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Side by Side Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/dom/nodes/Document-createEvent-expected.txt

Issue 2216593002: Drop document.createEvent support for things still behind a flag (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: fix LayoutTests Created 4 years, 4 months ago
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1 This is a testharness.js-based test. 1 This is a testharness.js-based test.
2 PASS AnimationEvent should be an alias for AnimationEvent. 2 PASS AnimationEvent should be an alias for AnimationEvent.
3 PASS createEvent('AnimationEvent') should be initialized correctly. 3 PASS createEvent('AnimationEvent') should be initialized correctly.
4 FAIL animationevent should be an alias for AnimationEvent. Failed to execute 'cr eateEvent' on 'Document': The provided event type ('animationevent') is invalid. 4 FAIL animationevent should be an alias for AnimationEvent. Failed to execute 'cr eateEvent' on 'Document': The provided event type ('animationevent') is invalid.
5 FAIL createEvent('animationevent') should be initialized correctly. Cannot read property 'type' of undefined 5 FAIL createEvent('animationevent') should be initialized correctly. Cannot read property 'type' of undefined
6 FAIL ANIMATIONEVENT should be an alias for AnimationEvent. Failed to execute 'cr eateEvent' on 'Document': The provided event type ('ANIMATIONEVENT') is invalid. 6 FAIL ANIMATIONEVENT should be an alias for AnimationEvent. Failed to execute 'cr eateEvent' on 'Document': The provided event type ('ANIMATIONEVENT') is invalid.
7 FAIL createEvent('ANIMATIONEVENT') should be initialized correctly. Cannot read property 'type' of undefined 7 FAIL createEvent('ANIMATIONEVENT') should be initialized correctly. Cannot read property 'type' of undefined
8 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized legacy event interface "Anima tionEvents" 8 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized legacy event interface "Anima tionEvents"
9 PASS BeforeUnloadEvent should be an alias for BeforeUnloadEvent. 9 PASS BeforeUnloadEvent should be an alias for BeforeUnloadEvent.
10 FAIL createEvent('BeforeUnloadEvent') should be initialized correctly. assert_eq uals: type should be initialized to the empty string expected "" but got "before unload" 10 FAIL createEvent('BeforeUnloadEvent') should be initialized correctly. assert_eq uals: type should be initialized to the empty string expected "" but got "before unload"
(...skipping 212 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after
223 FAIL createEvent('WEBGLCONTEXTEVENT') should be initialized correctly. Cannot re ad property 'type' of undefined 223 FAIL createEvent('WEBGLCONTEXTEVENT') should be initialized correctly. Cannot re ad property 'type' of undefined
224 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized legacy event interface "WebGL ContextEvents" 224 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized legacy event interface "WebGL ContextEvents"
225 PASS WheelEvent should be an alias for WheelEvent. 225 PASS WheelEvent should be an alias for WheelEvent.
226 PASS createEvent('WheelEvent') should be initialized correctly. 226 PASS createEvent('WheelEvent') should be initialized correctly.
227 FAIL wheelevent should be an alias for WheelEvent. Failed to execute 'createEven t' on 'Document': The provided event type ('wheelevent') is invalid. 227 FAIL wheelevent should be an alias for WheelEvent. Failed to execute 'createEven t' on 'Document': The provided event type ('wheelevent') is invalid.
228 FAIL createEvent('wheelevent') should be initialized correctly. Cannot read prop erty 'type' of undefined 228 FAIL createEvent('wheelevent') should be initialized correctly. Cannot read prop erty 'type' of undefined
229 FAIL WHEELEVENT should be an alias for WheelEvent. Failed to execute 'createEven t' on 'Document': The provided event type ('WHEELEVENT') is invalid. 229 FAIL WHEELEVENT should be an alias for WheelEvent. Failed to execute 'createEven t' on 'Document': The provided event type ('WHEELEVENT') is invalid.
230 FAIL createEvent('WHEELEVENT') should be initialized correctly. Cannot read prop erty 'type' of undefined 230 FAIL createEvent('WHEELEVENT') should be initialized correctly. Cannot read prop erty 'type' of undefined
231 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized legacy event interface "Wheel Events" 231 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized legacy event interface "Wheel Events"
232 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for unrecognized arguments 232 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for unrecognized arguments
233 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "AnimationPla yerEvent" assert_throws: function "function () { 233 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "AnimationPla yerEvent"
234 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
235 }" did not throw
236 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "A nimationPlayerEvents" 234 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "A nimationPlayerEvents"
237 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "ApplicationC acheErrorEvent" assert_throws: function "function () { 235 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "ApplicationC acheErrorEvent" assert_throws: function "function () {
238 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 236 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
239 }" did not throw 237 }" did not throw
240 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "A pplicationCacheErrorEvents" 238 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "A pplicationCacheErrorEvents"
241 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "AudioProcess ingEvent" assert_throws: function "function () { 239 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "AudioProcess ingEvent" assert_throws: function "function () {
242 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 240 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
243 }" did not throw 241 }" did not throw
244 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "A udioProcessingEvents" 242 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "A udioProcessingEvents"
245 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "Autocomplete ErrorEvent" 243 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "Autocomplete ErrorEvent"
246 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "A utocompleteErrorEvents" 244 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "A utocompleteErrorEvents"
247 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "BeforeInstal lPromptEvent" assert_throws: function "function () { 245 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "BeforeInstal lPromptEvent" assert_throws: function "function () {
248 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 246 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
249 }" did not throw 247 }" did not throw
250 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "B eforeInstallPromptEvents" 248 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "B eforeInstallPromptEvents"
251 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "BlobEvent" a ssert_throws: function "function () { 249 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "BlobEvent" a ssert_throws: function "function () {
252 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 250 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
253 }" did not throw 251 }" did not throw
254 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "B lobEvents" 252 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "B lobEvents"
255 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "ClipboardEve nt" assert_throws: function "function () { 253 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "ClipboardEve nt" assert_throws: function "function () {
256 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 254 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
257 }" did not throw 255 }" did not throw
258 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "C lipboardEvents" 256 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "C lipboardEvents"
259 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "CommandEvent " 257 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "CommandEvent "
260 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "C ommandEvents" 258 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "C ommandEvents"
261 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "DataContaine rEvent" 259 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "DataContaine rEvent"
262 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "D ataContainerEvents" 260 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "D ataContainerEvents"
263 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "DeviceLightE vent" assert_throws: function "function () { 261 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "DeviceLightE vent"
264 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
265 }" did not throw
266 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "D eviceLightEvents" 262 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "D eviceLightEvents"
267 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "ExtendableEv ent" assert_throws: function "function () { 263 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "ExtendableEv ent" assert_throws: function "function () {
268 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 264 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
269 }" did not throw 265 }" did not throw
270 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "E xtendableEvents" 266 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "E xtendableEvents"
271 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "ExtendableMe ssageEvent" assert_throws: function "function () { 267 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "ExtendableMe ssageEvent" assert_throws: function "function () {
272 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 268 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
273 }" did not throw 269 }" did not throw
274 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "E xtendableMessageEvents" 270 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "E xtendableMessageEvents"
275 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "FetchEvent" assert_throws: function "function () { 271 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "FetchEvent" assert_throws: function "function () {
276 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 272 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
277 }" did not throw 273 }" did not throw
278 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "F etchEvents" 274 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "F etchEvents"
279 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "FontFaceSetL oadEvent" assert_throws: function "function () { 275 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "FontFaceSetL oadEvent" assert_throws: function "function () {
280 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 276 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
281 }" did not throw 277 }" did not throw
282 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "F ontFaceSetLoadEvents" 278 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "F ontFaceSetLoadEvents"
283 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "GamepadEvent " assert_throws: function "function () { 279 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "GamepadEvent " assert_throws: function "function () {
284 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 280 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
285 }" did not throw 281 }" did not throw
286 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "G amepadEvents" 282 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "G amepadEvents"
287 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "GeofencingEv ent" 283 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "GeofencingEv ent"
288 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "G eofencingEvents" 284 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "G eofencingEvents"
289 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "InstallEvent " assert_throws: function "function () { 285 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "InstallEvent "
290 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
291 }" did not throw
292 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "I nstallEvents" 286 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "I nstallEvents"
293 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "KeyEvent" 287 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "KeyEvent"
294 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "K eyEvents" 288 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "K eyEvents"
295 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "MIDIConnecti onEvent" assert_throws: function "function () { 289 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "MIDIConnecti onEvent" assert_throws: function "function () {
296 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 290 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
297 }" did not throw 291 }" did not throw
298 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "M IDIConnectionEvents" 292 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "M IDIConnectionEvents"
299 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "MIDIMessageE vent" assert_throws: function "function () { 293 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "MIDIMessageE vent" assert_throws: function "function () {
300 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 294 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
301 }" did not throw 295 }" did not throw
(...skipping 35 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after
337 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "NotifyPaintE vent" 331 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "NotifyPaintE vent"
338 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "N otifyPaintEvents" 332 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "N otifyPaintEvents"
339 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "OfflineAudio CompletionEvent" assert_throws: function "function () { 333 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "OfflineAudio CompletionEvent" assert_throws: function "function () {
340 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 334 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
341 }" did not throw 335 }" did not throw
342 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "O fflineAudioCompletionEvents" 336 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "O fflineAudioCompletionEvents"
343 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "OrientationE vent" 337 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "OrientationE vent"
344 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "O rientationEvents" 338 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "O rientationEvents"
345 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "PageTransiti on" 339 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "PageTransiti on"
346 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "P ageTransitions" 340 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "P ageTransitions"
347 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "PointerEvent " assert_throws: function "function () { 341 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "PointerEvent "
348 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
349 }" did not throw
350 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "P ointerEvents" 342 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "P ointerEvents"
351 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "PopUpEvent" 343 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "PopUpEvent"
352 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "P opUpEvents" 344 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "P opUpEvents"
353 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "Presentation ConnectionAvailableEvent" assert_throws: function "function () { 345 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "Presentation ConnectionAvailableEvent" assert_throws: function "function () {
354 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 346 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
355 }" did not throw 347 }" did not throw
356 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "P resentationConnectionAvailableEvents" 348 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "P resentationConnectionAvailableEvents"
357 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "Presentation ConnectionCloseEvent" assert_throws: function "function () { 349 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "Presentation ConnectionCloseEvent" assert_throws: function "function () {
358 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 350 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
359 }" did not throw 351 }" did not throw
(...skipping 11 matching lines...) Expand all
371 }" did not throw 363 }" did not throw
372 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "R TCDTMFToneChangeEvents" 364 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "R TCDTMFToneChangeEvents"
373 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "RTCDataChann elEvent" assert_throws: function "function () { 365 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "RTCDataChann elEvent" assert_throws: function "function () {
374 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 366 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
375 }" did not throw 367 }" did not throw
376 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "R TCDataChannelEvents" 368 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "R TCDataChannelEvents"
377 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "RTCIceCandid ateEvent" assert_throws: function "function () { 369 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "RTCIceCandid ateEvent" assert_throws: function "function () {
378 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 370 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
379 }" did not throw 371 }" did not throw
380 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "R TCIceCandidateEvents" 372 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "R TCIceCandidateEvents"
381 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "RelatedEvent " assert_throws: function "function () { 373 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "RelatedEvent "
382 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
383 }" did not throw
384 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "R elatedEvents" 374 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "R elatedEvents"
385 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "ResourceProg ressEvent" assert_throws: function "function () { 375 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "ResourceProg ressEvent" assert_throws: function "function () {
386 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 376 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
387 }" did not throw 377 }" did not throw
388 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "R esourceProgressEvents" 378 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "R esourceProgressEvents"
389 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "SVGEvent" 379 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "SVGEvent"
390 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "ScrollAreaEv ent" 380 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "ScrollAreaEv ent"
391 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "S crollAreaEvents" 381 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "S crollAreaEvents"
392 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "SecurityPoli cyViolationEvent" assert_throws: function "function () { 382 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "SecurityPoli cyViolationEvent" assert_throws: function "function () {
393 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 383 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
(...skipping 30 matching lines...) Expand all
424 }" did not throw 414 }" did not throw
425 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "W ebKitAnimationEvents" 415 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "W ebKitAnimationEvents"
426 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "WebKitTransi tionEvent" assert_throws: function "function () { 416 FAIL Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "WebKitTransi tionEvent" assert_throws: function "function () {
427 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface); 417 var evt = document.createEvent(eventInterface);
428 }" did not throw 418 }" did not throw
429 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "W ebKitTransitionEvents" 419 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "W ebKitTransitionEvents"
430 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "XULCommandEv ent" 420 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for non-legacy event interface "XULCommandEv ent"
431 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "X ULCommandEvents" 421 PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized non-legacy event interface "X ULCommandEvents"
432 Harness: the test ran to completion. 422 Harness: the test ran to completion.
433 423

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