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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/Source/core/css/RuleFeature.cpp

Issue 2305593002: Refactored invalidation set extraction. (Closed)
Patch Set: Fixed comment Created 4 years, 3 months ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/Source/core/css/RuleFeature.cpp
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/css/RuleFeature.cpp b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/css/RuleFeature.cpp
index 8ba872b147dd812063caee2a940108d165509c56..899f7e2fcea8c44a27163d79c31bdb5ab238b7ff 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/css/RuleFeature.cpp
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/css/RuleFeature.cpp
@@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ namespace blink {
namespace {
bool supportsInvalidation(CSSSelector::MatchType match)
switch (match) {
@@ -66,11 +64,11 @@ bool supportsInvalidation(CSSSelector::MatchType match)
case CSSSelector::Unknown:
case CSSSelector::PagePseudoClass:
// These should not appear in StyleRule selectors.
return false;
// New match type added. Figure out if it needs a subtree invalidation or not.
return false;
@@ -162,11 +160,11 @@ bool supportsInvalidation(CSSSelector::PseudoType type)
case CSSSelector::PseudoRightPage:
case CSSSelector::PseudoFirstPage:
// These should not appear in StyleRule selectors.
return false;
// New pseudo type added. Figure out if it needs a subtree invalidation or not.
return false;
@@ -181,12 +179,10 @@ bool supportsInvalidationWithSelectorList(CSSSelector::PseudoType pseudo)
|| pseudo == CSSSelector::PseudoSlotted;
-#endif // ENABLE(ASSERT)
bool requiresSubtreeInvalidation(const CSSSelector& selector)
if (selector.match() != CSSSelector::PseudoElement && selector.match() != CSSSelector::PseudoClass) {
- ASSERT(supportsInvalidation(selector.match()));
+ DCHECK(supportsInvalidation(selector.match()));
return false;
@@ -201,7 +197,7 @@ bool requiresSubtreeInvalidation(const CSSSelector& selector)
// :host-context matches an ancestor of the shadow host.
return true;
- ASSERT(supportsInvalidation(selector.getPseudoType()));
+ DCHECK(supportsInvalidation(selector.getPseudoType()));
return false;
@@ -294,37 +290,80 @@ ALWAYS_INLINE InvalidationSet& RuleFeatureSet::ensurePseudoInvalidationSet(CSSSe
return ensureInvalidationSet(m_pseudoInvalidationSets, pseudoType, type);
-bool RuleFeatureSet::extractInvalidationSetFeature(const CSSSelector& selector, InvalidationSetFeatures& features)
+void RuleFeatureSet::updateFeaturesFromCombinator(
+ const CSSSelector& lastInCompound,
+ const CSSSelector* lastCompoundInAdjacentChain,
+ InvalidationSetFeatures& lastCompoundInAdjacentChainFeatures,
+ InvalidationSetFeatures*& siblingFeatures,
+ InvalidationSetFeatures& descendantFeatures)
+ if (lastInCompound.isAdjacentSelector()) {
+ if (!siblingFeatures) {
+ siblingFeatures = &lastCompoundInAdjacentChainFeatures;
+ if (lastCompoundInAdjacentChain) {
+ extractInvalidationSetFeaturesFromCompound(*lastCompoundInAdjacentChain, lastCompoundInAdjacentChainFeatures, Ancestor);
+ if (!lastCompoundInAdjacentChainFeatures.hasFeatures())
+ lastCompoundInAdjacentChainFeatures.forceSubtree = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (siblingFeatures->maxDirectAdjacentSelectors == UINT_MAX)
+ return;
+ if (lastInCompound.relation() == CSSSelector::DirectAdjacent)
+ ++siblingFeatures->maxDirectAdjacentSelectors;
+ else
+ siblingFeatures->maxDirectAdjacentSelectors = UINT_MAX;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (siblingFeatures && lastCompoundInAdjacentChainFeatures.maxDirectAdjacentSelectors)
+ lastCompoundInAdjacentChainFeatures = InvalidationSetFeatures();
+ siblingFeatures = nullptr;
+ if (lastInCompound.isShadowSelector())
+ descendantFeatures.treeBoundaryCrossing = true;
+ if (lastInCompound.relation() == CSSSelector::ShadowSlot || lastInCompound.relationIsAffectedByPseudoContent())
+ descendantFeatures.insertionPointCrossing = true;
+ if (lastInCompound.relationIsAffectedByPseudoContent())
+ descendantFeatures.contentPseudoCrossing = true;
+void RuleFeatureSet::extractInvalidationSetFeaturesFromSimpleSelector(const CSSSelector& selector, InvalidationSetFeatures& features)
if (selector.match() == CSSSelector::Tag && selector.tagQName().localName() != starAtom) {
- return true;
+ return;
if (selector.match() == CSSSelector::Id) {
- return true;
+ return;
if (selector.match() == CSSSelector::Class) {
- return true;
+ return;
if (selector.isAttributeSelector()) {
- return true;
+ return;
- if (selector.getPseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoWebKitCustomElement || selector.getPseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoBlinkInternalElement) {
+ switch (selector.getPseudoType()) {
+ case CSSSelector::PseudoWebKitCustomElement:
+ case CSSSelector::PseudoBlinkInternalElement:
features.customPseudoElement = true;
- return true;
- }
- // Returning false for ::before and ::after as they are not used as
- // invalidation set features, only used later to generate invalidation sets
- // for attributes present in "content: attr(...)" declarations.
- if (selector.getPseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoBefore || selector.getPseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoAfter)
+ return;
+ case CSSSelector::PseudoBefore:
+ case CSSSelector::PseudoAfter:
features.hasBeforeOrAfter = true;
- return false;
+ return;
+ case CSSSelector::PseudoSlotted:
+ features.invalidatesSlotted = true;
+ return;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
-InvalidationSet* RuleFeatureSet::invalidationSetForSelector(const CSSSelector& selector, InvalidationType type)
+InvalidationSet* RuleFeatureSet::invalidationSetForSimpleSelector(const CSSSelector& selector, InvalidationType type)
if (selector.match() == CSSSelector::Class)
return &ensureClassInvalidationSet(selector.value(), type);
@@ -382,35 +421,38 @@ InvalidationSet* RuleFeatureSet::invalidationSetForSelector(const CSSSelector& s
return nullptr;
-// Given a rule, update the descendant invalidation sets for the features found
-// in its selector. The first step is to extract the features from the rightmost
-// compound selector (extractInvalidationSetFeatures). Secondly, add those features
-// to the invalidation sets for the features found in the other compound selectors
-// (addFeaturesToInvalidationSets). If we find a feature in the right-most compound
-// selector that requires a subtree recalc, we addFeaturesToInvalidationSets for the
-// rightmost compound selector as well.
void RuleFeatureSet::updateInvalidationSets(const RuleData& ruleData)
+ // Given a rule, update the descendant invalidation sets for the features
+ // found in its selector. The first step is to extract the features from the
+ // rightmost compound selector (extractInvalidationSetFeaturesFromCompound).
+ // Secondly, add those features to the invalidation sets for the features
+ // found in the other compound selectors (addFeaturesToInvalidationSets). If
+ // we find a feature in the right-most compound selector that requires a
+ // subtree recalc, nextCompound will be the rightmost compound and we will
+ // addFeaturesToInvalidationSets for that one as well.
InvalidationSetFeatures features;
- auto result = extractInvalidationSetFeatures(ruleData.selector(), features, Subject);
- features.forceSubtree = result.second == ForceSubtree;
- if (result.first) {
- addFeaturesToInvalidationSets(result.first, features.adjacent ? &features : nullptr, features);
- } else if (features.hasNthPseudo) {
- DCHECK(m_nthInvalidationSet);
- addFeaturesToInvalidationSet(*m_nthInvalidationSet, features);
- }
+ const CSSSelector* nextCompound = extractInvalidationSetFeaturesFromCompound(ruleData.selector(), features, Subject);
+ if (!features.hasFeatures())
+ features.forceSubtree = true;
+ if (nextCompound)
+ addFeaturesToInvalidationSets(*nextCompound, features);
+ else if (features.hasNthPseudo)
+ addFeaturesToInvalidationSet(ensureNthInvalidationSet(), features);
- // If any ::before and ::after rules specify 'content: attr(...)', we
- // need to create invalidation sets for those attributes.
if (features.hasBeforeOrAfter)
void RuleFeatureSet::updateInvalidationSetsForContentAttribute(const RuleData& ruleData)
+ // If any ::before and ::after rules specify 'content: attr(...)', we
+ // need to create invalidation sets for those attributes to have content
+ // changes applied through style recalc.
const StylePropertySet& propertySet = ruleData.rule()->properties();
int propertyIndex = propertySet.findPropertyIndex(CSSPropertyContent);
@@ -434,74 +476,101 @@ void RuleFeatureSet::updateInvalidationSetsForContentAttribute(const RuleData& r
-std::pair<const CSSSelector*, RuleFeatureSet::UseFeaturesType>
-RuleFeatureSet::extractInvalidationSetFeatures(const CSSSelector& selector, InvalidationSetFeatures& features, PositionType position, CSSSelector::PseudoType pseudo)
+const CSSSelector*
+RuleFeatureSet::extractInvalidationSetFeaturesFromSelectorList(const CSSSelector& simpleSelector, InvalidationSetFeatures& features, PositionType position)
- bool foundFeatures = false;
- for (const CSSSelector* current = &selector; current; current = current->tagHistory()) {
- if (pseudo != CSSSelector::PseudoNot)
- foundFeatures |= extractInvalidationSetFeature(*current, features);
- // Initialize the entry in the invalidation set map, if supported.
- if (InvalidationSet* invalidationSet = invalidationSetForSelector(*current, InvalidateDescendants)) {
- if (position == Subject) {
- if (invalidationSet == m_nthInvalidationSet)
- features.hasNthPseudo = true;
- else
- invalidationSet->setInvalidatesSelf();
- }
- } else {
- if (requiresSubtreeInvalidation(*current)) {
- // Fall back to use subtree invalidations, even for features in the
- // rightmost compound selector. Returning the start &selector here
- // will make addFeaturesToInvalidationSets start marking invalidation
- // sets for subtree recalc for features in the rightmost compound
- // selector.
- return std::make_pair(&selector, ForceSubtree);
- }
- if (const CSSSelectorList* selectorList = current->selectorList()) {
- if (current->getPseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoSlotted) {
- ASSERT(position == Subject);
- features.invalidatesSlotted = true;
- }
- ASSERT(supportsInvalidationWithSelectorList(current->getPseudoType()));
- const CSSSelector* subSelector = selectorList->first();
- bool allSubSelectorsHaveFeatures = !!subSelector;
- for (; subSelector; subSelector = CSSSelectorList::next(*subSelector)) {
- auto result = extractInvalidationSetFeatures(*subSelector, features, position, current->getPseudoType());
- if (result.first) {
- // A non-null selector return means the sub-selector contained a
- // selector which requiresSubtreeInvalidation(). Return the rightmost
- // selector to mark for subtree recalcs like above.
- return std::make_pair(&selector, ForceSubtree);
- }
- allSubSelectorsHaveFeatures &= result.second == UseFeatures;
- }
- foundFeatures |= allSubSelectorsHaveFeatures;
- }
+ const CSSSelectorList* selectorList = simpleSelector.selectorList();
+ if (!selectorList)
+ return nullptr;
+ DCHECK(supportsInvalidationWithSelectorList(simpleSelector.getPseudoType()));
+ const CSSSelector* subSelector = selectorList->first();
+ bool allSubSelectorsHaveFeatures = true;
+ InvalidationSetFeatures anyFeatures;
+ for (; subSelector; subSelector = CSSSelectorList::next(*subSelector)) {
+ InvalidationSetFeatures compoundFeatures;
+ if (extractInvalidationSetFeaturesFromCompound(*subSelector, compoundFeatures, position, simpleSelector.getPseudoType())) {
+ // A non-null selector return means the sub-selector contained a
+ // selector which requiresSubtreeInvalidation().
+ DCHECK(compoundFeatures.forceSubtree);
+ features.forceSubtree = true;
+ return &simpleSelector;
+ if (allSubSelectorsHaveFeatures && !compoundFeatures.hasFeatures())
+ allSubSelectorsHaveFeatures = false;
+ else
+ anyFeatures.add(compoundFeatures);
+ if (compoundFeatures.hasNthPseudo)
+ features.hasNthPseudo = true;
+ }
+ // Don't add any features if one of the sub-selectors of does not contain
+ // any invalidation set features. E.g. :-webkit-any(*, span).
+ if (allSubSelectorsHaveFeatures)
+ features.add(anyFeatures);
+ return nullptr;
- if (current->relation() == CSSSelector::SubSelector)
- continue;
+const CSSSelector*
+RuleFeatureSet::extractInvalidationSetFeaturesFromCompound(const CSSSelector& compound, InvalidationSetFeatures& features, PositionType position, CSSSelector::PseudoType pseudo)
+ const CSSSelector* simpleSelector = &compound;
+ for (; simpleSelector; simpleSelector = simpleSelector->tagHistory()) {
+ // Fall back to use subtree invalidations, even for features in the
+ // rightmost compound selector. Returning the start &selector here
+ // will make addFeaturesToInvalidationSets start marking invalidation
+ // sets for subtree recalc for features in the rightmost compound
+ // selector.
+ if (requiresSubtreeInvalidation(*simpleSelector)) {
+ features.forceSubtree = true;
+ return &compound;
+ }
- if (features.hasNthPseudo && position == Subject) {
- DCHECK(m_nthInvalidationSet);
- if (foundFeatures)
- addFeaturesToInvalidationSet(*m_nthInvalidationSet, features);
- else
- m_nthInvalidationSet->setWholeSubtreeInvalid();
+ // When inside a :not(), we should not use the found features for
+ // invalidation because we should invalidate elements _without_ that
+ // feature. On the other hand, we should still have invalidation sets
+ // for the features since we are able to detect when they change.
+ // That is, ".a" should not have ".b" in its invalidation set for
+ // ".a :not(.b)", but there should be an invalidation set for ".a" in
+ // ":not(.a) .b".
+ if (pseudo != CSSSelector::PseudoNot)
+ extractInvalidationSetFeaturesFromSimpleSelector(*simpleSelector, features);
+ // Initialize the entry in the invalidation set map for self-
+ // invalidation, if supported.
+ if (InvalidationSet* invalidationSet = invalidationSetForSimpleSelector(*simpleSelector, InvalidateDescendants)) {
+ if (invalidationSet == m_nthInvalidationSet)
+ features.hasNthPseudo = true;
+ else if (position == Subject)
+ invalidationSet->setInvalidatesSelf();
+ }
+ if (extractInvalidationSetFeaturesFromSelectorList(*simpleSelector, features, position)) {
+ DCHECK(features.forceSubtree);
+ return &compound;
- features.treeBoundaryCrossing = current->isShadowSelector();
- if (current->relationIsAffectedByPseudoContent()) {
- features.contentPseudoCrossing = true;
- features.insertionPointCrossing = true;
+ if (simpleSelector->relation() == CSSSelector::SubSelector)
+ continue;
+ if (position == Subject) {
+ if (features.hasNthPseudo) {
+ DCHECK(m_nthInvalidationSet);
+ if (features.hasFeatures())
+ addFeaturesToInvalidationSet(*m_nthInvalidationSet, features);
+ else
+ m_nthInvalidationSet->setWholeSubtreeInvalid();
+ }
+ InvalidationSetFeatures* siblingFeatures = nullptr;
+ updateFeaturesFromCombinator(*simpleSelector, nullptr, features, siblingFeatures, features);
- features.adjacent = current->isAdjacentSelector();
- if (current->relation() == CSSSelector::DirectAdjacent)
- features.maxDirectAdjacentSelectors = 1;
- return std::make_pair(current->tagHistory(), foundFeatures ? UseFeatures : ForceSubtree);
+ return simpleSelector->tagHistory();
- return std::make_pair(nullptr, foundFeatures ? UseFeatures : ForceSubtree);
+ return nullptr;
// Add features extracted from the rightmost compound selector to descendant invalidation
@@ -538,86 +607,79 @@ void RuleFeatureSet::addFeaturesToInvalidationSet(InvalidationSet& invalidationS
-// selector is the selector immediately to the left of the rightmost combinator.
-// siblingFeatures is null if selector is not immediately to the left of a sibling combinator.
-// descendantFeatures has the features of the rightmost compound selector.
-void RuleFeatureSet::addFeaturesToInvalidationSets(const CSSSelector* selector, InvalidationSetFeatures* siblingFeatures, InvalidationSetFeatures& descendantFeatures)
- const CSSSelector* lastCompoundSelectorInAdjacentChain = selector;
- // We set siblingFeatures to &localFeatures if we find a rightmost sibling combinator.
- InvalidationSetFeatures localFeatures;
+void RuleFeatureSet::addFeaturesToInvalidationSetsForSelectorList(const CSSSelector& simpleSelector, InvalidationSetFeatures* siblingFeatures, InvalidationSetFeatures& descendantFeatures)
+ if (!simpleSelector.selectorList())
+ return;
- bool universalCompound = true;
+ DCHECK(supportsInvalidationWithSelectorList(simpleSelector.getPseudoType()));
- for (const CSSSelector* current = selector; current; current = current->tagHistory()) {
- InvalidationType type = siblingFeatures ? InvalidateSiblings : InvalidateDescendants;
- if (InvalidationSet* invalidationSet = invalidationSetForSelector(*current, type)) {
- if (current->match() != CSSSelector::PseudoClass)
- universalCompound = false;
- if (siblingFeatures && invalidationSet != m_nthInvalidationSet) {
- SiblingInvalidationSet* siblingInvalidationSet = toSiblingInvalidationSet(invalidationSet);
- siblingInvalidationSet->updateMaxDirectAdjacentSelectors(siblingFeatures->maxDirectAdjacentSelectors);
+ for (const CSSSelector* subSelector = simpleSelector.selectorList()->first(); subSelector; subSelector = CSSSelectorList::next(*subSelector))
+ addFeaturesToInvalidationSetsForCompoundSelector(*subSelector, siblingFeatures, descendantFeatures);
- addFeaturesToInvalidationSet(*invalidationSet, *siblingFeatures);
- if (siblingFeatures == &descendantFeatures)
- siblingInvalidationSet->setInvalidatesSelf();
- else
- addFeaturesToInvalidationSet(siblingInvalidationSet->ensureSiblingDescendants(), descendantFeatures);
- } else {
- addFeaturesToInvalidationSet(*invalidationSet, descendantFeatures);
- }
- } else {
- if (current->isHostPseudoClass())
- descendantFeatures.treeBoundaryCrossing = true;
- if (current->isInsertionPointCrossing())
- descendantFeatures.insertionPointCrossing = true;
- if (const CSSSelectorList* selectorList = current->selectorList()) {
- ASSERT(supportsInvalidationWithSelectorList(current->getPseudoType()));
- for (const CSSSelector* subSelector = selectorList->first(); subSelector; subSelector = CSSSelectorList::next(*subSelector))
- addFeaturesToInvalidationSets(subSelector, siblingFeatures, descendantFeatures);
- }
+void RuleFeatureSet::addFeaturesToInvalidationSetsForSimpleSelector(const CSSSelector& simpleSelector, InvalidationSetFeatures* siblingFeatures, InvalidationSetFeatures& descendantFeatures)
+ if (InvalidationSet* invalidationSet = invalidationSetForSimpleSelector(simpleSelector, siblingFeatures ? InvalidateSiblings : InvalidateDescendants)) {
+ if (!siblingFeatures || invalidationSet == m_nthInvalidationSet) {
+ addFeaturesToInvalidationSet(*invalidationSet, descendantFeatures);
+ return;
- if (current->relation() == CSSSelector::SubSelector)
- continue;
- if (universalCompound && siblingFeatures)
- addFeaturesToUniversalSiblingInvalidationSet(*siblingFeatures, descendantFeatures);
- universalCompound = true;
- if (current->relationIsAffectedByPseudoContent() || current->relation() == CSSSelector::ShadowSlot) {
- descendantFeatures.insertionPointCrossing = true;
- descendantFeatures.contentPseudoCrossing = true;
- }
- if (current->isShadowSelector())
- descendantFeatures.treeBoundaryCrossing = true;
- if (!current->isAdjacentSelector()) {
- lastCompoundSelectorInAdjacentChain = current->tagHistory();
- siblingFeatures = nullptr;
- continue;
- }
+ SiblingInvalidationSet* siblingInvalidationSet = toSiblingInvalidationSet(invalidationSet);
+ siblingInvalidationSet->updateMaxDirectAdjacentSelectors(siblingFeatures->maxDirectAdjacentSelectors);
+ addFeaturesToInvalidationSet(*invalidationSet, *siblingFeatures);
+ if (siblingFeatures == &descendantFeatures)
+ siblingInvalidationSet->setInvalidatesSelf();
+ else
+ addFeaturesToInvalidationSet(siblingInvalidationSet->ensureSiblingDescendants(), descendantFeatures);
+ return;
+ }
- if (siblingFeatures) {
- if (siblingFeatures->maxDirectAdjacentSelectors == UINT_MAX)
- continue;
+ if (simpleSelector.isHostPseudoClass())
+ descendantFeatures.treeBoundaryCrossing = true;
+ if (simpleSelector.isInsertionPointCrossing())
+ descendantFeatures.insertionPointCrossing = true;
- if (current->relation() == CSSSelector::DirectAdjacent)
- siblingFeatures->maxDirectAdjacentSelectors++;
- else
- siblingFeatures->maxDirectAdjacentSelectors = UINT_MAX;
- continue;
- }
+ addFeaturesToInvalidationSetsForSelectorList(simpleSelector, siblingFeatures, descendantFeatures);
- localFeatures = InvalidationSetFeatures();
- auto result = extractInvalidationSetFeatures(*lastCompoundSelectorInAdjacentChain, localFeatures, Ancestor);
- ASSERT(result.first);
- localFeatures.forceSubtree = result.second == ForceSubtree;
- siblingFeatures = &localFeatures;
+const CSSSelector* RuleFeatureSet::addFeaturesToInvalidationSetsForCompoundSelector(const CSSSelector& compound, InvalidationSetFeatures* siblingFeatures, InvalidationSetFeatures& descendantFeatures)
+ bool compoundHasTagIdClassOrAttribute = false;
+ const CSSSelector* simpleSelector = &compound;
+ for (; simpleSelector; simpleSelector = simpleSelector->tagHistory()) {
+ addFeaturesToInvalidationSetsForSimpleSelector(*simpleSelector, siblingFeatures, descendantFeatures);
+ if (siblingFeatures)
+ compoundHasTagIdClassOrAttribute |= simpleSelector->isIdClassOrAttributeSelector();
+ if (simpleSelector->relation() != CSSSelector::SubSelector)
+ break;
+ if (!simpleSelector->tagHistory())
+ break;
- if (universalCompound && siblingFeatures)
+ if (siblingFeatures && !compoundHasTagIdClassOrAttribute)
addFeaturesToUniversalSiblingInvalidationSet(*siblingFeatures, descendantFeatures);
+ return simpleSelector;
+void RuleFeatureSet::addFeaturesToInvalidationSets(const CSSSelector& selector, InvalidationSetFeatures& descendantFeatures)
+ // selector is the selector immediately to the left of the rightmost combinator.
+ // descendantFeatures has the features of the rightmost compound selector.
+ InvalidationSetFeatures lastCompoundInSiblingChainFeatures;
+ InvalidationSetFeatures* siblingFeatures = descendantFeatures.maxDirectAdjacentSelectors ? &descendantFeatures : nullptr;
+ const CSSSelector* compound = &selector;
+ while (compound) {
+ const CSSSelector* lastInCompound = addFeaturesToInvalidationSetsForCompoundSelector(*compound, siblingFeatures, descendantFeatures);
+ DCHECK(lastInCompound);
+ updateFeaturesFromCombinator(*lastInCompound, compound, lastCompoundInSiblingChainFeatures, siblingFeatures, descendantFeatures);
+ compound = lastInCompound->tagHistory();
+ }
RuleFeatureSet::SelectorPreMatch RuleFeatureSet::collectFeaturesFromRuleData(const RuleData& ruleData)
@@ -706,7 +768,7 @@ RuleFeatureSet::SelectorPreMatch RuleFeatureSet::collectFeaturesFromSelector(con
metadata.foundSiblingSelector = true;
- ASSERT(!maxDirectAdjacentSelectors);
+ DCHECK(!maxDirectAdjacentSelectors);
return SelectorMayMatch;
@@ -945,4 +1007,30 @@ DEFINE_TRACE(RuleFeatureSet)
+void RuleFeatureSet::InvalidationSetFeatures::add(const InvalidationSetFeatures& other)
+ classes.appendVector(other.classes);
+ attributes.appendVector(other.attributes);
+ ids.appendVector(other.ids);
+ tagNames.appendVector(other.tagNames);
+ maxDirectAdjacentSelectors = std::max(maxDirectAdjacentSelectors, other.maxDirectAdjacentSelectors);
+ customPseudoElement |= other.customPseudoElement;
+ hasBeforeOrAfter |= other.hasBeforeOrAfter;
+ treeBoundaryCrossing |= other.treeBoundaryCrossing;
+ insertionPointCrossing |= other.insertionPointCrossing;
+ forceSubtree |= other.forceSubtree;
+ contentPseudoCrossing |= other.contentPseudoCrossing;
+ invalidatesSlotted |= other.invalidatesSlotted;
+ hasNthPseudo |= other.hasNthPseudo;
+bool RuleFeatureSet::InvalidationSetFeatures::hasFeatures() const
+ return !classes.isEmpty()
+ || !attributes.isEmpty()
+ || !ids.isEmpty()
+ || !tagNames.isEmpty()
+ || customPseudoElement;
} // namespace blink
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