(Empty) | |
| 1 <html> |
| 2 <head> |
| 3 <style> |
| 4 @font-face { |
| 5 font-family: 'ahem'; |
| 6 src: url(../../resources/Ahem.ttf); |
| 7 } |
| 8 </style> |
| 9 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../http/tests/inspector-protocol/inspecto
r-protocol-test.js"></script> |
| 10 <script> |
| 11 |
| 12 function test() |
| 13 { |
| 14 InspectorTest.sendCommand("DOM.enable", {}); |
| 15 InspectorTest.sendCommandOrDie("DOM.getLayoutTreeNodes", {}, onLayoutTreeNod
es); |
| 16 |
| 17 function onLayoutTreeNodes(response) |
| 18 { |
| 19 InspectorTest.log("\nLayoutTreeNodes result:"); |
| 20 canonicalizeBackendNodeIds(response); |
| 21 InspectorTest.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2)); |
| 22 InspectorTest.completeTest(); |
| 23 } |
| 24 |
| 25 // While unique the backendNodeId IDs are not stable cross platform, so we c
anonicalize them. |
| 26 var nextId = 1; |
| 27 var nodeMap = {}; |
| 28 function canonicalizeBackendNodeIds(node) { |
| 29 if (node.hasOwnProperty('backendNodeId')) { |
| 30 if (!nodeMap.hasOwnProperty(node.backendNodeId)) { |
| 31 nodeMap[node.backendNodeId] = nextId++; |
| 32 } |
| 33 node.backendNodeId = nodeMap[node.backendNodeId]; |
| 34 } |
| 35 for (var property in node) { |
| 36 if (!node.hasOwnProperty(property) || typeof node[property] === 'obj
ect') |
| 37 canonicalizeBackendNodeIds(node[property]); |
| 38 } |
| 39 } |
| 40 } |
| 41 |
| 42 </script> |
| 43 <template id="shadow-template"> |
| 44 <style> |
| 45 :host { |
| 46 color: red; |
| 47 } |
| 48 </style> |
| 49 <div>Hi!</div> |
| 50 </template> |
| 51 </head> |
| 52 <body class="body-class"> |
| 53 <div style="font-family: ahem;"> |
| 54 <div class="class1">Some Text</div> And More Text |
| 55 <div style="display:inline-block; width: 200px"> |
| 56 <p> |
| 57 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque si
t amet est sem. |
| 58 Aenean ut neque volutpat, posuere odio at, mollis nibh. Aenean sodales n
ulla et |
| 59 ligula efficitur sollicitudin blandit sed lectus. Duis orci enim, sodale
s ac lectus sed, |
| 60 hendrerit efficitur est. Quisque gravida facilisis viverra. |
| 61 </p> |
| 62 <ul class="class3"> |
| 63 <li class="class4"></li> |
| 64 <span>Lets have a span</span> |
| 65 </ul> |
| 66 </div> |
| 67 <div style="transform: rotateZ(90deg); width: 200px">Rotated text!</div> |
| 68 <iframe src="resources/simple-iframe.html" width="400" height="200"></iframe
> |
| 69 <div id="shadow-host"></div> |
| 70 <script type="text/javascript"> |
| 71 var host = document.querySelector("#shadow-host").createShadowRoot(); |
| 72 var template = document.querySelector("#shadow-template"); |
| 73 host.appendChild(template.content); |
| 74 template.remove(); |
| 75 runTest(); |
| 76 </script> |
| 77 </div> |
| 78 </body> |
| 79 </html> |