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Unified Diff: chrome/test/functional/perf/

Issue 222873002: Remove pyauto tests. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: sync Created 6 years, 9 months ago
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Index: chrome/test/functional/perf/
--- chrome/test/functional/perf/ (revision 261231)
+++ chrome/test/functional/perf/ (working copy)
@@ -1,824 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Script to parse perf data from Chrome Endure test executions, to be graphed.
-This script connects via HTTP to a buildbot master in order to scrape and parse
-perf data from Chrome Endure tests that have been run. The perf data is then
-stored in local text files to be graphed by the Chrome Endure graphing code.
-It is assumed that any Chrome Endure tests that show up on the waterfall have
-names that are of the following form:
-This script accepts either a URL or a local path as a buildbot location.
-It switches its behavior if a URL is given, or a local path is given.
-When a URL is given, it gets buildbot logs from the buildbot builders URL
-When a local path is given, it gets buildbot logs from buildbot's internal
-files in the directory e.g. /home/chrome-bot/buildbot.
-import cPickle
-import getpass
-import logging
-import optparse
-import os
-import re
-import simplejson
-import socket
-import string
-import sys
-import time
-import urllib
-import urllib2
- 'Linux QA Perf (0)',
- 'Linux QA Perf (1)',
- 'Linux QA Perf (2)',
- 'Linux QA Perf (3)',
- 'Linux QA Perf (4)',
- 'Linux QA Perf (dbg)(0)',
- 'Linux QA Perf (dbg)(1)',
- 'Linux QA Perf (dbg)(2)',
- 'Linux QA Perf (dbg)(3)',
- 'Linux QA Perf (dbg)(4)',
-LAST_BUILD_NUM_PROCESSED_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- '_parser_last_processed.txt')
-LOCAL_GRAPH_DIR = '/home/%s/www/chrome_endure_clean' % getpass.getuser()
-MANGLE_TRANSLATION = string.maketrans(' ()', '___')
-def SetupBaseGraphDirIfNeeded(webapp_name, test_name, dest_dir):
- """Sets up the directory containing results for a particular test, if needed.
- Args:
- webapp_name: The string name of the webapp associated with the given test.
- test_name: The string name of the test.
- dest_dir: The name of the destination directory that needs to be set up.
- """
- if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
- os.mkdir(dest_dir) # Test name directory.
- os.chmod(dest_dir, 0755)
- # Create config file.
- config_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'config.js')
- if not os.path.exists(config_file):
- with open(config_file, 'w') as f:
- f.write('var Config = {\n')
- f.write('buildslave: "Chrome Endure Bots",\n')
- f.write('title: "Chrome Endure %s Test: %s",\n' % (webapp_name.upper(),
- test_name))
- f.write('};\n')
- os.chmod(config_file, 0755)
- # Set up symbolic links to the real graphing files.
- link_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'index.html')
- if not os.path.exists(link_file):
- os.symlink('../../endure_plotter.html', link_file)
- link_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'endure_plotter.js')
- if not os.path.exists(link_file):
- os.symlink('../../endure_plotter.js', link_file)
- link_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'js')
- if not os.path.exists(link_file):
- os.symlink('../../js', link_file)
-def WriteToDataFile(new_line, existing_lines, revision, data_file):
- """Writes a new entry to an existing perf data file to be graphed.
- If there's an existing line with the same revision number, overwrite its data
- with the new line. Else, prepend the info for the new revision.
- Args:
- new_line: A dictionary representing perf information for the new entry.
- existing_lines: A list of string lines from the existing perf data file.
- revision: The string revision number associated with the new perf entry.
- data_file: The string name of the perf data file to which to write.
- """
- overwritten = False
- for i, line in enumerate(existing_lines):
- line_dict = simplejson.loads(line)
- if line_dict['rev'] == revision:
- existing_lines[i] = simplejson.dumps(new_line)
- overwritten = True
- break
- elif int(line_dict['rev']) < int(revision):
- break
- if not overwritten:
- existing_lines.insert(0, simplejson.dumps(new_line))
- with open(data_file, 'w') as f:
- f.write('\n'.join(existing_lines))
- os.chmod(data_file, 0755)
-def OutputPerfData(revision, graph_name, values, units, units_x, dest_dir,
- is_stacked=False, stack_order=[]):
- """Outputs perf data to a local text file to be graphed.
- Args:
- revision: The string revision number associated with the perf data.
- graph_name: The string name of the graph on which to plot the data.
- values: A dict which maps a description to a value. A value is either a
- single data value to be graphed, or a list of 2-tuples
- representing (x, y) points to be graphed for long-running tests.
- units: The string description for the y-axis units on the graph.
- units_x: The string description for the x-axis units on the graph. Should
- be set to None if the results are not for long-running graphs.
- dest_dir: The name of the destination directory to which to write.
- is_stacked: True to draw a "stacked" graph. First-come values are
- stacked at bottom by default.
- stack_order: A list that contains key strings in the order to stack values
- in the graph.
- """
- # Update graphs.dat, which contains metadata associated with each graph.
- existing_graphs = []
- graphs_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'graphs.dat')
- if os.path.exists(graphs_file):
- with open(graphs_file, 'r') as f:
- existing_graphs = simplejson.loads(
- is_new_graph = True
- for graph in existing_graphs:
- if graph['name'] == graph_name:
- is_new_graph = False
- break
- if is_new_graph:
- new_graph = {
- 'name': graph_name,
- 'units': units,
- 'important': False,
- }
- if units_x:
- new_graph['units_x'] = units_x
- existing_graphs.append(new_graph)
- existing_graphs = sorted(existing_graphs, key=lambda x: x['name'])
- with open(graphs_file, 'w') as f:
- f.write(simplejson.dumps(existing_graphs, indent=2))
- os.chmod(graphs_file, 0755)
- # Update summary data file, containing the actual data to be graphed.
- data_file_name = graph_name + '-summary.dat'
- existing_lines = []
- data_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, data_file_name)
- if os.path.exists(data_file):
- with open(data_file, 'r') as f:
- existing_lines = f.readlines()
- existing_lines = map(lambda x: x.strip(), existing_lines)
- new_traces = {}
- for description in values:
- value = values[description]
- if units_x:
- points = []
- for point in value:
- points.append([str(point[0]), str(point[1])])
- new_traces[description] = points
- else:
- new_traces[description] = [str(value), str(0.0)]
- new_line = {
- 'traces': new_traces,
- 'rev': revision
- }
- if is_stacked:
- new_line['stack'] = True
- new_line['stack_order'] = stack_order
- WriteToDataFile(new_line, existing_lines, revision, data_file)
-def OutputEventData(revision, event_dict, dest_dir):
- """Outputs event data to a local text file to be graphed.
- Args:
- revision: The string revision number associated with the event data.
- event_dict: A dict which maps a description to an array of tuples
- representing event data to be graphed.
- dest_dir: The name of the destination directory to which to write.
- """
- data_file_name = '_EVENT_-summary.dat'
- existing_lines = []
- data_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, data_file_name)
- if os.path.exists(data_file):
- with open(data_file, 'r') as f:
- existing_lines = f.readlines()
- existing_lines = map(lambda x: x.strip(), existing_lines)
- new_events = {}
- for description in event_dict:
- event_list = event_dict[description]
- value_list = []
- for event_time, event_data in event_list:
- value_list.append([str(event_time), event_data])
- new_events[description] = value_list
- new_line = {
- 'rev': revision,
- 'events': new_events
- }
- WriteToDataFile(new_line, existing_lines, revision, data_file)
-def UpdatePerfDataFromFetchedContent(
- revision, content, webapp_name, test_name, graph_dir, only_dmp=False):
- """Update perf data from fetched stdio data.
- Args:
- revision: The string revision number associated with the new perf entry.
- content: Fetched stdio data.
- webapp_name: A name of the webapp.
- test_name: A name of the test.
- graph_dir: A path to the graph directory.
- only_dmp: True if only Deep Memory Profiler results should be used.
- """
- perf_data_raw = []
- def AppendRawPerfData(graph_name, description, value, units, units_x,
- webapp_name, test_name, is_stacked=False):
- perf_data_raw.append({
- 'graph_name': graph_name,
- 'description': description,
- 'value': value,
- 'units': units,
- 'units_x': units_x,
- 'webapp_name': webapp_name,
- 'test_name': test_name,
- 'stack': is_stacked,
- })
- # First scan for short-running perf test results.
- for match in re.findall(
- r'RESULT ([^:]+): ([^=]+)= ([-\d\.]+) (\S+)', content):
- if (not only_dmp) or match[0].endswith('-DMP'):
- try:
- match2 = eval(match[2])
- except SyntaxError:
- match2 = None
- if match2:
- AppendRawPerfData(match[0], match[1], match2, match[3], None,
- webapp_name, webapp_name)
- # Next scan for long-running perf test results.
- for match in re.findall(
- r'RESULT ([^:]+): ([^=]+)= (\[[^\]]+\]) (\S+) (\S+)', content):
- if (not only_dmp) or match[0].endswith('-DMP'):
- try:
- match2 = eval(match[2])
- except SyntaxError:
- match2 = None
- # TODO(dmikurube): Change the condition to use stacked graph when we
- # determine how to specify it.
- if match2:
- AppendRawPerfData(match[0], match[1], match2, match[3], match[4],
- webapp_name, test_name, match[0].endswith('-DMP'))
- # Next scan for events in the test results.
- for match in re.findall(
- r'RESULT _EVENT_: ([^=]+)= (\[[^\]]+\])', content):
- try:
- match1 = eval(match[1])
- except SyntaxError:
- match1 = None
- if match1:
- AppendRawPerfData('_EVENT_', match[0], match1, None, None,
- webapp_name, test_name)
- # For each graph_name/description pair that refers to a long-running test
- # result or an event, concatenate all the results together (assume results
- # in the input file are in the correct order). For short-running test
- # results, keep just one if more than one is specified.
- perf_data = {} # Maps a graph-line key to a perf data dictionary.
- for data in perf_data_raw:
- key_graph = data['graph_name']
- key_description = data['description']
- if not key_graph in perf_data:
- perf_data[key_graph] = {
- 'graph_name': data['graph_name'],
- 'value': {},
- 'units': data['units'],
- 'units_x': data['units_x'],
- 'webapp_name': data['webapp_name'],
- 'test_name': data['test_name'],
- }
- perf_data[key_graph]['stack'] = data['stack']
- if 'stack_order' not in perf_data[key_graph]:
- perf_data[key_graph]['stack_order'] = []
- if (data['stack'] and
- data['description'] not in perf_data[key_graph]['stack_order']):
- perf_data[key_graph]['stack_order'].append(data['description'])
- if data['graph_name'] != '_EVENT_' and not data['units_x']:
- # Short-running test result.
- perf_data[key_graph]['value'][key_description] = data['value']
- else:
- # Long-running test result or event.
- if key_description in perf_data[key_graph]['value']:
- perf_data[key_graph]['value'][key_description] += data['value']
- else:
- perf_data[key_graph]['value'][key_description] = data['value']
- # Finally, for each graph-line in |perf_data|, update the associated local
- # graph data files if necessary.
- for perf_data_key in perf_data:
- perf_data_dict = perf_data[perf_data_key]
- dest_dir = os.path.join(graph_dir, perf_data_dict['webapp_name'])
- if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
- os.mkdir(dest_dir) # Webapp name directory.
- os.chmod(dest_dir, 0755)
- dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, perf_data_dict['test_name'])
- SetupBaseGraphDirIfNeeded(perf_data_dict['webapp_name'],
- perf_data_dict['test_name'], dest_dir)
- if perf_data_dict['graph_name'] == '_EVENT_':
- OutputEventData(revision, perf_data_dict['value'], dest_dir)
- else:
- OutputPerfData(revision, perf_data_dict['graph_name'],
- perf_data_dict['value'],
- perf_data_dict['units'], perf_data_dict['units_x'],
- dest_dir,
- perf_data_dict['stack'], perf_data_dict['stack_order'])
-def SlaveLocation(master_location, slave_info):
- """Returns slave location for |master_location| and |slave_info|."""
- if master_location.startswith('http://'):
- return master_location + urllib.quote(slave_info['slave_name'])
- else:
- return os.path.join(master_location,
- slave_info['slave_name'].translate(MANGLE_TRANSLATION))
-def GetRevisionAndLogs(slave_location, build_num):
- """Get a revision number and log locations.
- Args:
- slave_location: A URL or a path to the build slave data.
- build_num: A build number.
- Returns:
- A pair of the revision number and a list of strings that contain locations
- of logs. (False, []) in case of error.
- """
- if slave_location.startswith('http://'):
- location = slave_location + '/builds/' + str(build_num)
- else:
- location = os.path.join(slave_location, str(build_num))
- revision = False
- logs = []
- fp = None
- try:
- if location.startswith('http://'):
- fp = urllib2.urlopen(location)
- contents =
- revisions = re.findall(r'<td class="left">got_revision</td>\s+'
- '<td>(\d+)</td>\s+<td>Source</td>', contents)
- if revisions:
- revision = revisions[0]
- logs = [location + link + '/text' for link
- in re.findall(r'(/steps/endure[^/]+/logs/stdio)', contents)]
- else:
- fp = open(location, 'rb')
- build = cPickle.load(fp)
- properties = build.getProperties()
- if properties.has_key('got_revision'):
- revision = build.getProperty('got_revision')
- candidates = os.listdir(slave_location)
- logs = [os.path.join(slave_location, filename)
- for filename in candidates
- if re.match(r'%d-log-endure[^/]+-stdio' % build_num, filename)]
- except urllib2.URLError, e:
- logging.exception('Error reading build URL "%s": %s', location, str(e))
- return False, []
- except (IOError, OSError), e:
- logging.exception('Error reading build file "%s": %s', location, str(e))
- return False, []
- finally:
- if fp:
- fp.close()
- return revision, logs
-def ExtractTestNames(log_location, is_dbg):
- """Extract test names from |log_location|.
- Returns:
- A dict of a log location, webapp's name and test's name. False if error.
- """
- if log_location.startswith('http://'):
- location = urllib.unquote(log_location)
- test_pattern = r'endure_([^_]+)(_test |-)([^/]+)/'
- else:
- location = log_location
- test_pattern = r'endure_([^_]+)(_test_|-)([^/]+)-stdio'
- match = match[0]
- webapp_name = match[0]
- webapp_name = webapp_name + '_dbg' if is_dbg else webapp_name
- test_name = match[2]
- return {
- 'location': log_location,
- 'webapp_name': webapp_name,
- 'test_name': test_name,
- }
-def GetStdioContents(stdio_location):
- """Gets appropriate stdio contents.
- Returns:
- A content string of the stdio log. None in case of error.
- """
- fp = None
- contents = ''
- try:
- if stdio_location.startswith('http://'):
- fp = urllib2.urlopen(stdio_location, timeout=60)
- # Since in-progress test output is sent chunked, there's no EOF. We need
- # to specially handle this case so we don't hang here waiting for the
- # test to complete.
- start_time = time.time()
- while True:
- data =
- if not data:
- break
- contents += data
- if time.time() - start_time >= 30: # Read for at most 30 seconds.
- break
- else:
- fp = open(stdio_location)
- data =
- contents = ''
- index = 0
- # Buildbot log files are stored in the netstring format.
- #
- while index < len(data):
- index2 = index
- while data[index2].isdigit():
- index2 += 1
- if data[index2] != ':':
- logging.error('Log file is not in expected format: %s' %
- stdio_location)
- contents = None
- break
- length = int(data[index:index2])
- index = index2 + 1
- channel = int(data[index])
- index += 1
- if data[index+length-1] != ',':
- logging.error('Log file is not in expected format: %s' %
- stdio_location)
- contents = None
- break
- if channel == 0:
- contents += data[index:(index+length-1)]
- index += length
- except (urllib2.URLError, socket.error, IOError, OSError), e:
- # Issue warning but continue to the next stdio link.
- logging.warning('Error reading test stdio data "%s": %s',
- stdio_location, str(e))
- finally:
- if fp:
- fp.close()
- return contents
-def UpdatePerfDataForSlaveAndBuild(
- slave_info, build_num, graph_dir, master_location):
- """Process updated perf data for a particular slave and build number.
- Args:
- slave_info: A dictionary containing information about the slave to process.
- build_num: The particular build number on the slave to process.
- graph_dir: A path to the graph directory.
- master_location: A URL or a path to the build master data.
- Returns:
- True if the perf data for the given slave/build is updated properly, or
- False if any critical error occurred.
- """
- if not master_location.startswith('http://'):
- # Source is a file.
- from buildbot.status import builder
- slave_location = SlaveLocation(master_location, slave_info)
- logging.debug(' %s, build %d.', slave_info['slave_name'], build_num)
- is_dbg = '(dbg)' in slave_info['slave_name']
- revision, logs = GetRevisionAndLogs(slave_location, build_num)
- if not revision:
- return False
- stdios = []
- for log_location in logs:
- stdio = ExtractTestNames(log_location, is_dbg)
- if not stdio:
- return False
- stdios.append(stdio)
- for stdio in stdios:
- stdio_location = stdio['location']
- contents = GetStdioContents(stdio_location)
- if contents:
- UpdatePerfDataFromFetchedContent(revision, contents,
- stdio['webapp_name'],
- stdio['test_name'],
- graph_dir, is_dbg)
- return True
-def GetMostRecentBuildNum(master_location, slave_name):
- """Gets the most recent buld number for |slave_name| in |master_location|."""
- most_recent_build_num = None
- if master_location.startswith('http://'):
- slave_url = master_location + urllib.quote(slave_name)
- url_contents = ''
- fp = None
- try:
- fp = urllib2.urlopen(slave_url, timeout=60)
- url_contents =
- except urllib2.URLError, e:
- logging.exception('Error reading builder URL: %s', str(e))
- return None
- finally:
- if fp:
- fp.close()
- matches = re.findall(r'/(\d+)/stop', url_contents)
- if matches:
- most_recent_build_num = int(matches[0])
- else:
- matches = re.findall(r'#(\d+)</a></td>', url_contents)
- if matches:
- most_recent_build_num = sorted(map(int, matches), reverse=True)[0]
- else:
- slave_path = os.path.join(master_location,
- slave_name.translate(MANGLE_TRANSLATION))
- files = os.listdir(slave_path)
- number_files = [int(filename) for filename in files if filename.isdigit()]
- if number_files:
- most_recent_build_num = sorted(number_files, reverse=True)[0]
- if most_recent_build_num:
- logging.debug('%s most recent build number: %s',
- slave_name, most_recent_build_num)
- else:
- logging.error('Could not identify latest build number for slave %s.',
- slave_name)
- return most_recent_build_num
-def UpdatePerfDataFiles(graph_dir, master_location):
- """Updates the Chrome Endure graph data files with the latest test results.
- For each known Chrome Endure slave, we scan its latest test results looking
- for any new test data. Any new data that is found is then appended to the
- data files used to display the Chrome Endure graphs.
- Args:
- graph_dir: A path to the graph directory.
- master_location: A URL or a path to the build master data.
- Returns:
- True if all graph data files are updated properly, or
- False if any error occurred.
- """
- slave_list = []
- for slave_name in CHROME_ENDURE_SLAVE_NAMES:
- slave_info = {}
- slave_info['slave_name'] = slave_name
- slave_info['most_recent_build_num'] = None
- slave_info['last_processed_build_num'] = None
- slave_list.append(slave_info)
- # Identify the most recent build number for each slave.
- logging.debug('Searching for latest build numbers for each slave...')
- for slave in slave_list:
- slave_name = slave['slave_name']
- slave['most_recent_build_num'] = GetMostRecentBuildNum(
- master_location, slave_name)
- # Identify the last-processed build number for each slave.
- logging.debug('Identifying last processed build numbers...')
- if not os.path.exists(LAST_BUILD_NUM_PROCESSED_FILE):
- for slave_info in slave_list:
- slave_info['last_processed_build_num'] = 0
- else:
- with open(LAST_BUILD_NUM_PROCESSED_FILE, 'r') as fp:
- file_contents =
- for match in re.findall(r'([^:]+):(\d+)', file_contents):
- slave_name = match[0].strip()
- last_processed_build_num = match[1].strip()
- for slave_info in slave_list:
- if slave_info['slave_name'] == slave_name:
- slave_info['last_processed_build_num'] = int(
- last_processed_build_num)
- for slave_info in slave_list:
- if not slave_info['last_processed_build_num']:
- slave_info['last_processed_build_num'] = 0
- logging.debug('Done identifying last processed build numbers.')
- # For each Chrome Endure slave, process each build in-between the last
- # processed build num and the most recent build num, inclusive. To process
- # each one, first get the revision number for that build, then scan the test
- # result stdio for any performance data, and add any new performance data to
- # local files to be graphed.
- for slave_info in slave_list:
- logging.debug('Processing %s, builds %d-%d...',
- slave_info['slave_name'],
- slave_info['last_processed_build_num'],
- slave_info['most_recent_build_num'])
- curr_build_num = slave_info['last_processed_build_num']
- while curr_build_num <= slave_info['most_recent_build_num']:
- if not UpdatePerfDataForSlaveAndBuild(slave_info, curr_build_num,
- graph_dir, master_location):
- # Do not give up. The first files might be removed by buildbot.
- logging.warning('Logs do not exist in buildbot for #%d of %s.' %
- (curr_build_num, slave_info['slave_name']))
- curr_build_num += 1
- # Log the newly-processed build numbers.
- logging.debug('Logging the newly-processed build numbers...')
- with open(LAST_BUILD_NUM_PROCESSED_FILE, 'w') as f:
- for slave_info in slave_list:
- f.write('%s:%s\n' % (slave_info['slave_name'],
- slave_info['most_recent_build_num']))
- return True
-def GenerateIndexPage(graph_dir):
- """Generates a summary (landing) page for the Chrome Endure graphs.
- Args:
- graph_dir: A path to the graph directory.
- """
- logging.debug('Generating new index.html page...')
- # Page header.
- page = """
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>Chrome Endure Overview</title>
- <script language="javascript">
- function DisplayGraph(name, graph) {
- document.write(
- '<td><iframe scrolling="no" height="438" width="700" src="');
- document.write(name);
- document.write('"></iframe></td>');
- }
- </script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <center>
- <h1>
- Chrome Endure
- </h1>
- """
- # Print current time.
- page += '<p>Updated: %s</p>\n' % (
- time.strftime('%A, %B %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S %p %Z'))
- # Links for each webapp.
- webapp_names = [x for x in os.listdir(graph_dir) if
- x not in ['js', 'old_data', '.svn', '.git'] and
- os.path.isdir(os.path.join(graph_dir, x))]
- webapp_names = sorted(webapp_names)
- page += '<p> ['
- for i, name in enumerate(webapp_names):
- page += '<a href="#%s">%s</a>' % (name.upper(), name.upper())
- if i < len(webapp_names) - 1:
- page += ' | '
- page += '] </p>\n'
- # Print out the data for each webapp.
- for webapp_name in webapp_names:
- page += '\n<h1 id="%s">%s</h1>\n' % (webapp_name.upper(),
- webapp_name.upper())
- # Links for each test for this webapp.
- test_names = [x for x in
- os.listdir(os.path.join(graph_dir, webapp_name))]
- test_names = sorted(test_names)
- page += '<p> ['
- for i, name in enumerate(test_names):
- page += '<a href="#%s">%s</a>' % (name, name)
- if i < len(test_names) - 1:
- page += ' | '
- page += '] </p>\n'
- # Print out the data for each test for this webapp.
- for test_name in test_names:
- # Get the set of graph names for this test.
- graph_names = [x[:x.find('-summary.dat')] for x in
- os.listdir(os.path.join(graph_dir,
- webapp_name, test_name))
- if '-summary.dat' in x and '_EVENT_' not in x]
- graph_names = sorted(graph_names)
- page += '<h2 id="%s">%s</h2>\n' % (test_name, test_name)
- page += '<table>\n'
- for i, graph_name in enumerate(graph_names):
- if i % 2 == 0:
- page += ' <tr>\n'
- page += (' <script>DisplayGraph("%s/%s?graph=%s&lookout=1");'
- '</script>\n' % (webapp_name, test_name, graph_name))
- if i % 2 == 1:
- page += ' </tr>\n'
- if len(graph_names) % 2 == 1:
- page += ' </tr>\n'
- page += '</table>\n'
- # Page footer.
- page += """
- </center>
- </body>
- </html>
- """
- index_file = os.path.join(graph_dir, 'index.html')
- with open(index_file, 'w') as f:
- f.write(page)
- os.chmod(index_file, 0755)
-def main():
- parser = optparse.OptionParser()
- parser.add_option(
- '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Use verbose logging.')
- parser.add_option(
- '-s', '--stdin', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Input from stdin instead of slaves for testing this script.')
- parser.add_option(
- '-b', '--buildbot', dest='buildbot', metavar="BUILDBOT",
- help='Use log files in a buildbot at BUILDBOT. BUILDBOT can be a '
- 'buildbot\'s builder URL or a local path to a buildbot directory. '
- 'Both an absolute path and a relative path are available, e.g. '
- '"/home/chrome-bot/buildbot" or "../buildbot". '
- '[default: %default]')
- parser.add_option(
- '-g', '--graph', dest='graph_dir', metavar="DIR", default=LOCAL_GRAPH_DIR,
- help='Output graph data files to DIR. [default: %default]')
- options, _ = parser.parse_args(sys.argv)
- logging_level = logging.DEBUG if options.verbose else logging.INFO
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging_level,
- format='[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
- if options.stdin:
- content =
- UpdatePerfDataFromFetchedContent(
- '12345', content, 'webapp', 'test', options.graph_dir)
- else:
- if options.buildbot.startswith('http://'):
- master_location = options.buildbot
- else:
- build_dir = os.path.join(options.buildbot, 'build')
- third_party_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'third_party')
- sys.path.append(third_party_dir)
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(third_party_dir, 'buildbot_8_4p1'))
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(third_party_dir, 'twisted_10_2'))
- master_location = os.path.join(build_dir, 'masters',
- 'master.chromium.endure')
- success = UpdatePerfDataFiles(options.graph_dir, master_location)
- if not success:
- logging.error('Failed to update perf data files.')
- sys.exit(0)
- GenerateIndexPage(options.graph_dir)
- logging.debug('All done!')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
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