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Unified Diff: chrome/test/functional/ispy/common/

Issue 222873002: Remove pyauto tests. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
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Index: chrome/test/functional/ispy/common/
--- chrome/test/functional/ispy/common/ (revision 261231)
+++ chrome/test/functional/ispy/common/ (working copy)
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Utilities for performing pixel-by-pixel image comparision."""
-import itertools
-import StringIO
-from PIL import Image
-def _AreTheSameSize(images):
- """Returns whether a set of images are the size size.
- Args:
- images: a list of images to compare.
- Returns:
- boolean.
- Raises:
- Exception: One image or fewer is passed in.
- """
- if len(images) > 1:
- return all(images[0].size == img.size for img in images[1:])
- else:
- raise Exception('No images passed in.')
-def _GetDifferenceWithMask(image1, image2, mask=None,
- masked_color=(225, 225, 225, 255),
- same_color=(255, 255, 255, 255),
- different_color=(210, 0, 0, 255)):
- """Returns an image representing the difference between the two images.
- This function computes the difference between two images taking into
- account a mask if it is provided. The final three arguments represent
- the coloration of the generated image.
- Args:
- image1: the first image to compare.
- image2: the second image to compare.
- mask: an optional mask image consisting of only black and white pixels
- where white pixels indicate the portion of the image to be masked out.
- masked_color: the color of a masked section in the resulting image.
- same_color: the color of an unmasked section that is the same.
- between images 1 and 2 in the resulting image.
- different_color: the color of an unmasked section that is different
- between images 1 and 2 in the resulting image.
- Returns:
- A 2-tuple with an image representing the unmasked difference between the
- two input images and the number of different pixels.
- Raises:
- Exception: if image1, image2, and mask are not the same size.
- """
- image_mask = mask
- if not mask:
- image_mask ='RGBA', image1.size, (0, 0, 0, 255))
- if not _AreTheSameSize([image1, image2, image_mask]):
- raise Exception('images and mask must be the same size.')
- image_diff ='RGBA', image1.size, (0, 0, 0, 255))
- data = []
- diff_pixels = 0
- for m, px1, px2 in itertools.izip(image_mask.getdata(),
- image1.getdata(),
- image2.getdata()):
- if m == (255, 255, 255, 255):
- data.append(masked_color)
- elif px1 == px2:
- data.append(same_color)
- else:
- data.append(different_color)
- diff_pixels += 1
- image_diff.putdata(data)
- return (image_diff, diff_pixels)
-def CreateMask(images):
- """Computes a mask for a set of images.
- Returns a difference mask that is computed from the images
- which are passed in. The mask will have a white pixel
- anywhere that the input images differ and a black pixel
- everywhere else.
- Args:
- images: list of images to compute the mask from.
- Returns:
- an image of only black and white pixels where white pixels represent
- areas in the input images that have differences.
- Raises:
- Exception: if the images passed in are not of the same size.
- Exception: if fewer than one image is passed in.
- """
- if not images:
- raise Exception('mask must be created from one or more images.')
- mask ='RGBA', images[0].size, (0, 0, 0, 255))
- image = images[0]
- for other_image in images[1:]:
- mask = _GetDifferenceWithMask(
- image,
- other_image,
- mask,
- masked_color=(255, 255, 255, 255),
- same_color=(0, 0, 0, 255),
- different_color=(255, 255, 255, 255))[0]
- return mask
-def AddMasks(masks):
- """Combines a list of mask images into one mask image.
- Args:
- masks: a list of mask-images.
- Returns:
- a new mask that represents the sum of the masked
- regions of the passed in list of mask-images.
- Raises:
- Exception: if masks is an empty list, or if masks are not the same size.
- """
- if not masks:
- raise Exception('masks must be a list containing at least one image.')
- if len(masks) > 1 and not _AreTheSameSize(masks):
- raise Exception('masks in list must be of the same size.')
- white = (255, 255, 255, 255)
- black = (0, 0, 0, 255)
- masks_data = [mask.getdata() for mask in masks]
- image ='RGBA', masks[0].size, black)
- image.putdata([white if white in px_set else black
- for px_set in itertools.izip(*masks_data)])
- return image
-def ConvertDiffToMask(diff):
- """Converts a Diff image into a Mask image.
- Args:
- diff: the diff image to convert.
- Returns:
- a new mask image where everything that was masked or different in the diff
- is now masked.
- """
- white = (255, 255, 255, 255)
- black = (0, 0, 0, 255)
- diff_data = diff.getdata()
- image ='RGBA', diff.size, black)
- image.putdata([black if px == white else white for px in diff_data])
- return image
-def VisualizeImageDifferences(image1, image2, mask=None):
- """Returns an image repesenting the unmasked differences between two images.
- Iterates through the pixel values of two images and an optional
- mask. If the pixel values are the same, or the pixel is masked,
- (0,0,0) is stored for that pixel. Otherwise, (255,255,255) is stored.
- This ultimately produces an image where unmasked differences between
- the two images are white pixels, and everything else is black.
- Args:
- image1: an RGB image
- image2: another RGB image of the same size as image1.
- mask: an optional RGB image consisting of only white and black pixels
- where the white pixels represent the parts of the images to be masked
- out.
- Returns:
- A 2-tuple with an image representing the unmasked difference between the
- two input images and the number of different pixels.
- Raises:
- Exception: if the two images and optional mask are different sizes.
- """
- return _GetDifferenceWithMask(image1, image2, mask)
-def InflateMask(image, passes):
- """A function that adds layers of pixels around the white edges of a mask.
- This function evaluates a 'frontier' of valid pixels indices. Initially,
- this frontier contains all indices in the image. However, with each pass
- only the pixels' indices which were added to the mask by inflation
- are added to the next pass's frontier. This gives the algorithm a
- large upfront cost that scales negligably when the number of passes
- is increased.
- Args:
- image: the RGBA PIL.Image mask to inflate.
- passes: the number of passes to inflate the image by.
- Returns:
- A RGBA PIL.Image.
- """
- inflated ='RGBA', image.size)
- new_dataset = list(image.getdata())
- old_dataset = list(image.getdata())
- frontier = set(range(len(old_dataset)))
- new_frontier = set()
- l = [-1, 1]
- def _ShadeHorizontal(index, px):
- col = index % image.size[0]
- if px == (255, 255, 255, 255):
- for x in l:
- if 0 <= col + x < image.size[0]:
- if old_dataset[index + x] != (255, 255, 255, 255):
- new_frontier.add(index + x)
- new_dataset[index + x] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
- def _ShadeVertical(index, px):
- row = index / image.size[0]
- if px == (255, 255, 255, 255):
- for x in l:
- if 0 <= row + x < image.size[1]:
- if old_dataset[index + image.size[0] * x] != (255, 255, 255, 255):
- new_frontier.add(index + image.size[0] * x)
- new_dataset[index + image.size[0] * x] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
- for _ in range(passes):
- for index in frontier:
- _ShadeHorizontal(index, old_dataset[index])
- _ShadeVertical(index, old_dataset[index])
- old_dataset, new_dataset = new_dataset, new_dataset
- frontier, new_frontier = new_frontier, set()
- inflated.putdata(new_dataset)
- return inflated
-def TotalDifferentPixels(image1, image2, mask=None):
- """Computes the number of different pixels between two images.
- Args:
- image1: the first RGB image to be compared.
- image2: the second RGB image to be compared.
- mask: an optional RGB image of only black and white pixels
- where white pixels indicate the parts of the image to be masked out.
- Returns:
- the number of differing pixels between the images.
- Raises:
- Exception: if the images to be compared and the mask are not the same size.
- """
- image_mask = mask
- if not mask:
- image_mask ='RGBA', image1.size, (0, 0, 0, 255))
- if _AreTheSameSize([image1, image2, image_mask]):
- total_diff = 0
- for px1, px2, m in itertools.izip(image1.getdata(),
- image2.getdata(),
- image_mask.getdata()):
- if m == (255, 255, 255, 255):
- continue
- elif px1 != px2:
- total_diff += 1
- else:
- continue
- return total_diff
- else:
- raise Exception('images and mask must be the same size')
-def SameImage(image1, image2, mask=None):
- """Returns a boolean representing whether the images are the same.
- Returns a boolean indicating whether two images are similar
- enough to be considered the same. Essentially wraps the
- TotalDifferentPixels function.
- Args:
- image1: an RGB image to compare.
- image2: an RGB image to compare.
- mask: an optional image of only black and white pixels
- where white pixels are masked out
- Returns:
- True if the images are similar, False otherwise.
- Raises:
- Exception: if the images (and mask) are different sizes.
- """
- different_pixels = TotalDifferentPixels(image1, image2, mask)
- return different_pixels == 0
-def EncodePNG(image):
- """Returns the PNG file-contents of the image.
- Args:
- image: an RGB image to be encoded.
- Returns:
- a base64 encoded string representing the image.
- """
- f = StringIO.StringIO()
-, 'PNG')
- encoded_image = f.getvalue()
- f.close()
- return encoded_image
-def DecodePNG(png):
- """Returns a RGB image from PNG file-contents.
- Args:
- encoded_image: PNG file-contents of an RGB image.
- Returns:
- an RGB image
- """
- return
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