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Unified Diff: base/task_scheduler/

Issue 2276423002: Remove temporary file that was accidentally checked in (Closed)
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 4 months ago
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Index: base/task_scheduler/
diff --git a/base/task_scheduler/ b/base/task_scheduler/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ab3d45fee8532190127182e89fe86a1bd90a38a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/base/task_scheduler/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,552 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/task_scheduler/scheduler_worker.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
-#include "base/synchronization/condition_variable.h"
-#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
-#include "base/task_scheduler/scheduler_lock.h"
-#include "base/task_scheduler/sequence.h"
-#include "base/task_scheduler/task.h"
-#include "base/task_scheduler/task_tracker.h"
-#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-using testing::_;
-using testing::Mock;
-using testing::Ne;
-using testing::StrictMock;
-namespace base {
-namespace internal {
-namespace {
-const size_t kNumSequencesPerTest = 150;
-class SchedulerWorkerDefaultDelegate : public SchedulerWorker::Delegate {
- public:
- SchedulerWorkerDefaultDelegate() = default;
- // SchedulerWorker::Delegate:
- void OnMainEntry(SchedulerWorker* worker, const TimeDelta& detach_duration) override {}
- scoped_refptr<Sequence> GetWork(SchedulerWorker* worker) override { return nullptr; }
- void ReEnqueueSequence(scoped_refptr<Sequence> sequence) override {
- ADD_FAILURE() << "Unexpected call to ReEnqueueSequence()";
- }
- TimeDelta GetSleepTimeout() override { return TimeDelta::Max(); }
- bool CanDetach(SchedulerWorker* worker) override { return false; }
- private:
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SchedulerWorkerDefaultDelegate);
-// The test parameter is the number of Tasks per Sequence returned by GetWork().
-class TaskSchedulerWorkerTest : public testing::TestWithParam<size_t> {
- protected:
- TaskSchedulerWorkerTest()
- : main_entry_called_(WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL,
- WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED),
- num_get_work_cv_(lock_.CreateConditionVariable()),
- worker_set_(WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL,
- WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED) {}
- void SetUp() override {
- worker_ = SchedulerWorker::Create(
- ThreadPriority::NORMAL,
- WrapUnique(new TestSchedulerWorkerDelegate(this)),
- &task_tracker_,
- SchedulerWorker::InitialState::ALIVE);
- ASSERT_TRUE(worker_);
- worker_set_.Signal();
- main_entry_called_.Wait();
- }
- void TearDown() override {
- worker_->JoinForTesting();
- }
- size_t TasksPerSequence() const { return GetParam(); }
- // Wait until GetWork() has been called |num_get_work| times.
- void WaitForNumGetWork(size_t num_get_work) {
- AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(lock_);
- while (num_get_work_ < num_get_work)
- num_get_work_cv_->Wait();
- }
- void SetMaxGetWork(size_t max_get_work) {
- AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(lock_);
- max_get_work_ = max_get_work;
- }
- void SetNumSequencesToCreate(size_t num_sequences_to_create) {
- AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(lock_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, num_sequences_to_create_);
- num_sequences_to_create_ = num_sequences_to_create;
- }
- size_t NumRunTasks() {
- AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(lock_);
- return num_run_tasks_;
- }
- std::vector<scoped_refptr<Sequence>> CreatedSequences() {
- AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(lock_);
- return created_sequences_;
- }
- std::vector<scoped_refptr<Sequence>> EnqueuedSequences() {
- AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(lock_);
- return re_enqueued_sequences_;
- }
- std::unique_ptr<SchedulerWorker> worker_;
- private:
- class TestSchedulerWorkerDelegate : public SchedulerWorkerDefaultDelegate {
- public:
- TestSchedulerWorkerDelegate(TaskSchedulerWorkerTest* outer)
- : outer_(outer) {}
- // SchedulerWorker::Delegate:
- void OnMainEntry(SchedulerWorker* worker,
- const TimeDelta& detach_duration) override {
- outer_->worker_set_.Wait();
- EXPECT_EQ(outer_->worker_.get(), worker);
- // Without synchronization, OnMainEntry() could be called twice without
- // generating an error.
- AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(outer_->lock_);
- EXPECT_FALSE(outer_->main_entry_called_.IsSignaled());
- outer_->main_entry_called_.Signal();
- }
- scoped_refptr<Sequence> GetWork(SchedulerWorker* worker) override {
- EXPECT_EQ(outer_->worker_.get(), worker);
- {
- AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(outer_->lock_);
- // Increment the number of times that this method has been called.
- ++outer_->num_get_work_;
- outer_->num_get_work_cv_->Signal();
- // Verify that this method isn't called more times than expected.
- EXPECT_LE(outer_->num_get_work_, outer_->max_get_work_);
- // Check if a Sequence should be returned.
- if (outer_->num_sequences_to_create_ == 0)
- return nullptr;
- --outer_->num_sequences_to_create_;
- }
- // Create a Sequence with TasksPerSequence() Tasks.
- scoped_refptr<Sequence> sequence(new Sequence);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < outer_->TasksPerSequence(); ++i) {
- std::unique_ptr<Task> task(new Task(
- FROM_HERE, Bind(&TaskSchedulerWorkerTest::RunTaskCallback,
- Unretained(outer_)),
- TaskTraits(), TimeDelta()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(outer_->task_tracker_.WillPostTask(task.get()));
- sequence->PushTask(std::move(task));
- }
- {
- // Add the Sequence to the vector of created Sequences.
- AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(outer_->lock_);
- outer_->created_sequences_.push_back(sequence);
- }
- return sequence;
- }
- // This override verifies that |sequence| contains the expected number of
- // Tasks and adds it to |enqueued_sequences_|. Unlike a normal
- // EnqueueSequence implementation, it doesn't reinsert |sequence| into a
- // queue for further execution.
- void ReEnqueueSequence(scoped_refptr<Sequence> sequence) override {
- EXPECT_GT(outer_->TasksPerSequence(), 1U);
- // Verify that |sequence| contains TasksPerSequence() - 1 Tasks.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < outer_->TasksPerSequence() - 1; ++i) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(sequence->PeekTask());
- sequence->PopTask();
- }
- EXPECT_FALSE(sequence->PeekTask());
- // Add |sequence| to |re_enqueued_sequences_|.
- AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(outer_->lock_);
- outer_->re_enqueued_sequences_.push_back(std::move(sequence));
- EXPECT_LE(outer_->re_enqueued_sequences_.size(),
- outer_->created_sequences_.size());
- }
- private:
- TaskSchedulerWorkerTest* outer_;
- };
- void RunTaskCallback() {
- AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(lock_);
- ++num_run_tasks_;
- EXPECT_LE(num_run_tasks_, created_sequences_.size());
- }
- TaskTracker task_tracker_;
- // Synchronizes access to all members below.
- mutable SchedulerLock lock_;
- // Signaled once OnMainEntry() has been called.
- WaitableEvent main_entry_called_;
- // Number of Sequences that should be created by GetWork(). When this
- // is 0, GetWork() returns nullptr.
- size_t num_sequences_to_create_ = 0;
- // Number of times that GetWork() has been called.
- size_t num_get_work_ = 0;
- // Maximum number of times that GetWork() can be called.
- size_t max_get_work_ = 0;
- // Condition variable signaled when |num_get_work_| is incremented.
- std::unique_ptr<ConditionVariable> num_get_work_cv_;
- // Sequences created by GetWork().
- std::vector<scoped_refptr<Sequence>> created_sequences_;
- // Sequences passed to EnqueueSequence().
- std::vector<scoped_refptr<Sequence>> re_enqueued_sequences_;
- // Number of times that RunTaskCallback() has been called.
- size_t num_run_tasks_ = 0;
- // Signaled after |worker_| is set.
- WaitableEvent worker_set_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TaskSchedulerWorkerTest);
-// Verify that when GetWork() continuously returns Sequences, all Tasks in these
-// Sequences run successfully. The test wakes up the SchedulerWorker once.
-TEST_P(TaskSchedulerWorkerTest, ContinuousWork) {
- // Set GetWork() to return |kNumSequencesPerTest| Sequences before starting to
- // return nullptr.
- SetNumSequencesToCreate(kNumSequencesPerTest);
- // Expect |kNumSequencesPerTest| calls to GetWork() in which it returns a
- // Sequence and one call in which its returns nullptr.
- const size_t kExpectedNumGetWork = kNumSequencesPerTest + 1;
- SetMaxGetWork(kExpectedNumGetWork);
- // Wake up |worker_| and wait until GetWork() has been invoked the
- // expected amount of times.
- worker_->WakeUp();
- WaitForNumGetWork(kExpectedNumGetWork);
- // All tasks should have run.
- EXPECT_EQ(kNumSequencesPerTest, NumRunTasks());
- // If Sequences returned by GetWork() contain more than one Task, they aren't
- // empty after the worker pops Tasks from them and thus should be returned to
- // EnqueueSequence().
- if (TasksPerSequence() > 1)
- EXPECT_EQ(CreatedSequences(), EnqueuedSequences());
- else
- EXPECT_TRUE(EnqueuedSequences().empty());
-// Verify that when GetWork() alternates between returning a Sequence and
-// returning nullptr, all Tasks in the returned Sequences run successfully. The
-// test wakes up the SchedulerWorker once for each Sequence.
-TEST_P(TaskSchedulerWorkerTest, IntermittentWork) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumSequencesPerTest; ++i) {
- // Set GetWork() to return 1 Sequence before starting to return
- // nullptr.
- SetNumSequencesToCreate(1);
- // Expect |i + 1| calls to GetWork() in which it returns a Sequence and
- // |i + 1| calls in which it returns nullptr.
- const size_t expected_num_get_work = 2 * (i + 1);
- SetMaxGetWork(expected_num_get_work);
- // Wake up |worker_| and wait until GetWork() has been invoked
- // the expected amount of times.
- worker_->WakeUp();
- WaitForNumGetWork(expected_num_get_work);
- // The Task should have run
- EXPECT_EQ(i + 1, NumRunTasks());
- // If Sequences returned by GetWork() contain more than one Task, they
- // aren't empty after the worker pops Tasks from them and thus should be
- // returned to EnqueueSequence().
- if (TasksPerSequence() > 1)
- EXPECT_EQ(CreatedSequences(), EnqueuedSequences());
- else
- EXPECT_TRUE(EnqueuedSequences().empty());
- }
- TaskSchedulerWorkerTest,
- ::testing::Values(1));
- TaskSchedulerWorkerTest,
- ::testing::Values(2));
-namespace {
-class ControllableDetachDelegate : public SchedulerWorkerDefaultDelegate {
- public:
- ControllableDetachDelegate()
- : work_processed_(WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL,
- WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED),
- detach_requested_(WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL,
- WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED) {}
- ~ControllableDetachDelegate() override = default;
- // SchedulerWorker::Delegate:
- MOCK_METHOD2(OnMainEntry,
- void(SchedulerWorker* worker, const TimeDelta& detach_duration));
- scoped_refptr<Sequence> GetWork(SchedulerWorker* worker)
- override {
- // Sends one item of work to signal |work_processed_|. On subsequent calls,
- // sends nullptr to indicate there's no more work to be done.
- if (work_requested_)
- return nullptr;
- work_requested_ = true;
- scoped_refptr<Sequence> sequence(new Sequence);
- std::unique_ptr<Task> task(new Task(
- FROM_HERE, Bind(&WaitableEvent::Signal, Unretained(&work_processed_)),
- TaskTraits(), TimeDelta()));
- sequence->PushTask(std::move(task));
- return sequence;
- }
- bool CanDetach(SchedulerWorker* worker) override {
- detach_requested_.Signal();
- return can_detach_;
- }
- void WaitForWorkToRun() {
- work_processed_.Wait();
- }
- void WaitForDetachRequest() {
- detach_requested_.Wait();
- }
- void ResetState() {
- work_requested_ = false;
- work_processed_.Reset();
- detach_requested_.Reset();
- }
- void set_can_detach(bool can_detach) { can_detach_ = can_detach; }
- private:
- bool work_requested_ = false;
- bool can_detach_ = false;
- WaitableEvent work_processed_;
- WaitableEvent detach_requested_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ControllableDetachDelegate);
-} // namespace
-TEST(TaskSchedulerWorkerTest, WorkerDetaches) {
- TaskTracker task_tracker;
- // Will be owned by SchedulerWorker.
- ControllableDetachDelegate* delegate =
- new StrictMock<ControllableDetachDelegate>;
- delegate->set_can_detach(true);
- EXPECT_CALL(*delegate, OnMainEntry(_, TimeDelta::Max()));
- std::unique_ptr<SchedulerWorker> worker =
- SchedulerWorker::Create(
- ThreadPriority::NORMAL, WrapUnique(delegate), &task_tracker,
- SchedulerWorker::InitialState::ALIVE);
- worker->WakeUp();
- delegate->WaitForWorkToRun();
- Mock::VerifyAndClear(delegate);
- delegate->WaitForDetachRequest();
- // Sleep to give a chance for the detach to happen. A yield is too short.
- PlatformThread::Sleep(TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(50));
- ASSERT_FALSE(worker->ThreadAliveForTesting());
-TEST(TaskSchedulerWorkerTest, WorkerDetachesAndWakes) {
- TaskTracker task_tracker;
- // Will be owned by SchedulerWorker.
- ControllableDetachDelegate* delegate =
- new StrictMock<ControllableDetachDelegate>;
- delegate->set_can_detach(true);
- EXPECT_CALL(*delegate, OnMainEntry(_, TimeDelta::Max()));
- std::unique_ptr<SchedulerWorker> worker =
- SchedulerWorker::Create(
- ThreadPriority::NORMAL, WrapUnique(delegate), &task_tracker,
- SchedulerWorker::InitialState::ALIVE);
- worker->WakeUp();
- delegate->WaitForWorkToRun();
- Mock::VerifyAndClear(delegate);
- delegate->WaitForDetachRequest();
- // Sleep to give a chance for the detach to happen. A yield is too short.
- PlatformThread::Sleep(TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(50));
- ASSERT_FALSE(worker->ThreadAliveForTesting());
- delegate->ResetState();
- delegate->set_can_detach(false);
- // When SchedulerWorker recreates its thread, expect OnMainEntry() to be
- // called with a detach duration which is not TimeDelta::Max().
- EXPECT_CALL(*delegate, OnMainEntry(worker.get(), Ne(TimeDelta::Max())));
- worker->WakeUp();
- delegate->WaitForWorkToRun();
- Mock::VerifyAndClear(delegate);
- delegate->WaitForDetachRequest();
- PlatformThread::Sleep(TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(50));
- ASSERT_TRUE(worker->ThreadAliveForTesting());
- worker->JoinForTesting();
-TEST(TaskSchedulerWorkerTest, CreateDetached) {
- TaskTracker task_tracker;
- // Will be owned by SchedulerWorker.
- ControllableDetachDelegate* delegate =
- new StrictMock<ControllableDetachDelegate>;
- std::unique_ptr<SchedulerWorker> worker =
- SchedulerWorker::Create(
- ThreadPriority::NORMAL, WrapUnique(delegate), &task_tracker,
- SchedulerWorker::InitialState::DETACHED);
- ASSERT_FALSE(worker->ThreadAliveForTesting());
- EXPECT_CALL(*delegate, OnMainEntry(worker.get(), TimeDelta::Max()));
- worker->WakeUp();
- delegate->WaitForWorkToRun();
- Mock::VerifyAndClear(delegate);
- delegate->WaitForDetachRequest();
- ASSERT_TRUE(worker->ThreadAliveForTesting());
- worker->JoinForTesting();
-namespace {
-class ExpectThreadPriorityDelegate : public SchedulerWorkerDefaultDelegate {
- public:
- ExpectThreadPriorityDelegate()
- : priority_verified_in_get_work_event_(
- WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::AUTOMATIC,
- WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED),
- expected_thread_priority_(ThreadPriority::BACKGROUND) {}
- void SetExpectedThreadPriority(ThreadPriority expected_thread_priority) {
- expected_thread_priority_ = expected_thread_priority;
- }
- void WaitForPriorityVerifiedInGetWork() {
- priority_verified_in_get_work_event_.Wait();
- }
- // SchedulerWorker::Delegate:
- void OnMainEntry(SchedulerWorker* worker,
- const TimeDelta& detach_duration) override {
- VerifyThreadPriority();
- }
- scoped_refptr<Sequence> GetWork(SchedulerWorker* worker) override {
- VerifyThreadPriority();
- priority_verified_in_get_work_event_.Signal();
- return nullptr;
- }
- private:
- void VerifyThreadPriority() {
- AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(expected_thread_priority_lock_);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_thread_priority_,
- PlatformThread::GetCurrentThreadPriority());
- }
- // Signaled after GetWork() has verified the priority of the worker thread.
- WaitableEvent priority_verified_in_get_work_event_;
- // Synchronizes access to |expected_thread_priority_|.
- SchedulerLock expected_thread_priority_lock_;
- // Expected thread priority for the next call to OnMainEntry() or GetWork().
- ThreadPriority expected_thread_priority_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExpectThreadPriorityDelegate);
-} // namespace
-TEST(TaskSchedulerWorkerTest, BumpPriorityOfAliveThreadDuringShutdown) {
- TaskTracker task_tracker;
- std::unique_ptr<ExpectThreadPriorityDelegate> delegate(
- new ExpectThreadPriorityDelegate);
- ExpectThreadPriorityDelegate* delegate_raw = delegate.get();
- delegate_raw->SetExpectedThreadPriority(
- PlatformThread::CanIncreaseCurrentThreadPriority()
- ? ThreadPriority::BACKGROUND
- : ThreadPriority::NORMAL);
- std::unique_ptr<SchedulerWorker> worker = SchedulerWorker::Create(
- ThreadPriority::BACKGROUND, std::move(delegate), &task_tracker,
- SchedulerWorker::InitialState::ALIVE);
- // Verify that the initial thread priority is BACKGROUND (or NORMAL if thread
- // priority can't be increased).
- worker->WakeUp();
- delegate_raw->WaitForPriorityVerifiedInGetWork();
- // Verify that the thread priority is bumped to NORMAL during shutdown.
- delegate_raw->SetExpectedThreadPriority(ThreadPriority::NORMAL);
- task_tracker.SetHasShutdownStartedForTesting();
- worker->WakeUp();
- delegate_raw->WaitForPriorityVerifiedInGetWork();
- worker->JoinForTesting();
-TEST(TaskSchedulerWorkerTest, BumpPriorityOfDetachedThreadDuringShutdown) {
- TaskTracker task_tracker;
- std::unique_ptr<ExpectThreadPriorityDelegate> delegate(
- new ExpectThreadPriorityDelegate);
- ExpectThreadPriorityDelegate* delegate_raw = delegate.get();
- delegate_raw->SetExpectedThreadPriority(ThreadPriority::NORMAL);
- // Create a DETACHED thread.
- std::unique_ptr<SchedulerWorker> worker = SchedulerWorker::Create(
- ThreadPriority::BACKGROUND, std::move(delegate), &task_tracker,
- SchedulerWorker::InitialState::DETACHED);
- // Pretend that shutdown has started.
- task_tracker.SetHasShutdownStartedForTesting();
- // Wake up the thread and verify that its priority is NORMAL when
- // OnMainEntry() and GetWork() are called.
- worker->WakeUp();
- delegate_raw->WaitForPriorityVerifiedInGetWork();
- worker->JoinForTesting();
-} // namespace
-} // namespace internal
-} // namespace base
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