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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/dataset-expected.txt

Issue 2231053003: Add dataset property to SVGElement interface. (Closed) Base URL:
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Index: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/dataset-expected.txt
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/dataset-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/dataset-expected.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2009e4993abeba4411315701c3dfa70e5bf6e682..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/dataset-expected.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-This tests element.dataset.
-On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
-PASS testGet('data-foo', 'foo') is true
-PASS testGet('data-foo-bar', 'fooBar') is true
-PASS testGet('data--', '-') is true
-PASS testGet('data--foo', 'Foo') is true
-PASS testGet('data---foo', '-Foo') is true
-PASS testGet('data---foo--bar', '-Foo-Bar') is true
-PASS testGet('data---foo---bar', '-Foo--Bar') is true
-PASS testGet('data-foo-', 'foo-') is true
-PASS testGet('data-foo--', 'foo--') is true
-PASS testGet('data-Foo', 'foo') is true
-PASS testGet('data-', '') is true
-PASS testGet('data-à', 'à') is true
-PASS testGet('data-1', '1') is true
-PASS testGet('data-01', '01') is true
-PASS testGet('data-zx81', 'zx81') is true
-PASS testGet('data-i4770k', 'i4770k') is true
-PASS testGet('data-r-7', 'r-7') is true
-PASS testGet('data-r-7-k', 'r-7K') is true
-PASS document.body.dataset.nonExisting is undefined.
-PASS testIsUndefined('data-022', '22') is true
-PASS testIsUndefined('data-22', '022') is true
-PASS matchesNothingInDataset('dataFoo') is true
-PASS testSet('foo', 'data-foo') is true
-PASS testSet('fooBar', 'data-foo-bar') is true
-PASS testSet('-', 'data--') is true
-PASS testSet('Foo', 'data--foo') is true
-PASS testSet('-Foo', 'data---foo') is true
-PASS testSet('', 'data-') is true
-PASS testSet('à', 'data-à') is true
-PASS testSet('32', 'data-32') is true
-PASS testSet('0032', 'data-0032') is true
-PASS testSet('i18n', 'data-i18n') is true
-PASS testSet('d2', 'data-d2') is true
-PASS testSet('2d', 'data-2d') is true
-PASS testSet('d-2', 'data-d-2') is true
-PASS testSet('A--S', 'data--a---s') is true
-PASS testIsNull('0123', 'data-123') is true
-PASS testIsNull('123', 'data-0123') is true
-PASS testSet('-foo', 'dummy') threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to set the '-foo' property on 'DOMStringMap': '-foo' is not a valid property name..
-PASS testSet('foo ', 'dummy') threw exception InvalidCharacterError: Failed to set the 'foo ' property on 'DOMStringMap': 'data-foo ' is not a valid attribute name..
-FAIL testSet('foo豈', 'dummy') should throw InvalidCharacterError: Failed to set the 'foo豈' property on 'DOMStringMap': 'data-foo豈' is not a valid attribute name.. Threw exception InvalidCharacterError: Failed to set the 'foo豈' property on 'DOMStringMap': 'data-foo豈' is not a valid attribute name..
-PASS testDelete('data-foo', 'foo') is true
-PASS testDelete('data-foo-bar', 'fooBar') is true
-PASS testDelete('data--', '-') is true
-PASS testDelete('data--foo', 'Foo') is true
-PASS testDelete('data---foo', '-Foo') is true
-PASS testDelete('data-', '') is true
-PASS testDelete('data-à', 'à') is true
-PASS testDelete('data-33', '33') is true
-PASS testDelete('data-00033', '00033') is true
-PASS testDelete('data-r2', 'r2') is true
-PASS testDelete('data-2r', '2r') is true
-PASS testDelete('data-r-2', 'r-2') is true
-PASS testDelete('data--r-2-', 'R-2-') is true
-PASS testDelete('data--r-2r', 'R-2r') is true
-PASS testDelete('data--r-2-----r', 'R-2----R') is true
-PASS testNativeDelete('foo', true) is true
-PASS testDelete('dummy', '-foo') is false
-PASS testForIn(['data-foo', 'data-bar', 'data-baz']) is 3
-PASS testForIn(['data-foo', 'data-bar', 'dataFoo']) is 2
-PASS testForIn(['data-foo', 'data-bar', 'style']) is 2
-PASS testForIn(['data-foo', 'data-bar', 'data-']) is 3
-PASS testForIn(['data-foo', 'data-bar', 'data-43']) is 3
-PASS testForIn(['data-foo', 'data-oric1', 'data-bar']) is 3
-PASS testForIn(['data-foo', 'data-oric-1', 'data-bar']) is 3
-PASS testForIn(['data-foo', 'data-oric-1x', 'data-bar']) is 3
-Property override:
-PASS = 'on Object'; is 'on Object'
-PASS div.dataset['foo'] = 'on dataset'; is 'on dataset'
-PASS div.hasAttribute('data-foo') is true
-PASS div.setAttribute('data-foo', 'attr'); is 'attr'
-Update the JavaScript property:
-PASS = 'updated'; is 'updated'
-PASS div.getAttribute('data-foo') is 'updated'
-PASS div.dataset.Bar = 'on dataset'; div.dataset.Bar is 'on dataset'
-PASS div.hasAttribute('data-Bar') is false
-Make the JavaScript property empty:
-PASS = ''; is ''
-PASS div.getAttribute('data-foo') is ''
-Remove the attribute:
-PASS div.removeAttribute('data-foo'); is 'on Object'
-Remove the JavaScript property:
-PASS div.setAttribute('data-foo', 'attr'); delete; is 'on Object'
-PASS div.hasAttribute('foo') is false
-PASS delete div.dataset.Bar; div.dataset.Bar is undefined.
-PASS Object.prototype[11] = 'on Object'; div.dataset[11] is 'on Object'
-PASS div.dataset['11'] = 'on dataset'; div.dataset[11] is 'on dataset'
-PASS div.hasAttribute('data-11') is true
-PASS div.setAttribute('data-11', 'attr'); div.dataset[11] is 'attr'
-Update the JavaScript property:
-PASS div.dataset[11] = 'updated'; div.dataset[11] is 'updated'
-PASS div.getAttribute('data-11') is 'updated'
-PASS Object.prototype['a500'] = 'on Object'; div.dataset['a500'] is 'on Object'
-PASS div.dataset['a500'] = 'on dataset'; div.dataset['a500'] is 'on dataset'
-PASS div.hasAttribute('data-a500') is true
-PASS div.setAttribute('data-a500', 'attr'); div.dataset['a500'] is 'attr'
-Update the JavaScript property:
-PASS div.dataset['a500'] = 'updated'; div.dataset['a500'] is 'updated'
-PASS div.getAttribute('data-a500') is 'updated'
-PASS Object.prototype['a-500k'] = 'on Object'; div.dataset['a-500k'] is 'on Object'
-PASS div.dataset['a-500k'] = 'on dataset'; div.dataset['a-500k'] is 'on dataset'
-PASS div.hasAttribute('data-a-500k') is true
-PASS div.setAttribute('data-a-500k', 'attr'); div.dataset['a-500k'] is 'attr'
-Update the JavaScript property:
-PASS div.dataset['a-500k'] = 'updated'; div.dataset['a-500k'] is 'updated'
-PASS div.getAttribute('data-a-500k') is 'updated'
-Set null:
-PASS is 'null'
-PASS successfullyParsed is true
« no previous file with comments | « third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/dataset.html ('k') | third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/script-tests/dataset.js » ('j') | no next file with comments »

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