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Unified Diff: infra/bots/recipe_modules/vars/

Issue 2215803002: Move builder_spec, [dm|nanobench]_flags, builder_name_schema to recipes (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Add missing blacklist Created 4 years, 4 months ago
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Index: infra/bots/recipe_modules/vars/
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipe_modules/vars/ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/vars/
index 69842fb37f744c48e04d39af2fecc70607277b20..9b3b30333cad00439074c1ebec7a31c3d85dbfcc 100644
--- a/infra/bots/recipe_modules/vars/
+++ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/vars/
@@ -12,6 +12,677 @@ import os
BOTO_CHROMIUM_SKIA_GM = 'chromium-skia-gm.boto'
+def get_gyp_defines(builder_dict):
+ gyp_defs = {}
+ # skia_arch_type.
+ if builder_dict['role'] == 'Build':
+ arch = builder_dict['target_arch']
+ elif builder_dict['role'] in ('Housekeeper', 'Infra'):
+ arch = None
+ else:
+ arch = builder_dict['arch']
+ arch_types = {
+ 'x86': 'x86',
+ 'x86_64': 'x86_64',
+ 'Arm7': 'arm',
+ 'Arm64': 'arm64',
+ 'Mips': 'mips32',
+ 'Mips64': 'mips64',
+ 'MipsDSP2': 'mips32',
+ }
+ if arch in arch_types:
+ gyp_defs['skia_arch_type'] = arch_types[arch]
+ # housekeeper: build shared lib.
+ if builder_dict['role'] == 'Housekeeper':
+ gyp_defs['skia_shared_lib'] = '1'
+ # skia_gpu.
+ if builder_dict.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'CPU':
+ gyp_defs['skia_gpu'] = '0'
+ # skia_warnings_as_errors.
+ werr = False
+ if builder_dict['role'] == 'Build':
+ if 'Win' in builder_dict.get('os', ''):
+ if not ('GDI' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', '') or
+ 'Exceptions' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', '')):
+ werr = True
+ elif ('Mac' in builder_dict.get('os', '') and
+ 'Android' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', '')):
+ werr = False
+ elif 'Fast' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', ''): # pragma: no cover
+ # See
+ werr = False
+ else:
+ werr = True
+ gyp_defs['skia_warnings_as_errors'] = str(int(werr)) # True/False -> '1'/'0'
+ # Win debugger.
+ if 'Win' in builder_dict.get('os', ''):
+ gyp_defs['skia_win_debuggers_path'] = 'c:/DbgHelp'
+ # Qt SDK (Win).
+ if 'Win' in builder_dict.get('os', ''):
+ if builder_dict.get('os') == 'Win8':
+ gyp_defs['qt_sdk'] = 'C:/Qt/Qt5.1.0/5.1.0/msvc2012_64/'
+ else:
+ gyp_defs['qt_sdk'] = 'C:/Qt/4.8.5/'
+ # ANGLE.
+ if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'ANGLE': # pragma: no cover
+ gyp_defs['skia_angle'] = '1'
+ if builder_dict.get('os', '') in ('Ubuntu', 'Linux'):
+ gyp_defs['use_x11'] = '1'
+ gyp_defs['chromeos'] = '0'
+ # GDI.
+ if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'GDI': # pragma: no cover
+ gyp_defs['skia_gdi'] = '1'
+ # Build with Exceptions on Windows.
+ if ('Win' in builder_dict.get('os', '') and
+ builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'Exceptions'): # pragma: no cover
+ gyp_defs['skia_win_exceptions'] = '1'
+ # iOS.
+ if (builder_dict.get('os') == 'iOS' or
+ builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'iOS'):
+ gyp_defs['skia_os'] = 'ios'
+ # Shared library build.
+ if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'Shared':
+ gyp_defs['skia_shared_lib'] = '1'
+ # Build fastest Skia possible.
+ if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'Fast': # pragma: no cover
+ gyp_defs['skia_fast'] = '1'
+ # PDF viewer in GM.
+ if (builder_dict.get('os') == 'Mac10.8' and
+ builder_dict.get('arch') == 'x86_64' and
+ builder_dict.get('configuration') == 'Release'): # pragma: no cover
+ gyp_defs['skia_run_pdfviewer_in_gm'] = '1'
+ # Clang.
+ if builder_dict.get('compiler') == 'Clang':
+ gyp_defs['skia_clang_build'] = '1'
+ # Valgrind.
+ if 'Valgrind' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', ''):
+ gyp_defs['skia_release_optimization_level'] = '1'
+ # Link-time code generation just wastes time on compile-only bots.
+ if (builder_dict.get('role') == 'Build' and
+ builder_dict.get('compiler') == 'MSVC'):
+ gyp_defs['skia_win_ltcg'] = '0'
+ # Mesa.
+ if (builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'Mesa' or
+ builder_dict.get('cpu_or_gpu_value') == 'Mesa'): # pragma: no cover
+ gyp_defs['skia_mesa'] = '1'
+ # skia_use_android_framework_defines.
+ if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'Android_FrameworkDefs':
+ gyp_defs['skia_use_android_framework_defines'] = '1' # pragma: no cover
+ # Skia dump stats for perf tests and gpu
+ if (builder_dict.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'GPU' and
+ builder_dict.get('role') == 'Perf'):
+ gyp_defs['skia_dump_stats'] = '1'
+ # CommandBuffer.
+ if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'CommandBuffer':
+ gyp_defs['skia_command_buffer'] = '1'
+ # Vulkan.
+ if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'Vulkan':
+ gyp_defs['skia_vulkan'] = '1'
+ gyp_defs['skia_vulkan_debug_layers'] = '0'
+ return gyp_defs
+def get_extra_env_vars(builder_dict):
+ env = {}
+ if builder_dict.get('configuration') == 'Coverage':
+ # We have to use Clang 3.6 because earlier versions do not support the
+ # compile flags we use and 3.7 and 3.8 hit asserts during compilation.
+ env['CC'] = '/usr/bin/clang-3.6'
+ env['CXX'] = '/usr/bin/clang++-3.6'
+ elif builder_dict.get('compiler') == 'Clang':
+ env['CC'] = '/usr/bin/clang'
+ env['CXX'] = '/usr/bin/clang++'
+ extra_config = builder_dict.get('extra_config', '')
+ if extra_config.startswith('SK') and extra_config.isupper():
+ env['CPPFLAGS'] = '-D' + extra_config # pragma: no cover
+ return env
+def build_targets_from_builder_dict(builder_dict):
+ """Return a list of targets to build, depending on the builder type."""
+ if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'iOS':
+ return ['iOSShell']
+ if 'SAN' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', ''):
+ # 'most' does not compile under MSAN.
+ return ['dm', 'nanobench']
+ else:
+ return ['most']
+def device_cfg(builder_dict):
+ # Android.
+ if 'Android' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', ''):
+ if 'NoNeon' in builder_dict['extra_config']: # pragma: no cover
+ return 'arm_v7'
+ return {
+ 'Arm64': 'arm64',
+ 'x86': 'x86',
+ 'x86_64': 'x86_64',
+ 'Mips': 'mips',
+ 'Mips64': 'mips64',
+ 'MipsDSP2': 'mips_dsp2',
+ }.get(builder_dict['target_arch'], 'arm_v7_neon')
+ elif builder_dict.get('os') == 'Android':
+ return {
+ 'AndroidOne': 'arm_v7_neon',
+ 'GalaxyS3': 'arm_v7_neon',
+ 'GalaxyS4': 'arm_v7_neon',
+ 'NVIDIA_Shield': 'arm64',
+ 'Nexus10': 'arm_v7_neon',
+ 'Nexus5': 'arm_v7_neon',
+ 'Nexus6': 'arm_v7_neon',
+ 'Nexus7': 'arm_v7_neon',
+ 'Nexus7v2': 'arm_v7_neon',
+ 'Nexus9': 'arm64',
+ 'NexusPlayer': 'x86',
+ }[builder_dict['model']]
+ # iOS.
+ if 'iOS' in builder_dict.get('os', ''):
+ return {
+ 'iPad4': 'iPad4,1',
+ }[builder_dict['model']]
+ return None
+def product_board(builder_dict):
+ if 'Android' in builder_dict.get('os', ''):
+ return {
+ 'AndroidOne': 'sprout',
+ 'GalaxyS3': 'm0', #'smdk4x12', Detected incorrectly by swarming?
+ 'GalaxyS4': None, # TODO(borenet,kjlubick)
+ 'NVIDIA_Shield': 'foster',
+ 'Nexus10': 'manta',
+ 'Nexus5': 'hammerhead',
+ 'Nexus6': 'shamu',
+ 'Nexus7': 'grouper',
+ 'Nexus7v2': 'flo',
+ 'Nexus9': 'flounder',
+ 'NexusPlayer': 'fugu',
+ }[builder_dict['model']]
+ return None
+def dm_flags(bot):
+ args = []
+ # 32-bit desktop bots tend to run out of memory, because they have relatively
+ # far more cores than RAM (e.g. 32 cores, 3G RAM). Hold them back a bit.
+ if '-x86-' in bot and not 'NexusPlayer' in bot:
+ args.extend('--threads 4'.split(' '))
+ # These are the canonical configs that we would ideally run on all bots. We
+ # may opt out or substitute some below for specific bots
+ configs = ['565', '8888', 'gpu', 'gpusrgb', 'pdf']
+ # Add in either msaa4 or msaa16 to the canonical set of configs to run
+ if 'Android' in bot or 'iOS' in bot:
+ configs.append('msaa4')
+ else:
+ configs.append('msaa16')
+ # With msaa, the S4 crashes and the NP produces a long error stream when we
+ # run with MSAA. The Tegra2 and Tegra3 just don't support it. No record of
+ # why we're not running msaa on iOS, probably started with gpu config and just
+ # haven't tried.
+ if ('GalaxyS4' in bot or
+ 'NexusPlayer' in bot or
+ 'Tegra3' in bot or
+ 'iOS' in bot):
+ configs = [x for x in configs if 'msaa' not in x]
+ # Runs out of memory on Android bots and Daisy. Everyone else seems fine.
+ if 'Android' in bot or 'Daisy' in bot:
+ configs.remove('pdf')
+ if '-GCE-' in bot:
+ configs.extend(['f16', 'srgb']) # Gamma-correct formats.
+ configs.extend(['sp-8888', '2ndpic-8888']) # Test niche uses of SkPicture.
+ if '-TSAN' not in bot:
+ if ('TegraK1' in bot or
+ 'TegraX1' in bot or
+ 'GTX550Ti' in bot or
+ 'GTX660' in bot or
+ 'GT610' in bot):
+ if 'Android' in bot:
+ configs.append('nvprdit4')
+ else:
+ configs.append('nvprdit16')
+ # We want to test the OpenGL config not the GLES config on the X1
+ if 'TegraX1' in bot:
+ configs = [x.replace('gpu', 'gl') for x in configs]
+ configs = [x.replace('msaa', 'glmsaa') for x in configs]
+ configs = [x.replace('nvpr', 'glnvpr') for x in configs]
+ # NP is running out of RAM when we run all these modes. skia:3255
+ if 'NexusPlayer' not in bot:
+ configs.extend(mode + '-8888' for mode in
+ ['serialize', 'tiles_rt', 'pic'])
+ if 'ANGLE' in bot: # pragma: no cover
+ configs.append('angle')
+ # We want to run gpudft on atleast the mali 400
+ if 'GalaxyS3' in bot:
+ configs.append('gpudft')
+ # Test instanced rendering on a limited number of platforms
+ if 'Nexus6' in bot: # pragma: no cover
+ configs.append('esinst') # esinst4 isn't working yet on Adreno.
+ elif 'TegraX1' in bot:
+ # Multisampled instanced configs use nvpr.
+ configs = [x.replace('glnvpr', 'glinst') for x in configs]
+ configs.append('glinst')
+ elif 'MacMini6.2' in bot:
+ configs.extend(['glinst', 'glinst16'])
+ # CommandBuffer bot *only* runs the command_buffer config.
+ if 'CommandBuffer' in bot:
+ configs = ['commandbuffer']
+ # Vulkan bot *only* runs the vk config.
+ if 'Vulkan' in bot:
+ configs = ['vk']
+ args.append('--config')
+ args.extend(configs)
+ # Run tests, gms, and image decoding tests everywhere.
+ args.extend('--src tests gm image'.split(' '))
+ if 'GalaxyS' in bot:
+ args.extend(('--threads', '0'))
+ blacklist = []
+ # TODO: ???
+ blacklist.extend('f16 _ _ dstreadshuffle'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('f16 image _ _'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('srgb image _ _'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('gpusrgb image _ _'.split(' '))
+ if 'Valgrind' in bot:
+ # These take 18+ hours to run.
+ blacklist.extend('pdf gm _ fontmgr_iter'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('pdf _ _ PANO_20121023_214540.jpg'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('pdf skp _ worldjournal'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('pdf skp _ desk_baidu.skp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('pdf skp _ desk_wikipedia.skp'.split(' '))
+ if 'iOS' in bot:
+ blacklist.extend('gpu skp _ _ msaa skp _ _'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('msaa16 gm _ tilemodesProcess'.split(' '))
+ if 'Mac' in bot or 'iOS' in bot:
+ # CG fails on questionable bmps
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf rgba32abf.bmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf rgb24prof.bmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf rgb24lprof.bmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf 8bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf 4bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf 32bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf 24bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp'.split(' '))
+ # CG has unpredictable behavior on this questionable gif
+ # It's probably using uninitialized memory
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf frame_larger_than_image.gif'.split(' '))
+ # WIC fails on questionable bmps
+ if 'Win' in bot:
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf rle8-height-negative.bmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf rle4-height-negative.bmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf pal8os2v2.bmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf pal8os2v2-16.bmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf rgba32abf.bmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf rgb24prof.bmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf rgb24lprof.bmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf 8bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf 4bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf 32bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image gen_platf 24bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp'.split(' '))
+ if 'x86_64' in bot and 'CPU' in bot:
+ # This GM triggers a SkSmallAllocator assert.
+ blacklist.extend('_ gm _ composeshader_bitmap'.split(' '))
+ if 'Android' in bot or 'iOS' in bot:
+ # This test crashes the N9 (perhaps because of large malloc/frees). It also
+ # is fairly slow and not platform-specific. So we just disable it on all of
+ # Android and iOS. skia:5438
+ blacklist.extend('_ test _ GrShape'.split(' '))
+ if 'Win8' in bot:
+ # bungeman: "Doesn't work on Windows anyway, produces unstable GMs with
+ # 'Unexpected error' from DirectWrite"
+ blacklist.extend('_ gm _ fontscalerdistortable'.split(' '))
+ # skia:4095
+ bad_serialize_gms = ['bleed_image',
+ 'c_gms',
+ 'colortype',
+ 'colortype_xfermodes',
+ 'drawfilter',
+ 'fontmgr_bounds_0.75_0',
+ 'fontmgr_bounds_1_-0.25',
+ 'fontmgr_bounds',
+ 'fontmgr_match',
+ 'fontmgr_iter']
+ # skia:5589
+ bad_serialize_gms.extend(['bitmapfilters',
+ 'bitmapshaders',
+ 'bleed',
+ 'bleed_alpha_bmp',
+ 'bleed_alpha_bmp_shader',
+ 'convex_poly_clip',
+ 'extractalpha',
+ 'filterbitmap_checkerboard_32_32_g8',
+ 'filterbitmap_image_mandrill_64',
+ 'shadows',
+ 'simpleaaclip_aaclip'])
+ # skia:5595
+ bad_serialize_gms.extend(['composeshader_bitmap',
+ 'scaled_tilemodes_npot',
+ 'scaled_tilemodes'])
+ for test in bad_serialize_gms:
+ blacklist.extend(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+ if 'Mac' not in bot:
+ for test in ['bleed_alpha_image', 'bleed_alpha_image_shader']:
+ blacklist.extend(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+ # It looks like we skip these only for out-of-memory concerns.
+ if 'Win' in bot or 'Android' in bot:
+ for test in ['verylargebitmap', 'verylarge_picture_image']:
+ blacklist.extend(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+ # skia:4769
+ for test in ['drawfilter']:
+ blacklist.extend([ 'sp-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+ blacklist.extend([ 'pic-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+ blacklist.extend(['2ndpic-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+ # skia:4703
+ for test in ['image-cacherator-from-picture',
+ 'image-cacherator-from-raster',
+ 'image-cacherator-from-ctable']:
+ blacklist.extend([ 'sp-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+ blacklist.extend([ 'pic-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+ blacklist.extend([ '2ndpic-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+ blacklist.extend(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+ # Extensions for RAW images
+ r = ["arw", "cr2", "dng", "nef", "nrw", "orf", "raf", "rw2", "pef", "srw",
+ "ARW", "CR2", "DNG", "NEF", "NRW", "ORF", "RAF", "RW2", "PEF", "SRW"]
+ #
+ # Blacklist RAW images (and a few large PNGs) on GPU bots
+ # until we can resolve failures
+ if 'GPU' in bot:
+ blacklist.extend('_ image _ interlaced1.png'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image _ interlaced2.png'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend('_ image _ interlaced3.png'.split(' '))
+ for raw_ext in r:
+ blacklist.extend(('_ image _ .%s' % raw_ext).split(' '))
+ if 'Nexus9' in bot: # pragma: no cover
+ for raw_ext in r:
+ blacklist.extend(('_ image _ .%s' % raw_ext).split(' '))
+ # Large image that overwhelms older Mac bots
+ if 'MacMini4.1-GPU' in bot: # pragma: no cover
+ blacklist.extend('_ image _ abnormal.wbmp'.split(' '))
+ blacklist.extend(['msaa16', 'gm', '_', 'blurcircles'])
+ match = []
+ if 'Valgrind' in bot: # skia:3021
+ match.append('~Threaded')
+ if 'GalaxyS3' in bot: # skia:1699
+ match.append('~WritePixels')
+ if 'AndroidOne' in bot: # skia:4711
+ match.append('~WritePixels') # pragma: no cover
+ if 'NexusPlayer' in bot: # pragma: no cover
+ match.append('~ResourceCache')
+ if 'Nexus10' in bot: # skia:5509
+ match.append('~CopySurface') # pragma: no cover
+ if 'ANGLE' in bot and 'Debug' in bot: # pragma: no cover
+ match.append('~GLPrograms') # skia:4717
+ if 'MSAN' in bot:
+ match.extend(['~Once', '~Shared']) # Not sure what's up with these tests.
+ if 'TSAN' in bot: # pragma: no cover
+ match.extend(['~ReadWriteAlpha']) # Flaky on TSAN-covered on nvidia bots.
+ if blacklist:
+ args.append('--blacklist')
+ args.extend(blacklist)
+ if match:
+ args.append('--match')
+ args.extend(match)
+ # These bots run out of memory running RAW codec tests. Do not run them in
+ # parallel
+ if ('NexusPlayer' in bot or 'Nexus5' in bot or 'Nexus9' in bot
+ or 'Win8-MSVC-ShuttleB' in bot):
+ args.append('--noRAW_threading')
+ return args
+def get_builder_spec(api, builder_name):
+ builder_dict = api.builder_name_schema.DictForBuilderName(builder_name)
+ env = get_extra_env_vars(builder_dict)
+ gyp_defs = get_gyp_defines(builder_dict)
+ gyp_defs_list = ['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in gyp_defs.iteritems()]
+ gyp_defs_list.sort()
+ env['GYP_DEFINES'] = ' '.join(gyp_defs_list)
+ build_targets = build_targets_from_builder_dict(builder_dict)
+ rv = {
+ 'build_targets': build_targets,
+ 'builder_cfg': builder_dict,
+ 'dm_flags': dm_flags(builder_name),
+ 'env': env,
+ 'nanobench_flags': nanobench_flags(builder_name),
+ }
+ device = device_cfg(builder_dict)
+ if device:
+ rv['device_cfg'] = device
+ board = product_board(builder_dict)
+ if board:
+ rv['product.board'] = board
+ role = builder_dict['role']
+ if role == api.builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_HOUSEKEEPER:
+ configuration = CONFIG_RELEASE
+ else:
+ configuration = builder_dict.get('configuration', CONFIG_DEBUG)
+ arch = (builder_dict.get('arch') or builder_dict.get('target_arch'))
+ if ('Win' in builder_dict.get('os', '') and arch == 'x86_64'):
+ configuration += '_x64'
+ rv['configuration'] = configuration
+ if configuration == 'Coverage':
+ rv['do_compile_steps'] = False
+ rv['do_test_steps'] = role == api.builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_TEST
+ rv['do_perf_steps'] = role == api.builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_PERF
+ # Do we upload perf results?
+ upload_perf_results = False
+ if (role == api.builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_PERF and
+ CONFIG_RELEASE in configuration):
+ upload_perf_results = True
+ rv['upload_perf_results'] = upload_perf_results
+ # Do we upload correctness results?
+ skip_upload_bots = [
+ 'ASAN',
+ 'Coverage',
+ 'MSAN',
+ 'TSAN',
+ 'UBSAN',
+ 'Valgrind',
+ ]
+ upload_dm_results = True
+ for s in skip_upload_bots:
+ if s in builder_name:
+ upload_dm_results = False
+ break
+ rv['upload_dm_results'] = upload_dm_results
+ return rv
+def nanobench_flags(bot):
+ args = ['--pre_log']
+ if 'GPU' in bot:
+ args.append('--images')
+ args.extend(['--gpuStatsDump', 'true'])
+ if 'Android' in bot and 'GPU' in bot:
+ args.extend(['--useThermalManager', '1,1,10,1000'])
+ args.extend(['--scales', '1.0', '1.1'])
+ if 'iOS' in bot:
+ args.extend(['--skps', 'ignore_skps'])
+ config = ['565', '8888', 'gpu', 'nonrendering', 'angle', 'hwui' ]
+ config += [ 'f16', 'srgb' ]
+ # The S4 crashes and the NP produces a long error stream when we run with
+ # MSAA.
+ if ('GalaxyS4' not in bot and
+ 'NexusPlayer' not in bot):
+ if 'Android' in bot:
+ # The TegraX1 has a regular OpenGL implementation. We bench that instead
+ # of ES.
+ if 'TegraX1' in bot:
+ config.remove('gpu')
+ config.extend(['gl', 'glmsaa4', 'glnvpr4', 'glnvprdit4'])
+ else:
+ config.extend(['msaa4', 'nvpr4', 'nvprdit4'])
+ else:
+ config.extend(['msaa16', 'nvpr16', 'nvprdit16'])
+ # Bench instanced rendering on a limited number of platforms
+ if 'Nexus6' in bot: # pragma: no cover
+ config.append('esinst') # esinst4 isn't working yet on Adreno.
+ elif 'TegraX1' in bot:
+ config.extend(['glinst', 'glinst4'])
+ elif 'MacMini6.2' in bot:
+ config.extend(['glinst', 'glinst16'])
+ if 'Vulkan' in bot:
+ config = ['vk']
+ args.append('--config')
+ args.extend(config)
+ if 'Valgrind' in bot:
+ # Don't care about Valgrind performance.
+ args.extend(['--loops', '1'])
+ args.extend(['--samples', '1'])
+ # Ensure that the bot framework does not think we have timed out.
+ args.extend(['--keepAlive', 'true'])
+ match = []
+ if 'Android' in bot:
+ # Segfaults when run as GPU bench. Very large texture?
+ match.append('~blurroundrect')
+ match.append('~patch_grid') # skia:2847
+ match.append('~desk_carsvg')
+ if 'NexusPlayer' in bot: # pragma: no cover
+ match.append('~desk_unicodetable')
+ if 'Nexus5' in bot: # pragma: no cover
+ match.append('~keymobi_shop_mobileweb_ebay_com.skp') # skia:5178
+ if 'iOS' in bot:
+ match.append('~blurroundrect')
+ match.append('~patch_grid') # skia:2847
+ match.append('~desk_carsvg')
+ match.append('~keymobi')
+ match.append('~path_hairline')
+ match.append('~GLInstancedArraysBench') # skia:4714
+ # the 32-bit GCE bots run out of memory in DM when running these large images
+ # so defensively disable them in nanobench, too.
+ # FIXME (scroggo): This may have just been due to SkImageDecoder's
+ # buildTileIndex leaking memory ( That is
+ # disabled by default for nanobench, so we may not need this.
+ # FIXME (scroggo): Share image blacklists between dm and nanobench?
+ if 'x86' in bot and not 'x86-64' in bot:
+ match.append('~interlaced1.png')
+ match.append('~interlaced2.png')
+ match.append('~interlaced3.png')
+ # This low-end Android bot crashes about 25% of the time while running the
+ # (somewhat intense) shapes benchmarks.
+ if 'Perf-Android-GCC-GalaxyS3-GPU-Mali400-Arm7-Release' in bot:
+ match.append('~shapes_') # pragma: no cover
+ # We do not need or want to benchmark the decodes of incomplete images.
+ # In fact, in nanobench we assert that the full image decode succeeds.
+ match.append('~inc0.gif')
+ match.append('~inc1.gif')
+ match.append('~incInterlaced.gif')
+ match.append('~inc0.jpg')
+ match.append('~incGray.jpg')
+ match.append('~inc0.wbmp')
+ match.append('~inc1.wbmp')
+ match.append('~inc0.webp')
+ match.append('~inc1.webp')
+ match.append('~inc0.ico')
+ match.append('~inc1.ico')
+ match.append('~inc0.png')
+ match.append('~inc1.png')
+ match.append('~inc2.png')
+ match.append('~inc12.png')
+ match.append('~inc13.png')
+ match.append('~inc14.png')
+ match.append('~inc0.webp')
+ match.append('~inc1.webp')
+ if match:
+ args.append('--match')
+ args.extend(match)
+ return args
class SkiaVarsApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
@@ -37,6 +708,10 @@ class SkiaVarsApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
home_dir = '[HOME]'
return home_dir
+ def get_builder_spec(self, builder_name):
+ """Return the builder_spec for the given builder name."""
+ return get_builder_spec(self.m, builder_name)
def setup(self):
"""Prepare the variables."""
# Setup

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