(Empty) | |
| 1 <!DOCTYPE html> |
| 2 <html> |
| 3 <body> |
| 4 <h3>Test for chromium bug : <a href="https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/d
etail?id=53693">53693</a>. Tables with display:inline rendered in wrong position
.</h3> |
| 5 <h4>Table was created as Inline renderer and another table renderer is created f
or table's content. So It was displayed as block element and all it's style prop
erties also associated with inline renderer and was not applied to table.</h4> |
| 6 The two blocks below should present in same row, first block with green backgrou
nd color and second block with blue background color. |
| 7 <br/><br/> |
| 8 |
| 9 <table style="display:inline; background: green; width: 100px;"> |
| 10 <tr><td>inline table 1</td></tr> |
| 11 </table> |
| 12 |
| 13 <table style="display:inline; background: blue; width: 100px;"> |
| 14 <tr><td>inline table 2</td></tr> |
| 15 </table> |
| 16 |
| 17 </body> |
| 18 </html> |