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Unified Diff: Source/platform/heap/Heap.h

Issue 224113002: Oilpan: move Range object to the oilpan heap. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Use STACK_ALLOCATED() + incorporate ager's overview of macros in this area. Created 6 years, 9 months ago
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Index: Source/platform/heap/Heap.h
diff --git a/Source/platform/heap/Heap.h b/Source/platform/heap/Heap.h
index 175a982576bbbebe1328c16074263cfea5a76014..c310e5fde489e9fce68da8b9f31a22ac3a4b9621 100644
--- a/Source/platform/heap/Heap.h
+++ b/Source/platform/heap/Heap.h
@@ -1024,6 +1024,27 @@ T* adoptRefCountedGarbageCollected(T* ptr)
return ptr;
+// Classes that contain heap references but aren't themselves heap
+// allocated, have some extra macros available which allows their use
+// to be restricted to cases where the garbage collector is able
+// to discover their heap references.
+// STACK_ALLOCATED(): Use if the object is only stack allocated. Heap objects
+// should be in Members but you do not need the trace method as they are on
+// the stack. (Down the line these might turn in to raw pointers, but for
+// now Members indicates that we have thought about them and explicitly
+// taken care of them.)
+// DISALLOW_ALLOCATION(): Cannot be allocated with new operators but can
+// be a part object. If it has Members you need a trace method and the
+// containing object needs to call that trace method.
+// ALLOW_ONLY_INLINE_ALLOCATION(): Allows only placement new operator.
+// This disallows general allocation of this object but allows to put
+// the object as a value object in collections. If these have Members you
+// need to have a trace method. That trace method will be called
+// automatically by the Heap collections.
private: \

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