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Unified Diff: content/browser/media/cdm/browser_cdm_manager.h

Issue 2380743004: media: Remove Browser CDM implementation (Closed)
Patch Set: media: Remove Browser CDM implementation Created 4 years, 3 months ago
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Index: content/browser/media/cdm/browser_cdm_manager.h
diff --git a/content/browser/media/cdm/browser_cdm_manager.h b/content/browser/media/cdm/browser_cdm_manager.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 51b03693d9d9498c5c97bca4191537d79d2dfeec..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/content/browser/media/cdm/browser_cdm_manager.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/callback.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
-#include "content/common/content_export.h"
-#include "content/common/media/cdm_messages.h"
-#include "content/common/media/cdm_messages_enums.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/browser_message_filter.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message.h"
-#include "media/base/cdm_promise.h"
-#include "media/base/eme_constants.h"
-#include "media/base/media_keys.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/modules/permissions/permission_status.mojom.h"
-#include "url/gurl.h"
-struct CdmHostMsg_CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest_Params;
-namespace media {
-class CdmFactory;
-namespace content {
-// This class manages all CDM objects. It receives control operations from the
-// the render process, and forwards them to corresponding CDM object. Callbacks
-// from CDM objects are converted to IPCs and then sent to the render process.
-class CONTENT_EXPORT BrowserCdmManager : public BrowserMessageFilter {
- public:
- // Returns the BrowserCdmManager associated with the |render_process_id|.
- // Returns NULL if no BrowserCdmManager is associated.
- static BrowserCdmManager* FromProcess(int render_process_id);
- // Constructs the BrowserCdmManager for |render_process_id| which runs on
- // |task_runner|.
- // If |task_runner| is not NULL, all CDM messages are posted to it. Otherwise,
- // all messages are posted to the browser UI thread.
- BrowserCdmManager(int render_process_id,
- const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& task_runner);
- // BrowserMessageFilter implementations.
- void OnDestruct() const override;
- base::TaskRunner* OverrideTaskRunnerForMessage(
- const IPC::Message& message) override;
- bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) override;
- // Returns the CDM associated with |render_frame_id| and |cdm_id|. Returns
- // null if no such CDM exists.
- scoped_refptr<media::MediaKeys> GetCdm(int render_frame_id, int cdm_id) const;
- // Notifies that the render frame has been deleted so that all CDMs belongs
- // to this render frame needs to be destroyed as well. This is needed because
- // in some cases (e.g. fast termination of the renderer), the message to
- // destroy the CDM will not be received.
- void RenderFrameDeleted(int render_frame_id);
- // Promise handlers.
- void ResolvePromise(int render_frame_id, int cdm_id, uint32_t promise_id);
- void ResolvePromiseWithSession(int render_frame_id,
- int cdm_id,
- uint32_t promise_id,
- const std::string& session_id);
- void RejectPromise(int render_frame_id,
- int cdm_id,
- uint32_t promise_id,
- media::MediaKeys::Exception exception,
- uint32_t system_code,
- const std::string& error_message);
- protected:
- friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<BrowserCdmManager>;
- friend class base::DeleteHelper<BrowserCdmManager>;
- ~BrowserCdmManager() override;
- private:
- // Returns the CdmFactory that can be used to create CDMs. Returns null if
- // CDM is not supported.
- media::CdmFactory* GetCdmFactory();
- // CDM callbacks.
- void OnSessionMessage(int render_frame_id,
- int cdm_id,
- const std::string& session_id,
- media::MediaKeys::MessageType message_type,
- const std::vector<uint8_t>& message);
- void OnSessionClosed(int render_frame_id,
- int cdm_id,
- const std::string& session_id);
- void OnSessionKeysChange(int render_frame_id,
- int cdm_id,
- const std::string& session_id,
- bool has_additional_usable_key,
- media::CdmKeysInfo keys_info);
- void OnSessionExpirationUpdate(int render_frame_id,
- int cdm_id,
- const std::string& session_id,
- const base::Time& new_expiry_time);
- // Message handlers.
- void OnInitializeCdm(int render_frame_id,
- int cdm_id,
- uint32_t promise_id,
- const CdmHostMsg_InitializeCdm_Params& params);
- void OnSetServerCertificate(int render_frame_id,
- int cdm_id,
- uint32_t promise_id,
- const std::vector<uint8_t>& certificate);
- void OnCreateSessionAndGenerateRequest(
- const CdmHostMsg_CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest_Params& params);
- void OnLoadSession(
- int render_frame_id,
- int cdm_id,
- uint32_t promise_id,
- media::MediaKeys::SessionType session_type,
- const std::string& session_id);
- void OnUpdateSession(int render_frame_id,
- int cdm_id,
- uint32_t promise_id,
- const std::string& session_id,
- const std::vector<uint8_t>& response);
- void OnCloseSession(int render_frame_id,
- int cdm_id,
- uint32_t promise_id,
- const std::string& session_id);
- void OnRemoveSession(int render_frame_id,
- int cdm_id,
- uint32_t promise_id,
- const std::string& session_id);
- void OnDestroyCdm(int render_frame_id, int cdm_id);
- // Callback for CDM creation.
- void OnCdmCreated(int render_frame_id,
- int cdm_id,
- const GURL& security_origin,
- std::unique_ptr<media::SimpleCdmPromise> promise,
- const scoped_refptr<media::MediaKeys>& cdm,
- const std::string& error_message);
- // Removes all CDMs associated with |render_frame_id|.
- void RemoveAllCdmForFrame(int render_frame_id);
- // Removes the CDM with the specified id.
- void RemoveCdm(uint64_t id);
- using PermissionStatusCB = base::Callback<void(bool)>;
- // Checks protected media identifier permission for the given
- // |render_frame_id| and |cdm_id|.
- void CheckPermissionStatus(int render_frame_id,
- int cdm_id,
- const PermissionStatusCB& permission_status_cb);
- // Checks permission status on Browser UI thread. Runs |permission_status_cb|
- // on the |task_runner_| with the permission status.
- void CheckPermissionStatusOnUIThread(
- int render_frame_id,
- const GURL& security_origin,
- const PermissionStatusCB& permission_status_cb);
- // Calls CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest() on the CDM if
- // |permission_was_allowed| is true. Otherwise rejects the |promise|.
- void CreateSessionAndGenerateRequestIfPermitted(
- int render_frame_id,
- int cdm_id,
- media::MediaKeys::SessionType session_type,
- media::EmeInitDataType init_data_type,
- const std::vector<uint8_t>& init_data,
- std::unique_ptr<media::NewSessionCdmPromise> promise,
- bool permission_was_allowed);
- // Calls LoadSession() on the CDM if |permission_was_allowed| is true.
- // Otherwise rejects |promise|.
- void LoadSessionIfPermitted(
- int render_frame_id,
- int cdm_id,
- media::MediaKeys::SessionType session_type,
- const std::string& session_id,
- std::unique_ptr<media::NewSessionCdmPromise> promise,
- bool permission_was_allowed);
- const int render_process_id_;
- // TaskRunner to dispatch all CDM messages to. If it's NULL, all messages are
- // dispatched to the browser UI thread.
- scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> task_runner_;
- std::unique_ptr<media::CdmFactory> cdm_factory_;
- // The key in the following maps is a combination of |render_frame_id| and
- // |cdm_id|.
- // Map of managed CDMs.
- typedef std::map<uint64_t, scoped_refptr<media::MediaKeys>> CdmMap;
- CdmMap cdm_map_;
- // Map of CDM's security origin.
- std::map<uint64_t, GURL> cdm_security_origin_map_;
- base::WeakPtrFactory<BrowserCdmManager> weak_ptr_factory_;
-} // namespace content

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