Descriptiongit cl: cleanup branch config get/set/unset.
Previously there was a soup with add-hoc formatting with
current branch name, which wasn't always set (see bug 611020).
This CL makes sure all such operations now:
* properly use types --int and --bool
* go through the *only* appropriate get/set/unset function.
Furthermore, tests were a mess wrt to raising exceptions when
git processes terminated with an exception. This CL cleaned up,
though I didn't go through all expectations, so some returns of
empty stdout instead of raising CalledProcess error are likely
Disclaimer: this CL is not necessarily fixing the referenced bug
below, but it should at least provide better stacktrace when
the bug manifestst itself.
Patch Set 1 : git cl: cleanup branch config get/set/unset. #
Total comments: 8
Patch Set 2 : Review. #Messages
Total messages: 22 (13 generated)