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Unified Diff: chrome/test/functional/

Issue 222873002: Remove pyauto tests. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: sync Created 6 years, 9 months ago
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Index: chrome/test/functional/
--- chrome/test/functional/ (revision 261231)
+++ chrome/test/functional/ (working copy)
@@ -1,776 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Performance tests for Chrome Endure (long-running perf tests on Chrome).
-This module accepts the following environment variable inputs:
- TEST_LENGTH: The number of seconds in which to run each test.
- PERF_STATS_INTERVAL: The number of seconds to wait in-between each sampling
- of performance/memory statistics.
-The following variables are related to the Deep Memory Profiler.
- DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE: Enable the Deep Memory Profiler if it's set to 'True'.
- DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE_SAVE: Don't clean up dump files if it's set to 'True'.
- DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE_UPLOAD: Upload dumped files if the variable has a Google
- Storage bucket like gs://chromium-endure/. The 'gsutil' script in $PATH
- is used by default, or set a variable 'GSUTIL' to specify a path to the
- 'gsutil' script. A variable 'REVISION' (or 'BUILDBOT_GOT_REVISION') is
- used as a subdirectory in the destination if it is set.
- GSUTIL: A path to the 'gsutil' script. Not mandatory.
- REVISION: A string that represents the revision or some build configuration.
- Not mandatory.
- BUILDBOT_GOT_REVISION: Similar to 'REVISION', but checked only if 'REVISION'
- is not specified. Not mandatory.
-from datetime import datetime
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-import tempfile
-import time
-import perf
-import pyauto_functional # Must be imported before pyauto.
-import pyauto
-import pyauto_errors
-import pyauto_utils
-import remote_inspector_client
-import selenium.common.exceptions
-from import WebDriverWait
-class NotSupportedEnvironmentError(RuntimeError):
- """Represent an error raised since the environment (OS) is not supported."""
- pass
-class DeepMemoryProfiler(object):
- """Controls Deep Memory Profiler (dmprof) for endurance tests."""
- _WORKDIR_PATTERN = re.compile('endure\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[A-Za-z0-9]+')
- _DMPROF_DIR_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir,
- 'tools', 'deep_memory_profiler'))
- _DMPROF_SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.join(_DMPROF_DIR_PATH, 'dmprof')
- _POLICIES = ['l0', 'l1', 'l2', 't0']
- def __init__(self):
- self._enabled = self.GetEnvironmentVariable(
- self._save = self.GetEnvironmentVariable(
- self._upload = self.GetEnvironmentVariable(
- if self._upload and not self._upload.endswith('/'):
- self._upload += '/'
- self._revision = ''
- self._gsutil = ''
- self._json_file = None
- self._last_json_filename = ''
- self._proc = None
- self._last_time = {}
- for policy in self._POLICIES:
- self._last_time[policy] = -1.0
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return self._enabled
- @staticmethod
- def GetEnvironmentVariable(env_name, converter, default):
- """Returns a converted environment variable for Deep Memory Profiler.
- Args:
- env_name: A string name of an environment variable.
- converter: A function taking a string to convert an environment variable.
- default: A value used if the environment variable is not specified.
- Returns:
- A value converted from the environment variable with 'converter'.
- """
- return converter(os.environ.get(env_name, default))
- def SetUp(self, is_linux, revision, gsutil):
- """Sets up Deep Memory Profiler settings for a Chrome process.
- It sets environment variables and makes a working directory.
- """
- if not self._enabled:
- return
- if not is_linux:
- raise NotSupportedEnvironmentError(
- 'Deep Memory Profiler is not supported in this environment (OS).')
- self._revision = revision
- self._gsutil = gsutil
- # Remove old dumped files with keeping latest _SAVED_WORKDIRS workdirs.
- # It keeps the latest workdirs not to miss data by failure in uploading
- # and other operations. Dumped files are no longer available if they are
- # removed. Re-execution doesn't generate the same files.
- tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
- saved_workdirs = 0
- for filename in sorted(os.listdir(tempdir), reverse=True):
- if self._WORKDIR_PATTERN.match(filename):
- saved_workdirs += 1
- if saved_workdirs > self._SAVED_WORKDIRS:
- fullpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(tempdir, filename))
-'Removing an old workdir: %s' % fullpath)
- pyauto_utils.RemovePath(fullpath)
- dir_prefix = 'endure.%s.' %'%Y%m%d.%H%M%S')
- self._workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=dir_prefix, dir=tempdir)
- os.environ['HEAPPROFILE'] = os.path.join(self._workdir, 'endure')
- os.environ['HEAP_PROFILE_MMAP'] = '1'
- os.environ['DEEP_HEAP_PROFILE'] = '1'
- def TearDown(self):
- """Tear down Deep Memory Profiler settings for the Chrome process.
- It removes the environment variables and the temporary directory.
- Call it after Chrome finishes. Chrome may dump last files at the end.
- """
- if not self._enabled:
- return
- del os.environ['DEEP_HEAP_PROFILE']
- del os.environ['HEAP_PROFILE_MMAP']
- del os.environ['HEAPPROFILE']
- if not self._save and self._workdir:
- pyauto_utils.RemovePath(self._workdir)
- def LogFirstMessage(self):
- """Logs first messages."""
- if not self._enabled:
- return
-'Running with the Deep Memory Profiler.')
- if self._save:
-' Dumped files won\'t be cleaned.')
- else:
-' Dumped files will be cleaned up after every test.')
- def StartProfiler(self, proc_info, is_last, webapp_name, test_description):
- """Starts Deep Memory Profiler in background."""
- if not self._enabled:
- return
-' Profiling with the Deep Memory Profiler...')
- # Wait for a running dmprof process for last _GetPerformanceStat call to
- # cover last dump files.
- if is_last:
-' Waiting for the last dmprof.')
- self._WaitForDeepMemoryProfiler()
- if self._proc and self._proc.poll() is None:
-' Last dmprof is still running.')
- else:
- if self._json_file:
- self._last_json_filename =
- self._json_file.close()
- self._json_file = None
- first_dump = ''
- last_dump = ''
- for filename in sorted(os.listdir(self._workdir)):
- if re.match('^endure.%05d.\d+.heap$' % proc_info['tab_pid'],
- filename):
-' Profiled dump file: %s' % filename)
- last_dump = filename
- if not first_dump:
- first_dump = filename
- if first_dump:
-' First dump file: %s' % first_dump)
- matched = re.match('^endure.\d+.(\d+).heap$', last_dump)
- last_sequence_id =
- self._json_file = open(
- os.path.join(self._workdir,
- 'endure.%05d.%s.json' % (proc_info['tab_pid'],
- last_sequence_id)), 'w+')
- self._proc = subprocess.Popen(
- '%s json %s' % (self._DMPROF_SCRIPT_PATH,
- os.path.join(self._workdir, first_dump)),
- shell=True, stdout=self._json_file)
- if is_last:
- # Wait only when it is the last profiling. dmprof may take long time.
- self._WaitForDeepMemoryProfiler()
- # Upload the dumped files.
- if first_dump and self._upload and self._gsutil:
- if self._revision:
- destination_path = '%s%s/' % (self._upload, self._revision)
- else:
- destination_path = self._upload
- destination_path += '' % (
- webapp_name,
- test_description,
- os.path.basename(self._workdir))
- gsutil_command = '%s upload --gsutil %s %s %s' % (
- self._gsutil,
- os.path.join(self._workdir, first_dump),
- destination_path)
-'Uploading: %s' % gsutil_command)
- try:
- returncode =, shell=True)
-' Return code: %d' % returncode)
- except OSError, e:
- logging.error(' Error while uploading: %s', e)
- else:
-'Note that the dumped files are not uploaded.')
- else:
-' No dump files.')
- def ParseResultAndOutputPerfGraphValues(
- self, webapp_name, test_description, output_perf_graph_value):
- """Parses Deep Memory Profiler result, and outputs perf graph values."""
- if not self._enabled:
- return
- results = {}
- for policy in self._POLICIES:
- if self._last_json_filename:
- json_data = {}
- with open(self._last_json_filename) as json_f:
- json_data = json.load(json_f)
- if json_data['version'] == 'JSON_DEEP_1':
- results[policy] = json_data['snapshots']
- elif json_data['version'] == 'JSON_DEEP_2':
- results[policy] = json_data['policies'][policy]['snapshots']
- for policy, result in results.iteritems():
- if result and result[-1]['second'] > self._last_time[policy]:
- started = False
- for legend in json_data['policies'][policy]['legends']:
- if legend == 'FROM_HERE_FOR_TOTAL':
- started = True
- elif legend == 'UNTIL_HERE_FOR_TOTAL':
- break
- elif started:
- output_perf_graph_value(
- legend.encode('utf-8'), [
- (int(round(snapshot['second'])), snapshot[legend] / 1024)
- for snapshot in result
- if snapshot['second'] > self._last_time[policy]],
- 'KB',
- graph_name='%s%s-%s-DMP' % (
- webapp_name, test_description, policy),
- units_x='seconds', is_stacked=True)
- self._last_time[policy] = result[-1]['second']
- def _WaitForDeepMemoryProfiler(self):
- """Waits for the Deep Memory Profiler to finish if running."""
- if not self._enabled or not self._proc:
- return
- self._proc.wait()
- self._proc = None
- if self._json_file:
- self._last_json_filename =
- self._json_file.close()
- self._json_file = None
-class ChromeEndureBaseTest(perf.BasePerfTest):
- """Implements common functionality for all Chrome Endure tests.
- All Chrome Endure test classes should inherit from this class.
- """
- _DEFAULT_TEST_LENGTH_SEC = 60 * 60 * 6 # Tests run for 6 hours.
- _GET_PERF_STATS_INTERVAL = 60 * 5 # Measure perf stats every 5 minutes.
- # TODO(dennisjeffrey): Do we still need to tolerate errors?
- _ERROR_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 50 # Number of errors to tolerate.
- _REVISION = ''
- _GSUTIL = 'gsutil'
- def setUp(self):
- # The environment variables for the Deep Memory Profiler must be set
- # before perf.BasePerfTest.setUp() to inherit them to Chrome.
- self._dmprof = DeepMemoryProfiler()
- self._revision = str(os.environ.get('REVISION', self._REVISION))
- if not self._revision:
- self._revision = str(os.environ.get('BUILDBOT_GOT_REVISION',
- self._REVISION))
- self._gsutil = str(os.environ.get('GSUTIL', self._GSUTIL))
- if self._dmprof:
- self._dmprof.SetUp(self.IsLinux(), self._revision, self._gsutil)
- perf.BasePerfTest.setUp(self)
- self._test_length_sec = int(
- os.environ.get('TEST_LENGTH', self._DEFAULT_TEST_LENGTH_SEC))
- self._get_perf_stats_interval = int(
-'Running test for %d seconds.', self._test_length_sec)
-'Gathering perf stats every %d seconds.',
- self._get_perf_stats_interval)
- if self._dmprof:
- self._dmprof.LogFirstMessage()
- # Set up a remote inspector client associated with tab 0.
-'Setting up connection to remote inspector...')
- self._remote_inspector_client = (
- remote_inspector_client.RemoteInspectorClient())
-'Connection to remote inspector set up successfully.')
- self._test_start_time = 0
- self._num_errors = 0
- self._events_to_output = []
- def tearDown(self):
-'Terminating connection to remote inspector...')
- self._remote_inspector_client.Stop()
-'Connection to remote inspector terminated.')
- # Must be done at end of this function except for post-cleaning after
- # Chrome finishes.
- perf.BasePerfTest.tearDown(self)
- # Must be done after perf.BasePerfTest.tearDown()
- if self._dmprof:
- self._dmprof.TearDown()
- def ExtraChromeFlags(self):
- """Ensures Chrome is launched with custom flags.
- Returns:
- A list of extra flags to pass to Chrome when it is launched.
- """
- # The same with setUp, but need to fetch the environment variable since
- # ExtraChromeFlags is called before setUp.
- deep_memory_profile = DeepMemoryProfiler.GetEnvironmentVariable(
- # Ensure Chrome enables remote debugging on port 9222. This is required to
- # interact with Chrome's remote inspector.
- # Also, enable the memory benchmarking V8 extension for heap dumps.
- extra_flags = ['--remote-debugging-port=9222',
- '--enable-memory-benchmarking']
- if deep_memory_profile:
- extra_flags.append('--no-sandbox')
- return perf.BasePerfTest.ExtraChromeFlags(self) + extra_flags
- def _OnTimelineEvent(self, event_info):
- """Invoked by the Remote Inspector Client when a timeline event occurs.
- Args:
- event_info: A dictionary containing raw information associated with a
- timeline event received from Chrome's remote inspector. Refer to
- chrome/src/third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/inspector/Inspector.json
- for the format of this dictionary.
- """
- elapsed_time = int(round(time.time() - self._test_start_time))
- if event_info['type'] == 'GCEvent':
- self._events_to_output.append({
- 'type': 'GarbageCollection',
- 'time': elapsed_time,
- 'data':
- {'collected_bytes': event_info['data']['usedHeapSizeDelta']},
- })
- def _RunEndureTest(self, webapp_name, tab_title_substring, test_description,
- do_scenario, frame_xpath=''):
- """The main test harness function to run a general Chrome Endure test.
- After a test has performed any setup work and has navigated to the proper
- starting webpage, this function should be invoked to run the endurance test.
- Args:
- webapp_name: A string name for the webapp being tested. Should not
- include spaces. For example, 'Gmail', 'Docs', or 'Plus'.
- tab_title_substring: A unique substring contained within the title of
- the tab to use, for identifying the appropriate tab.
- test_description: A string description of what the test does, used for
- outputting results to be graphed. Should not contain spaces. For
- example, 'ComposeDiscard' for Gmail.
- do_scenario: A callable to be invoked that implements the scenario to be
- performed by this test. The callable is invoked iteratively for the
- duration of the test.
- frame_xpath: The string xpath of the frame in which to inject javascript
- to clear chromedriver's cache (a temporary workaround until the
- WebDriver team changes how they handle their DOM node cache).
- """
- self._num_errors = 0
- self._test_start_time = time.time()
- last_perf_stats_time = time.time()
- if self._dmprof:
- self.HeapProfilerDump('renderer', 'Chrome Endure (first)')
- self._GetPerformanceStats(
- webapp_name, test_description, tab_title_substring)
- self._iteration_num = 0 # Available to |do_scenario| if needed.
- self._remote_inspector_client.StartTimelineEventMonitoring(
- self._OnTimelineEvent)
- while time.time() - self._test_start_time < self._test_length_sec:
- self._iteration_num += 1
- if self._num_errors >= self._ERROR_COUNT_THRESHOLD:
- logging.error('Error count threshold (%d) reached. Terminating test '
- 'early.' % self._ERROR_COUNT_THRESHOLD)
- break
- if time.time() - last_perf_stats_time >= self._get_perf_stats_interval:
- last_perf_stats_time = time.time()
- if self._dmprof:
- self.HeapProfilerDump('renderer', 'Chrome Endure')
- self._GetPerformanceStats(
- webapp_name, test_description, tab_title_substring)
- if self._iteration_num % 10 == 0:
- remaining_time = self._test_length_sec - (time.time() -
- self._test_start_time)
-'Chrome interaction #%d. Time remaining in test: %d sec.' %
- (self._iteration_num, remaining_time))
- do_scenario()
- # Clear ChromeDriver's DOM node cache so its growth doesn't affect the
- # results of Chrome Endure.
- # TODO(dennisjeffrey): Once the WebDriver team implements changes to
- # handle their DOM node cache differently, we need to revisit this. It
- # may no longer be necessary at that point to forcefully delete the cache.
- # Additionally, the Javascript below relies on an internal property of
- # WebDriver that may change at any time. This is only a temporary
- # workaround to stabilize the Chrome Endure test results.
- js = """
- (function() {
- delete document.$wdc_;
- window.domAutomationController.send('done');
- })();
- """
- try:
- self.ExecuteJavascript(js, frame_xpath=frame_xpath)
- except pyauto_errors.AutomationCommandTimeout:
- self._num_errors += 1
- logging.warning('Logging an automation timeout: delete chromedriver '
- 'cache.')
- self._remote_inspector_client.StopTimelineEventMonitoring()
- if self._dmprof:
- self.HeapProfilerDump('renderer', 'Chrome Endure (last)')
- self._GetPerformanceStats(
- webapp_name, test_description, tab_title_substring, is_last=True)
- def _GetProcessInfo(self, tab_title_substring):
- """Gets process info associated with an open browser/tab.
- Args:
- tab_title_substring: A unique substring contained within the title of
- the tab to use; needed for locating the tab info.
- Returns:
- A dictionary containing information about the browser and specified tab
- process:
- {
- 'browser_private_mem': integer, # Private memory associated with the
- # browser process, in KB.
- 'tab_private_mem': integer, # Private memory associated with the tab
- # process, in KB.
- 'tab_pid': integer, # Process ID of the tab process.
- }
- """
- browser_process_name = (
- self.GetBrowserInfo()['properties']['BrowserProcessExecutableName'])
- info = self.GetProcessInfo()
- # Get the information associated with the browser process.
- browser_proc_info = []
- for browser_info in info['browsers']:
- if browser_info['process_name'] == browser_process_name:
- for proc_info in browser_info['processes']:
- if proc_info['child_process_type'] == 'Browser':
- browser_proc_info.append(proc_info)
- self.assertEqual(len(browser_proc_info), 1,
- msg='Expected to find 1 Chrome browser process, but found '
- '%d instead.\nCurrent process info:\n%s.' % (
- len(browser_proc_info), self.pformat(info)))
- # Get the process information associated with the specified tab.
- tab_proc_info = []
- for browser_info in info['browsers']:
- for proc_info in browser_info['processes']:
- if (proc_info['child_process_type'] == 'Tab' and
- [x for x in proc_info['titles'] if tab_title_substring in x]):
- tab_proc_info.append(proc_info)
- self.assertEqual(len(tab_proc_info), 1,
- msg='Expected to find 1 %s tab process, but found %d '
- 'instead.\nCurrent process info:\n%s.' % (
- tab_title_substring, len(tab_proc_info),
- self.pformat(info)))
- browser_proc_info = browser_proc_info[0]
- tab_proc_info = tab_proc_info[0]
- return {
- 'browser_private_mem': browser_proc_info['working_set_mem']['priv'],
- 'tab_private_mem': tab_proc_info['working_set_mem']['priv'],
- 'tab_pid': tab_proc_info['pid'],
- }
- def _GetPerformanceStats(self, webapp_name, test_description,
- tab_title_substring, is_last=False):
- """Gets performance statistics and outputs the results.
- Args:
- webapp_name: A string name for the webapp being tested. Should not
- include spaces. For example, 'Gmail', 'Docs', or 'Plus'.
- test_description: A string description of what the test does, used for
- outputting results to be graphed. Should not contain spaces. For
- example, 'ComposeDiscard' for Gmail.
- tab_title_substring: A unique substring contained within the title of
- the tab to use, for identifying the appropriate tab.
- is_last: A boolean value which should be True if it's the last call of
- _GetPerformanceStats. The default is False.
- """
-'Gathering performance stats...')
- elapsed_time = int(round(time.time() - self._test_start_time))
- memory_counts = self._remote_inspector_client.GetMemoryObjectCounts()
- proc_info = self._GetProcessInfo(tab_title_substring)
- if self._dmprof:
- self._dmprof.StartProfiler(
- proc_info, is_last, webapp_name, test_description)
- # DOM node count.
- dom_node_count = memory_counts['DOMNodeCount']
- self._OutputPerfGraphValue(
- 'TotalDOMNodeCount', [(elapsed_time, dom_node_count)], 'nodes',
- graph_name='%s%s-Nodes-DOM' % (webapp_name, test_description),
- units_x='seconds')
- # Event listener count.
- event_listener_count = memory_counts['EventListenerCount']
- self._OutputPerfGraphValue(
- 'EventListenerCount', [(elapsed_time, event_listener_count)],
- 'listeners',
- graph_name='%s%s-EventListeners' % (webapp_name, test_description),
- units_x='seconds')
- # Browser process private memory.
- self._OutputPerfGraphValue(
- 'BrowserPrivateMemory',
- [(elapsed_time, proc_info['browser_private_mem'])], 'KB',
- graph_name='%s%s-BrowserMem-Private' % (webapp_name, test_description),
- units_x='seconds')
- # Tab process private memory.
- self._OutputPerfGraphValue(
- 'TabPrivateMemory',
- [(elapsed_time, proc_info['tab_private_mem'])], 'KB',
- graph_name='%s%s-TabMem-Private' % (webapp_name, test_description),
- units_x='seconds')
- # V8 memory used.
- v8_info = self.GetV8HeapStats() # First window, first tab.
- v8_mem_used = v8_info['v8_memory_used'] / 1024.0 # Convert to KB.
- self._OutputPerfGraphValue(
- 'V8MemoryUsed', [(elapsed_time, v8_mem_used)], 'KB',
- graph_name='%s%s-V8MemUsed' % (webapp_name, test_description),
- units_x='seconds')
- # V8 memory allocated.
- v8_mem_allocated = v8_info['v8_memory_allocated'] / 1024.0 # Convert to KB.
- self._OutputPerfGraphValue(
- 'V8MemoryAllocated', [(elapsed_time, v8_mem_allocated)], 'KB',
- graph_name='%s%s-V8MemAllocated' % (webapp_name, test_description),
- units_x='seconds')
- if self._dmprof:
- self._dmprof.ParseResultAndOutputPerfGraphValues(
- webapp_name, test_description, self._OutputPerfGraphValue)
-' Total DOM node count: %d nodes' % dom_node_count)
-' Event listener count: %d listeners' % event_listener_count)
-' Browser process private memory: %d KB' %
- proc_info['browser_private_mem'])
-' Tab process private memory: %d KB' %
- proc_info['tab_private_mem'])
-' V8 memory used: %f KB' % v8_mem_used)
-' V8 memory allocated: %f KB' % v8_mem_allocated)
- # Output any new timeline events that have occurred.
- if self._events_to_output:
-'Logging timeline events...')
- event_type_to_value_list = {}
- for event_info in self._events_to_output:
- if not event_info['type'] in event_type_to_value_list:
- event_type_to_value_list[event_info['type']] = []
- event_type_to_value_list[event_info['type']].append(
- (event_info['time'], event_info['data']))
- for event_type, value_list in event_type_to_value_list.iteritems():
- self._OutputEventGraphValue(event_type, value_list)
- self._events_to_output = []
- else:
-'No new timeline events to log.')
- def _GetElement(self, find_by, value):
- """Gets a WebDriver element object from the webpage DOM.
- Args:
- find_by: A callable that queries WebDriver for an element from the DOM.
- value: A string value that can be passed to the |find_by| callable.
- Returns:
- The identified WebDriver element object, if found in the DOM, or
- None, otherwise.
- """
- try:
- return find_by(value)
- except selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException:
- return None
- def _ClickElementByXpath(self, driver, xpath):
- """Given the xpath for a DOM element, clicks on it using WebDriver.
- Args:
- driver: A WebDriver object, as returned by self.NewWebDriver().
- xpath: The string xpath associated with the DOM element to click.
- Returns:
- True, if the DOM element was found and clicked successfully, or
- False, otherwise.
- """
- try:
- self.WaitForDomNode(xpath)
- except (pyauto_errors.JSONInterfaceError,
- pyauto_errors.JavascriptRuntimeError) as e:
- logging.exception('PyAuto exception: %s' % e)
- return False
- try:
- element = self._GetElement(driver.find_element_by_xpath, xpath)
- except (selenium.common.exceptions.StaleElementReferenceException,
- selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException) as e:
- logging.exception('WebDriver exception: %s' % e)
- return False
- return True
-class ChromeEndureControlTest(ChromeEndureBaseTest):
- """Control tests for Chrome Endure."""
- _WEBAPP_NAME = 'Control'
- _TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING = 'Chrome Endure Control Test'
- def testControlAttachDetachDOMTree(self):
- """Continually attach and detach a DOM tree from a basic document."""
- test_description = 'AttachDetachDOMTree'
- url = self.GetHttpURLForDataPath('chrome_endure', 'endurance_control.html')
- self.NavigateToURL(url)
- loaded_tab_title = self.GetActiveTabTitle()
- self.assertTrue(self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING in loaded_tab_title,
- msg='Loaded tab title does not contain "%s": "%s"' %
- (self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING, loaded_tab_title))
- def scenario():
- # Just sleep. Javascript in the webpage itself does the work.
- time.sleep(5)
- self._RunEndureTest(self._WEBAPP_NAME, self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING,
- test_description, scenario)
- def testControlAttachDetachDOMTreeWebDriver(self):
- """Use WebDriver to attach and detach a DOM tree from a basic document."""
- test_description = 'AttachDetachDOMTreeWebDriver'
- url = self.GetHttpURLForDataPath('chrome_endure',
- 'endurance_control_webdriver.html')
- self.NavigateToURL(url)
- loaded_tab_title = self.GetActiveTabTitle()
- self.assertTrue(self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING in loaded_tab_title,
- msg='Loaded tab title does not contain "%s": "%s"' %
- (self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING, loaded_tab_title))
- driver = self.NewWebDriver()
- def scenario(driver):
- # Click the "attach" button to attach a large DOM tree (with event
- # listeners) to the document, wait half a second, click "detach" to detach
- # the DOM tree from the document, wait half a second.
- self._ClickElementByXpath(driver, 'id("attach")')
- time.sleep(0.5)
- self._ClickElementByXpath(driver, 'id("detach")')
- time.sleep(0.5)
- self._RunEndureTest(self._WEBAPP_NAME, self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING,
- test_description, lambda: scenario(driver))
-class IndexedDBOfflineTest(ChromeEndureBaseTest):
- """Long-running performance tests for IndexedDB, modeling offline usage."""
- _WEBAPP_NAME = 'IndexedDBOffline'
- _TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING = 'IndexedDB Offline'
- def setUp(self):
- ChromeEndureBaseTest.setUp(self)
- url = self.GetHttpURLForDataPath('indexeddb', 'endure', 'app.html')
- self.NavigateToURL(url)
- loaded_tab_title = self.GetActiveTabTitle()
- self.assertTrue(self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING in loaded_tab_title,
- msg='Loaded tab title does not contain "%s": "%s"' %
- (self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING, loaded_tab_title))
- self._driver = self.NewWebDriver()
- def testOfflineOnline(self):
- """Simulates user input while offline and sync while online.
- This test alternates between a simulated "Offline" state (where user
- input events are queued) and an "Online" state (where user input events
- are dequeued, sync data is staged, and sync data is unstaged).
- """
- test_description = 'OnlineOfflineSync'
- def scenario():
- # Click the "Online" button and let simulated sync run for 1 second.
- if not self._ClickElementByXpath(self._driver, 'id("online")'):
- self._num_errors += 1
- logging.warning('Logging an automation error: click "online" button.')
- try:
- self.WaitForDomNode('id("state")[text()="online"]')
- except (pyauto_errors.JSONInterfaceError,
- pyauto_errors.JavascriptRuntimeError):
- self._num_errors += 1
- logging.warning('Logging an automation error: wait for "online".')
- time.sleep(1)
- # Click the "Offline" button and let user input occur for 1 second.
- if not self._ClickElementByXpath(self._driver, 'id("offline")'):
- self._num_errors += 1
- logging.warning('Logging an automation error: click "offline" button.')
- try:
- self.WaitForDomNode('id("state")[text()="offline"]')
- except (pyauto_errors.JSONInterfaceError,
- pyauto_errors.JavascriptRuntimeError):
- self._num_errors += 1
- logging.warning('Logging an automation error: wait for "offline".')
- time.sleep(1)
- self._RunEndureTest(self._WEBAPP_NAME, self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING,
- test_description, scenario)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- pyauto_functional.Main()
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