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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/html/dom/reflection-misc-expected.txt

Issue 2372593005: Restrict type attribute on menuitem (Closed)
Patch Set: Use ReflectOnly etc. Created 4 years, 1 month ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/html/dom/reflection-misc-expected.txt
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/html/dom/reflection-misc-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/html/dom/reflection-misc-expected.txt
index b9b50761a00cc555129bb6c852a7cf7859e2d889..671d7cffd5c33d43a4f970d9f07c2c8d6b24c43d 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/html/dom/reflection-misc-expected.txt
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/html/dom/reflection-misc-expected.txt
@@ -150,68 +150,7 @@ PASS menuitem.className (<menuitem class>): 32 tests
PASS menuitem.hidden: 33 tests
PASS menuitem.accessKey: 32 tests
PASS menuitem.tabIndex: 24 tests
-PASS menuitem.type: typeof IDL attribute
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL get with DOM attribute unset assert_equals: expected "command" but got ""
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got ""
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to undefined assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "undefined"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "7"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "1.5"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to true assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "true"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to false assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "false"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "[object Object]"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to NaN assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "NaN"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "Infinity"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "-Infinity"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "\0"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to null assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "null"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "test-toString"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "test-valueOf"
-PASS menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "command"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "xcommand" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "xcommand"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "command\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "command\0"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "ommand" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "ommand"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "COMMAND" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "COMMAND"
-PASS menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "checkbox"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "xcheckbox" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "xcheckbox"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "checkbox\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "checkbox\0"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "heckbox" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "heckbox"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "CHECKBOX" assert_equals: IDL get expected "checkbox" but got "CHECKBOX"
-PASS menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "radio"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "xradio" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "xradio"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "radio\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "radio\0"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "adio" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "adio"
-FAIL menuitem.type: setAttribute() to "RADIO" assert_equals: IDL get expected "radio" but got "RADIO"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to "" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got ""
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to undefined assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "undefined"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "7"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "1.5"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to true assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "true"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to false assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "false"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "[object Object]"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to NaN assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "NaN"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "Infinity"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "-Infinity"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "\0"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to null assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "null"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "test-toString"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "test-valueOf"
-PASS menuitem.type: IDL set to "command"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to "xcommand" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "xcommand"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to "command\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "command\0"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to "ommand" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "ommand"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to "COMMAND" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "COMMAND"
-PASS menuitem.type: IDL set to "checkbox"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to "xcheckbox" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "xcheckbox"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to "checkbox\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "checkbox\0"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to "heckbox" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "heckbox"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to "CHECKBOX" assert_equals: IDL get expected "checkbox" but got "CHECKBOX"
-PASS menuitem.type: IDL set to "radio"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to "xradio" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "xradio"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to "radio\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "radio\0"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to "adio" assert_equals: IDL get expected "command" but got "adio"
-FAIL menuitem.type: IDL set to "RADIO" assert_equals: IDL get expected "radio" but got "RADIO"
+PASS menuitem.type: 62 tests
PASS menuitem.label: 32 tests
PASS menuitem.icon: 38 tests
PASS menuitem.disabled: 33 tests

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