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Unified Diff: components/sync_driver/

Issue 2203673002: [Sync] Move //components/sync_driver to //components/sync/driver. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Full change rebased on static lib. Created 4 years, 4 months ago
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Index: components/sync_driver/
diff --git a/components/sync_driver/ b/components/sync_driver/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d2033c3e3fe82a79a1cca97727f694590664bda..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/components/sync_driver/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,710 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/sync_driver/data_type_manager_impl.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <functional>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
-#include "base/callback.h"
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
-#include "base/profiler/scoped_tracker.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
-#include "components/sync/core/data_type_debug_info_listener.h"
-#include "components/sync_driver/data_type_encryption_handler.h"
-#include "components/sync_driver/data_type_manager_observer.h"
-#include "components/sync_driver/data_type_status_table.h"
-namespace sync_driver {
-namespace {
-GenerateCryptoErrorsForTypes(syncer::ModelTypeSet encrypted_types) {
- DataTypeStatusTable::TypeErrorMap crypto_errors;
- for (syncer::ModelTypeSet::Iterator iter = encrypted_types.First();
- iter.Good(); iter.Inc()) {
- crypto_errors[iter.Get()] = syncer::SyncError(
- syncer::SyncError::CRYPTO_ERROR,
- "",
- iter.Get());
- }
- return crypto_errors;
-} // namespace
-DataTypeManagerImpl::AssociationTypesInfo::AssociationTypesInfo() {}
- const AssociationTypesInfo& other) = default;
-DataTypeManagerImpl::AssociationTypesInfo::~AssociationTypesInfo() {}
- const syncer::WeakHandle<syncer::DataTypeDebugInfoListener>&
- debug_info_listener,
- const DataTypeController::TypeMap* controllers,
- const DataTypeEncryptionHandler* encryption_handler,
- BackendDataTypeConfigurer* configurer,
- DataTypeManagerObserver* observer)
- : configurer_(configurer),
- controllers_(controllers),
- state_(DataTypeManager::STOPPED),
- needs_reconfigure_(false),
- last_configure_reason_(syncer::CONFIGURE_REASON_UNKNOWN),
- debug_info_listener_(debug_info_listener),
- model_association_manager_(controllers, this),
- observer_(observer),
- encryption_handler_(encryption_handler),
- catch_up_in_progress_(false),
- download_started_(false),
- weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
- DCHECK(configurer_);
- DCHECK(observer_);
-DataTypeManagerImpl::~DataTypeManagerImpl() {}
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::Configure(syncer::ModelTypeSet desired_types,
- syncer::ConfigureReason reason) {
- // Once requested, we will remain in "catch up" mode until we notify the
- // caller (see NotifyDone). We do this to ensure that once started, subsequent
- // calls to Configure won't take us out of "catch up" mode.
- if (reason == syncer::CONFIGURE_REASON_CATCH_UP)
- catch_up_in_progress_ = true;
- desired_types.PutAll(syncer::CoreTypes());
- // Only allow control types and types that have controllers.
- syncer::ModelTypeSet filtered_desired_types;
- for (syncer::ModelTypeSet::Iterator type = desired_types.First();
- type.Good(); type.Inc()) {
- DataTypeController::TypeMap::const_iterator iter =
- controllers_->find(type.Get());
- if (syncer::IsControlType(type.Get()) || iter != controllers_->end()) {
- if (iter != controllers_->end()) {
- if (!iter->second->ReadyForStart() &&
- !data_type_status_table_.GetUnreadyErrorTypes().Has(
- type.Get())) {
- // Add the type to the unready types set to prevent purging it. It's
- // up to the datatype controller to, if necessary, explicitly
- // mark the type as broken to trigger a purge.
- syncer::SyncError error(FROM_HERE,
- syncer::SyncError::UNREADY_ERROR,
- "Datatype not ready at config time.",
- type.Get());
- std::map<syncer::ModelType, syncer::SyncError> errors;
- errors[type.Get()] = error;
- data_type_status_table_.UpdateFailedDataTypes(errors);
- } else if (iter->second->ReadyForStart()) {
- data_type_status_table_.ResetUnreadyErrorFor(type.Get());
- }
- }
- filtered_desired_types.Put(type.Get());
- }
- }
- ConfigureImpl(filtered_desired_types, reason);
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::ReenableType(syncer::ModelType type) {
- // TODO(zea): move the "should we reconfigure" logic into the datatype handler
- // itself.
- // Only reconfigure if the type actually had a data type or unready error.
- if (!data_type_status_table_.ResetDataTypeErrorFor(type) &&
- !data_type_status_table_.ResetUnreadyErrorFor(type)) {
- return;
- }
- // Only reconfigure if the type is actually desired.
- if (!last_requested_types_.Has(type))
- return;
- DVLOG(1) << "Reenabling " << syncer::ModelTypeToString(type);
- needs_reconfigure_ = true;
- last_configure_reason_ = syncer::CONFIGURE_REASON_PROGRAMMATIC;
- ProcessReconfigure();
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::ResetDataTypeErrors() {
- data_type_status_table_.Reset();
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::PurgeForMigration(
- syncer::ModelTypeSet undesired_types,
- syncer::ConfigureReason reason) {
- syncer::ModelTypeSet remainder = Difference(last_requested_types_,
- undesired_types);
- ConfigureImpl(remainder, reason);
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::ConfigureImpl(
- syncer::ModelTypeSet desired_types,
- syncer::ConfigureReason reason) {
- DVLOG(1) << "Configuring for " << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(desired_types)
- << " with reason " << reason;
- if (state_ == STOPPING) {
- // You can not set a configuration while stopping.
- LOG(ERROR) << "Configuration set while stopping.";
- return;
- }
- // TODO(zea): consider not performing a full configuration once there's a
- // reliable way to determine if the requested set of enabled types matches the
- // current set.
- last_requested_types_ = desired_types;
- last_configure_reason_ = reason;
- // Only proceed if we're in a steady state or retrying.
- if (state_ != STOPPED && state_ != CONFIGURED && state_ != RETRYING) {
- DVLOG(1) << "Received configure request while configuration in flight. "
- << "Postponing until current configuration complete.";
- needs_reconfigure_ = true;
- return;
- }
- Restart(reason);
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::RegisterTypesWithBackend() {
- for (syncer::ModelTypeSet::Iterator type_iter = last_requested_types_.First();
- type_iter.Good(); type_iter.Inc()) {
- const auto& dtc_iter = controllers_->find(type_iter.Get());
- if (dtc_iter != controllers_->end())
- dtc_iter->second->RegisterWithBackend(configurer_);
- }
- const syncer::ModelTypeSet& types_being_configured) const {
- // 1. Get the failed types (due to fatal, crypto, and unready errors).
- // 2. Add the difference between last_requested_types_ and the failed types
- // 3. Flip |types_being_configured| to CONFIGURE_ACTIVE.
- // 4. Set non-enabled user types as DISABLED.
- // 5. Set the fatal, crypto, and unready types to their respective states.
- syncer::ModelTypeSet error_types =
- data_type_status_table_.GetFailedTypes();
- syncer::ModelTypeSet fatal_types =
- data_type_status_table_.GetFatalErrorTypes();
- syncer::ModelTypeSet crypto_types =
- data_type_status_table_.GetCryptoErrorTypes();
- syncer::ModelTypeSet unready_types =
- data_type_status_table_.GetUnreadyErrorTypes();
- // Types with persistence errors are only purged/resynced when they're
- // actively being configured.
- syncer::ModelTypeSet clean_types =
- data_type_status_table_.GetPersistenceErrorTypes();
- clean_types.RetainAll(types_being_configured);
- // Types with unready errors do not count as unready if they've been disabled.
- unready_types.RetainAll(last_requested_types_);
- syncer::ModelTypeSet enabled_types = last_requested_types_;
- enabled_types.RemoveAll(error_types);
- // If we're catching up, add all enabled (non-error) types to the clean set to
- // ensure we download and apply them to the model types.
- if (catch_up_in_progress_)
- clean_types.PutAll(enabled_types);
- syncer::ModelTypeSet disabled_types =
- syncer::Difference(
- syncer::Union(syncer::UserTypes(), syncer::ControlTypes()),
- enabled_types);
- syncer::ModelTypeSet to_configure = syncer::Intersection(
- enabled_types, types_being_configured);
- DVLOG(1) << "Enabling: " << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(enabled_types);
- DVLOG(1) << "Configuring: " << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(to_configure);
- DVLOG(1) << "Disabling: " << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(disabled_types);
- BackendDataTypeConfigurer::DataTypeConfigStateMap config_state_map;
- BackendDataTypeConfigurer::SetDataTypesState(
- BackendDataTypeConfigurer::CONFIGURE_INACTIVE, enabled_types,
- &config_state_map);
- BackendDataTypeConfigurer::SetDataTypesState(
- BackendDataTypeConfigurer::CONFIGURE_ACTIVE, to_configure,
- &config_state_map);
- BackendDataTypeConfigurer::SetDataTypesState(
- BackendDataTypeConfigurer::CONFIGURE_CLEAN, clean_types,
- &config_state_map);
- BackendDataTypeConfigurer::SetDataTypesState(
- BackendDataTypeConfigurer::DISABLED, disabled_types,
- &config_state_map);
- BackendDataTypeConfigurer::SetDataTypesState(
- BackendDataTypeConfigurer::FATAL, fatal_types,
- &config_state_map);
- BackendDataTypeConfigurer::SetDataTypesState(
- BackendDataTypeConfigurer::CRYPTO, crypto_types,
- &config_state_map);
- BackendDataTypeConfigurer::SetDataTypesState(
- BackendDataTypeConfigurer::UNREADY, unready_types,
- &config_state_map);
- return config_state_map;
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::Restart(syncer::ConfigureReason reason) {
- DVLOG(1) << "Restarting...";
- // Only record the type histograms for user-triggered configurations or
- // restarts.
- reason == syncer::CONFIGURE_REASON_NEW_CLIENT ||
- for (syncer::ModelTypeSet::Iterator iter = last_requested_types_.First();
- iter.Good(); iter.Inc()) {
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Sync.ConfigureDataTypes",
- syncer::ModelTypeToHistogramInt(iter.Get()),
- syncer::MODEL_TYPE_COUNT);
- }
- }
- // Check for new or resolved data type crypto errors.
- if (encryption_handler_->IsPassphraseRequired()) {
- syncer::ModelTypeSet encrypted_types =
- encryption_handler_->GetEncryptedDataTypes();
- encrypted_types.RetainAll(last_requested_types_);
- encrypted_types.RemoveAll(
- data_type_status_table_.GetCryptoErrorTypes());
- DataTypeStatusTable::TypeErrorMap crypto_errors =
- GenerateCryptoErrorsForTypes(encrypted_types);
- data_type_status_table_.UpdateFailedDataTypes(crypto_errors);
- } else {
- data_type_status_table_.ResetCryptoErrors();
- }
- syncer::ModelTypeSet failed_types =
- data_type_status_table_.GetFailedTypes();
- syncer::ModelTypeSet enabled_types =
- syncer::Difference(last_requested_types_, failed_types);
- last_restart_time_ = base::Time::Now();
- configuration_stats_.clear();
- DCHECK(state_ == STOPPED || state_ == CONFIGURED || state_ == RETRYING);
- const State old_state = state_;
- state_ = CONFIGURING;
- // Starting from a "steady state" (stopped or configured) state
- // should send a start notification.
- // Note: NotifyStart() must be called with the updated (non-idle) state,
- // otherwise logic listening for the configuration start might not be aware
- // of the fact that the DTM is in a configuration state.
- if (old_state == STOPPED || old_state == CONFIGURED)
- NotifyStart();
- download_types_queue_ = PrioritizeTypes(enabled_types);
- association_types_queue_ = std::queue<AssociationTypesInfo>();
- // If we're performing a "catch up", first stop the model types to ensure the
- // call to Initialize triggers model association.
- if (catch_up_in_progress_)
- model_association_manager_.Stop();
- download_started_ = false;
- model_association_manager_.Initialize(enabled_types);
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::OnAllDataTypesReadyForConfigure() {
- DCHECK(!download_started_);
- download_started_ = true;
- base::Time::Now() - last_restart_time_);
- // TODO(pavely): By now some of datatypes in download_types_queue_ could have
- // failed loading and should be excluded from configuration. I need to adjust
- // download_types_queue_ for such types.
- RegisterTypesWithBackend();
- StartNextDownload(syncer::ModelTypeSet());
-syncer::ModelTypeSet DataTypeManagerImpl::GetPriorityTypes() const {
- syncer::ModelTypeSet high_priority_types;
- high_priority_types.PutAll(syncer::PriorityCoreTypes());
- high_priority_types.PutAll(syncer::PriorityUserTypes());
- return high_priority_types;
-TypeSetPriorityList DataTypeManagerImpl::PrioritizeTypes(
- const syncer::ModelTypeSet& types) {
- syncer::ModelTypeSet high_priority_types = GetPriorityTypes();
- high_priority_types.RetainAll(types);
- syncer::ModelTypeSet low_priority_types =
- syncer::Difference(types, high_priority_types);
- TypeSetPriorityList result;
- if (!high_priority_types.Empty())
- result.push(high_priority_types);
- if (!low_priority_types.Empty())
- result.push(low_priority_types);
- // Could be empty in case of purging for migration, sync nothing, etc.
- // Configure empty set to purge data from backend.
- if (result.empty())
- result.push(syncer::ModelTypeSet());
- return result;
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::ProcessReconfigure() {
- DCHECK(needs_reconfigure_);
- // Wait for current download and association to finish.
- if (!download_types_queue_.empty() ||
- model_association_manager_.state() ==
- ModelAssociationManager::ASSOCIATING) {
- return;
- }
- association_types_queue_ = std::queue<AssociationTypesInfo>();
- // An attempt was made to reconfigure while we were already configuring.
- // This can be because a passphrase was accepted or the user changed the
- // set of desired types. Either way, |last_requested_types_| will contain
- // the most recent set of desired types, so we just call configure.
- // Note: we do this whether or not GetControllersNeedingStart is true,
- // because we may need to stop datatypes.
- DVLOG(1) << "Reconfiguring due to previous configure attempt occuring while"
- << " busy.";
- // Note: ConfigureImpl is called directly, rather than posted, in order to
- // ensure that any purging/unapplying/journaling happens while the set of
- // failed types is still up to date. If stack unwinding were to be done
- // via PostTask, the failed data types may be reset before the purging was
- // performed.
- state_ = RETRYING;
- needs_reconfigure_ = false;
- ConfigureImpl(last_requested_types_, last_configure_reason_);
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::OnDownloadRetry() {
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::DownloadReady(
- syncer::ModelTypeSet types_to_download,
- syncer::ModelTypeSet first_sync_types,
- syncer::ModelTypeSet failed_configuration_types) {
- // Persistence errors are reset after each backend configuration attempt
- // during which they would have been purged.
- data_type_status_table_.ResetPersistenceErrorsFrom(types_to_download);
- if (!failed_configuration_types.Empty()) {
- DataTypeStatusTable::TypeErrorMap errors;
- for (syncer::ModelTypeSet::Iterator iter =
- failed_configuration_types.First(); iter.Good(); iter.Inc()) {
- syncer::SyncError error(
- syncer::SyncError::DATATYPE_ERROR,
- "Backend failed to download type.",
- iter.Get());
- errors[iter.Get()] = error;
- }
- data_type_status_table_.UpdateFailedDataTypes(errors);
- needs_reconfigure_ = true;
- }
- if (needs_reconfigure_) {
- download_types_queue_ = TypeSetPriorityList();
- ProcessReconfigure();
- return;
- }
- CHECK(!download_types_queue_.empty());
- download_types_queue_.pop();
- // Those types that were already downloaded (non first sync/error types)
- // should already be associating. Just kick off association of the newly
- // downloaded types if necessary.
- if (!association_types_queue_.empty()) {
- association_types_queue_.back().first_sync_types = first_sync_types;
- association_types_queue_.back().download_ready_time = base::Time::Now();
- StartNextAssociation(UNREADY_AT_CONFIG);
- } else if (download_types_queue_.empty() &&
- model_association_manager_.state() !=
- ModelAssociationManager::ASSOCIATING) {
- // There's nothing more to download or associate (implying either there were
- // no types to associate or they associated as part of |ready_types|).
- // If the model association manager is also finished, then we're done
- // configuring.
- state_ = CONFIGURED;
- ConfigureResult result(OK, last_requested_types_);
- NotifyDone(result);
- return;
- }
- StartNextDownload(types_to_download);
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::StartNextDownload(
- syncer::ModelTypeSet high_priority_types_before) {
- if (download_types_queue_.empty())
- return;
- // Tell the backend about the new set of data types we wish to sync.
- // The task will be invoked when updates are downloaded.
- syncer::ModelTypeSet ready_types = configurer_->ConfigureDataTypes(
- last_configure_reason_,
- BuildDataTypeConfigStateMap(download_types_queue_.front()),
- base::Bind(&DataTypeManagerImpl::DownloadReady,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- download_types_queue_.front()),
- base::Bind(&DataTypeManagerImpl::OnDownloadRetry,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
- AssociationTypesInfo association_info;
- association_info.types = download_types_queue_.front();
- association_info.ready_types = ready_types;
- association_info.download_start_time = base::Time::Now();
- association_info.high_priority_types_before = high_priority_types_before;
- association_types_queue_.push(association_info);
- // Start associating those types that are already downloaded (does nothing
- // if model associator is busy).
- StartNextAssociation(READY_AT_CONFIG);
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::StartNextAssociation(AssociationGroup group) {
- CHECK(!association_types_queue_.empty());
- // If the model association manager is already associating, let it finish.
- // The model association done event will result in associating any remaining
- // association groups.
- if (model_association_manager_.state() !=
- ModelAssociationManager::INITIALIZED) {
- return;
- }
- syncer::ModelTypeSet types_to_associate;
- if (group == READY_AT_CONFIG) {
- association_types_queue_.front().ready_association_request_time =
- base::Time::Now();
- types_to_associate = association_types_queue_.front().ready_types;
- } else {
- // Only start associating the rest of the types if they have all finished
- // downloading.
- if (association_types_queue_.front().download_ready_time.is_null())
- return;
- association_types_queue_.front().full_association_request_time =
- base::Time::Now();
- // We request the full set of types here for completeness sake. All types
- // within the READY_AT_CONFIG set will already be started and should be
- // no-ops.
- types_to_associate = association_types_queue_.front().types;
- }
- DVLOG(1) << "Associating "
- << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(types_to_associate);
- model_association_manager_.StartAssociationAsync(types_to_associate);
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::OnSingleDataTypeWillStop(
- syncer::ModelType type,
- const syncer::SyncError& error) {
- DataTypeController::TypeMap::const_iterator c_it = controllers_->find(type);
- DCHECK(c_it != controllers_->end());
- // Delegate deactivation to the controller.
- c_it->second->DeactivateDataType(configurer_);
- if (error.IsSet()) {
- DataTypeStatusTable::TypeErrorMap failed_types;
- failed_types[type] = error;
- data_type_status_table_.UpdateFailedDataTypes(
- failed_types);
- // Unrecoverable errors will shut down the entire backend, so no need to
- // reconfigure.
- if (error.error_type() != syncer::SyncError::UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR) {
- needs_reconfigure_ = true;
- last_configure_reason_ = syncer::CONFIGURE_REASON_PROGRAMMATIC;
- ProcessReconfigure();
- }
- }
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::OnSingleDataTypeAssociationDone(
- syncer::ModelType type,
- const syncer::DataTypeAssociationStats& association_stats) {
- DCHECK(!association_types_queue_.empty());
- DataTypeController::TypeMap::const_iterator c_it = controllers_->find(type);
- DCHECK(c_it != controllers_->end());
- if (c_it->second->state() == DataTypeController::RUNNING) {
- // Delegate activation to the controller.
- c_it->second->ActivateDataType(configurer_);
- }
- if (!debug_info_listener_.IsInitialized())
- return;
- AssociationTypesInfo& info = association_types_queue_.front();
- configuration_stats_.push_back(syncer::DataTypeConfigurationStats());
- configuration_stats_.back().model_type = type;
- configuration_stats_.back().association_stats = association_stats;
- if (info.types.Has(type)) {
- // Times in |info| only apply to non-slow types.
- configuration_stats_.back().download_wait_time =
- info.download_start_time - last_restart_time_;
- if (info.first_sync_types.Has(type)) {
- configuration_stats_.back().download_time =
- info.download_ready_time - info.download_start_time;
- }
- if (info.ready_types.Has(type)) {
- configuration_stats_.back().association_wait_time_for_high_priority =
- info.ready_association_request_time - info.download_start_time;
- } else {
- configuration_stats_.back().association_wait_time_for_high_priority =
- info.full_association_request_time - info.download_ready_time;
- }
- configuration_stats_.back().high_priority_types_configured_before =
- info.high_priority_types_before;
- configuration_stats_.back().same_priority_types_configured_before =
- info.configured_types;
- info.configured_types.Put(type);
- }
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::OnModelAssociationDone(
- const DataTypeManager::ConfigureResult& result) {
- DCHECK(state_ == STOPPING || state_ == CONFIGURING);
- if (state_ == STOPPING)
- return;
- // Ignore abort/unrecoverable error if we need to reconfigure anyways.
- if (needs_reconfigure_) {
- ProcessReconfigure();
- return;
- }
- if (result.status == ABORTED || result.status == UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR) {
- Abort(result.status);
- return;
- }
- DCHECK(result.status == OK);
- CHECK(!association_types_queue_.empty());
- // If this model association was for the full set of types, then this priority
- // set is done. Otherwise it was just the ready types and the unready types
- // still need to be associated.
- if (result.requested_types == association_types_queue_.front().types) {
- association_types_queue_.pop();
- if (!association_types_queue_.empty()) {
- StartNextAssociation(READY_AT_CONFIG);
- } else if (download_types_queue_.empty()) {
- state_ = CONFIGURED;
- NotifyDone(result);
- }
- } else {
- DCHECK_EQ(association_types_queue_.front().ready_types,
- result.requested_types);
- // Will do nothing if the types are still downloading.
- StartNextAssociation(UNREADY_AT_CONFIG);
- }
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::Stop() {
- if (state_ == STOPPED)
- return;
- bool need_to_notify = state_ == CONFIGURING;
- StopImpl();
- if (need_to_notify) {
- ConfigureResult result(ABORTED,
- last_requested_types_);
- NotifyDone(result);
- }
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::Abort(ConfigureStatus status) {
- StopImpl();
- DCHECK_NE(OK, status);
- ConfigureResult result(status,
- last_requested_types_);
- NotifyDone(result);
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::StopImpl() {
- state_ = STOPPING;
- // Invalidate weak pointer to drop download callbacks.
- weak_ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
- // Stop all data types. This may trigger association callback but the
- // callback will do nothing because state is set to STOPPING above.
- model_association_manager_.Stop();
- state_ = STOPPED;
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::NotifyStart() {
- observer_->OnConfigureStart();
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::NotifyDone(const ConfigureResult& raw_result) {
- catch_up_in_progress_ = false;
- AddToConfigureTime();
- ConfigureResult result = raw_result;
- result.data_type_status_table = data_type_status_table_;
- DVLOG(1) << "Total time spent configuring: "
- << configure_time_delta_.InSecondsF() << "s";
- switch (result.status) {
- case DataTypeManager::OK:
- DVLOG(1) << "NotifyDone called with result: OK";
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_LONG_TIMES("Sync.ConfigureTime_Long.OK",
- configure_time_delta_);
- if (debug_info_listener_.IsInitialized() &&
- !configuration_stats_.empty()) {
- debug_info_listener_.Call(
- &syncer::DataTypeDebugInfoListener::OnDataTypeConfigureComplete,
- configuration_stats_);
- }
- configuration_stats_.clear();
- break;
- case DataTypeManager::ABORTED:
- DVLOG(1) << "NotifyDone called with result: ABORTED";
- configure_time_delta_);
- break;
- case DataTypeManager::UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR:
- DVLOG(1) << "NotifyDone called with result: UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR";
- configure_time_delta_);
- break;
- case DataTypeManager::UNKNOWN:
- break;
- }
- observer_->OnConfigureDone(result);
-DataTypeManager::State DataTypeManagerImpl::state() const {
- return state_;
-void DataTypeManagerImpl::AddToConfigureTime() {
- DCHECK(!last_restart_time_.is_null());
- configure_time_delta_ += (base::Time::Now() - last_restart_time_);
-} // namespace sync_driver
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