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Unified Diff: src/interpreter/

Issue 2212343002: Revert of [Interpreter] Collect type feedback for 'new' in the bytecode handler (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 4 months ago
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diff --git a/src/interpreter/ b/src/interpreter/
index a23c22f888ce6c0a6013dff87c90c140dcd6f5ff..42501a1add63f550b6f2b6362e6a388cbcdeb96c 100644
--- a/src/interpreter/
+++ b/src/interpreter/
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
Node* is_feedback_unavailable = Word32Equal(slot_id, Int32Constant(0));
GotoIf(is_feedback_unavailable, &call);
- // The checks. First, does function match the recorded monomorphic target?
+ // The checks. First, does rdi match the recorded monomorphic target?
Node* feedback_element = LoadFixedArrayElement(type_feedback_vector, slot_id);
Node* feedback_value = LoadWeakCellValue(feedback_element);
Node* is_monomorphic = WordEqual(function, feedback_value);
@@ -603,202 +603,11 @@
Node* InterpreterAssembler::CallConstruct(Node* constructor, Node* context,
Node* new_target, Node* first_arg,
- Node* arg_count, Node* slot_id,
- Node* type_feedback_vector) {
- Label call_construct(this), js_function(this), end(this);
- Variable return_value(this, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
- Variable allocation_feedback(this, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
- allocation_feedback.Bind(UndefinedConstant());
- // Slot id of 0 is used to indicate no type feedback is available.
- STATIC_ASSERT(TypeFeedbackVector::kReservedIndexCount > 0);
- Node* is_feedback_unavailable = Word32Equal(slot_id, Int32Constant(0));
- GotoIf(is_feedback_unavailable, &call_construct);
- // Check that the constructor is not a smi.
- Node* is_smi = WordIsSmi(constructor);
- GotoIf(is_smi, &call_construct);
- // Check that constructor is a JSFunction.
- Node* instance_type = LoadInstanceType(constructor);
- Node* is_js_function =
- WordEqual(instance_type, Int32Constant(JS_FUNCTION_TYPE));
- BranchIf(is_js_function, &js_function, &call_construct);
- Bind(&js_function);
- {
- // Cache the called function in a feedback vector slot. Cache states
- // are uninitialized, monomorphic (indicated by a JSFunction), and
- // megamorphic.
- // TODO(mythria/v8:5210): Check if it is better to mark extra_checks as a
- // deferred block so that call_construct_function will be scheduled just
- // after increment_count and in the fast path we can reduce one branch in
- // the
- // fast path.
- Label increment_count(this), extra_checks(this),
- call_construct_function(this);
- Node* feedback_element =
- LoadFixedArrayElement(type_feedback_vector, slot_id);
- Node* feedback_value = LoadWeakCellValue(feedback_element);
- Node* is_monomorphic = WordEqual(constructor, feedback_value);
- BranchIf(is_monomorphic, &increment_count, &extra_checks);
- Bind(&extra_checks);
- {
- Label mark_megamorphic(this), initialize(this),
- check_allocation_site(this), check_initialized(this),
- set_alloc_feedback_and_inc_count(this);
- {
- // Check if it is a megamorphic target
- Comment("check if megamorphic");
- Node* is_megamorphic = WordEqual(
- feedback_element,
- HeapConstant(TypeFeedbackVector::MegamorphicSentinel(isolate())));
- GotoIf(is_megamorphic, &call_construct_function);
- Comment("check if weak cell");
- Node* is_weak_cell = WordEqual(LoadMap(feedback_element),
- LoadRoot(Heap::kWeakCellMapRootIndex));
- GotoUnless(is_weak_cell, &check_allocation_site);
- // If the weak cell is cleared, we have a new chance to become
- // monomorphic.
- Comment("check if weak cell is cleared");
- Node* is_smi = WordIsSmi(feedback_value);
- BranchIf(is_smi, &initialize, &mark_megamorphic);
- }
- Bind(&check_allocation_site);
- {
- Comment("check if it is an allocation site");
- Node* is_allocation_site =
- WordEqual(LoadObjectField(feedback_element, 0),
- LoadRoot(Heap::kAllocationSiteMapRootIndex));
- GotoUnless(is_allocation_site, &check_initialized);
- // Make sure the function is the Array() function
- Node* context_slot =
- LoadFixedArrayElement(LoadNativeContext(context),
- Int32Constant(Context::ARRAY_FUNCTION_INDEX));
- Node* is_array_function = WordEqual(context_slot, constructor);
- BranchIf(is_array_function, &set_alloc_feedback_and_inc_count,
- &mark_megamorphic);
- }
- Bind(&set_alloc_feedback_and_inc_count);
- {
- allocation_feedback.Bind(feedback_element);
- Goto(&increment_count);
- }
- Bind(&check_initialized);
- {
- // Check if it is uninitialized.
- Comment("check if uninitialized");
- Node* is_uninitialized = WordEqual(
- feedback_element, LoadRoot(Heap::kuninitialized_symbolRootIndex));
- BranchIf(is_uninitialized, &initialize, &mark_megamorphic);
- }
- Bind(&initialize);
- {
- Label initialize_count(this), create_weak_cell(this),
- create_allocation_site(this);
- Comment("initialize the feedback element");
- // Check that it is the Array() function.
- Node* context_slot =
- LoadFixedArrayElement(LoadNativeContext(context),
- Int32Constant(Context::ARRAY_FUNCTION_INDEX));
- Node* is_array_function = WordEqual(context_slot, constructor);
- BranchIf(is_array_function, &create_allocation_site, &create_weak_cell);
- Bind(&create_allocation_site);
- {
- // TODO(mythria): Inline the creation of allocation site.
- CreateAllocationSiteStub create_stub(isolate());
- CallStub(create_stub.GetCallInterfaceDescriptor(),
- HeapConstant(create_stub.GetCode()), context,
- type_feedback_vector, SmiTag(slot_id));
- Node* feedback_element =
- LoadFixedArrayElement(type_feedback_vector, slot_id);
- allocation_feedback.Bind(feedback_element);
- Goto(&initialize_count);
- }
- Bind(&create_weak_cell);
- {
- CreateWeakCellInFeedbackVector(type_feedback_vector, SmiTag(slot_id),
- constructor);
- Goto(&initialize_count);
- }
- Bind(&initialize_count);
- {
- Node* call_count_slot = IntPtrAdd(slot_id, IntPtrConstant(1));
- // Count is Smi, so we don't need a write barrier.
- StoreFixedArrayElement(type_feedback_vector, call_count_slot,
- SmiTag(Int32Constant(1)), SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
- Goto(&call_construct_function);
- }
- }
- Bind(&mark_megamorphic);
- {
- // MegamorphicSentinel is an immortal immovable object so no
- // write-barrier
- // is needed.
- Comment("transition to megamorphic");
- Heap::RootIsImmortalImmovable(Heap::kmegamorphic_symbolRootIndex));
- StoreFixedArrayElement(
- type_feedback_vector, slot_id,
- HeapConstant(TypeFeedbackVector::MegamorphicSentinel(isolate())),
- Goto(&call_construct_function);
- }
- }
- Bind(&increment_count);
- {
- // Increment the call count.
- Comment("increment call count");
- Node* call_count_slot = IntPtrAdd(slot_id, IntPtrConstant(1));
- Node* call_count =
- LoadFixedArrayElement(type_feedback_vector, call_count_slot);
- Node* new_count = SmiAdd(call_count, SmiTag(Int32Constant(1)));
- // Count is Smi, so we don't need a write barrier.
- StoreFixedArrayElement(type_feedback_vector, call_count_slot, new_count,
- Goto(&call_construct_function);
- }
- Bind(&call_construct_function);
- {
- Comment("call using callConstructFunction");
- Callable callable_function = CodeFactory::InterpreterPushArgsAndConstruct(
- isolate(), CallableType::kJSFunction);
- return_value.Bind(CallStub(callable_function.descriptor(),
- HeapConstant(callable_function.code()),
- context, arg_count, new_target, constructor,
- allocation_feedback.value(), first_arg));
- Goto(&end);
- }
- }
- Bind(&call_construct);
- {
- Comment("call using callConstruct builtin");
- Callable callable = CodeFactory::InterpreterPushArgsAndConstruct(
- isolate(), CallableType::kAny);
- Node* code_target = HeapConstant(callable.code());
- return_value.Bind(CallStub(callable.descriptor(), code_target, context,
- arg_count, new_target, constructor,
- UndefinedConstant(), first_arg));
- Goto(&end);
- }
- Bind(&end);
- return return_value.value();
+ Node* arg_count) {
+ Callable callable = CodeFactory::InterpreterPushArgsAndConstruct(isolate());
+ Node* code_target = HeapConstant(callable.code());
+ return CallStub(callable.descriptor(), code_target, context, arg_count,
+ new_target, constructor, first_arg);
Node* InterpreterAssembler::CallRuntimeN(Node* function_id, Node* context,
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