Index: docs/html/depot_tools_tutorial.html |
diff --git a/docs/html/depot_tools_tutorial.html b/docs/html/depot_tools_tutorial.html |
index 3595c59ff974d2b49bcbf0782a880d54c3cc791f..73c545d85c1d487c77cebe2ed421d87fa7807899 100644 |
--- a/docs/html/depot_tools_tutorial.html |
+++ b/docs/html/depot_tools_tutorial.html |
@@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ Chromium using these tools. This will cover:</p></div> |
</li> |
<li> |
<p> |
-<a href="#_tl_dr_walkthrough">TL;DR Walkthrough</a> |
+<a href="#_tl_dr">TL;DR</a> |
</p> |
</li> |
<li> |
@@ -794,6 +794,11 @@ Chromium using these tools. This will cover:</p></div> |
<a href="#_managing_dependent_cls">Managing dependent CLs</a> |
</p> |
</li> |
+<li> |
+<p> |
+<a href="#_example_walkthrough">Example Walkthrough</a> |
+</p> |
+</li> |
</ul></div> |
<div class="paragraph"><p>Please refer to the manpages (or <code>--help</code> output) for details about any of the |
commands mentioned in this tutorial.</p></div> |
@@ -979,6 +984,30 @@ commands:</p></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="sect1"> |
+<h2 id="_tl_dr">TL;DR</h2> |
+<div class="sectionbody"> |
+<div class="listingblock"> |
+<div class="content"> |
+<pre><code><strong><span class="white">$</span></strong> # get the code |
+<strong><span class="white">$</span></strong> # In an empty directory: |
+<strong><span class="white">$ fetch {chromium,blink,...}</span></strong> |
+ |
+<strong><span class="white">$</span></strong> # Update third_party repos and run pre-compile hooks |
+<strong><span class="white">$ gclient sync</span></strong> |
+ |
+<strong><span class="white">$</span></strong> # Make a new change and upload it for review |
+<strong><span class="white">$ git new-branch branchname</span></strong> |
+<strong><span class="white">$</span></strong> # repeat: [edit, git add, git commit] |
+<strong><span class="white">$ git cl upload</span></strong> |
+ |
+<strong><span class="white">$</span></strong> # After change is reviewed, commit with the CQ |
+<strong><span class="white">$ git cl set_commit</span></strong> |
+<strong><span class="white">$</span></strong> # Note that the committed hash which lands will /not/ match the |
+<strong><span class="white">$</span></strong> # commit hashes of your local branch.</code></pre> |
+</div></div> |
+</div> |
+</div> |
+<div class="sect1"> |
<h2 id="_getting_the_code">GETTING THE CODE</h2> |
<div class="sectionbody"> |
<div class="paragraph"><p>Pick an empty directory and run one of the following:</p></div> |
@@ -1004,23 +1033,207 @@ directory:</p></div> |
<div class="paragraph"><p>And finally:</p></div> |
<div class="listingblock"> |
<div class="content"> |
-<pre><code><strong><span class="white">$ gclient sync</span></strong> <b><1></b></code></pre> |
+<pre><code><strong><span class="white">$ gclient sync</span></strong></code></pre> |
</div></div> |
-<div class="colist arabic"><ol> |
-<li> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>This will pull all dependencies of the Chromium src checkout. You will need |
+to run this any time you update the main src checkout.</p></div> |
+</div> |
+</div> |
+<div class="sect1"> |
+<h2 id="_creating_uploading_a_cl">CREATING / UPLOADING A CL</h2> |
+<div class="sectionbody"> |
+<div class="admonitionblock"> |
+<table><tr> |
+<td class="icon"> |
+<div class="title">Note</div> |
+</td> |
+<td class="content">The remainder of the tutorial assumes that your current working directory |
+is the <code>src/</code> folder mentioned in <a href="#_getting_the_code">Getting the code</a>.</td> |
+</tr></table> |
+</div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>Each CL corresponds exactly with a single branch in git. Any time you want to |
+begin a new CL, just:</p></div> |
+<div class="listingblock"> |
+<div class="content"> |
+<pre><code><strong><span class="white">$ git new-branch <branch_name></span></strong></code></pre> |
+</div></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>This will create and checkout a new branch named <code>branch_name</code> which will track |
+the default upstream (which is <code>origin/master</code>). See <a href="git-new-branch.html">git-new-branch(1)</a> |
+for more features, such as the ability to track <em>LKGR</em>.</p></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>Commit as many changes as you like to this branch. When you want to upload it |
+for review, run:</p></div> |
+<div class="listingblock"> |
+<div class="content"> |
+<pre><code><strong><span class="white">$ git cl upload</span></strong></code></pre> |
+</div></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>This will take the diff of your branch against its upstream (<code>origin/master</code>), |
+and will post it to the <a href="">Chromium code |
+review site</a>.</p></div> |
+</div> |
+</div> |
+<div class="sect1"> |
+<h2 id="_updating_the_code">UPDATING THE CODE</h2> |
+<div class="sectionbody"> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>Inevitably, you’ll want to pull in changes from the main Chromium repo. This is |
+pretty easy with <em>depot_tools</em>:</p></div> |
+<div class="listingblock"> |
+<div class="content"> |
+<pre><code><strong><span class="white">$ git rebase-update</span></strong></code></pre> |
+</div></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>This command will update all of your CLs to contain the latest code from their |
+upstreams. It will also automatically clean up CLs which have been committed and |
+a couple other nice things. See <a href="git-rebase-update.html">git-rebase-update(1)</a> for the full |
+scoop.</p></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>One thing to look out for are <em>merge conflicts</em>. These happen for exactly the |
+same as they do with SVN, but the experience is a little more controllable with |
+git. <code>git rebase-update</code> will try to rebase all your branches for you, but if it |
+encounters a merge conflict in one, it will halt and leave you in a rebase |
+conflict state (see <a href="git-rebase.html">git-rebase(1)</a>). Resolving <code>git rebase</code> merge |
+conflicts is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but there are many good sources |
+online (see the <a href="#_prerequisites">Prerequisites</a> for some).</p></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>Sometimes you’re pretty certain that you’ve committed a certain branch, but <code>git |
+rebase-update</code> isn’t able to tell that for sure. This is usually because your |
+branch doesn’t rebase cleanly. You could just delete the branch with <code>git branch |
+-D <branch></code>, but you’d like to double check the diff of your branch against its |
+upstream before deleting it. If this is the case you can abort the rebase |
+started by <code>git rebase-update</code>, and then run <a href="git-squash-branch.html">git-squash-branch(1)</a> to |
+flatten your branch into a single commit. When you run <code>git rebase-update</code> |
+again, you’ll get a (hopefully) much smaller / saner diff. If it turns out you |
+were wrong about your branch being fully committed, you can use |
+<a href="git-reflog.html">git-reflog(1)</a> to reset your branch back to where it was before. If the |
+diff looks inconsequential, you can use <code>git rebase --skip</code> to ignore it, and |
+then <code>git rebase-update</code> will clean it up for you.</p></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>Once you’re done resolving all of the merge conflict, just run <code>git |
+rebase-update</code>, and it will pick up where it left off. Once the command has |
+finished updating all of your branches, it will return you back to the branch |
+you started on.</p></div> |
+<div class="admonitionblock"> |
+<table><tr> |
+<td class="icon"> |
+<div class="title">Note</div> |
+</td> |
+<td class="content">Running <code>git rebase-update</code> will update all your branches, but it will not |
+automatically run <code>gclient sync</code> to update your dependencies.</td> |
+</tr></table> |
+</div> |
+</div> |
+</div> |
+<div class="sect1"> |
+<h2 id="_managing_multiple_cls">MANAGING MULTIPLE CLS</h2> |
+<div class="sectionbody"> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>Sometimes you want to work on more than one CL at once (say, you have a CL |
+posted for review and want to work on something else). For each CL that you |
+want to work on, just use <code>git new-branch <branchname></code>.</p></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>Once you start to have more than one CL at a time, it can be easy to lose your |
+bearings. Fortunately, <em>depot_tools</em> has two tools to help you out:</p></div> |
+<div class="listingblock"> |
+<div class="content"> |
+<pre><code><strong><span class="white">$ git map</span></strong> |
+<span class="white blue-background">*</span>​<strong><span class="blue-background red"> 7dcfe47 </span></strong> <span class="green">(</span>​<strong><span class="aqua">frozen_changes</span></strong>​<span class="green">)</span> <span class="yellow">2014-03-12</span> ~ FREEZE.unindexed |
+* <strong><span class="red">4b0c180</span></strong> <span class="yellow">2014-03-12</span> ~ modfile |
+* <strong><span class="red">59a7cca</span></strong> <span class="yellow">2014-03-12</span> ~ a deleted file |
+* <strong><span class="red">6bec695</span></strong> <span class="green">(</span>​<span class="red">origin/master</span>​<span class="green">)</span> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ Add neat feature <strong><span class="white"><(frozen_changes)</span></strong> |
+* <strong><span class="red">d15a38a</span></strong> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ Epic README update |
+* <strong><span class="red">d559894</span></strong> <span class="green">(</span>​<strong><span class="lime">master</span></strong>​<span class="green">)</span> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ Important upstream change |
+<span class="red">|</span> * <strong><span class="red">9c311fd</span></strong> <span class="green">(</span>​<strong><span class="lime">cool_feature</span></strong>​<span class="green">)</span> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ Respond to CL comments |
+<span class="red">|</span> <span class="green">|</span> * <strong><span class="red">2a1eeb2</span></strong> <span class="green">(</span>​<strong><span class="lime">subfeature</span></strong>​<span class="green">)</span> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ integrate with CoolService |
+<span class="red">|</span> <span class="green">|</span> * <strong><span class="red">d777af6</span></strong> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ slick commenting action |
+<span class="red">|</span> <span class="green">|/</span> |
+<span class="red">|</span> * <strong><span class="red">265803a</span></strong> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ another improvement <strong><span class="white"><(subfeature)</span></strong> |
+<span class="red">|</span> * <strong><span class="red">6d831ac</span></strong> <span class="green">(</span>​<strong><span class="fuchsia">spleen_tag</span></strong>​<span class="green">)</span> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ Refactor spleen |
+<span class="red">|</span> * <strong><span class="red">82e74ab</span></strong> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ Add widget |
+<span class="red">|/</span> |
+* <strong><span class="red">d08c5b3</span></strong> <span class="green">(</span>​<strong><span class="lime">bogus_noparent</span></strong>​<span class="green">)</span> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ Wonderful beginnings <strong><span class="white"><(cool_feature)</span></strong></code></pre> |
+</div></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>Note that this example repo is in dire need of a <a href="git-rebase-update.html">git-rebase-update(1)</a>!</p></div> |
+<div class="listingblock"> |
+<div class="content"> |
+<pre><code><strong><span class="white">$ git map-branches</span></strong> |
+<span class="red">origin/master</span> |
+ <span class="green">cool_feature</span> |
+ <span class="green">subfeature</span> |
+ <span class="aqua">frozen_changes *</span> |
+ <span class="green">master</span></code></pre> |
+</div></div> |
+<div class="dlist"><dl> |
+<dt class="hdlist1"> |
+<a href="git-map.html">git-map(1)</a> |
+</dt> |
+<dd> |
<p> |
-This will pull all dependencies of the Chromium src checkout. You will need |
-to run this any time you update the main src checkout. |
+ This tool shows you the history of all of your branches in a pseudo-graphical |
+ format. In particular, it will show you which commits all of your branches |
+ are on, which commit you currently have checked out, and more. Check out the |
+ doc for the full details. |
</p> |
-</li> |
-</ol></div> |
+</dd> |
+<dt class="hdlist1"> |
+<a href="git-map-branches.html">git-map-branches(1)</a> |
+</dt> |
+<dd> |
+<p> |
+ This tool just shows you which branches you have in your repo, and thier |
+ upstream relationship to each other (as well as which branch you have checked |
+ out at the moment). |
+</p> |
+</dd> |
+</dl></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>Additionally, sometimes you need to switch between branches, but you’ve got work |
+in progress. You could use <a href="git-stash.html">git-stash(1)</a>, but that can be tricky to |
+manage because you need to remember which branches you stashed what changes on. |
+Helpfully <em>depot_tools</em> includes two tools which can greatly assist in case:</p></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p><a href="git-freeze.html">git-freeze(1)</a> allows you to put the current branch in 'suspended |
+animation' by committing your changes to a specially-named commit on the top of |
+your current branch. When you come back to your branch later, you can just run |
+<a href="git-thaw.html">git-thaw(1)</a> to get your work-in-progress changes back to what they were.</p></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>Another useful tool is <a href="git-rename-branch.html">git-rename-branch(1)</a>. Unlike <code>git branch -m <old> |
+<new></code>, this tool will correctly preserve the upstream relationships of your |
+branch compared to its downstreams.</p></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>Finally, take a look at <a href="git-upstream-diff.html">git-upstream-diff(1)</a>. This will show you the |
+combined diff for all the commits on your branch against the upstream tracking |
+branch. This is <em>exactly</em> what <code>git cl upload</code> will push up to code review. |
+Additionally, consider trying the <code>--wordwise</code> argument to get a colorized |
+per-word diff (instead of a per-line diff).</p></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="sect1"> |
-<h2 id="_tl_dr_walkthrough">TL;DR WALKTHROUGH</h2> |
+<h2 id="_managing_dependent_cls">MANAGING DEPENDENT CLS</h2> |
<div class="sectionbody"> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>This section will demo what a typical workflow looks like when writing, updating, |
-and committing multiple CLs.</p></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>Now that you know how to manage <em>independent</em> CLs, we’ll see how to manage |
+<em>dependent</em> CLs. Dependent CLs are useful when your second (or third or fourth |
+or …) CL depends on the changes in one of your other CLs (such as: CL 2 won’t |
+compile without CL 1, but you want to submit them as two separate reviews).</p></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>Like all of the other CLs we’ve created, we use <a href="git-new-branch.html">git-new-branch(1)</a>, but |
+this time with an extra argument. First, <code>git checkout</code> the branch |
+you want to base the new one on (i.e. CL 1), and then run:</p></div> |
+<div class="listingblock"> |
+<div class="content"> |
+<pre><code><strong><span class="white">$ git new-branch --upstream_current <branch_name></span></strong></code></pre> |
+</div></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>This will make a new branch which tracks the <em>current</em> branch as its upstream |
+(as opposed to <em>origin/master</em>). All changes you commit to this branch will be |
+in addition to the previous branch, but when you <code>git cl upload</code>, you will only |
+upload the diff for the dependent (child) branch. You may have as many branches |
+nested in this fashion as you like.</p></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p><a href="git-map.html">git-map(1)</a> and <a href="git-map-branches.html">git-map-branches(1)</a> are particularly helpful when |
+you have dependent branches. In addition, there are two helper commands which |
+let you traverse your working copy up and down this tree of branches: |
+<a href="git-nav-upstream.html">git-nav-upstream(1)</a> and <a href="git-nav-downstream.html">git-nav-downstream(1)</a>.</p></div> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>Sometimes when dealing with dependent CLs, it turns out that you accidentally |
+based a branch on the wrong upstream, but since then you’ve committed changes to |
+it, or even based <em>another</em> branch off of that one. Or you discover that you |
+have two independent CLs that would actually be much better off as dependent |
+CLs. In instances like these, you can check out the offending branch and use |
+<a href="git-reparent-branch.html">git-reparent-branch(1)</a> to move it to track a different parent. Note that |
+this can also be used to move a branch from tracking <code>origin/master</code> to <code>lkgr</code> |
+or vice versa.</p></div> |
+</div> |
+</div> |
+<div class="sect1"> |
+<h2 id="_example_walkthrough">EXAMPLE WALKTHROUGH</h2> |
+<div class="sectionbody"> |
+<div class="paragraph"><p>This section will demo what a typical workflow looks like when writing, |
+updating, and committing multiple CLs.</p></div> |
<div class="paragraph"><p></p></div><div class="listingblock"><div class="content"><pre><code><span style="font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff">$ fetch chromium</span> |
... truncated output ... |
<span style="font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff">$ cd src</span> |
@@ -1047,10 +1260,10 @@ It was a Domo-Kuun. |
* <span style="font-weight: bold; color: #e42e16">2250f53 </span><span style="color: #19c518"></span> <span style="color: #e7e71c">2014-04-10</span> ~ ozone: evdev: Filter devices by path |
* <span style="font-weight: bold; color: #e42e16">33a7a74 </span><span style="color: #19c518"></span> <span style="color: #e7e71c">2014-04-10</span> ~ Always output seccomp error messages to stderr |
<span style="font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff">$ git status</span> |
-# On branch fix_typo |
-# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit. |
-# (use "git push" to publish your local commits) |
-# |
+On branch fix_typo |
+Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit. |
+ (use "git push" to publish your local commits) |
+ |
nothing to commit, working directory clean |
<span style="font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff">$ git cl upload -r --send-mail</span> |
... truncated output ... |
@@ -1066,15 +1279,15 @@ overhead, barely disturbing the thick cigarette smoke. No doubt was left about |
when the fan was last cleaned. |
<span style="font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff">$ git status</span> |
-# On branch chap2 |
-# Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. |
-# |
-# Changes not staged for commit: |
-# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) |
-# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) |
-# |
-# <span style="color: #e42e16">modified: build/whitespace_file.txt</span> |
-# |
+On branch chap2 |
+Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. |
+ |
+Changes not staged for commit: |
+ (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) |
+ (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) |
+ |
+ <span style="color: #e42e16">modified: build/whitespace_file.txt</span> |
+ |
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") |
</code></pre></div></div><p><div class="paragraph"> Someone on the code review pointed out that our typo-fix has a typo :( We're still working on 'chap2' but we really want to land 'fix_typo', so let's switch over and fix it.</p></div><div class="listingblock"><div class="content"><pre><code><span style="font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff">$ git freeze</span> |
<span style="font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff">$ git checkout fix_typo</span> |
@@ -1319,196 +1532,6 @@ development using these tools. Any git workflow is compatible, as long as |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="sect1"> |
-<h2 id="_creating_uploading_a_cl">CREATING / UPLOADING A CL</h2> |
-<div class="sectionbody"> |
-<div class="admonitionblock"> |
-<table><tr> |
-<td class="icon"> |
-<div class="title">Note</div> |
-</td> |
-<td class="content">The remainder of the tutorial assumes that your current working directory |
-is the <code>src/</code> folder mentioned in <a href="#_getting_the_code">Getting the code</a>.</td> |
-</tr></table> |
-</div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>Each CL corresponds exactly with a single branch in git. Any time you want to |
-begin a new CL, just:</p></div> |
-<div class="listingblock"> |
-<div class="content"> |
-<pre><code><strong><span class="white">$ git new-branch <branch_name></span></strong></code></pre> |
-</div></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>This will create and checkout a new branch named <code>branch_name</code> which will track |
-the default upstream (which is <code>origin/master</code>). See <a href="git-new-branch.html">git-new-branch(1)</a> |
-for more features, such as the ability to track <em>LKGR</em>.</p></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>Commit as many changes as you like to this branch. When you want to upload it |
-for review, run:</p></div> |
-<div class="listingblock"> |
-<div class="content"> |
-<pre><code><strong><span class="white">$ git cl upload</span></strong></code></pre> |
-</div></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>This will take the diff of your branch against its upstream (<code>origin/master</code>), |
-and will post it to the <a href="">Chromium code |
-review site</a>.</p></div> |
-</div> |
-</div> |
-<div class="sect1"> |
-<h2 id="_updating_the_code">UPDATING THE CODE</h2> |
-<div class="sectionbody"> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>Inevitably, you’ll want to pull in changes from the main Chromium repo. This is |
-pretty easy with <em>depot_tools</em>:</p></div> |
-<div class="listingblock"> |
-<div class="content"> |
-<pre><code><strong><span class="white">$ git rebase-update</span></strong></code></pre> |
-</div></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>This command will update all of your CLs to contain the latest code from their |
-upstreams. It will also automatically clean up CLs which have been committed and |
-a couple other nice things. See <a href="git-rebase-update.html">git-rebase-update(1)</a> for the full |
-scoop.</p></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>One thing to look out for are <em>merge conflicts</em>. These happen for exactly the |
-same as they do with SVN, but the experience is a little more controllable with |
-git. <code>git rebase-update</code> will try to rebase all your branches for you, but if it |
-encounters a merge conflict in one, it will halt and leave you in a rebase |
-conflict state (see <a href="git-rebase.html">git-rebase(1)</a>). Resolving <code>git rebase</code> merge |
-conflicts is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but there are many good sources |
-online (see the <a href="#_prerequisites">Prerequisites</a> for some).</p></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>Sometimes you’re pretty certain that you’ve committed a certain branch, but <code>git |
-rebase-update</code> isn’t able to tell that for sure. This is usually because your |
-branch doesn’t rebase cleanly. You could just delete the branch with <code>git branch |
--D <branch></code>, but you’d like to double check the diff of your branch against its |
-upstream before deleting it. If this is the case you can abort the rebase |
-started by <code>git rebase-update</code>, and then run <a href="git-squash-branch.html">git-squash-branch(1)</a> to |
-flatten your branch into a single commit. When you run <code>git rebase-update</code> |
-again, you’ll get a (hopefully) much smaller / saner diff. If it turns out you |
-were wrong about your branch being fully committed, you can use |
-<a href="git-reflog.html">git-reflog(1)</a> to reset your branch back to where it was before. If the |
-diff looks inconsequential, you can use <code>git rebase --skip</code> to ignore it, and |
-then <code>git rebase-update</code> will clean it up for you.</p></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>Once you’re done resolving all of the merge conflict, just run <code>git |
-rebase-update</code>, and it will pick up where it left off. Once the command has |
-finished updating all of your branches, it will return you back to the branch |
-you started on.</p></div> |
-<div class="admonitionblock"> |
-<table><tr> |
-<td class="icon"> |
-<div class="title">Note</div> |
-</td> |
-<td class="content">Running <code>git rebase-update</code> will update all your branches, but it will not |
-automatically run <code>gclient sync</code> to update your dependencies.</td> |
-</tr></table> |
-</div> |
-</div> |
-</div> |
-<div class="sect1"> |
-<h2 id="_managing_multiple_cls">MANAGING MULTIPLE CLS</h2> |
-<div class="sectionbody"> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>Sometimes you want to work on more than one CL at once (say, you have a CL |
-posted for review and want to work on something else). For each CL that you |
-want to work on, just use <code>git new-branch <branchname></code>.</p></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>Once you start to have more than one CL at a time, it can be easy to lose your |
-bearings. Fortunately, <em>depot_tools</em> has two tools to help you out:</p></div> |
-<div class="listingblock"> |
-<div class="content"> |
-<pre><code><strong><span class="white">$ git map</span></strong> |
-<span class="white blue-background">*</span>​<strong><span class="blue-background red"> 7dcfe47 </span></strong> <span class="green">(</span>​<strong><span class="aqua">frozen_changes</span></strong>​<span class="green">)</span> <span class="yellow">2014-03-12</span> ~ FREEZE.unindexed |
-* <strong><span class="red">4b0c180</span></strong> <span class="yellow">2014-03-12</span> ~ modfile |
-* <strong><span class="red">59a7cca</span></strong> <span class="yellow">2014-03-12</span> ~ a deleted file |
-* <strong><span class="red">6bec695</span></strong> <span class="green">(</span>​<span class="red">origin/master</span>​<span class="green">)</span> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ Add neat feature <strong><span class="white"><(frozen_changes)</span></strong> |
-* <strong><span class="red">d15a38a</span></strong> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ Epic README update |
-* <strong><span class="red">d559894</span></strong> <span class="green">(</span>​<strong><span class="lime">master</span></strong>​<span class="green">)</span> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ Important upstream change |
-<span class="red">|</span> * <strong><span class="red">9c311fd</span></strong> <span class="green">(</span>​<strong><span class="lime">cool_feature</span></strong>​<span class="green">)</span> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ Respond to CL comments |
-<span class="red">|</span> <span class="green">|</span> * <strong><span class="red">2a1eeb2</span></strong> <span class="green">(</span>​<strong><span class="lime">subfeature</span></strong>​<span class="green">)</span> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ integrate with CoolService |
-<span class="red">|</span> <span class="green">|</span> * <strong><span class="red">d777af6</span></strong> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ slick commenting action |
-<span class="red">|</span> <span class="green">|/</span> |
-<span class="red">|</span> * <strong><span class="red">265803a</span></strong> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ another improvement <strong><span class="white"><(subfeature)</span></strong> |
-<span class="red">|</span> * <strong><span class="red">6d831ac</span></strong> <span class="green">(</span>​<strong><span class="fuchsia">spleen_tag</span></strong>​<span class="green">)</span> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ Refactor spleen |
-<span class="red">|</span> * <strong><span class="red">82e74ab</span></strong> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ Add widget |
-<span class="red">|/</span> |
-* <strong><span class="red">d08c5b3</span></strong> <span class="green">(</span>​<strong><span class="lime">bogus_noparent</span></strong>​<span class="green">)</span> <span class="yellow">2014-03-11</span> ~ Wonderful beginnings <strong><span class="white"><(cool_feature)</span></strong></code></pre> |
-</div></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>Note that this example repo is in dire need of a <a href="git-rebase-update.html">git-rebase-update(1)</a>!</p></div> |
-<div class="listingblock"> |
-<div class="content"> |
-<pre><code><strong><span class="white">$ git map-branches</span></strong> |
-<span class="red">origin/master</span> |
- <span class="green">cool_feature</span> |
- <span class="green">subfeature</span> |
- <span class="aqua">frozen_changes *</span> |
- <span class="green">master</span></code></pre> |
-</div></div> |
-<div class="dlist"><dl> |
-<dt class="hdlist1"> |
-<a href="git-map.html">git-map(1)</a> |
-</dt> |
-<dd> |
-<p> |
- This tool shows you the history of all of your branches in a pseudo-graphical |
- format. In particular, it will show you which commits all of your branches |
- are on, which commit you currently have checked out, and more. Check out the |
- doc for the full details. |
-</p> |
-</dd> |
-<dt class="hdlist1"> |
-<a href="git-map-branches.html">git-map-branches(1)</a> |
-</dt> |
-<dd> |
-<p> |
- This tool just shows you which branches you have in your repo, and thier |
- upstream relationship to each other (as well as which branch you have checked |
- out at the moment). |
-</p> |
-</dd> |
-</dl></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>Additionally, sometimes you need to switch between branches, but you’ve got work |
-in progress. You could use <a href="git-stash.html">git-stash(1)</a>, but that can be tricky to |
-manage because you need to remember which branches you stashed what changes on. |
-Helpfully <em>depot_tools</em> includes two tools which can greatly assist in case:</p></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p><a href="git-freeze.html">git-freeze(1)</a> allows you to put the current branch in 'suspended |
-animation' by committing your changes to a specially-named commit on the top of |
-your current branch. When you come back to your branch later, you can just run |
-<a href="git-thaw.html">git-thaw(1)</a> to get your work-in-progress changes back to what they were.</p></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>Another useful tool is <a href="git-rename-branch.html">git-rename-branch(1)</a>. Unlike <code>git branch -m <old> |
-<new></code>, this tool will correctly preserve the upstream relationships of your |
-branch compared to its downstreams.</p></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>Finally, take a look at <a href="git-upstream-diff.html">git-upstream-diff(1)</a>. This will show you the |
-combined diff for all the commits on your branch against the upstream tracking |
-branch. This is <em>exactly</em> what <code>git cl upload</code> will push up to code review. |
-Additionally, consider trying the <code>--wordwise</code> argument to get a colorized |
-per-word diff (instead of a per-line diff).</p></div> |
-</div> |
-</div> |
-<div class="sect1"> |
-<h2 id="_managing_dependent_cls">MANAGING DEPENDENT CLS</h2> |
-<div class="sectionbody"> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>Now that you know how to manage <em>independent</em> CLs, we’ll see how to manage |
-<em>dependent</em> CLs. Dependent CLs are useful when your second (or third or fourth |
-or …) CL depends on the changes in one of your other CLs (such as: CL 2 won’t |
-compile without CL 1, but you want to submit them as two separate reviews).</p></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>Like all of the other CLs we’ve created, we use <a href="git-new-branch.html">git-new-branch(1)</a>, but |
-this time with an extra argument. First, <code>git checkout</code> the branch |
-you want to base the new one on (i.e. CL 1), and then run:</p></div> |
-<div class="listingblock"> |
-<div class="content"> |
-<pre><code><strong><span class="white">$ git new-branch --upstream_current <branch_name></span></strong></code></pre> |
-</div></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>This will make a new branch which tracks the <em>current</em> branch as its upstream |
-(as opposed to <em>origin/master</em>). All changes you commit to this branch will be |
-in addition to the previous branch, but when you <code>git cl upload</code>, you will only |
-upload the diff for the dependent (child) branch. You may have as many branches |
-nested in this fashion as you like.</p></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p><a href="git-map.html">git-map(1)</a> and <a href="git-map-branches.html">git-map-branches(1)</a> are particularly helpful when |
-you have dependent branches. In addition, there are two helper commands which |
-let you traverse your working copy up and down this tree of branches: |
-<a href="git-nav-upstream.html">git-nav-upstream(1)</a> and <a href="git-nav-downstream.html">git-nav-downstream(1)</a>.</p></div> |
-<div class="paragraph"><p>Sometimes when dealing with dependent CLs, it turns out that you accidentally |
-based a branch on the wrong upstream, but since then you’ve committed changes to |
-it, or even based <em>another</em> branch off of that one. Or you discover that you |
-have two independent CLs that would actually be much better off as dependent |
-CLs. In instances like these, you can check out the offending branch and use |
-<a href="git-reparent-branch.html">git-reparent-branch(1)</a> to move it to track a different parent. Note that |
-this can also be used to move a branch from tracking <code>origin/master</code> to <code>lkgr</code> |
-or vice versa.</p></div> |
-</div> |
-</div> |
-<div class="sect1"> |
<h2 id="_conclusion">CONCLUSION</h2> |
<div class="sectionbody"> |
<div class="paragraph"><p>Hopefully that gives you a good starting overview on Chromium development using |
@@ -1564,7 +1587,7 @@ from <a href=""> |
<div id="footnotes"><hr /></div> |
<div id="footer"> |
<div id="footer-text"> |
-Last updated 2014-04-10 21:30:33 PDT |
+Last updated 2014-04-14 16:26:14 PDT |
</div> |
</div> |
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