1 This is a testharness.js-based test. | 1 This is a testharness.js-based test. |
2 FAIL Window interface: attribute indexedDB assert_equals: "indexedDB" must have
a getter expected "function" but got "undefined" | 2 FAIL Window interface: attribute indexedDB assert_equals: "indexedDB" must have
a getter expected "function" but got "undefined" |
3 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: existence and properties of interface object | 3 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: existence and properties of interface object |
4 PASS IDBKeyRange interface object length | 4 PASS IDBKeyRange interface object length |
5 PASS IDBKeyRange interface object name | 5 PASS IDBKeyRange interface object name |
6 FAIL IDBKeyRange interface: existence and properties of interface prototype obje
ct assert_equals: class string of IDBKeyRange.prototype expected "[object IDBKey
RangePrototype]" but got "[object IDBKeyRange]" | 6 FAIL IDBKeyRange interface: existence and properties of interface prototype obje
ct assert_equals: class string of IDBKeyRange.prototype expected "[object IDBKey
RangePrototype]" but got "[object IDBKeyRange]" |
7 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: existence and properties of interface prototype obje
ct's "constructor" property | 7 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: existence and properties of interface prototype obje
ct's "constructor" property |
8 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: attribute lower | 8 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: attribute lower |
9 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: attribute upper | 9 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: attribute upper |
10 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: attribute lowerOpen | 10 PASS IDBKeyRange interface: attribute lowerOpen |
(...skipping 76 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
87 PASS IDBDatabase interface: operation close() | 87 PASS IDBDatabase interface: operation close() |
88 PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onabort | 88 PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onabort |
89 PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onclose | 89 PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onclose |
90 PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onerror | 90 PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onerror |
91 PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onversionchange | 91 PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onversionchange |
92 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: existence and properties of interface object | 92 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: existence and properties of interface object |
93 PASS IDBObjectStore interface object length | 93 PASS IDBObjectStore interface object length |
94 PASS IDBObjectStore interface object name | 94 PASS IDBObjectStore interface object name |
95 FAIL IDBObjectStore interface: existence and properties of interface prototype o
bject assert_equals: class string of IDBObjectStore.prototype expected "[object
IDBObjectStorePrototype]" but got "[object IDBObjectStore]" | 95 FAIL IDBObjectStore interface: existence and properties of interface prototype o
bject assert_equals: class string of IDBObjectStore.prototype expected "[object
IDBObjectStorePrototype]" but got "[object IDBObjectStore]" |
96 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: existence and properties of interface prototype o
bject's "constructor" property | 96 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: existence and properties of interface prototype o
bject's "constructor" property |
97 FAIL IDBObjectStore interface: attribute name assert_equals: setter must be func
tion for PutForwards, Replaceable, or non-readonly attributes expected "function
" but got "undefined" | 97 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute name |
98 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute keyPath | 98 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute keyPath |
99 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute indexNames | 99 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute indexNames |
100 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute transaction | 100 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute transaction |
101 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute autoIncrement | 101 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute autoIncrement |
102 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation put(any,any) | 102 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation put(any,any) |
103 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation add(any,any) | 103 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation add(any,any) |
104 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation delete(any) | 104 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation delete(any) |
105 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation get(any) | 105 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation get(any) |
106 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation clear() | 106 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation clear() |
107 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation openCursor(any,IDBCursorDirection) | 107 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation openCursor(any,IDBCursorDirection) |
108 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation createIndex(DOMString,[object Object],[
object Object],IDBIndexParameters) | 108 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation createIndex(DOMString,[object Object],[
object Object],IDBIndexParameters) |
109 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation index(DOMString) | 109 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation index(DOMString) |
110 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation deleteIndex(DOMString) | 110 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation deleteIndex(DOMString) |
111 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation count(any) | 111 PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation count(any) |
112 PASS IDBIndex interface: existence and properties of interface object | 112 PASS IDBIndex interface: existence and properties of interface object |
113 PASS IDBIndex interface object length | 113 PASS IDBIndex interface object length |
114 PASS IDBIndex interface object name | 114 PASS IDBIndex interface object name |
115 FAIL IDBIndex interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
assert_equals: class string of IDBIndex.prototype expected "[object IDBIndexProt
otype]" but got "[object IDBIndex]" | 115 FAIL IDBIndex interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
assert_equals: class string of IDBIndex.prototype expected "[object IDBIndexProt
otype]" but got "[object IDBIndex]" |
116 PASS IDBIndex interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object'
s "constructor" property | 116 PASS IDBIndex interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object'
s "constructor" property |
117 FAIL IDBIndex interface: attribute name assert_equals: setter must be function f
or PutForwards, Replaceable, or non-readonly attributes expected "function" but
got "undefined" | 117 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute name |
118 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute objectStore | 118 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute objectStore |
119 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute keyPath | 119 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute keyPath |
120 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute multiEntry | 120 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute multiEntry |
121 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute unique | 121 PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute unique |
122 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation openCursor(any,IDBCursorDirection) | 122 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation openCursor(any,IDBCursorDirection) |
123 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation openKeyCursor(any,IDBCursorDirection) | 123 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation openKeyCursor(any,IDBCursorDirection) |
124 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation get(any) | 124 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation get(any) |
125 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation getKey(any) | 125 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation getKey(any) |
126 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation count(any) | 126 PASS IDBIndex interface: operation count(any) |
127 PASS IDBCursor interface: existence and properties of interface object | 127 PASS IDBCursor interface: existence and properties of interface object |
(...skipping 23 matching lines...) Expand all Loading... |
151 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute mode | 151 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute mode |
152 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute db | 152 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute db |
153 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute error | 153 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute error |
154 PASS IDBTransaction interface: operation objectStore(DOMString) | 154 PASS IDBTransaction interface: operation objectStore(DOMString) |
155 PASS IDBTransaction interface: operation abort() | 155 PASS IDBTransaction interface: operation abort() |
156 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute onabort | 156 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute onabort |
157 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute oncomplete | 157 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute oncomplete |
158 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute onerror | 158 PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute onerror |
159 Harness: the test ran to completion. | 159 Harness: the test ran to completion. |
160 | 160 |