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Unified Diff: components/sync_driver/

Issue 2203673002: [Sync] Move //components/sync_driver to //components/sync/driver. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Full change rebased on static lib. Created 4 years, 4 months ago
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Index: components/sync_driver/
diff --git a/components/sync_driver/ b/components/sync_driver/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c69b7bb180f77ff8f1547ecd0d02954fe845e4c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/components/sync_driver/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/sync_driver/model_association_manager.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <functional>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
-#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
-#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
-#include "components/sync/api/sync_merge_result.h"
-#include "components/sync/base/model_type.h"
-using syncer::ModelTypeSet;
-namespace sync_driver {
-namespace {
-static const syncer::ModelType kStartOrder[] = {
- syncer::NIGORI, // Listed for completeness.
- syncer::DEVICE_INFO, // Listed for completeness.
- syncer::EXPERIMENTS, // Listed for completeness.
- syncer::PROXY_TABS, // Listed for completeness.
- // Kick off the association of the non-UI types first so they can associate
- // in parallel with the UI types.
- syncer::PASSWORDS,
- syncer::AUTOFILL,
- syncer::APP_SETTINGS,
- syncer::TYPED_URLS,
- // UI thread data types.
- syncer::BOOKMARKS,
- syncer::SUPERVISED_USERS, // Syncing supervised users on initial login
- // might block creating a new supervised user,
- // so we want to do it early.
- syncer::PREFERENCES,
- syncer::EXTENSIONS,
- syncer::APPS,
- syncer::APP_LIST,
- syncer::ARC_PACKAGE,
- syncer::THEMES,
- syncer::SESSIONS,
- syncer::DICTIONARY,
- syncer::ARTICLES,
-static_assert(arraysize(kStartOrder) ==
- "kStartOrder must have MODEL_TYPE_COUNT - "
- "FIRST_REAL_MODEL_TYPE elements");
-// The amount of time we wait for association to finish. If some types haven't
-// finished association by the time, DataTypeManager is notified of the
-// unfinished types.
-const int64_t kAssociationTimeOutInSeconds = 600;
-syncer::DataTypeAssociationStats BuildAssociationStatsFromMergeResults(
- const syncer::SyncMergeResult& local_merge_result,
- const syncer::SyncMergeResult& syncer_merge_result,
- const base::TimeDelta& association_wait_time,
- const base::TimeDelta& association_time) {
- DCHECK_EQ(local_merge_result.model_type(), syncer_merge_result.model_type());
- syncer::DataTypeAssociationStats stats;
- stats.had_error = local_merge_result.error().IsSet() ||
- syncer_merge_result.error().IsSet();
- stats.num_local_items_before_association =
- local_merge_result.num_items_before_association();
- stats.num_sync_items_before_association =
- syncer_merge_result.num_items_before_association();
- stats.num_local_items_after_association =
- local_merge_result.num_items_after_association();
- stats.num_sync_items_after_association =
- syncer_merge_result.num_items_after_association();
- stats.num_local_items_added =
- local_merge_result.num_items_added();
- stats.num_local_items_deleted =
- local_merge_result.num_items_deleted();
- stats.num_local_items_modified =
- local_merge_result.num_items_modified();
- stats.local_version_pre_association =
- local_merge_result.pre_association_version();
- stats.num_sync_items_added =
- syncer_merge_result.num_items_added();
- stats.num_sync_items_deleted =
- syncer_merge_result.num_items_deleted();
- stats.num_sync_items_modified =
- syncer_merge_result.num_items_modified();
- stats.sync_version_pre_association =
- syncer_merge_result.pre_association_version();
- stats.association_wait_time = association_wait_time;
- stats.association_time = association_time;
- return stats;
-} // namespace
- const DataTypeController::TypeMap* controllers,
- ModelAssociationManagerDelegate* processor)
- : state_(IDLE),
- controllers_(controllers),
- delegate_(processor),
- configure_status_(DataTypeManager::UNKNOWN),
- notified_about_ready_for_configure_(false),
- weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
- // Ensure all data type controllers are stopped.
- for (DataTypeController::TypeMap::const_iterator it = controllers_->begin();
- it != controllers_->end(); ++it) {
- DCHECK_EQ(DataTypeController::NOT_RUNNING, (*it).second->state());
- }
-ModelAssociationManager::~ModelAssociationManager() {
-void ModelAssociationManager::Initialize(syncer::ModelTypeSet desired_types) {
- // state_ can be INITIALIZED if types are reconfigured when
- // data is being downloaded, so StartAssociationAsync() is never called for
- // the first configuration.
- // Only keep types that have controllers.
- desired_types_.Clear();
- for (syncer::ModelTypeSet::Iterator it = desired_types.First();
- it.Good(); it.Inc()) {
- if (controllers_->find(it.Get()) != controllers_->end())
- desired_types_.Put(it.Get());
- }
- DVLOG(1) << "ModelAssociationManager: Initializing for "
- << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(desired_types_);
- state_ = INITIALIZED;
- notified_about_ready_for_configure_ = false;
- StopDisabledTypes();
- LoadEnabledTypes();
-void ModelAssociationManager::StopDatatype(
- const syncer::SyncError& error,
- DataTypeController* dtc) {
- loaded_types_.Remove(dtc->type());
- associated_types_.Remove(dtc->type());
- associating_types_.Remove(dtc->type());
- if (error.IsSet() || dtc->state() != DataTypeController::NOT_RUNNING) {
- // If an error was set, the delegate must be informed of the error.
- delegate_->OnSingleDataTypeWillStop(dtc->type(), error);
- dtc->Stop();
- }
-void ModelAssociationManager::StopDisabledTypes() {
- DVLOG(1) << "ModelAssociationManager: Stopping disabled types.";
- for (DataTypeController::TypeMap::const_iterator it = controllers_->begin();
- it != controllers_->end(); ++it) {
- DataTypeController* dtc = (*it).second.get();
- if (dtc->state() != DataTypeController::NOT_RUNNING &&
- !desired_types_.Has(dtc->type())) {
- DVLOG(1) << "ModelAssociationManager: stop " << dtc->name();
- StopDatatype(syncer::SyncError(), dtc);
- }
- }
-void ModelAssociationManager::LoadEnabledTypes() {
- // Load in kStartOrder.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kStartOrder); i++) {
- syncer::ModelType type = kStartOrder[i];
- if (!desired_types_.Has(type))
- continue;
- DCHECK(controllers_->find(type) != controllers_->end());
- DataTypeController* dtc = controllers_->find(type)->second.get();
- if (dtc->state() == DataTypeController::NOT_RUNNING) {
- DCHECK(!loaded_types_.Has(dtc->type()));
- DCHECK(!associated_types_.Has(dtc->type()));
- dtc->LoadModels(base::Bind(&ModelAssociationManager::ModelLoadCallback,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
- }
- }
- NotifyDelegateIfReadyForConfigure();
-void ModelAssociationManager::StartAssociationAsync(
- const syncer::ModelTypeSet& types_to_associate) {
- DVLOG(1) << "Starting association for "
- << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(types_to_associate);
- state_ = ASSOCIATING;
- association_start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();
- requested_types_ = types_to_associate;
- associating_types_ = types_to_associate;
- associating_types_.RetainAll(desired_types_);
- associating_types_.RemoveAll(associated_types_);
- // Assume success.
- configure_status_ = DataTypeManager::OK;
- // Done if no types to associate.
- if (associating_types_.Empty()) {
- ModelAssociationDone(INITIALIZED);
- return;
- }
- timer_.Start(FROM_HERE,
- base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kAssociationTimeOutInSeconds),
- base::Bind(&ModelAssociationManager::ModelAssociationDone,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- // Start association of types that are loaded in specified order.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kStartOrder); i++) {
- syncer::ModelType type = kStartOrder[i];
- if (!associating_types_.Has(type) || !loaded_types_.Has(type))
- continue;
- DataTypeController* dtc = controllers_->find(type)->second.get();
- DCHECK(DataTypeController::MODEL_LOADED == dtc->state() ||
- DataTypeController::ASSOCIATING == dtc->state());
- if (dtc->state() == DataTypeController::MODEL_LOADED) {
- TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN1("sync", "ModelAssociation",
- dtc,
- "DataType",
- ModelTypeToString(type));
- dtc->StartAssociating(
- base::Bind(&ModelAssociationManager::TypeStartCallback,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- type, base::TimeTicks::Now()));
- }
- }
-void ModelAssociationManager::Stop() {
- // Ignore callbacks from controllers.
- weak_ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
- // Stop started data types.
- for (DataTypeController::TypeMap::const_iterator it = controllers_->begin();
- it != controllers_->end(); ++it) {
- DataTypeController* dtc = (*it).second.get();
- if (dtc->state() != DataTypeController::NOT_RUNNING) {
- StopDatatype(syncer::SyncError(), dtc);
- DVLOG(1) << "ModelAssociationManager: Stopped " << dtc->name();
- }
- }
- desired_types_.Clear();
- loaded_types_.Clear();
- associated_types_.Clear();
- if (state_ == ASSOCIATING) {
- if (configure_status_ == DataTypeManager::OK)
- configure_status_ = DataTypeManager::ABORTED;
- DVLOG(1) << "ModelAssociationManager: Calling OnModelAssociationDone";
- ModelAssociationDone(IDLE);
- } else {
- DCHECK(associating_types_.Empty());
- DCHECK(requested_types_.Empty());
- state_ = IDLE;
- }
-void ModelAssociationManager::ModelLoadCallback(syncer::ModelType type,
- syncer::SyncError error) {
- DVLOG(1) << "ModelAssociationManager: ModelLoadCallback for "
- << syncer::ModelTypeToString(type);
- if (error.IsSet()) {
- syncer::SyncMergeResult local_merge_result(type);
- local_merge_result.set_error(error);
- TypeStartCallback(type,
- base::TimeTicks::Now(),
- DataTypeController::ASSOCIATION_FAILED,
- local_merge_result,
- syncer::SyncMergeResult(type));
- return;
- }
- // This happens when slow loading type is disabled by new configuration.
- if (!desired_types_.Has(type))
- return;
- DCHECK(!loaded_types_.Has(type));
- loaded_types_.Put(type);
- NotifyDelegateIfReadyForConfigure();
- if (associating_types_.Has(type)) {
- DataTypeController* dtc = controllers_->find(type)->second.get();
- // If initial sync was done for this datatype then
- // NotifyDelegateIfReadyForConfigure possibly already triggered model
- // association and StartAssociating was already called for this type. To
- // ensure StartAssociating is called only once only make a call if state is
- // TODO(pavely): Add test for this scenario in DataTypeManagerImpl
- // unittests.
- if (dtc->state() == DataTypeController::MODEL_LOADED) {
- dtc->StartAssociating(base::Bind(
- &ModelAssociationManager::TypeStartCallback,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), type, base::TimeTicks::Now()));
- }
- }
-void ModelAssociationManager::TypeStartCallback(
- syncer::ModelType type,
- base::TimeTicks type_start_time,
- DataTypeController::ConfigureResult start_result,
- const syncer::SyncMergeResult& local_merge_result,
- const syncer::SyncMergeResult& syncer_merge_result) {
- if (desired_types_.Has(type) &&
- !DataTypeController::IsSuccessfulResult(start_result)) {
- DVLOG(1) << "ModelAssociationManager: Type encountered an error.";
- desired_types_.Remove(type);
- DataTypeController* dtc = controllers_->find(type)->second.get();
- StopDatatype(local_merge_result.error(), dtc);
- NotifyDelegateIfReadyForConfigure();
- // Update configuration result.
- if (start_result == DataTypeController::UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR)
- configure_status_ = DataTypeManager::UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR;
- }
- // This happens when a slow associating type is disabled or if a type
- // disables itself after initial configuration.
- if (!desired_types_.Has(type)) {
- // It's possible all types failed to associate, in which case association
- // is complete.
- if (state_ == ASSOCIATING && associating_types_.Empty())
- ModelAssociationDone(INITIALIZED);
- return;
- }
- DCHECK(!associated_types_.Has(type));
- DCHECK(DataTypeController::IsSuccessfulResult(start_result));
- associated_types_.Put(type);
- if (state_ != ASSOCIATING)
- return;
- TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END1("sync", "ModelAssociation",
- controllers_->find(type)->second.get(),
- "DataType",
- ModelTypeToString(type));
- // Track the merge results if we succeeded or an association failure
- // occurred.
- if (syncer::ProtocolTypes().Has(type)) {
- base::TimeDelta association_wait_time =
- std::max(base::TimeDelta(), type_start_time - association_start_time_);
- base::TimeDelta association_time =
- base::TimeTicks::Now() - type_start_time;
- syncer::DataTypeAssociationStats stats =
- BuildAssociationStatsFromMergeResults(local_merge_result,
- syncer_merge_result,
- association_wait_time,
- association_time);
- delegate_->OnSingleDataTypeAssociationDone(type, stats);
- }
- associating_types_.Remove(type);
- if (associating_types_.Empty())
- ModelAssociationDone(INITIALIZED);
-void ModelAssociationManager::ModelAssociationDone(State new_state) {
- DCHECK_NE(IDLE, state_);
- if (state_ == INITIALIZED) {
- // No associations are currently happening. Just reset the state.
- state_ = new_state;
- return;
- }
- DVLOG(1) << "Model association complete for "
- << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(requested_types_);
- timer_.Stop();
- // Treat any unfinished types as having errors.
- desired_types_.RemoveAll(associating_types_);
- for (DataTypeController::TypeMap::const_iterator it = controllers_->begin();
- it != controllers_->end(); ++it) {
- DataTypeController* dtc = (*it).second.get();
- if (associating_types_.Has(dtc->type()) &&
- dtc->state() != DataTypeController::NOT_RUNNING) {
- ModelTypeToHistogramInt(dtc->type()),
- syncer::MODEL_TYPE_COUNT);
- StopDatatype(syncer::SyncError(FROM_HERE,
- syncer::SyncError::DATATYPE_ERROR,
- "Association timed out.",
- dtc->type()),
- dtc);
- }
- }
- DataTypeManager::ConfigureResult result(configure_status_,
- requested_types_);
- // Need to reset state before invoking delegate in order to avoid re-entrancy
- // issues (delegate may trigger a reconfiguration).
- associating_types_.Clear();
- requested_types_.Clear();
- state_ = new_state;
- delegate_->OnModelAssociationDone(result);
-base::OneShotTimer* ModelAssociationManager::GetTimerForTesting() {
- return &timer_;
-void ModelAssociationManager::NotifyDelegateIfReadyForConfigure() {
- if (notified_about_ready_for_configure_)
- return;
- for (const auto& type_dtc_pair : *controllers_) {
- syncer::ModelType type = type_dtc_pair.first;
- if (!desired_types_.Has(type))
- continue;
- DataTypeController* dtc = type_dtc_pair.second.get();
- if (dtc->ShouldLoadModelBeforeConfigure() && !loaded_types_.Has(type)) {
- // At least one type is not ready.
- return;
- }
- }
- notified_about_ready_for_configure_ = true;
- delegate_->OnAllDataTypesReadyForConfigure();
-} // namespace sync_driver
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