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Unified Diff: chrome/test/functional/gtalk/

Issue 222873002: Remove pyauto tests. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: sync Created 6 years, 9 months ago
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Index: chrome/test/functional/gtalk/
--- chrome/test/functional/gtalk/ (revision 261231)
+++ chrome/test/functional/gtalk/ (working copy)
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Basic sanity tests for the GTalk extension.
-This module contains the basic set of sanity tests run on the
-GTalk extension.
-import logging
-import sys
-import time
-import traceback
-import urllib2
-import os
-import gtalk_base_test
-import pyauto_gtalk # must preceed pyauto
-import pyauto
-class BasicTest(gtalk_base_test.GTalkBaseTest):
- """Test for Google Talk Chrome Extension."""
- def _OpenRoster(self, gtalk_version):
- """Download Talk extension and open the roster."""
- self.InstallGTalkExtension(gtalk_version)
- # Wait for the background view to load.
- extension = self.GetGTalkExtensionInfo()
- background_view = self.WaitUntilExtensionViewLoaded(
- extension_id=extension['id'],
- self.assertTrue(background_view,
- msg='Failed to get background view: views = %s.' %
- self.GetBrowserInfo()['extension_views'])
- # Click browser action icon
- self.TriggerBrowserActionById(extension['id'])
- # Wait for viewer window to open.
- self.assertTrue(
- self.WaitUntil(self.GetViewerInfo),
- msg='Timed out waiting for viewer.html to open.')
- # Wait for the sign-in iframe to load.
- self.WaitUntilCondition(
- lambda: self.RunInViewer(
- 'window.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe") != null && '
- 'window.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe").length > 0') and
- self.RunInViewer('window.location.href',
- '//iframe[1]'),
- lambda url: url and '/qsignin' in url,
- msg='Timed out waiting for /qsignin page.')
- def _SignIn(self, gtalk_version):
- """Download the extension, open the roster, and sign in"""
- # Open the roster.
- self._OpenRoster(gtalk_version)
- # Wait for /qsignin's BODY.
- self.WaitUntilResult(True,
- lambda: self.RunInViewer(
- 'Boolean($BODY())', '//iframe[1]'),
- msg='Timed out waiting for document.body in /qsignin page.')
- # Wait for the "Sign In" link.
- self.WaitUntilResult(True,
- lambda: self.RunInViewer(
- 'Boolean($FindByText($BODY(), "Sign In"))', '//iframe[1]'),
- msg='Timed out waiting for "Sign In" link in DOM.')
- # Click the "Sign In" link.
- self.assertTrue(self.RunInViewer(
- '$Click($FindByText($BODY(), "Sign In"))', '//iframe[1]'))
- # Wait for the login page to open.
- self.assertTrue(self.WaitUntil(self.GetLoginPageInfo),
- msg='Timed out waiting for login page to open.')
- # Wait for the login page's form element.
- self.WaitUntilResult(True,
- lambda: self.RunInLoginPage('Boolean(document.forms[0])'),
- msg='Timed out waiting for document.forms[0].')
- # Fill and submit the login form.
- credentials = self.GetPrivateInfo()['test_google_account']
- self.RunInLoginPage(
- 'document.forms[0].Email.value="' + credentials['username'] + '"')
- self.RunInLoginPage(
- 'document.forms[0].Passwd.value="' + credentials['password'] + '"')
- self.RunInLoginPage('document.forms[0].submit() || true')
- def RunBasicFunctionalityTest(self, gtalk_version):
- """Run tests for basic functionality in GTalk."""
- # Install the extension, open the viewer, and sign in.
- self._SignIn(gtalk_version)
- # Wait for the roster container iframe.
- self.WaitUntilResult(True,
- lambda: self.RunInViewer(
- 'window.document.getElementById("popoutRoster") != null'),
- msg='Timed out waiting for roster container iframe.')
- self.WaitUntilResult(True,
- lambda: self.RunInViewer('Boolean(window.frames[0])', '//iframe[1]'),
- msg='Timed out waiting for roster iframe.')
- # Wait for the roster iframe to load.
- self.WaitUntilCondition(
- lambda: self.RunInRoster('window.location.href'),
- lambda url: url and '/frame' in url,
- msg='Timed out waiting for /frame in url.')
- self.WaitUntilResult(True,
- lambda: self.RunInRoster(
- 'Boolean($FindByText($BODY(), "Send a message to..."))'),
- msg='Timed out waiting for "Send a message to..." label in roster DOM.')
- # Wait for "" to appear in the roster.
- self.WaitUntilResult(True,
- lambda: self.RunInRoster(
- 'Boolean($FindByText($BODY(), ""))'),
- msg='Timed out waiting for in roster DOM.')
- # Works around for issue where mole doesn't open when clicked too quickly.
- time.sleep(1)
- # Click "" to open a chat mole.
- self.RunInRoster('$Click($FindByText($BODY(), ""))')
- # Wait until ready to check whether mole is open(temporary work around).
- time.sleep(1)
- # Wait for chat mole to open.
- self.assertTrue(self.WaitUntil(self.GetMoleInfo),
- msg='Timed out waiting for mole window to open.')
- self.WaitUntilResult(True,
- lambda: self.RunInViewer(
- 'window.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe") != null'),
- msg='Timed out waiting for iframes to load.')
- # Wait for chat mole to load.
- self.WaitUntilResult(True,
- lambda: self.RunInMole('Boolean(window.location.href)'),
- msg='Timed out waiting for mole window location.')
- # Wait for the chat mole's input textarea to load.
- self.WaitUntilResult(True,
- lambda: self.RunInMole(
- 'Boolean($FindByTagName($BODY(), "textarea", 0))'),
- msg='Timed out waiting for mole textarea.')
- # Type /ping in the mole's input widget.
- self.assertTrue(self.RunInMole(
- '$Type($FindByTagName($BODY(), "textarea", 0), "/ping")'),
- msg='Error typing in mole textarea.')
- # Type ENTER in the mole's input widget.
- self.assertTrue(self.RunInMole(
- '$Press($FindByTagName($BODY(),"textarea",0), $KEYS.ENTER)'),
- msg='Error sending ENTER in mole textarea.')
- # Wait for chat input to clear.
- self.WaitUntilResult(True,
- lambda: self.RunInMole(
- 'Boolean($FindByTagName($BODY(),"textarea",0).value=="")'),
- msg='Timed out waiting for textarea to clear after ENTER.')
- # Wait for /ping to appear in the chat history.
- self.WaitUntilCondition(
- lambda: self.RunInMole('window.document.body.innerHTML'),
- lambda html: html and '/ping' in html,
- msg='Timed out waiting for /ping to appear in mole DOM.')
- # Wait for the echo "Ping!" to appear in the chat history.
- self.WaitUntilCondition(
- lambda: self.RunInMole('window.document.body.innerHTML'),
- lambda html: html and 'Ping!' in html,
- msg='Timed out waiting for "Ping!" reply to appear in mole DOM.')
- # Request a ping in 7 seconds.
- self.assertTrue(self.RunInMole(
- '$Type($FindByTagName($BODY(),"textarea",0), "/ping 7")'),
- msg='Error typing "ping /7" in mole textarea.')
- # Press Enter in chat input.
- self.assertTrue(self.RunInMole(
- '$Press($FindByTagName($BODY(),"textarea",0), $KEYS.ENTER)'),
- msg='Error sending ENTER after "ping /7" in mole textarea.')
- # Briefly show mole for visual examination.
- # Also works around issue where extension may show the first
- # Ping! notification before closing the mole.
- time.sleep(2)
- # Press escape to close the mole.
- self.assertTrue(self.RunInMole(
- '$Press($FindByTagName($BODY(),"textarea",0), $KEYS.ESC)'),
- msg='Error sending ESC after "ping /7" in mole textarea.')
- # Wait for the mole to close.
- self.assertTrue(self.WaitUntil(
- lambda: not(bool(self.GetMoleInfo()))),
- msg='Timed out waiting for chatpinger mole to close.')
- # Ensure "" is in the roster.
- self.WaitUntilResult(True,
- lambda: self.RunInRoster(
- 'Boolean($FindByText($BODY(), ""))'),
- msg='Timed out waiting for in roster DOM.')
- # Click "" in the roster.
- self.RunInRoster('$Click($FindByText($BODY(), ""))')
- self.WaitUntilResult(True,
- lambda: self.RunInViewer(
- 'window.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe") != null'),
- msg='Timed out waiting for iframes to load.')
- # Wait for a second chat mole to open.
- time.sleep(1)
- self.assertTrue(self.WaitUntil(lambda: bool(self.GetMoleInfo(1))),
- msg='Timed out waiting for second mole window to open.')
- # Wait for mole content to load
- self.WaitUntilCondition(
- lambda: self.RunInMole('window.document.body.innerHTML', 1),
- lambda html: html and 'Ping!' in html,
- msg='Timed out waiting for Ping! to appear in mole DOM.')
- # Disable the extension.
- extension = self.GetGTalkExtensionInfo()
- self.SetExtensionStateById(extension['id'], enable=False,
- allow_in_incognito=False)
- extension = self.GetGTalkExtensionInfo()
- self.assertFalse(extension['is_enabled'])
- # Verify all moles + windows are closed.
- self.assertTrue(self.WaitUntil(lambda: not(bool(self.GetViewerInfo()))),
- msg='Timed out waiting for viewer.html to close after disabling.')
- self.assertTrue(self.WaitUntil(lambda: not(bool(self.GetMoleInfo()))),
- msg='Timed out waiting for first mole to close after disabling.')
- self.assertTrue(self.WaitUntil(lambda: not(bool(self.GetMoleInfo(1)))),
- msg='Timed out waiting for second mole to close after disabling.')
- def _GetCurrentGtalkVersion(self):
- """Read current gtalk extension version from file."""
- return self._GetGtalkVersion('current_version')
- def _GetRCGtalkVersion(self):
- """Read RC gtalk extension version from file"""
- return self._GetGtalkVersion('rc_version')
- def _GetGtalkVersion(self, version_type):
- """Read gtalk version from file"""
- version_path = os.path.abspath(
- os.path.join(self.DataDir(), 'extensions',
- 'gtalk', version_type))
- self.assertTrue(
- os.path.exists(version_path),
- msg='Failed to find version ' + version_path)
- with open(version_path) as version_file:
- return
- def _TestBasicFunctionality(self, version):
- """Run tests for basic functionality in GTalk with retries."""
- # Since this test goes against prod servers, we'll retry to mitigate
- # flakiness due to network issues.
- for tries in range(RETRIES):
-'Calling RunBasicFunctionalityTest on %s. Try #%s/%s'
- % (version, tries + 1, RETRIES))
- try:
- self.RunBasicFunctionalityTest(version)
-'RunBasicFunctionalityTest on %s succeeded. Tries: %s'
- % (version, tries + 1))
- break
- except Exception as e:
-"\n*** ERROR in RunBasicFunctionalityTest ***")
- exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
- traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
- if tries < RETRIES - 1:
- self.NavigateToURL('')
-'Closing all moles.')
- self.RunInAllMoles(
- '$Press($FindByTagName($BODY(),"textarea",0), $KEYS.ESC)')
- else:
- raise
- def testCurrentVersion(self):
- """Run basic functionality test on current version of gtalk extension"""
- version = self._GetCurrentGtalkVersion()
- self._TestBasicFunctionality(version)
- def testRCVersion(self):
- """Run basic functionality test on RC version of gtalk extension"""
- version = self._GetRCGtalkVersion()
- self._TestBasicFunctionality(version)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- pyauto_gtalk.Main()
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