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Unified Diff: test/cctest/

Issue 225743002: Update tests to use the new compilation API. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: rebased Created 6 years, 9 months ago
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Index: test/cctest/
diff --git a/test/cctest/ b/test/cctest/
index 56d20f0b344db4db14ad7608780e2bc0f4e5819a..7c07ee22eb7bf165b217f5f175cdcb62a4603b68 100644
--- a/test/cctest/
+++ b/test/cctest/
@@ -144,24 +144,36 @@ TEST(ScanHTMLEndComments) {
int marker;
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&marker) - 128 * 1024);
+ uintptr_t stack_limit = CcTest::i_isolate()->stack_guard()->real_climit();
for (int i = 0; tests[i]; i++) {
- v8::Handle<v8::String> source = v8::String::NewFromUtf8(
- isolate, tests[i], v8::String::kNormalString, i::StrLength(tests[i]));
- v8::ScriptData* data = v8::ScriptData::PreCompile(source);
- CHECK(data != NULL && !data->HasError());
- delete data;
+ const i::byte* source =
+ reinterpret_cast<const i::byte*>(tests[i]);
+ i::Utf8ToUtf16CharacterStream stream(source, i::StrLength(tests[i]));
+ i::CompleteParserRecorder log;
+ i::Scanner scanner(CcTest::i_isolate()->unicode_cache());
+ scanner.Initialize(&stream);
+ i::PreParser preparser(&scanner, &log, stack_limit);
+ preparser.set_allow_lazy(true);
+ i::PreParser::PreParseResult result = preparser.PreParseProgram();
+ CHECK_EQ(i::PreParser::kPreParseSuccess, result);
+ i::ScriptDataImpl data(log.ExtractData());
+ CHECK(!data.has_error());
for (int i = 0; fail_tests[i]; i++) {
- v8::Handle<v8::String> source =
- v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate,
- fail_tests[i],
- v8::String::kNormalString,
- i::StrLength(fail_tests[i]));
- v8::ScriptData* data = v8::ScriptData::PreCompile(source);
- CHECK(data == NULL || data->HasError());
- delete data;
+ const i::byte* source =
+ reinterpret_cast<const i::byte*>(fail_tests[i]);
+ i::Utf8ToUtf16CharacterStream stream(source, i::StrLength(fail_tests[i]));
+ i::CompleteParserRecorder log;
+ i::Scanner scanner(CcTest::i_isolate()->unicode_cache());
+ scanner.Initialize(&stream);
+ i::PreParser preparser(&scanner, &log, stack_limit);
+ preparser.set_allow_lazy(true);
+ i::PreParser::PreParseResult result = preparser.PreParseProgram();
+ // Even in the case of a syntax error, kPreParseSuccess is returned.
+ CHECK_EQ(i::PreParser::kPreParseSuccess, result);
+ i::ScriptDataImpl data(log.ExtractData());
+ CHECK(data.has_error());
@@ -180,7 +192,7 @@ class ScriptResource : public v8::String::ExternalAsciiStringResource {
-TEST(Preparsing) {
+TEST(UsingCachedData) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::isolate();
v8::HandleScope handles(isolate);
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = v8::Context::New(isolate);
@@ -203,60 +215,22 @@ TEST(Preparsing) {
"var y = { get getter() { return 42; }, "
" set setter(v) { this.value = v; }};";
int source_length = i::StrLength(source);
- const char* error_source = "var x = y z;";
- int error_source_length = i::StrLength(error_source);
- v8::ScriptData* preparse = v8::ScriptData::PreCompile(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(
- isolate, source, v8::String::kNormalString, source_length));
- CHECK(!preparse->HasError());
- bool lazy_flag = i::FLAG_lazy;
- {
- i::FLAG_lazy = true;
- ScriptResource* resource = new ScriptResource(source, source_length);
- v8::ScriptCompiler::Source script_source(
- v8::String::NewExternal(isolate, resource),
- new v8::ScriptCompiler::CachedData(
- reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(preparse->Data()),
- preparse->Length()));
- v8::ScriptCompiler::Compile(isolate,
- &script_source);
- }
+ // ScriptResource will be deleted when the corresponding String is GCd.
+ v8::ScriptCompiler::Source script_source(v8::String::NewExternal(
+ isolate, new ScriptResource(source, source_length)));
+ i::FLAG_min_preparse_length = 0;
+ v8::ScriptCompiler::Compile(isolate, &script_source,
+ v8::ScriptCompiler::kProduceDataToCache);
+ CHECK(script_source.GetCachedData());
- {
- i::FLAG_lazy = false;
- ScriptResource* resource = new ScriptResource(source, source_length);
- v8::ScriptCompiler::Source script_source(
- v8::String::NewExternal(isolate, resource),
- new v8::ScriptCompiler::CachedData(
- reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(preparse->Data()),
- preparse->Length()));
- v8::ScriptCompiler::CompileUnbound(isolate, &script_source);
- }
- delete preparse;
+ // Compile the script again, using the cached data.
+ bool lazy_flag = i::FLAG_lazy;
+ i::FLAG_lazy = true;
+ v8::ScriptCompiler::Compile(isolate, &script_source);
+ i::FLAG_lazy = false;
+ v8::ScriptCompiler::CompileUnbound(isolate, &script_source);
i::FLAG_lazy = lazy_flag;
- // Syntax error.
- v8::ScriptData* error_preparse = v8::ScriptData::PreCompile(
- v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate,
- error_source,
- v8::String::kNormalString,
- error_source_length));
- CHECK(error_preparse->HasError());
- i::ScriptDataImpl *pre_impl =
- reinterpret_cast<i::ScriptDataImpl*>(error_preparse);
- i::Scanner::Location error_location =
- pre_impl->MessageLocation();
- // Error is at "z" in source, location 10..11.
- CHECK_EQ(10, error_location.beg_pos);
- CHECK_EQ(11, error_location.end_pos);
- // Should not crash.
- const char* message = pre_impl->BuildMessage();
- i::Vector<const char*> args = pre_impl->BuildArgs();
- CHECK_GT(strlen(message), 0);
- args.Dispose();
- i::DeleteArray(message);
- delete error_preparse;
@@ -472,15 +446,6 @@ struct CompleteParserRecorderFriend {
log->symbol_id_ = number + 1;
- static int symbol_position(CompleteParserRecorder* log) {
- return log->symbol_store_.size();
- }
- static int symbol_ids(CompleteParserRecorder* log) {
- return log->symbol_id_;
- }
- static int function_position(CompleteParserRecorder* log) {
- return log->function_store_.size();
- }
@@ -536,9 +501,17 @@ TEST(RegressChromium62639) {
i::Utf8ToUtf16CharacterStream stream(
reinterpret_cast<const i::byte*>(program),
- i::ScriptDataImpl* data = i::PreParserApi::PreParse(isolate, &stream);
- CHECK(data->HasError());
- delete data;
+ i::CompleteParserRecorder log;
+ i::Scanner scanner(CcTest::i_isolate()->unicode_cache());
+ scanner.Initialize(&stream);
+ i::PreParser preparser(&scanner, &log,
+ CcTest::i_isolate()->stack_guard()->real_climit());
+ preparser.set_allow_lazy(true);
+ i::PreParser::PreParseResult result = preparser.PreParseProgram();
+ // Even in the case of a syntax error, kPreParseSuccess is returned.
+ CHECK_EQ(i::PreParser::kPreParseSuccess, result);
+ i::ScriptDataImpl data(log.ExtractData());
+ CHECK(data.has_error());
@@ -563,16 +536,23 @@ TEST(Regress928) {
i::Handle<i::String> source(
i::GenericStringUtf16CharacterStream stream(source, 0, source->length());
- i::ScriptDataImpl* data = i::PreParserApi::PreParse(isolate, &stream);
- CHECK(!data->HasError());
- data->Initialize();
+ i::CompleteParserRecorder log;
+ i::Scanner scanner(CcTest::i_isolate()->unicode_cache());
+ scanner.Initialize(&stream);
+ i::PreParser preparser(&scanner, &log,
+ CcTest::i_isolate()->stack_guard()->real_climit());
+ preparser.set_allow_lazy(true);
+ i::PreParser::PreParseResult result = preparser.PreParseProgram();
+ CHECK_EQ(i::PreParser::kPreParseSuccess, result);
+ i::ScriptDataImpl data(log.ExtractData());
+ CHECK(!data.has_error());
+ data.Initialize();
int first_function =
static_cast<int>(strstr(program, "function") - program);
int first_lbrace = first_function + i::StrLength("function () ");
CHECK_EQ('{', program[first_lbrace]);
- i::FunctionEntry entry1 = data->GetFunctionEntry(first_lbrace);
+ i::FunctionEntry entry1 = data.GetFunctionEntry(first_lbrace);
int second_function =
@@ -580,10 +560,9 @@ TEST(Regress928) {
int second_lbrace =
second_function + i::StrLength("function () ");
CHECK_EQ('{', program[second_lbrace]);
- i::FunctionEntry entry2 = data->GetFunctionEntry(second_lbrace);
+ i::FunctionEntry entry2 = data.GetFunctionEntry(second_lbrace);
CHECK_EQ('}', program[entry2.end_pos() - 1]);
- delete data;
@@ -1556,10 +1535,9 @@ TEST(ParserSync) {
-TEST(PreparserStrictOctal) {
+TEST(StrictOctal) {
// Test that syntax error caused by octal literal is reported correctly as
// such (issue 2220).
- v8::internal::FLAG_min_preparse_length = 1; // Force preparsing.
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
v8::Context::Scope context_scope(
@@ -2086,9 +2064,12 @@ TEST(NoErrorsIdentifierNames) {
TEST(DontRegressPreParserDataSizes) {
- // These tests make sure that PreParser doesn't start producing less data.
+ // These tests make sure that Parser doesn't start producing less "preparse
+ // data" (data which the embedder can cache).
+ v8::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::isolate();
+ v8::HandleScope handles(isolate);
int marker;
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&marker) - 128 * 1024);
@@ -2118,45 +2099,37 @@ TEST(DontRegressPreParserDataSizes) {
{NULL, 0, 0}
- // Each function adds 5 elements to the preparse function data.
- const int kDataPerFunction = 5;
- typedef i::CompleteParserRecorderFriend F;
- uintptr_t stack_limit = CcTest::i_isolate()->stack_guard()->real_climit();
for (int i = 0; test_cases[i].program; i++) {
const char* program = test_cases[i].program;
- i::Utf8ToUtf16CharacterStream stream(
- reinterpret_cast<const i::byte*>(program),
- static_cast<unsigned>(strlen(program)));
- i::CompleteParserRecorder log;
- i::Scanner scanner(CcTest::i_isolate()->unicode_cache());
- scanner.Initialize(&stream);
+ i::Factory* factory = CcTest::i_isolate()->factory();
+ i::Handle<i::String> source(
+ factory->NewStringFromUtf8(i::CStrVector(program)));
+ i::Handle<i::Script> script = factory->NewScript(source);
+ i::CompilationInfoWithZone info(script);
+ i::ScriptDataImpl* data = NULL;
+ info.SetCachedData(&data, i::PRODUCE_CACHED_DATA);
+ i::Parser::Parse(&info, true);
+ CHECK(data);
+ CHECK(!data->HasError());
- i::PreParser preparser(&scanner, &log, stack_limit);
- preparser.set_allow_lazy(true);
- preparser.set_allow_natives_syntax(true);
- i::PreParser::PreParseResult result = preparser.PreParseProgram();
- CHECK_EQ(i::PreParser::kPreParseSuccess, result);
- if (F::symbol_ids(&log) != test_cases[i].symbols) {
+ if (data->symbol_count() != test_cases[i].symbols) {
"Expected preparse data for program:\n"
"to contain %d symbols, however, received %d symbols.\n",
- program, test_cases[i].symbols, F::symbol_ids(&log));
+ program, test_cases[i].symbols, data->symbol_count());
- if (F::function_position(&log) !=
- test_cases[i].functions * kDataPerFunction) {
+ if (data->function_count() != test_cases[i].functions) {
"Expected preparse data for program:\n"
"to contain %d functions, however, received %d functions.\n",
program, test_cases[i].functions,
- F::function_position(&log) / kDataPerFunction);
+ data->function_count());
- i::ScriptDataImpl data(log.ExtractData());
- CHECK(!data.has_error());
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