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Unified Diff: chrome/common/automation_messages_internal.h

Issue 223163003: Remove the remaining automation-based tests. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 9 months ago
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Index: chrome/common/automation_messages_internal.h
--- chrome/common/automation_messages_internal.h (revision 261647)
+++ chrome/common/automation_messages_internal.h (working copy)
@@ -1,951 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Defines the IPC messages used by the automation interface.
-// NOTE: All IPC messages have either a routing_id of 0 (for asynchronous
-// messages), or one that's been assigned by the proxy (for calls
-// which expect a response). The routing_id shouldn't be used for
-// any other purpose in these message types.
-// NOTE: All the new IPC messages should go at the end.
-// The test <--> browser IPC message IDs need to match the reference
-// builds. Since we now define the IDs based on __LINE__, to allow these
-// IPC messages to be used to control an old version of Chrome we need
-// the message IDs to remain the same. This means that you should not
-// change the line number of these types of messages.
-#define IPC_MESSAGE_START AutomationMsgStart
-// This message is fired when the AutomationProvider is up and running
-// in the app (the app is not fully up at this point). The parameter to this
-// message is the version string of the automation provider. This parameter
-// is defined to be the version string as returned by
-// chrome::VersionInfo::Version().
-// The client can choose to use this version string to decide whether or not
-// it can talk to the provider.
- std::string)
-// This message is fired when the initial tab(s) are finished loading.
-// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to append a new tab the
-// window with the given handle. The return value contains the index of
-// the new tab, or -1 if the request failed.
-// The second parameter is the url to be loaded in the new tab.
- int,
- int)
-// This message requests the (zero-based) index for the currently
-// active tab in the window with the given handle. The return value contains
-// the index of the active tab, or -1 if the request failed.
- int,
- int)
-// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to active the tab.
-// The first parameter is the handle to window resource.
-// The second parameter is the (zero-based) index to be activated
- int,
- int,
- int)
-// This message requests the cookie value for given url in the
-// profile of the tab identified by the second parameter. The first
-// parameter is the URL string. The response contains the length of the
-// cookie value string. On failure, this length = -1.
- int,
- int,
- std::string)
-// This message is used to implement the asynchronous version of
-// NavigateToURL.
- int /* tab handle */,
- bool /* result */)
-// This message requests the number of browser windows that the app currently
-// has open. The return value is the number of windows.
- int)
-// This message requests the handle (int64 app-unique identifier) of the
-// window with the given (zero-based) index. On error, the returned handle
-// value is 0.
- int,
- int)
-// This message requests the number of tabs in the window with the given
-// handle. The return value contains the number of tabs, or -1 if the
-// request failed.
- int,
- int)
-// This message requests the handle of the tab with the given (zero-based)
-// index in the given app window. First parameter specifies the given window
-// handle, second specifies the given tab_index. On error, the returned handle
-// value is 0.
- int,
- int,
- int)
-// This message requests the the title of the tab with the given handle.
-// The return value contains the size of the title string. On error, this
-// value should be -1 and empty string. Note that the title can be empty in
-// which case the size would be 0.
- int,
- int,
- std::wstring)
-// This message requests the url of the tab with the given handle.
-// The return value contains a success flag and the URL string. The URL will
-// be empty on failure, and it still may be empty on success.
- int /* tab handle */,
- bool /* success flag */,
-// This message notifies the AutomationProxy that a handle that it has
-// previously been given is now invalid. (For instance, if the handle
-// represented a window which has now been closed.) The parameter
-// value is the handle.
- int)
-// This message notifies the AutomationProvider that a handle is no
-// longer being used, so it can stop paying attention to the
-// associated resource. The parameter value is the handle.
- int)
-// This message requests that the AutomationProvider executes a JavaScript,
-// which is sent embedded in a 'javascript:' URL.
-// The javascript is executed in context of child frame whose xpath
-// is passed as parameter (context_frame). The execution results in
-// a serialized JSON string response.
- int /* tab handle */,
- std::wstring /* context_frame */,
- std::wstring /* the javascript to be executed */,
- std::string /* the serialized json string containg
- the result of a javascript
- execution */)
-// This message requests the bounds of the specified View element in
-// window coordinates.
-// Request:
-// int - the handle of the window in which the view appears
-// int - the ID of the view, as specified in chrome/browser/ui/view_ids.h
-// bool - whether the bounds should be returned in the screen coordinates
-// (if true) or in the browser coordinates (if false).
-// Response:
-// bool - true if the view was found
-// gfx::Rect - the bounds of the view, in window coordinates
- int,
- int,
- bool,
- bool,
- gfx::Rect)
-// This message sets the bounds of the window.
-// Request:
-// int - the handle of the window to resize
-// gfx::Rect - the bounds of the window
-// Response:
-// bool - true if the resize was successful
- int,
- gfx::Rect,
- bool)
-// Similar to AutomationMsg_InitialLoadsComplete, this indicates that the
-// new tab ui has completed the initial load of its data.
-// Time is how many milliseconds the load took.
- int /* time */)
-// Opens a new browser window.
-// TODO(sky): remove this and replace with OpenNewBrowserWindowOfType.
-// Doing this requires updating the reference build.
- bool /* show */ )
-// This message requests the window associated with the specified browser
-// handle.
-// The return value contains a success flag and the handle of the window.
- int /* browser handle */,
- bool /* success flag */,
- int /* window handle */)
-// This message requests that a tab be closed.
-// Request:
-// - int: handle of the tab to close
-// - bool: if true the proxy blocks until the tab has completely closed,
-// otherwise the proxy only blocks until it initiates the close.
- int,
- bool,
- bool)
-// This message requests that the browser be closed.
-// Request:
-// - int: handle of the browser which contains the tab
-// Response:
-// - bool: whether the operation was successfull.
-// - bool: whether the browser process will be terminated as a result (if
-// this was the last closed browser window).
- int,
- bool,
- bool)
-// Message to request that a browser window is brought to the front and
-// activated.
-// Request:
-// - int: handle of the browser window.
-// Response:
-// - bool: True if the browser is brought to the front.
- int,
- bool)
-// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to reload the current page in
-// the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle to the tab
-// resource. The return value contains a status code which is nonnegative on
-// success.
-// see AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response.
- int,
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
-// This message requests the execution of a browser command in the browser
-// for which the handle is specified.
-// The return value contains a boolean, whether the command was dispatched.
- int /* automation handle */,
- int /* browser command */,
- bool /* success flag */)
-// This message requests the execution of a browser command in the browser
-// for which the handle is specified.
-// The return value contains a boolean, whether the command was dispatched
-// and successful executed.
- int /* automation handle */,
- int /* browser command */,
- bool /* success flag */)
-// This message starts a find within a tab corresponding to the supplied
-// tab handle. The parameter |request| specifies what to search for.
-// If an error occurs, |matches_found| will be -1.
- int /* tab_handle */,
- AutomationMsg_Find_Params /* params */,
- int /* active_ordinal */,
- int /* matches_found */)
-// Is the Find window fully visible (and not animating) for the specified
-// tab?
- int /* tab_handle */,
- bool /* is_visible */)
-// Uses the specified encoding to override the encoding of the page in the
-// specified web content tab.
- int /* tab handle */,
- std::string /* overrided encoding name */,
- bool /* success */)
-// This message requests the tabstrip index of the tab with the given handle.
-// The return value contains the index, which will be -1 on failure.
- int,
- int)
-// This message requests the number of normal browser windows, i.e. normal
-// type and non-incognito mode that the app currently has open. The return
-// value is the number of windows.
- int)
- int /* tab handle */)
- int /* tab handle */)
-// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate to a specified
-// url in the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle to
-// the tab resource. The second parameter is the target url. The third
-// parameter is the number of navigations that are required for a successful
-// return value. See AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the return
-// value.
- AutomationMsg_NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete,
- int,
- int,
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
-// This message requests the provider to wait until the window count
-// reached the specified value.
-// Request:
-// - int: target browser window count
-// Response:
-// - bool: whether the operation was successful.
- int,
- bool)
-// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate back in session
-// history in the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle
-// to the tab resource. The second parameter is the number of navigations the
-// provider will wait for.
-// See AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response
-// values.
- int,
- int,
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
-// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate forward in session
-// history in the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle
-// to the tab resource. The second parameter is the number of navigations
-// the provider will wait for.
-// See AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response
-// values.
- AutomationMsg_GoForwardBlockUntilNavigationsComplete,
- int,
- int,
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
-// Simulate an end of session. Normally this happens when the user
-// shuts down the machine or logs off.
-// Request:
-// int - the handle of the browser
-// Response:
-// bool - true if succesful
- int,
- bool)
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int /* The font size */)
-// Returns a metric event duration that was last recorded. Returns -1 if the
-// event hasn't occurred yet.
- std::string /* event_name */,
- int /* duration ms */)
-// Sent by automation provider - go to history entry via automation.
- int) // numbers of entries (negative or positive)
-// This message requests the type of the window with the given handle. The
-// return value contains the type (Browser::Type), or -1 if the request
-// failed.
- int,
- int)
-// Opens a new browser window of a specific type.
- int /* Type (Browser::Type) */,
- bool /* show */ )
-// Wait for the bookmark model to load.
- int /* browser_handle */,
- bool /* success */)
-// Generic pyauto pattern to help avoid future addition of
-// automation messages.
- int /* browser_handle */,
- std::string /* JSON request */,
- std::string /* JSON response */,
- bool /* success */)
-// Waits for tab count to reach target value.
- int /* browser handle */,
- int /* target tab count */,
- bool /* success */)
-// Waits for the infobar count to reach given number.
- int /* tab handle */,
- size_t /* target count */,
- bool /* success */)
-// Notify the JavaScript engine in the render to change its parameters
-// while performing stress testing.
- int /* tab handle */,
- int /* command */,
- int /* type or run */)
-// This message posts a task to the PROCESS_LAUNCHER thread. Once processed
-// the response is sent back. This is useful when you want to make sure all
-// changes to the number of processes have completed.
-// Call BeginTracing on the browser TraceController. This will tell all
-// processes to start collecting trace events via base/debug/trace_event.h.
- std::string /* category_patterns */,
- bool /* success */)
-// End tracing (called after BeginTracing). This blocks until tracing has
-// stopped on all processes and all the events are ready to be retrieved.
- base::FilePath /* result_file_path */,
- bool /* success */)
-// Used on Mac OS X to read the number of active Mach ports used in the browser
-// process.
- int /* number of Mach ports */)
-// Generic pyauto pattern to help avoid future addition of
-// automation messages.
- int /* window_index */,
- std::string /* JSON request */,
- std::string /* JSON response */,
- bool /* success */)
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