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Side by Side Diff: chrome/test/perf/

Issue 223163003: Remove the remaining automation-based tests. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 8 months ago
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1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "base/basictypes.h"
6 #include "base/command_line.h"
7 #include "base/file_util.h"
8 #include "base/files/file_path.h"
9 #include "base/path_service.h"
10 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
11 #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
12 #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
13 #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
14 #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
15 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
16 #include "chrome/common/net/url_fixer_upper.h"
17 #include "chrome/test/automation/automation_proxy.h"
18 #include "chrome/test/automation/browser_proxy.h"
19 #include "chrome/test/automation/tab_proxy.h"
20 #include "chrome/test/automation/window_proxy.h"
21 #include "chrome/test/base/chrome_process_util.h"
22 #include "chrome/test/perf/perf_test.h"
23 #include "chrome/test/ui/ui_perf_test.h"
24 #include "gpu/command_buffer/service/gpu_switches.h"
25 #include "net/base/net_util.h"
26 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
27 #include "testing/perf/perf_test.h"
28 #include "url/gurl.h"
30 namespace {
32 static const base::FilePath::CharType kTempDirName[] =
33 FILE_PATH_LITERAL("memory_test_profile");
35 class MemoryTest : public UIPerfTest {
36 public:
37 MemoryTest() : cleanup_temp_dir_on_exit_(false) {}
39 virtual ~MemoryTest() {
40 // Cleanup our temporary directory.
41 if (cleanup_temp_dir_on_exit_)
42 base::DeleteFile(temp_dir_, true);
43 }
45 // Called from SetUp() to determine the user data dir to copy.
46 virtual base::FilePath GetUserDataDirSource() const = 0;
48 // Called from RunTest() to determine the set of URLs to retrieve.
49 // Returns the length of the list.
50 virtual size_t GetUrlList(std::string** list) = 0;
52 virtual void SetUp() {
53 show_window_ = true;
55 // For now, turn off plugins because they crash like crazy.
56 // TODO(mbelshe): Fix Chrome to not crash with plugins.
57 launch_arguments_.AppendSwitch(switches::kDisablePlugins);
59 launch_arguments_.AppendSwitch(switches::kEnableLogging);
61 #if defined (OS_MACOSX)
62 // On Mac the OpenGL driver will leave around active pages for GPU
63 // memory, resulting in a massive reported memory regression. Limit
64 // the impact of this by minimizing the amount of GPU memory used.
65 //
66 launch_arguments_.AppendSwitchASCII(switches::kForceGpuMemAvailableMb,
67 "1");
68 #endif
70 // In order to record a dataset to cache for future playback,
71 // set the |playback| to false and run the test. The source user data dir
72 // will be populated with an appropriate cache set. If any of source
73 // urls are particularly slow, setting |kMaxWaitTime| higher while record
74 // may be useful.
75 bool playback = true;
76 if (playback) {
77 // Use the playback cache, but don't use playback events.
78 launch_arguments_.AppendSwitch(switches::kPlaybackMode);
79 launch_arguments_.AppendSwitch(switches::kNoEvents);
80 launch_arguments_.AppendSwitch(switches::kDisableGpuShaderDiskCache);
82 // Get the specified user data dir (optional)
83 base::FilePath profile_dir =
84 CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValuePath(
85 switches::kUserDataDir);
87 if (profile_dir.empty()) {
88 if (!SetupTempDirectory(GetUserDataDirSource())) {
89 // There isn't really a way to fail gracefully here.
90 // Neither this constructor nor the SetUp() method return
91 // status to the caller. So, just fall through using the
92 // default profile and log this. The failure will be
93 // obvious.
94 LOG(ERROR) << "Error preparing temp directory for test";
95 }
96 }
97 } else { // Record session.
98 launch_arguments_.AppendSwitch(switches::kRecordMode);
99 launch_arguments_.AppendSwitch(switches::kNoEvents);
101 user_data_dir_ = GetUserDataDirSource();
102 }
104 launch_arguments_.AppendSwitchPath(switches::kUserDataDir, user_data_dir_);
105 UITest::SetUp();
106 }
108 // This memory test loads a set of URLs across a set of tabs, maintaining the
109 // number of concurrent open tabs at num_target_tabs.
110 // <NEWTAB> is a special URL which informs the loop when we should create a
111 // new tab.
112 // <PAUSE> is a special URL that informs the loop to pause before proceeding
113 // to the next URL.
114 void RunTest(const char* test_name, int num_target_tabs) {
115 std::string* urls;
116 size_t urls_length = GetUrlList(&urls);
118 // Record the initial CommitCharge. This is a system-wide measurement,
119 // so if other applications are running, they can create variance in this
120 // test.
121 size_t start_size = base::GetSystemCommitCharge();
123 // Cycle through the URLs.
124 scoped_refptr<BrowserProxy> window(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0));
125 ASSERT_TRUE(window.get());
126 int active_window = 0; // The index of the window we are currently using.
127 scoped_refptr<TabProxy> tab(window->GetActiveTab());
128 ASSERT_TRUE(tab.get());
129 int expected_tab_count = 1;
130 for (unsigned counter = 0; counter < urls_length; ++counter) {
131 std::string url = urls[counter];
133 SCOPED_TRACE(url);
135 if (url == "<PAUSE>") { // Special command to delay on this page
136 base::PlatformThread::Sleep(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(2));
137 continue;
138 }
140 if (url == "<NEWTAB>") { // Special command to create a new tab
141 if (++counter >= urls_length)
142 continue; // Newtab was specified at end of list. ignore.
144 url = urls[counter];
145 if (GetTabCount() < num_target_tabs) {
146 EXPECT_TRUE(window->AppendTab(GURL(url)));
147 expected_tab_count++;
148 WaitUntilTabCount(expected_tab_count);
149 tab = window->GetActiveTab();
150 ASSERT_TRUE(tab.get());
151 continue;
152 }
154 int tab_index = counter % num_target_tabs; // A pseudo-random tab.
155 tab = window->GetTab(tab_index);
156 ASSERT_TRUE(tab.get());
157 }
159 if (url == "<NEXTTAB>") { // Special command to select the next tab.
160 int tab_index, tab_count;
161 EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetActiveTabIndex(&tab_index));
162 EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
163 tab_index = (tab_index + 1) % tab_count;
164 tab = window->GetTab(tab_index);
165 ASSERT_TRUE(tab.get());
166 continue;
167 }
169 if (url == "<NEWWINDOW>") { // Special command to create a new window.
170 if (counter + 1 >= urls_length)
171 continue; // Newwindows was specified at end of list. ignore.
173 int window_count;
174 EXPECT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&window_count));
175 EXPECT_TRUE(automation()->OpenNewBrowserWindow(Browser::TYPE_TABBED,
176 show_window_));
177 int expected_window_count = window_count + 1;
178 EXPECT_TRUE(automation()->WaitForWindowCountToBecome(
179 expected_window_count));
180 EXPECT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&window_count));
181 EXPECT_EQ(expected_window_count, window_count);
183 // A new window will not load a url if requested too soon. The window
184 // stays on the new tab page instead.
185 base::PlatformThread::Sleep(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(200));
187 active_window = window_count - 1;
188 window = automation()->GetBrowserWindow(active_window);
189 ASSERT_TRUE(window.get());
190 tab = window->GetActiveTab();
191 ASSERT_TRUE(tab.get());
192 continue;
193 }
195 if (url == "<NEXTWINDOW>") { // Select the next window.
196 int window_count;
197 EXPECT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&window_count));
198 active_window = (active_window + 1) % window_count;
199 window = automation()->GetBrowserWindow(active_window);
200 ASSERT_TRUE(window.get());
201 tab = window->GetActiveTab();
202 ASSERT_TRUE(tab.get());
203 continue;
204 }
207 tab->NavigateToURL(GURL(urls[counter])));
209 // TODO(mbelshe): Bug 2953
210 // The automation crashes periodically if we cycle too quickly.
211 // To make these tests more reliable, slowing them down a bit.
212 base::PlatformThread::Sleep(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(100));
213 }
215 size_t stop_size = base::GetSystemCommitCharge();
216 PrintIOPerfInfo(test_name);
217 PrintMemoryUsageInfo(test_name);
218 perf_test::PrintSystemCommitCharge(test_name, stop_size - start_size,
219 true /* important */);
220 }
222 private:
223 // Setup a temporary directory to store the profile to use
224 // with these tests.
225 // Input:
226 // src_dir is set to the source directory
227 // Output:
228 // On success, modifies user_data_dir_ to be a new profile directory
229 // sets temp_dir_ to the containing temporary directory,
230 // and sets cleanup_temp_dir_on_exit_ to true.
231 bool SetupTempDirectory(const base::FilePath& src_dir) {
232 VLOG(1) << "Setting up temp directory in " << src_dir.value();
233 // We create a copy of the test dir and use it so that each
234 // run of this test starts with the same data. Running this
235 // test has the side effect that it will change the profile.
236 if (!base::CreateNewTempDirectory(kTempDirName, &temp_dir_)) {
237 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create temp directory:" << kTempDirName;
238 return false;
239 }
241 if (!base::CopyDirectory(src_dir, temp_dir_, true)) {
242 LOG(ERROR) << "Could not copy temp directory";
243 return false;
244 }
246 // The profile directory was copied in to the containing temp
247 // directory as its base name, so point user_data_dir_ there.
248 user_data_dir_ = temp_dir_.Append(src_dir.BaseName());
249 cleanup_temp_dir_on_exit_ = true;
250 VLOG(1) << "Finished temp directory setup.";
251 return true;
252 }
254 bool cleanup_temp_dir_on_exit_;
255 base::FilePath temp_dir_;
256 base::FilePath user_data_dir_;
257 base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io_;
258 };
260 class GeneralMixMemoryTest : public MemoryTest {
261 public:
262 virtual base::FilePath GetUserDataDirSource() const OVERRIDE {
263 base::FilePath profile_dir;
264 PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &profile_dir);
265 profile_dir = profile_dir.AppendASCII("data");
266 profile_dir = profile_dir.AppendASCII("memory_test");
267 profile_dir = profile_dir.AppendASCII("general_mix");
268 return profile_dir;
269 }
271 virtual size_t GetUrlList(std::string** list) OVERRIDE {
272 *list = urls_;
273 return urls_length_;
274 }
276 private:
277 static std::string urls_[];
278 static size_t urls_length_;
279 };
281 // TODO(mbelshe): Separate this data to an external file.
282 std::string GeneralMixMemoryTest::urls_[] = {
283 "",
284 " ake-436",
285 "",
286 "",
287 " h-news",
288 "<NEWTAB>",
289 "",
290 "",
291 "" ,
292 "",
293 "" ,
294 "<NEWTAB>",
295 "",
296 "",
297 "",
298 "",
299 "",
300 "<NEWTAB>",
301 "",
302 "<NEWTAB>",
303 "",
304 "<NEWTAB>",
305 "",
306 " /mapplets/earthquakes.xml&ie=UTF8&ll=20,170&spn=140.625336,73.828125&t=k&z=2",
307 ",+m ountain+view,+ca&ie=UTF8&z=13",
308 "<NEWTAB>",
309 "",
310 "",
311 "",
312 "",
313 "",
314 "",
315 "<NEWTAB>",
316 "",
317 "<PAUSE>",
318 "<NEWTAB>",
319 "",
320 "<PAUSE>",
321 "<NEWTAB>",
322 "",
323 "",
324 "",
325 "<NEWTAB>",
326 "",
327 "",
328 "",
329 "",
330 "",
331 "",
332 "",
333 "<NEWTAB>",
334 "",
335 "",
336 "",
337 "",
338 "<NEWTAB>",
339 "",
340 " ell-Invitational?MSNHPHMA",
341 " stRiskToYourRetirement_SeriesHome.aspx",
342 " WayToGetRich.aspx",
343 " nOfCorporateTransparency.aspx",
344 "<NEWTAB>",
345 "",
346 "",
347 "",
348 "",
349 "",
350 "<NEWTAB>",
351 "",
352 "",
353 "",
354 "",
355 "<NEWTAB>",
356 "",
357 "",
358 " ef=slogin",
359 " abic-speakers-to-write-in-arabic/",
360 "<NEWTAB>",
361 "",
362 " 8CCG/ref=pd_ts_p_17?ie=UTF8&s=photo",
363 " /ref=pd_ts_p_24?ie=UTF8&s=photo",
364 " 17941",
365 "<NEWTAB>",
366 "",
367 "",
368 "" ,
369 " ecast_for_heating_costs/",
370 "<NEWTAB>",
371 "",
372 " yleand-far-from-dead.html",
373 " talian-bittorrent-tracker.html",
374 " from-google-ms-aol.html",
375 "<NEWTAB>",
376 "",
377 "",
378 "<NEWTAB>",
379 "",
380 "",
381 "<NEWTAB>",
382 "",
383 "",
384 "",
385 "<NEWTAB>",
386 "",
387 "",
388 "<NEWTAB>",
389 "",
390 "",
391 "",
392 "",
393 "<NEWTAB>",
394 "",
395 "",
396 "",
397 "",
398 " %82%B8",
399 "",
400 "",
401 "",
402 "",
403 " %D1%8F_%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0",
404 "<NEWTAB>",
405 " spellingsdfdf&sl=en&tl=ja"
406 };
408 size_t GeneralMixMemoryTest::urls_length_ =
409 arraysize(GeneralMixMemoryTest::urls_);
411 class GeneralMixReferenceMemoryTest : public GeneralMixMemoryTest {
412 public:
413 virtual void SetUp() {
414 UseReferenceBuild();
415 GeneralMixMemoryTest::SetUp();
416 }
417 };
419 class MembusterMemoryTest : public MemoryTest {
420 public:
421 MembusterMemoryTest() : test_urls_(NULL) {}
423 virtual ~MembusterMemoryTest() {
424 delete[] test_urls_;
425 }
427 virtual base::FilePath GetUserDataDirSource() const OVERRIDE {
428 base::FilePath profile_dir;
429 PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &profile_dir);
430 profile_dir = profile_dir.AppendASCII("data");
431 profile_dir = profile_dir.AppendASCII("memory_test");
432 profile_dir = profile_dir.AppendASCII("membuster");
433 return profile_dir;
434 }
436 virtual size_t GetUrlList(std::string** list) OVERRIDE {
437 size_t total_url_entries = urls_length_ * kIterations_ * 2 - 1;
438 if (!test_urls_) {
439 test_urls_ = new std::string[total_url_entries];
441 // Open url_length_ + 1 windows as we access urls. We start with one
442 // open window.
443 test_urls_[0] = source_urls_[0];
444 size_t fill_position = 1;
445 size_t source_url_index = 1;
446 for (; fill_position <= urls_length_ * 2; fill_position += 2) {
447 test_urls_[fill_position] = "<NEWWINDOW>";
448 test_urls_[fill_position + 1] = source_urls_[source_url_index];
449 source_url_index = (source_url_index + 1) % urls_length_;
450 }
452 // Then cycle through all the urls to fill out the list.
453 for (; fill_position < total_url_entries; fill_position += 2) {
454 test_urls_[fill_position] = "<NEXTWINDOW>";
455 test_urls_[fill_position + 1] = source_urls_[source_url_index];
456 source_url_index = (source_url_index + 1) % urls_length_;
457 }
458 }
459 *list = test_urls_;
460 return total_url_entries;
461 }
463 private:
464 static const int kIterations_ = 11;
466 static std::string source_urls_[];
467 static size_t urls_length_;
469 std::string* test_urls_;
470 };
472 // membuster traverses the list in reverse order. We just list them that way.
473 std::string MembusterMemoryTest::source_urls_[] = {
474 "",
475 "",
476 "",
477 " ffd17b&f=10",
478 "",
479 "",
480 "",
481 "",
482 "",
483 "",
484 "",
485 "",
486 "",
487 "",
488 "",
489 "",
490 "",
491 "",
492 "",
493 "",
494 "",
495 "",
496 "",
497 "",
498 "",
499 "",
500 "",
501 "",
502 ""
503 };
505 size_t MembusterMemoryTest::urls_length_ =
506 arraysize(MembusterMemoryTest::source_urls_);
508 #define QUOTE(x) #x
509 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
510 // The reference builds crash on mac with the memory test and we don't care
511 // enough to fix it because this test is being replaced with Telemetry.
512 #define GENERAL_MIX_MEMORY_TESTS(name, tabs) \
513 TEST_F(GeneralMixMemoryTest, name) { \
514 RunTest(QUOTE(_##tabs##t), tabs); \
515 }
516 #else
517 #define GENERAL_MIX_MEMORY_TESTS(name, tabs) \
518 TEST_F(GeneralMixMemoryTest, name) { \
519 RunTest(QUOTE(_##tabs##t), tabs); \
520 } \
521 TEST_F(GeneralMixReferenceMemoryTest, name) { \
522 RunTest(QUOTE(_##tabs##t_ref), tabs); \
523 }
524 #endif
526 // TODO(tonyg): Delete this whole file after buildbot no longer calls it.
531 // Commented out until the recorded cache data is added.
532 //TEST_F(MembusterMemoryTest, Windows) {
533 // RunTest("membuster", 0);
534 //}
536 } // namespace
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