| (Empty) |
1 // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file | |
2 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a | |
3 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. | |
4 | |
5 library trydart.mock; | |
6 | |
7 const List<String> identifiers = const <String>[ | |
9 "AnalyserNode", | |
10 "ApplicationCache", | |
11 "Array", | |
12 "ArrayBuffer", | |
13 "Attr", | |
14 "Audio", | |
15 "AudioBuffer", | |
16 "AudioBufferSourceNode", | |
17 "AudioDestinationNode", | |
18 "AudioListener", | |
19 "AudioNode", | |
20 "AudioParam", | |
21 "AudioProcessingEvent", | |
22 "AutocompleteErrorEvent", | |
23 "BarProp", | |
24 "BeforeUnloadEvent", | |
25 "BiquadFilterNode", | |
26 "Blob", | |
27 "Boolean", | |
28 "CDATASection", | |
30 "COMMENT_NODE", | |
31 "CSS", | |
32 "CSSCharsetRule", | |
33 "CSSFontFaceRule", | |
34 "CSSImportRule", | |
35 "CSSKeyframeRule", | |
36 "CSSKeyframesRule", | |
37 "CSSMediaRule", | |
38 "CSSPageRule", | |
39 "CSSPrimitiveValue", | |
40 "CSSRule", | |
41 "CSSRuleList", | |
42 "CSSStyleDeclaration", | |
43 "CSSStyleRule", | |
44 "CSSStyleSheet", | |
45 "CSSValue", | |
46 "CSSValueList", | |
47 "CSSViewportRule", | |
48 "CanvasGradient", | |
49 "CanvasPattern", | |
50 "CanvasRenderingContext2D", | |
51 "ChannelMergerNode", | |
52 "ChannelSplitterNode", | |
53 "CharacterData", | |
54 "ClientRect", | |
55 "ClientRectList", | |
56 "Clipboard", | |
57 "CloseEvent", | |
58 "Comment", | |
59 "CompositionEvent", | |
60 "ConvolverNode", | |
61 "Counter", | |
62 "CustomEvent", | |
72 "DOMException", | |
73 "DOMImplementation", | |
74 "DOMParser", | |
75 "DOMSettableTokenList", | |
76 "DOMStringList", | |
77 "DOMStringMap", | |
78 "DOMTokenList", | |
79 "DataTransferItemList", | |
80 "DataView", | |
81 "Date", | |
82 "DelayNode", | |
83 "DeviceMotionEvent", | |
84 "DeviceOrientationEvent", | |
85 "Document", | |
86 "DocumentFragment", | |
87 "DocumentType", | |
88 "DynamicsCompressorNode", | |
89 "ELEMENT_NODE", | |
90 "ENTITY_NODE", | |
92 "Element", | |
93 "Error", | |
94 "ErrorEvent", | |
95 "EvalError", | |
96 "Event", | |
97 "EventSource", | |
98 "EventTarget", | |
99 "File", | |
100 "FileError", | |
101 "FileList", | |
102 "FileReader", | |
103 "Float32Array", | |
104 "Float64Array", | |
105 "FocusEvent", | |
106 "FormData", | |
107 "Function", | |
108 "GainNode", | |
109 "HTMLAllCollection", | |
110 "HTMLAnchorElement", | |
111 "HTMLAppletElement", | |
112 "HTMLAreaElement", | |
113 "HTMLAudioElement", | |
114 "HTMLBRElement", | |
115 "HTMLBaseElement", | |
116 "HTMLBodyElement", | |
117 "HTMLButtonElement", | |
118 "HTMLCanvasElement", | |
119 "HTMLCollection", | |
120 "HTMLContentElement", | |
121 "HTMLDListElement", | |
122 "HTMLDataListElement", | |
123 "HTMLDirectoryElement", | |
124 "HTMLDivElement", | |
125 "HTMLDocument", | |
126 "HTMLElement", | |
127 "HTMLEmbedElement", | |
128 "HTMLFieldSetElement", | |
129 "HTMLFontElement", | |
130 "HTMLFormControlsCollection", | |
131 "HTMLFormElement", | |
132 "HTMLFrameElement", | |
133 "HTMLFrameSetElement", | |
134 "HTMLHRElement", | |
135 "HTMLHeadElement", | |
136 "HTMLHeadingElement", | |
137 "HTMLHtmlElement", | |
138 "HTMLIFrameElement", | |
139 "HTMLImageElement", | |
140 "HTMLInputElement", | |
141 "HTMLKeygenElement", | |
142 "HTMLLIElement", | |
143 "HTMLLabelElement", | |
144 "HTMLLegendElement", | |
145 "HTMLLinkElement", | |
146 "HTMLMapElement", | |
147 "HTMLMarqueeElement", | |
148 "HTMLMediaElement", | |
149 "HTMLMenuElement", | |
150 "HTMLMetaElement", | |
151 "HTMLMeterElement", | |
152 "HTMLModElement", | |
153 "HTMLOListElement", | |
154 "HTMLObjectElement", | |
155 "HTMLOptGroupElement", | |
156 "HTMLOptionElement", | |
157 "HTMLOptionsCollection", | |
158 "HTMLOutputElement", | |
159 "HTMLParagraphElement", | |
160 "HTMLParamElement", | |
161 "HTMLPreElement", | |
162 "HTMLProgressElement", | |
163 "HTMLQuoteElement", | |
164 "HTMLScriptElement", | |
165 "HTMLSelectElement", | |
166 "HTMLShadowElement", | |
167 "HTMLSourceElement", | |
168 "HTMLSpanElement", | |
169 "HTMLStyleElement", | |
170 "HTMLTableCaptionElement", | |
171 "HTMLTableCellElement", | |
172 "HTMLTableColElement", | |
173 "HTMLTableElement", | |
174 "HTMLTableRowElement", | |
175 "HTMLTableSectionElement", | |
176 "HTMLTemplateElement", | |
177 "HTMLTextAreaElement", | |
178 "HTMLTitleElement", | |
179 "HTMLTrackElement", | |
180 "HTMLUListElement", | |
181 "HTMLUnknownElement", | |
182 "HTMLVideoElement", | |
183 "HashChangeEvent", | |
184 "History", | |
185 "IDBCursor", | |
186 "IDBCursorWithValue", | |
187 "IDBDatabase", | |
188 "IDBFactory", | |
189 "IDBIndex", | |
190 "IDBKeyRange", | |
191 "IDBObjectStore", | |
192 "IDBOpenDBRequest", | |
193 "IDBRequest", | |
194 "IDBTransaction", | |
195 "IDBVersionChangeEvent", | |
196 "Image", | |
197 "ImageBitmap", | |
198 "ImageData", | |
199 "Infinity", | |
200 "InputMethodContext", | |
201 "Int16Array", | |
202 "Int32Array", | |
203 "Int8Array", | |
204 "Intl", | |
205 "JSON", | |
206 "KeyboardEvent", | |
207 "Location", | |
208 "Math", | |
209 "MediaController", | |
210 "MediaElementAudioSourceNode", | |
211 "MediaError", | |
212 "MediaKeyError", | |
213 "MediaKeyEvent", | |
214 "MediaList", | |
215 "MediaSource", | |
216 "MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode", | |
217 "MediaStreamAudioSourceNode", | |
218 "MediaStreamEvent", | |
219 "MediaStreamTrack", | |
220 "MessageChannel", | |
221 "MessageEvent", | |
222 "MessagePort", | |
223 "MimeType", | |
224 "MimeTypeArray", | |
225 "MouseEvent", | |
226 "MutationEvent", | |
227 "MutationObserver", | |
228 "MutationRecord", | |
229 "NOTATION_NODE", | |
230 "NaN", | |
231 "NamedNodeMap", | |
232 "Navigator", | |
233 "Node", | |
234 "NodeFilter", | |
235 "NodeIterator", | |
236 "NodeList", | |
237 "Notation", | |
238 "Notification", | |
239 "Number", | |
240 "Object", | |
241 "OfflineAudioCompletionEvent", | |
242 "Option", | |
243 "OscillatorNode", | |
244 "OverflowEvent", | |
246 "PageTransitionEvent", | |
247 "Performance", | |
248 "PerformanceEntry", | |
249 "PerformanceMark", | |
250 "PerformanceMeasure", | |
251 "PerformanceNavigation", | |
252 "PerformanceResourceTiming", | |
253 "PerformanceTiming", | |
254 "PeriodicWave", | |
255 "Plugin", | |
256 "PluginArray", | |
257 "PopStateEvent", | |
258 "ProcessingInstruction", | |
259 "ProgressEvent", | |
260 "Promise", | |
261 "RGBColor", | |
262 "RTCIceCandidate", | |
263 "RTCSessionDescription", | |
264 "Range", | |
265 "RangeError", | |
266 "Rect", | |
267 "ReferenceError", | |
268 "RegExp", | |
269 "SVGAElement", | |
270 "SVGAltGlyphDefElement", | |
271 "SVGAltGlyphElement", | |
272 "SVGAltGlyphItemElement", | |
273 "SVGAngle", | |
274 "SVGAnimateElement", | |
275 "SVGAnimateMotionElement", | |
276 "SVGAnimateTransformElement", | |
277 "SVGAnimatedAngle", | |
278 "SVGAnimatedBoolean", | |
279 "SVGAnimatedEnumeration", | |
280 "SVGAnimatedInteger", | |
281 "SVGAnimatedLength", | |
282 "SVGAnimatedLengthList", | |
283 "SVGAnimatedNumber", | |
284 "SVGAnimatedNumberList", | |
285 "SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio", | |
286 "SVGAnimatedRect", | |
287 "SVGAnimatedString", | |
288 "SVGAnimatedTransformList", | |
289 "SVGAnimationElement", | |
290 "SVGCircleElement", | |
291 "SVGClipPathElement", | |
292 "SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement", | |
293 "SVGCursorElement", | |
294 "SVGDefsElement", | |
295 "SVGDescElement", | |
296 "SVGDiscardElement", | |
297 "SVGElement", | |
298 "SVGElementInstance", | |
299 "SVGElementInstanceList", | |
300 "SVGEllipseElement", | |
301 "SVGFEBlendElement", | |
302 "SVGFEColorMatrixElement", | |
303 "SVGFEComponentTransferElement", | |
304 "SVGFECompositeElement", | |
305 "SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement", | |
306 "SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement", | |
307 "SVGFEDisplacementMapElement", | |
308 "SVGFEDistantLightElement", | |
309 "SVGFEDropShadowElement", | |
310 "SVGFEFloodElement", | |
311 "SVGFEFuncAElement", | |
312 "SVGFEFuncBElement", | |
313 "SVGFEFuncGElement", | |
314 "SVGFEFuncRElement", | |
315 "SVGFEGaussianBlurElement", | |
316 "SVGFEImageElement", | |
317 "SVGFEMergeElement", | |
318 "SVGFEMergeNodeElement", | |
319 "SVGFEMorphologyElement", | |
320 "SVGFEOffsetElement", | |
321 "SVGFEPointLightElement", | |
322 "SVGFESpecularLightingElement", | |
323 "SVGFESpotLightElement", | |
324 "SVGFETileElement", | |
325 "SVGFETurbulenceElement", | |
326 "SVGFilterElement", | |
327 "SVGFontElement", | |
328 "SVGFontFaceElement", | |
329 "SVGFontFaceFormatElement", | |
330 "SVGFontFaceNameElement", | |
331 "SVGFontFaceSrcElement", | |
332 "SVGFontFaceUriElement", | |
333 "SVGForeignObjectElement", | |
334 "SVGGElement", | |
335 "SVGGeometryElement", | |
336 "SVGGlyphElement", | |
337 "SVGGlyphRefElement", | |
338 "SVGGradientElement", | |
339 "SVGGraphicsElement", | |
340 "SVGHKernElement", | |
341 "SVGImageElement", | |
342 "SVGLength", | |
343 "SVGLengthList", | |
344 "SVGLineElement", | |
345 "SVGLinearGradientElement", | |
346 "SVGMPathElement", | |
347 "SVGMarkerElement", | |
348 "SVGMaskElement", | |
349 "SVGMatrix", | |
350 "SVGMetadataElement", | |
351 "SVGMissingGlyphElement", | |
352 "SVGNumber", | |
353 "SVGNumberList", | |
354 "SVGPathElement", | |
355 "SVGPathSeg", | |
356 "SVGPathSegArcAbs", | |
357 "SVGPathSegArcRel", | |
358 "SVGPathSegClosePath", | |
359 "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs", | |
360 "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel", | |
361 "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs", | |
362 "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel", | |
363 "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs", | |
364 "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel", | |
365 "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs", | |
366 "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel", | |
367 "SVGPathSegLinetoAbs", | |
368 "SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs", | |
369 "SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel", | |
370 "SVGPathSegLinetoRel", | |
371 "SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs", | |
372 "SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel", | |
373 "SVGPathSegList", | |
374 "SVGPathSegMovetoAbs", | |
375 "SVGPathSegMovetoRel", | |
376 "SVGPatternElement", | |
377 "SVGPoint", | |
378 "SVGPointList", | |
379 "SVGPolygonElement", | |
380 "SVGPolylineElement", | |
381 "SVGPreserveAspectRatio", | |
382 "SVGRadialGradientElement", | |
383 "SVGRect", | |
384 "SVGRectElement", | |
385 "SVGRenderingIntent", | |
386 "SVGSVGElement", | |
387 "SVGScriptElement", | |
388 "SVGSetElement", | |
389 "SVGStopElement", | |
390 "SVGStringList", | |
391 "SVGStyleElement", | |
392 "SVGSwitchElement", | |
393 "SVGSymbolElement", | |
394 "SVGTSpanElement", | |
395 "SVGTextContentElement", | |
396 "SVGTextElement", | |
397 "SVGTextPathElement", | |
398 "SVGTextPositioningElement", | |
399 "SVGTitleElement", | |
400 "SVGTransform", | |
401 "SVGTransformList", | |
402 "SVGUnitTypes", | |
403 "SVGUseElement", | |
404 "SVGVKernElement", | |
405 "SVGViewElement", | |
406 "SVGViewSpec", | |
407 "SVGZoomEvent", | |
408 "Screen", | |
409 "ScriptProcessorNode", | |
410 "Selection", | |
411 "SharedWorker", | |
412 "SpeechInputEvent", | |
413 "SpeechSynthesisEvent", | |
414 "SpeechSynthesisUtterance", | |
415 "Storage", | |
416 "StorageEvent", | |
417 "String", | |
418 "StyleSheet", | |
419 "StyleSheetList", | |
420 "SyntaxError", | |
421 "TEXT_NODE", | |
422 "Text", | |
423 "TextEvent", | |
424 "TextMetrics", | |
425 "TextTrack", | |
426 "TextTrackCue", | |
427 "TextTrackCueList", | |
428 "TextTrackList", | |
429 "TimeRanges", | |
430 "Touch", | |
431 "TouchEvent", | |
432 "TouchList", | |
433 "TrackEvent", | |
434 "TransitionEvent", | |
435 "TreeWalker", | |
436 "TypeError", | |
437 "UIEvent", | |
438 "URIError", | |
439 "URL", | |
440 "Uint16Array", | |
441 "Uint32Array", | |
442 "Uint8Array", | |
443 "Uint8ClampedArray", | |
444 "VTTCue", | |
445 "ValidityState", | |
446 "WaveShaperNode", | |
447 "WebGLActiveInfo", | |
448 "WebGLBuffer", | |
449 "WebGLContextEvent", | |
450 "WebGLFramebuffer", | |
451 "WebGLProgram", | |
452 "WebGLRenderbuffer", | |
453 "WebGLRenderingContext", | |
454 "WebGLShader", | |
455 "WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat", | |
456 "WebGLTexture", | |
457 "WebGLUniformLocation", | |
458 "WebSocket", | |
459 "WheelEvent", | |
460 "Window", | |
461 "Worker", | |
462 "XMLDocument", | |
463 "XMLHttpRequest", | |
464 "XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent", | |
465 "XMLHttpRequestUpload", | |
466 "XMLSerializer", | |
467 "XPathEvaluator", | |
468 "XPathExpression", | |
469 "XPathResult", | |
470 "XSLTProcessor", | |
471 "activeElement", | |
472 "addEventListener", | |
473 "adoptNode", | |
474 "alinkColor", | |
475 "all", | |
476 "anchors", | |
477 "appendChild", | |
478 "applets", | |
479 "applicationCache", | |
480 "baseURI", | |
481 "bgColor", | |
482 "body", | |
483 "captureEvents", | |
484 "caretRangeFromPoint", | |
485 "characterSet", | |
486 "charset", | |
487 "childElementCount", | |
488 "childNodes", | |
489 "children", | |
490 "chrome", | |
491 "clear", | |
492 "clientInformation", | |
493 "cloneNode", | |
494 "close", | |
495 "closed", | |
496 "compareDocumentPosition", | |
497 "compatMode", | |
498 "console", | |
499 "contains", | |
500 "cookie", | |
501 "cr", | |
502 "createAttribute", | |
503 "createCDATASection", | |
504 "createComment", | |
505 "createDocumentFragment", | |
506 "createElement", | |
507 "createElementNS", | |
508 "createEvent", | |
509 "createExpression", | |
510 "createNSResolver", | |
511 "createNodeIterator", | |
512 "createProcessingInstruction", | |
513 "createRange", | |
514 "createTextNode", | |
515 "createTreeWalker", | |
516 "crypto", | |
517 "currentScript", | |
518 "decodeURI", | |
519 "decodeURIComponent", | |
520 "defaultCharset", | |
521 "defaultStatus", | |
522 "defaultView", | |
523 "defaultstatus", | |
524 "designMode", | |
525 "devicePixelRatio", | |
526 "dir", | |
527 "dispatchEvent", | |
528 "doctype", | |
529 "document", | |
530 "documentElement", | |
531 "documentURI", | |
532 "domain", | |
533 "elementFromPoint", | |
534 "embeds", | |
535 "encodeURI", | |
536 "encodeURIComponent", | |
537 "escape", | |
538 "eval", | |
539 "evaluate", | |
540 "event", | |
541 "execCommand", | |
542 "external", | |
543 "fgColor", | |
544 "firstChild", | |
545 "firstElementChild", | |
546 "forms", | |
547 "frameElement", | |
548 "frames", | |
549 "getCSSCanvasContext", | |
550 "getElementById", | |
551 "getElementsByClassName", | |
552 "getElementsByName", | |
553 "getElementsByTagName", | |
554 "getElementsByTagNameNS", | |
555 "getOverrideStyle", | |
556 "getSelection", | |
557 "global", | |
558 "hasChildNodes", | |
559 "hasFocus", | |
560 "head", | |
561 "hidden", | |
562 "history", | |
563 "i18nTemplate", | |
564 "images", | |
565 "implementation", | |
566 "importNode", | |
567 "indexedDB", | |
568 "innerHeight", | |
569 "innerWidth", | |
570 "inputEncoding", | |
571 "insertBefore", | |
572 "isDefaultNamespace", | |
573 "isEqualNode", | |
574 "isFinite", | |
575 "isNaN", | |
576 "isSameNode", | |
577 "lastChild", | |
578 "lastElementChild", | |
579 "lastModified", | |
580 "length", | |
581 "linkColor", | |
582 "links", | |
583 "localName", | |
584 "localStorage", | |
585 "location", | |
586 "locationbar", | |
587 "lookupNamespaceURI", | |
588 "lookupPrefix", | |
589 "menubar", | |
590 "name", | |
591 "namespaceURI", | |
592 "navigator", | |
593 "nextSibling", | |
594 "nodeName", | |
595 "nodeType", | |
596 "nodeValue", | |
597 "normalize", | |
598 "ntp", | |
599 "offscreenBuffering", | |
600 "onabort", | |
601 "onbeforecopy", | |
602 "onbeforecut", | |
603 "onbeforepaste", | |
604 "onblur", | |
605 "oncancel", | |
606 "oncanplay", | |
607 "oncanplaythrough", | |
608 "onchange", | |
609 "onclick", | |
610 "onclose", | |
611 "oncontextmenu", | |
612 "oncopy", | |
613 "oncuechange", | |
614 "oncut", | |
615 "ondblclick", | |
616 "ondrag", | |
617 "ondragend", | |
618 "ondragenter", | |
619 "ondragleave", | |
620 "ondragover", | |
621 "ondragstart", | |
622 "ondrop", | |
623 "ondurationchange", | |
624 "onemptied", | |
625 "onended", | |
626 "onerror", | |
627 "onfocus", | |
628 "oninput", | |
629 "oninvalid", | |
630 "onkeydown", | |
631 "onkeypress", | |
632 "onkeyup", | |
633 "onload", | |
634 "onloadeddata", | |
635 "onloadedmetadata", | |
636 "onloadstart", | |
637 "onmousedown", | |
638 "onmouseenter", | |
639 "onmouseleave", | |
640 "onmousemove", | |
641 "onmouseout", | |
642 "onmouseover", | |
643 "onmouseup", | |
644 "onmousewheel", | |
645 "onpaste", | |
646 "onpause", | |
647 "onplay", | |
648 "onplaying", | |
649 "onprogress", | |
650 "onratechange", | |
651 "onreadystatechange", | |
652 "onreset", | |
653 "onresize", | |
654 "onscroll", | |
655 "onsearch", | |
656 "onseeked", | |
657 "onseeking", | |
658 "onselect", | |
659 "onselectionchange", | |
660 "onselectstart", | |
661 "onshow", | |
662 "onstalled", | |
663 "onsubmit", | |
664 "onsuspend", | |
665 "ontimeupdate", | |
666 "onvolumechange", | |
667 "onwaiting", | |
668 "onwheel", | |
669 "open", | |
670 "opener", | |
671 "outerHeight", | |
672 "outerWidth", | |
673 "ownerDocument", | |
674 "pageXOffset", | |
675 "pageYOffset", | |
676 "parent", | |
677 "parentElement", | |
678 "parentNode", | |
679 "parseFloat", | |
680 "parseInt", | |
681 "performance", | |
682 "personalbar", | |
683 "plugins", | |
684 "preferredStylesheetSet", | |
685 "previousSibling", | |
686 "queryCommandEnabled", | |
687 "queryCommandIndeterm", | |
688 "queryCommandState", | |
689 "queryCommandSupported", | |
690 "queryCommandValue", | |
691 "querySelector", | |
692 "querySelectorAll", | |
693 "readyState", | |
694 "referrer", | |
695 "registerElement", | |
696 "releaseEvents", | |
697 "removeChild", | |
698 "removeEventListener", | |
699 "replaceChild", | |
700 "rootElement", | |
701 "screen", | |
702 "screenLeft", | |
703 "screenTop", | |
704 "screenX", | |
705 "screenY", | |
706 "scripts", | |
707 "scrollX", | |
708 "scrollY", | |
709 "scrollbars", | |
710 "selectedStylesheetSet", | |
711 "self", | |
712 "sessionStorage", | |
713 "speechSynthesis", | |
714 "status", | |
715 "statusbar", | |
716 "styleMedia", | |
717 "styleSheets", | |
718 "templateData", | |
719 "textContent", | |
720 "title", | |
721 "toolbar", | |
722 "top", | |
723 "undefined", | |
724 "unescape", | |
725 "visibilityState", | |
726 "vlinkColor", | |
727 "window", | |
728 "write", | |
729 "writeln", | |
730 "xmlEncoding", | |
731 "xmlStandalone", | |
732 "xmlVersion", | |
733 ]; | |