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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/LayoutGrid.cpp

Issue 2333583002: [css-grid] Update intrinsic size for the extra sizing alg iteration. (Closed)
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 3 months ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/LayoutGrid.cpp
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/LayoutGrid.cpp b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/LayoutGrid.cpp
index aef12064b28b22e8fc7cb60aa7930439b557840b..ad2d435e6ed18da3b5827c4c95ab8faaf56402e2 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/LayoutGrid.cpp
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/LayoutGrid.cpp
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ void LayoutGrid::computeTrackSizesForDirection(GridTrackSizingDirection directio
-void LayoutGrid::repeatTracksSizingIfNeeded(GridSizingData& sizingData, LayoutUnit availableSpaceForColumns, LayoutUnit availableSpaceForRows)
+void LayoutGrid::repeatTracksSizingIfNeeded(GridSizingData& sizingData)
DCHECK(sizingData.sizingState > GridSizingData::RowSizingFirstIteration);
@@ -430,12 +430,43 @@ void LayoutGrid::repeatTracksSizingIfNeeded(GridSizingData& sizingData, LayoutUn
// a new cycle of the sizing algorithm; there may be more. In addition, not all the
// cases with orthogonal flows require this extra cycle; we need a more specific
// condition to detect whether child's min-content contribution has changed or not.
- if (m_hasAnyOrthogonalChild) {
- computeTrackSizesForDirection(ForColumns, sizingData, availableSpaceForColumns);
- computeTrackSizesForDirection(ForRows, sizingData, availableSpaceForRows);
+ bool minContentContributionChanged = false;
+ for (auto* child : m_orthogonalChilds) {
+ if (updateOverrideContainingBlockContentSizeForChild(*child, ForRows, sizingData))
+ child->setNeedsLayout(LayoutInvalidationReason::GridChanged);
+ child->layoutIfNeeded();
+ if (!minContentContributionChanged) {
svillar 2016/09/13 13:44:18 I don't get this. For example for the first orthog
jfernandez 2016/09/13 14:56:59 Umm, why "first orthogonal child" ? We definitivel
+ LayoutUnit minContentInlineSize = child->hasOverrideContainingBlockLogicalWidth() ? child->overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth() : LayoutUnit();
+ minContentContributionChanged = child->logicalHeight() > minContentInlineSize;
+ }
+ }
+ if (minContentContributionChanged) {
+ setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty();
+ updateLogicalWidth();
+ computeTrackSizesForDirection(ForColumns, sizingData, availableLogicalWidth());
+ resolveSizeOfGridRows(sizingData);
svillar 2016/09/13 13:44:18 I have many doubts about the above block. It's lik
jfernandez 2016/09/13 14:56:59 I understand your concerns. However, notice that w
+void LayoutGrid::resolveSizeOfGridRows(GridSizingData& sizingData)
+ bool logicalHeightWasIndefinite = !hasDefiniteLogicalHeight();
+ if (logicalHeightWasIndefinite)
+ computeIntrinsicLogicalHeight(sizingData);
+ else
+ computeTrackSizesForDirection(ForRows, sizingData, availableLogicalHeight(ExcludeMarginBorderPadding));
+ setLogicalHeight(computeTrackBasedLogicalHeight(sizingData) + borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight() + scrollbarLogicalHeight());
+ updateLogicalHeight();
+ // The above call might have changed the grid's logical height depending on min|max height restrictions.
+ // Update the sizes of the rows whose size depends on the logical height (also on definite|indefinite sizes).
+ LayoutUnit availableSpaceForRows = contentLogicalHeight();
+ if (logicalHeightWasIndefinite)
+ computeTrackSizesForDirection(ForRows, sizingData, availableSpaceForRows);
void LayoutGrid::layoutBlock(bool relayoutChildren)
@@ -453,7 +484,6 @@ void LayoutGrid::layoutBlock(bool relayoutChildren)
LayoutSize previousSize = size();
- bool logicalHeightWasIndefinite = !hasDefiniteLogicalHeight();
TextAutosizer::LayoutScope textAutosizerLayoutScope(this, &layoutScope);
@@ -470,30 +500,17 @@ void LayoutGrid::layoutBlock(bool relayoutChildren)
// properly resolves intrinsic sizes. We cannot do the same for heights though because many code
// paths inside updateLogicalHeight() require a previous call to setLogicalHeight() to resolve
// heights properly (like for positioned items for example).
- LayoutUnit availableSpaceForColumns = availableLogicalWidth();
- computeTrackSizesForDirection(ForColumns, sizingData, availableSpaceForColumns);
+ computeTrackSizesForDirection(ForColumns, sizingData, availableLogicalWidth());
// 2- Next, the track sizing algorithm resolves the sizes of the grid rows, using the
// grid column sizes calculated in the previous step.
- if (logicalHeightWasIndefinite)
- computeIntrinsicLogicalHeight(sizingData);
- else
- computeTrackSizesForDirection(ForRows, sizingData, availableLogicalHeight(ExcludeMarginBorderPadding));
- setLogicalHeight(computeTrackBasedLogicalHeight(sizingData) + borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight() + scrollbarLogicalHeight());
LayoutUnit oldClientAfterEdge = clientLogicalBottom();
- updateLogicalHeight();
- // The above call might have changed the grid's logical height depending on min|max height restrictions.
- // Update the sizes of the rows whose size depends on the logical height (also on definite|indefinite sizes).
- LayoutUnit availableSpaceForRows = contentLogicalHeight();
- if (logicalHeightWasIndefinite)
- computeTrackSizesForDirection(ForRows, sizingData, availableSpaceForRows);
+ resolveSizeOfGridRows(sizingData);
// 3- If the min-content contribution of any grid items have changed based on the row
// sizes calculated in step 2, steps 1 and 2 are repeated with the new min-content
// contribution (once only).
- repeatTracksSizingIfNeeded(sizingData, availableSpaceForColumns, availableSpaceForRows);
+ repeatTracksSizingIfNeeded(sizingData);
// Grid container should have the minimum height of a line if it's editable. That doesn't affect track sizing though.
if (hasLineIfEmpty())
@@ -1565,12 +1582,13 @@ void LayoutGrid::placeItemsOnGrid(SizingOperation sizingOperation)
Vector<LayoutBox*> autoMajorAxisAutoGridItems;
Vector<LayoutBox*> specifiedMajorAxisAutoGridItems;
- m_hasAnyOrthogonalChild = false;
+ m_orthogonalChilds.shrink(0);
for (LayoutBox* child = m_orderIterator.first(); child; child = {
if (child->isOutOfFlowPositioned())
- m_hasAnyOrthogonalChild = m_hasAnyOrthogonalChild || isOrthogonalChild(*child);
+ if (isOrthogonalChild(*child))
+ m_orthogonalChilds.append(child);
GridArea area = cachedGridArea(*child);
if (!area.rows.isIndefinite())

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