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Unified Diff: chrome/test/functional/ispy/

Issue 222873002: Remove pyauto tests. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: sync Created 6 years, 9 months ago
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Index: chrome/test/functional/ispy/
--- chrome/test/functional/ispy/ (revision 261231)
+++ chrome/test/functional/ispy/ (working copy)
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
-from PIL import Image
-from common import cloud_bucket
-from common import ispy_utils
-class ISpyApi(object):
- """The public API for interacting with ISpy."""
- def __init__(self, cloud_bucket):
- """Initializes the utility class.
- Args:
- cloud_bucket: a BaseCloudBucket in which to the version file,
- expectations and results are to be stored.
- """
- self._cloud_bucket = cloud_bucket
- self._ispy = ispy_utils.ISpyUtils(self._cloud_bucket)
- self._rebaselineable_cache = {}
- def UpdateExpectationVersion(self, chrome_version, version_file):
- """Updates the most recent expectation version to the Chrome version.
- Should be called after generating a new set of expectations.
- Args:
- chrome_version: the chrome version as a string of the form "".
- version_file: path to the version file in the cloud bucket. The version
- file contains a json list of ordered Chrome versions for which
- expectations exist.
- """
- insert_pos = 0
- expectation_versions = []
- try:
- expectation_versions = self._GetExpectationVersionList(version_file)
- if expectation_versions:
- try:
- version = self._GetExpectationVersion(
- chrome_version, expectation_versions)
- if version == chrome_version:
- return
- insert_pos = expectation_versions.index(version)
- except:
- insert_pos = len(expectation_versions)
- except cloud_bucket.FileNotFoundError:
- pass
- expectation_versions.insert(insert_pos, chrome_version)
-'Updating expectation version...')
- self._cloud_bucket.UploadFile(
- version_file, json.dumps(expectation_versions),
- 'application/json')
- def _GetExpectationVersion(self, chrome_version, expectation_versions):
- """Returns the expectation version for the given Chrome version.
- Args:
- chrome_version: the chrome version as a string of the form "".
- expectation_versions: Ordered list of Chrome versions for which
- expectations exist, as stored in the version file.
- Returns:
- Expectation version string.
- """
- # Find the closest version that is not greater than the chrome version.
- for version in expectation_versions:
- if LooseVersion(version) <= LooseVersion(chrome_version):
- return version
- raise Exception('No expectation exists for Chrome %s' % chrome_version)
- def _GetExpectationVersionList(self, version_file):
- """Gets the list of expectation versions from google storage.
- Args:
- version_file: path to the version file in the cloud bucket. The version
- file contains a json list of ordered Chrome versions for which
- expectations exist.
- Returns:
- Ordered list of Chrome versions.
- """
- try:
- return json.loads(self._cloud_bucket.DownloadFile(version_file))
- except:
- return []
- def _GetExpectationNameWithVersion(self, device_type, expectation,
- chrome_version, version_file):
- """Get the expectation to be used with the current Chrome version.
- Args:
- device_type: string identifier for the device type.
- expectation: name for the expectation to generate.
- chrome_version: the chrome version as a string of the form "".
- Returns:
- Version as an integer.
- """
- version = self._GetExpectationVersion(
- chrome_version, self._GetExpectationVersionList(version_file))
- return self._CreateExpectationName(device_type, expectation, version)
- def _CreateExpectationName(self, device_type, expectation, version):
- """Create the full expectation name from the expectation and version.
- Args:
- device_type: string identifier for the device type, example: mako
- expectation: base name for the expectation, example:
- version: expectation version, example:
- Returns:
- Full expectation name as a string, example:
- """
- return '%s:%s(%s)' % (device_type, expectation, version)
- def GenerateExpectation(self, device_type, expectation, chrome_version,
- version_file, screenshots):
- """Create an expectation for I-Spy.
- Args:
- device_type: string identifier for the device type.
- expectation: name for the expectation to generate.
- chrome_version: the chrome version as a string of the form "".
- screenshots: a list of similar PIL.Images.
- """
- #
- expectation_with_version = self._CreateExpectationName(
- device_type, expectation, chrome_version)
- if self._ispy.ExpectationExists(expectation_with_version):
- logging.warning(
- 'I-Spy expectation \'%s\' already exists, overwriting.',
- expectation_with_version)
-'Generating I-Spy expectation...')
- self._ispy.GenerateExpectation(expectation_with_version, screenshots)
- def PerformComparison(self, test_run, device_type, expectation,
- chrome_version, version_file, screenshot):
- """Compare a screenshot with the given expectation in I-Spy.
- Args:
- test_run: name for the test run.
- device_type: string identifier for the device type.
- expectation: name for the expectation to compare against.
- chrome_version: the chrome version as a string of the form "".
- screenshot: a PIL.Image to compare.
- """
- #
-'Performing I-Spy comparison...')
- self._ispy.PerformComparison(
- test_run,
- self._GetExpectationNameWithVersion(
- device_type, expectation, chrome_version, version_file),
- screenshot)
- def CanRebaselineToTestRun(self, test_run):
- """Returns whether the test run has associated expectations.
- Returns:
- True if RebaselineToTestRun() can be called for this test run.
- """
- if test_run in self._rebaselineable_cache:
- return True
- return self._cloud_bucket.FileExists(
- ispy_utils.GetTestRunPath(test_run, 'rebaseline.txt'))
- def RebaselineToTestRun(self, test_run):
- """Update the version file to use expectations associated with |test_run|.
- Args:
- test_run: The name of the test run to rebaseline.
- """
- rebaseline_path = ispy_utils.GetTestRunPath(test_run, 'rebaseline.txt')
- rebaseline_attrib = json.loads(
- self._cloud_bucket.DownloadFile(rebaseline_path))
- self.UpdateExpectationVersion(
- rebaseline_attrib['version'], rebaseline_attrib['version_file'])
- self._cloud_bucket.RemoveFile(rebaseline_path)
- def _SetTestRunRebaselineable(self, test_run, chrome_version, version_file):
- """Writes a JSON file containing the data needed to rebaseline.
- Args:
- test_run: The name of the test run to add the rebaseline file to.
- chrome_version: the chrome version that can be rebaselined to (must have
- associated Expectations).
- version_file: the path of the version file associated with the test run.
- """
- self._rebaselineable_cache[test_run] = True
- self._cloud_bucket.UploadFile(
- ispy_utils.GetTestRunPath(test_run, 'rebaseline.txt'),
- json.dumps({
- 'version': chrome_version,
- 'version_file': version_file}),
- 'application/json')
- def PerformComparisonAndPrepareExpectation(self, test_run, device_type,
- expectation, chrome_version,
- version_file, screenshots):
- """Perform comparison and generate an expectation that can used later.
- The test run web UI will have a button to set the Expectations generated for
- this version as the expectation for comparison with later versions.
- Args:
- test_run: The name of the test run to add the rebaseline file to.
- device_type: string identifier for the device type.
- chrome_version: the chrome version that can be rebaselined to (must have
- associated Expectations).
- version_file: the path of the version file associated with the test run.
- screenshot: a list of similar PIL.Images.
- """
- if not self.CanRebaselineToTestRun(test_run):
- self._SetTestRunRebaselineable(test_run, chrome_version, version_file)
- expectation_with_version = self._CreateExpectationName(
- device_type, expectation, chrome_version)
- self._ispy.GenerateExpectation(expectation_with_version, screenshots)
- self._ispy.PerformComparison(
- test_run,
- self._GetExpectationNameWithVersion(
- device_type, expectation, chrome_version, version_file),
- screenshots[-1])
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