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Side by Side Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/IndexedDB/interfaces-expected.txt

Issue 2276593002: Support renaming of IndexedDB indexes and object stores. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Added test coverage for the (slightly incorrect) behavior in strict mode when our flag is not enabl… Created 4 years, 3 months ago
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1 This is a testharness.js-based test. 1 This is a testharness.js-based test.
2 FAIL Window interface: attribute indexedDB assert_equals: "indexedDB" must have a getter expected "function" but got "undefined" 2 FAIL Window interface: attribute indexedDB assert_equals: "indexedDB" must have a getter expected "function" but got "undefined"
3 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: existence and properties of interface object 3 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: existence and properties of interface object
4 PASS IDBKeyRange interface object length 4 PASS IDBKeyRange interface object length
5 PASS IDBKeyRange interface object name 5 PASS IDBKeyRange interface object name
6 FAIL IDBKeyRange interface: existence and properties of interface prototype obje ct assert_equals: class string of IDBKeyRange.prototype expected "[object IDBKey RangePrototype]" but got "[object IDBKeyRange]" 6 FAIL IDBKeyRange interface: existence and properties of interface prototype obje ct assert_equals: class string of IDBKeyRange.prototype expected "[object IDBKey RangePrototype]" but got "[object IDBKeyRange]"
7 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: existence and properties of interface prototype obje ct's "constructor" property 7 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: existence and properties of interface prototype obje ct's "constructor" property
8 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: attribute lower 8 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: attribute lower
9 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: attribute upper 9 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: attribute upper
10 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: attribute lowerOpen 10 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: attribute lowerOpen
(...skipping 76 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after
87 PASS IDBDatabase interface: operation close() 87 PASS IDBDatabase interface: operation close()
88 PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onabort 88 PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onabort
89 PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onclose 89 PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onclose
90 PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onerror 90 PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onerror
91 PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onversionchange 91 PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onversionchange
92 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: existence and properties of interface object 92 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: existence and properties of interface object
93 PASS IDBObjectStore interface object length 93 PASS IDBObjectStore interface object length
94 PASS IDBObjectStore interface object name 94 PASS IDBObjectStore interface object name
95 FAIL IDBObjectStore interface: existence and properties of interface prototype o bject assert_equals: class string of IDBObjectStore.prototype expected "[object IDBObjectStorePrototype]" but got "[object IDBObjectStore]" 95 FAIL IDBObjectStore interface: existence and properties of interface prototype o bject assert_equals: class string of IDBObjectStore.prototype expected "[object IDBObjectStorePrototype]" but got "[object IDBObjectStore]"
96 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: existence and properties of interface prototype o bject's "constructor" property 96 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: existence and properties of interface prototype o bject's "constructor" property
97 FAIL IDBObjectStore interface: attribute name assert_equals: setter must be func tion for PutForwards, Replaceable, or non-readonly attributes expected "function " but got "undefined" 97 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute name
98 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute keyPath 98 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute keyPath
99 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute indexNames 99 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute indexNames
100 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute transaction 100 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute transaction
101 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute autoIncrement 101 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute autoIncrement
102 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation put(any,any) 102 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation put(any,any)
103 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation add(any,any) 103 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation add(any,any)
104 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation delete(any) 104 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation delete(any)
105 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation get(any) 105 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation get(any)
106 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation clear() 106 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation clear()
107 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation openCursor(any,IDBCursorDirection) 107 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation openCursor(any,IDBCursorDirection)
108 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation createIndex(DOMString,[object Object],[ object Object],IDBIndexParameters) 108 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation createIndex(DOMString,[object Object],[ object Object],IDBIndexParameters)
109 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation index(DOMString) 109 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation index(DOMString)
110 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation deleteIndex(DOMString) 110 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation deleteIndex(DOMString)
111 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation count(any) 111 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation count(any)
112 PASS IDBIndex interface: existence and properties of interface object 112 PASS IDBIndex interface: existence and properties of interface object
113 PASS IDBIndex interface object length 113 PASS IDBIndex interface object length
114 PASS IDBIndex interface object name 114 PASS IDBIndex interface object name
115 FAIL IDBIndex interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of IDBIndex.prototype expected "[object IDBIndexProt otype]" but got "[object IDBIndex]" 115 FAIL IDBIndex interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of IDBIndex.prototype expected "[object IDBIndexProt otype]" but got "[object IDBIndex]"
116 PASS IDBIndex interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object' s "constructor" property 116 PASS IDBIndex interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object' s "constructor" property
117 FAIL IDBIndex interface: attribute name assert_equals: setter must be function f or PutForwards, Replaceable, or non-readonly attributes expected "function" but got "undefined" 117 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute name
118 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute objectStore 118 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute objectStore
119 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute keyPath 119 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute keyPath
120 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute multiEntry 120 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute multiEntry
121 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute unique 121 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute unique
122 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation openCursor(any,IDBCursorDirection) 122 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation openCursor(any,IDBCursorDirection)
123 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation openKeyCursor(any,IDBCursorDirection) 123 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation openKeyCursor(any,IDBCursorDirection)
124 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation get(any) 124 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation get(any)
125 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation getKey(any) 125 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation getKey(any)
126 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation count(any) 126 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation count(any)
127 PASS IDBCursor interface: existence and properties of interface object 127 PASS IDBCursor interface: existence and properties of interface object
(...skipping 23 matching lines...) Expand all
151 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute mode 151 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute mode
152 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute db 152 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute db
153 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute error 153 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute error
154 PASS IDBTransaction interface: operation objectStore(DOMString) 154 PASS IDBTransaction interface: operation objectStore(DOMString)
155 PASS IDBTransaction interface: operation abort() 155 PASS IDBTransaction interface: operation abort()
156 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute onabort 156 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute onabort
157 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute oncomplete 157 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute oncomplete
158 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute onerror 158 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute onerror
159 Harness: the test ran to completion. 159 Harness: the test ran to completion.
160 160

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