E$ be the innermost labeled statement with label $L$ enclosing $s_b$. If $s_b$ is of the form \code{\BREAK{};}, then let $s_E$ be the innermost \DO{} (\ref{do}), \FOR{} (\ref{for}), \SWITCH{} (\ref{switch}) or \WHILE{} (\ref{while}) statement enclosing $s_b$. It is a compile-time error if no such statement $s_E$ exists within the innermost function in which $s_b$ occurs. |
\LMHash{} |
-If $s_E$ is an asynchronous for loop (\ref{asynchronousFor-in}), its associated stream subscription is canceled. Furthermore, let $a_k$ be the set of asynchronous for loops and yield-each statements (\ref{yieldEach}) enclosing $s_b$ that are enclosed in $s_E , 1 \le k \le m$, where $a_k$ is enclosed in $a_{k+1}$. The stream subscriptions associated with $a_j$ are canceled, $1 \le j \le m$, innermost first, so that $a_j$ is canceled before $a_{j+1}$. |
+Execution of a \BREAK{} statement \code{\BREAK{} label;} completes by {\em breaking} with the label \code{label} (\ref{completion}). |
+Execution of a \BREAK{} statement \code{\BREAK{};} completes by {\em breaking} without a label (\ref{completion}). |
\subsection{ Continue} |
@@ -6356,25 +6400,23 @@ The {\em continue statement} consists of the reserved word \CONTINUE{} and an op |
\end{grammar} |
\LMHash{} |
- Let $s_c$ be a \CONTINUE{} statement. If $s_c$ is of the form \code{\CONTINUE{} $L$;}, then let $s_E$ be the innermost labeled \DO{} (\ref{do}), \FOR{} (\ref{for}) or \WHILE{} (\ref{while}) statement or case clause with label $L$ enclosing $s_c$. If $s_c$ is of the form \code{\CONTINUE{};} then let $s_E$ be the innermost \DO{} (\ref{do}), \FOR{} (\ref{for}) or \WHILE{} (\ref{while}) statement enclosing $s_c$. It is a compile-time error if no such statement or case clause $s_E$ exists within the innermost function in which $s_c$ occurs. Furthermore, let $s_1, \ldots, s_n$ be those \TRY{} statements that are both enclosed in $s_E$ and that enclose $s_c$, and that have a \FINALLY{} clause. Lastly, let $f_j$ be the \FINALLY{} clause of $s_j, 1 \le j \le n$. Executing $s_c$ first executes $f_1, \ldots, f_n$ in innermost-clause-first order. Then, if $s_E$ is a case clause, control is transferred to the case clause. Otherwise, $s_E$ is necessarily a loop and execution resumes after the last statement in the loop body. |
+Let $s_c$ be a \CONTINUE{} statement. If $s_c$ is of the form \code{\CONTINUE{} $L$;}, then let $s_E$ be the innermost labeled \DO{} (\ref{do}), \FOR{} (\ref{for}) or \WHILE{} (\ref{while}) statement or case clause with label $L$ enclosing $s_c$. If $s_c$ is of the form \code{\CONTINUE{};} then let $s_E$ be the innermost \DO{} (\ref{do}), \FOR{} (\ref{for}) or \WHILE{} (\ref{while}) statement enclosing $s_c$. It is a compile-time error if no such statement or case clause $s_E$ exists within the innermost function in which $s_c$ occurs. |
- \commentary{ |
- In a while loop, that would be the boolean expression before the body. In a do loop, it would be the boolean expression after the body. In a for loop, it would be the increment clause. In other words, execution continues to the next iteration of the loop. |
- } |
+Execution of a \CONTINUE{} statement \code{\CONTINUE{} label;} completes by {\em continuing} with the label \code{label} (\ref{completion}). |
+ |
+Execution of a \CONTINUE{} statement \code{\CONTINUE{};} completes by {\em continuing} without a label (\ref{completion}). |
-\LMHash{} |
- If $s_E$ is an asynchronous for loop (\ref{asynchronousFor-in}), let $a_k$ be the set of asynchronous for loops and yield-each statements (\ref{yieldEach}) enclosing $s_c$ that are enclosed in $s_E , 1 \le k \le m$, where $a_k$ is enclosed in $a_{k+1}$. The stream subscriptions associated with $a_j$ are canceled, $1 \le j \le m$, innermost first, so that $a_j$ is canceled before $a_{j+1}$. |
- \subsection{ Yield and Yield-Each} |
- \LMLabel{yieldAndYieldEach} |
+\subsection{ Yield and Yield-Each} |
+\LMLabel{yieldAndYieldEach} |
- \subsubsection{ Yield} |
- \LMLabel{yield} |
+\subsubsection{ Yield} |
+\LMLabel{yield} |
\LMHash{} |
- The {\em yield statement} adds an element to the result of a generator function (\ref{functions}). |
+The {\em yield statement} adds an element to the result of a generator function (\ref{functions}). |
- \begin{grammar} |
+\begin{grammar} |
{\bf yieldStatement:} |
\YIELD{} expression `{\escapegrammar ;}' |
. |
@@ -6384,20 +6426,20 @@ The {\em continue statement} consists of the reserved word \CONTINUE{} and an op |
Execution of a statement $s$ of the form \code{\YIELD{} $e$;} proceeds as follows: |
\LMHash{} |
-First, the expression $e$ is evaluated to an object $o$. If the enclosing function $m$ is marked \ASYNC* (\ref{functions}) and the stream $u$ associated with $m$ has been paused, then execution of $m$ is suspended until $u$ is resumed or canceled. |
+First, the expression $e$ is evaluated to an object $o$. If the enclosing function $m$ is marked \ASYNC* (\ref{functions}) and the stream $u$ associated with $m$ has been paused, then the nearest enclosing asynchronous for loop (\ref{asynchronousFor-in}), if any, is paused and execution of $m$ is suspended until $u$ is resumed or canceled. |
\LMHash{} |
Next, $o$ is added to the iterable or stream associated with the immediately enclosing function. |
\LMHash{} |
-If the enclosing function $m$ is marked \ASYNC* and the stream $u$ associated with $m$ has been canceled, then let $c$ be the \FINALLY{} clause (\ref{try}) of the innermost enclosing try-finally statement, if any. If $c$ is defined, let $h$ be the handler induced by $c$. If $h$ is defined, control is transferred to $h$. If $h$ is undefined, the immediately enclosing function terminates. |
+If the enclosing function $m$ is marked \ASYNC* and the stream $u$ associated with $m$ has been canceled, then the \YIELD{} statement completes by {\em returning} without a value (\ref{completion}), otherwise it completes normally. |
\rationale{ |
The stream associated with an asynchronous generator could be canceled by any code with a reference to that stream at any point where the generator was passivated. Such a cancellation constitutes an irretrievable error for the generator. At this point, the only plausible action for the generator is to clean up after itself via its \FINALLY{} clauses. |
} |
\LMHash{} |
-Otherwise, if the enclosing function $m$ is marked \ASYNC* (\ref{functions}) then the enclosing function may suspend. |
+Otherwise, if the enclosing function $m$ is marked \ASYNC* (\ref{functions}) then the enclosing function may suspend, in which case the nearest enclosing asynchronous for loop (\ref{asynchronousFor-in}), if any, is paused first. |
\rationale { |
If a \YIELD{} occurred inside an infinite loop and the enclosing function never suspended, there might not be an opportunity for consumers of the enclosing stream to run and access the data in the stream. The stream might then accumulate an unbounded number of elements. Such a situation is untenable. Therefore, we allow the enclosing function to be suspended when a new value is added to its associated stream. However, it is not essential (and in fact, can be quite costly) to suspend the function on every \YIELD{}. The implementation is free to decide how often to suspend the enclosing function. The only requirement is that consumers are not blocked indefinitely. |
@@ -6450,7 +6492,7 @@ If the immediately enclosing function $m$ is marked \SYNC* (\ref{functions}), th |
\item It is a dynamic error if the class of $o$ does not implement \code{Iterable}. Otherwise |
\item The method \cd{iterator} is invoked upon $o$ returning an object $i$. |
\item \label{moveNext} The \cd{moveNext} method of $i$ is invoked on it with no arguments. If \cd{moveNext} returns \FALSE{} execution of $s$ is complete. Otherwise |
-\item The getter \cd{current} is invoked on $i$. If the invocation raises an exception $ex$, execution of $s$ throws $ex$. Otherwise, the result $x$ of the getter invocation is added to the iterable associated with $m$. |
+\item The getter \cd{current} is invoked on $i$. If the invocation {\em throws} an exception $ex$, execution of $s$ aborts in the same way. Otherwise, the result $x$ of the getter invocation is added to the iterable associated with $m$. |
Kevin Millikin (Google)
2016/10/13 12:18:37
I've always thought that calling current here is w
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen
2016/10/17 10:08:23
This is the *simple* implementation which is basic
Execution of the function $m$ immediately enclosing $s$ is suspended until the nullary method \code{moveNext()} is invoked upon the iterator used to initiate the current invocation of $m$, at which point execution of $s$ continues at \ref{moveNext}. |
\item |
The current call to \code{moveNext()} returns \TRUE. |
@@ -6460,16 +6502,19 @@ The current call to \code{moveNext()} returns \TRUE. |
If $m$ is marked \ASYNC* (\ref{functions}), then: |
\begin{itemize} |
\item It is a dynamic error if the class of $o$ does not implement \code{Stream}. Otherwise |
-\item For each element $x$ of $o$: |
+\item The nearest enclosing asynchronous for loop (\ref{asynchronousFor-in}), if any, is paused. |
+\item The $o$ stream is listened to, creating a subscription $s$, and for each event $x$, or error $e$ with stack trace $t$, of $s$: |
\begin{itemize} |
\item |
-If the stream $u$ associated with $m$ has been paused, then execution of $m$ is suspended until $u$ is resumed or canceled. |
- \item |
-If the stream $u$ associated with $m$ has been canceled, then let $c$ be the \FINALLY{} clause (\ref{try}) of the innermost enclosing try-finally statement, if any. If $c$ is defined, let $h$ be the handler induced by $c$. If $h$ is defined, control is transferred to $h$. If $h$ is undefined, the immediately enclosing function terminates. |
+If the stream $u$ associated with $m$ has been paused, then execution of $m$ is suspended until $u$ is resumed or canceled. |
+\item |
+If the stream $u$ associated with $m$ has been canceled, |
+then $s$ is canceled by evaluating \code{\AWAIT{} v.cancel()} where $v$ is a fresh variable referencing the stream subscription $s$. |
+Then, if the cancel completed normally, the stream execution of $s$ aborts by {\em returning} with no value (\ref{completion}). |
\item |
-Otherwise, $x$ is added to the stream associated with $m$ in the order it appears in $o$. The function $m$ may suspend. |
+Otherwise, $x$, or $e$ with $t$, are added to the stream associated with $m$ in the order they appears in $o$. The function $m$ may suspend. |
\end{itemize} |
-\item If the stream $o$ is done, execution of $s$ is complete. |
+\item If the stream $o$ is done, execution of $s$ completes normally. |
\end{itemize} |
@@ -6497,7 +6542,7 @@ The assert statement has no effect in production mode. In checked mode, executio |
\LMHash{} |
The expression $e$ is evaluated to an object $o$. If the class of $o$ is a subtype of \code{Function} then let $r$ be the result of invoking $o$ with no arguments. Otherwise, let $r$ be $o$. |
-It is a dynamic type error if $o$ is not of type \code{bool} or of type \code{Function}, or if $r$ is not of type \code{bool}. If $r$ is \FALSE{}, we say that the assertion failed. If $r$ is \TRUE{}, we say that the assertion succeeded. If the assertion succeeded, execution of the assert statement is complete. If the assertion failed, an \code{AssertionError} is thrown. |
+It is a dynamic type error if $o$ is not of type \code{bool} or of type \code{Function}, or if $r$ is not of type \code{bool}. If $r$ is \FALSE{}, we say that the assertion failed. If $r$ is \TRUE{}, we say that the assertion succeeded. If the assertion succeeded, execution of the assert statement is complete. If the assertion failed, the execution {\em throws} an \code{AssertionError} with a stack trace corresponding to the \ASSERT{} statement. |
%\Q{Might be cleaner to define it as \code{if (!$e$) \{\THROW{} \NEW{} AssertionError();\}} (in checked mode only). |
%What about an error message as part of the assert?} |