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Unified Diff: components/sync_driver/

Issue 2203673002: [Sync] Move //components/sync_driver to //components/sync/driver. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Full change rebased on static lib. Created 4 years, 4 months ago
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Index: components/sync_driver/
diff --git a/components/sync_driver/ b/components/sync_driver/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d52e44b332c2cc4a77d8b0895269995a6c0fc47..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/components/sync_driver/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/sync_driver/device_info_service.h"
-#include <set>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/location.h"
-#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
-#include "components/sync/api/entity_change.h"
-#include "components/sync/api/metadata_batch.h"
-#include "components/sync/api/sync_error.h"
-#include "components/sync/base/time.h"
-#include "components/sync/core/data_batch_impl.h"
-#include "components/sync/core/simple_metadata_change_list.h"
-#include "components/sync/protocol/data_type_state.pb.h"
-#include "components/sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
-#include "components/sync_driver/device_info_util.h"
-namespace sync_driver_v2 {
-using base::Time;
-using base::TimeDelta;
-using syncer::SyncError;
-using syncer_v2::DataBatchImpl;
-using syncer_v2::EntityChange;
-using syncer_v2::EntityChangeList;
-using syncer_v2::EntityData;
-using syncer_v2::EntityDataMap;
-using syncer_v2::MetadataBatch;
-using syncer_v2::MetadataChangeList;
-using syncer_v2::ModelTypeStore;
-using syncer_v2::SimpleMetadataChangeList;
-using sync_driver::DeviceInfo;
-using sync_driver::DeviceInfoUtil;
-using sync_pb::DataTypeState;
-using sync_pb::DeviceInfoSpecifics;
-using sync_pb::EntitySpecifics;
-using Record = ModelTypeStore::Record;
-using RecordList = ModelTypeStore::RecordList;
-using Result = ModelTypeStore::Result;
-using WriteBatch = ModelTypeStore::WriteBatch;
- sync_driver::LocalDeviceInfoProvider* local_device_info_provider,
- const StoreFactoryFunction& callback,
- const ChangeProcessorFactory& change_processor_factory)
- : ModelTypeService(change_processor_factory, syncer::DEVICE_INFO),
- local_device_info_provider_(local_device_info_provider),
- weak_factory_(this) {
- DCHECK(local_device_info_provider);
- // This is not threadsafe, but presuably the provider initializes on the same
- // thread as us so we're okay.
- if (local_device_info_provider->GetLocalDeviceInfo()) {
- OnProviderInitialized();
- } else {
- subscription_ =
- local_device_info_provider->RegisterOnInitializedCallback(base::Bind(
- &DeviceInfoService::OnProviderInitialized, base::Unretained(this)));
- }
- callback.Run(base::Bind(&DeviceInfoService::OnStoreCreated,
- weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
-DeviceInfoService::~DeviceInfoService() {}
-DeviceInfoService::CreateMetadataChangeList() {
- return base::WrapUnique(new SimpleMetadataChangeList());
-SyncError DeviceInfoService::MergeSyncData(
- std::unique_ptr<MetadataChangeList> metadata_change_list,
- EntityDataMap entity_data_map) {
- DCHECK(has_provider_initialized_);
- DCHECK(has_metadata_loaded_);
- DCHECK(change_processor());
- // Local data should typically be near empty, with the only possible value
- // corresponding to this device. This is because on signout all device info
- // data is blown away. However, this simplification is being ignored here and
- // a full difference is going to be calculated to explore what other service
- // implementations may look like.
- std::set<std::string> local_guids_to_put;
- for (const auto& kv : all_data_) {
- local_guids_to_put.insert(kv.first);
- }
- bool has_changes = false;
- const DeviceInfo* local_info =
- local_device_info_provider_->GetLocalDeviceInfo();
- std::string local_guid = local_info->guid();
- std::unique_ptr<WriteBatch> batch = store_->CreateWriteBatch();
- for (const auto& kv : entity_data_map) {
- const DeviceInfoSpecifics& specifics =
- kv.second.value().specifics.device_info();
- DCHECK_EQ(kv.first, specifics.cache_guid());
- if (specifics.cache_guid() == local_guid) {
- // Don't Put local data if it's the same as the remote copy.
- if (local_info->Equals(*CopyToModel(specifics))) {
- local_guids_to_put.erase(local_guid);
- } else {
- // This device is valid right now and this entry is about to be
- // committed, use this as an opportunity to refresh the timestamp.
- all_data_[local_guid]->set_last_updated_timestamp(
- syncer::TimeToProtoTime(Time::Now()));
- }
- } else {
- // Remote data wins conflicts.
- local_guids_to_put.erase(specifics.cache_guid());
- has_changes = true;
- StoreSpecifics(base::WrapUnique(new DeviceInfoSpecifics(specifics)),
- batch.get());
- }
- }
- for (const std::string& guid : local_guids_to_put) {
- change_processor()->Put(guid, CopyToEntityData(*all_data_[guid]),
- metadata_change_list.get());
- }
- CommitAndNotify(std::move(batch), std::move(metadata_change_list),
- has_changes);
- return SyncError();
-SyncError DeviceInfoService::ApplySyncChanges(
- std::unique_ptr<MetadataChangeList> metadata_change_list,
- EntityChangeList entity_changes) {
- DCHECK(has_provider_initialized_);
- DCHECK(has_metadata_loaded_);
- std::unique_ptr<WriteBatch> batch = store_->CreateWriteBatch();
- bool has_changes = false;
- for (EntityChange& change : entity_changes) {
- const std::string guid = change.storage_key();
- // Each device is the authoritative source for itself, ignore any remote
- // changes that have our local cache guid.
- if (guid == local_device_info_provider_->GetLocalDeviceInfo()->guid()) {
- continue;
- }
- if (change.type() == EntityChange::ACTION_DELETE) {
- has_changes |= DeleteSpecifics(guid, batch.get());
- } else {
- const DeviceInfoSpecifics& specifics =
- DCHECK(guid == specifics.cache_guid());
- StoreSpecifics(base::WrapUnique(new DeviceInfoSpecifics(specifics)),
- batch.get());
- has_changes = true;
- }
- }
- CommitAndNotify(std::move(batch), std::move(metadata_change_list),
- has_changes);
- return SyncError();
-void DeviceInfoService::GetData(StorageKeyList storage_keys,
- DataCallback callback) {
- DCHECK(has_metadata_loaded_);
- std::unique_ptr<DataBatchImpl> batch(new DataBatchImpl());
- for (const auto& key : storage_keys) {
- const auto& iter = all_data_.find(key);
- if (iter != all_data_.end()) {
- DCHECK_EQ(key, iter->second->cache_guid());
- batch->Put(key, CopyToEntityData(*iter->second));
- }
- }
- callback.Run(SyncError(), std::move(batch));
-void DeviceInfoService::GetAllData(DataCallback callback) {
- DCHECK(has_metadata_loaded_);
- std::unique_ptr<DataBatchImpl> batch(new DataBatchImpl());
- for (const auto& kv : all_data_) {
- batch->Put(kv.first, CopyToEntityData(*kv.second));
- }
- callback.Run(SyncError(), std::move(batch));
-std::string DeviceInfoService::GetClientTag(const EntityData& entity_data) {
- DCHECK(entity_data.specifics.has_device_info());
- return DeviceInfoUtil::SpecificsToTag(entity_data.specifics.device_info());
-std::string DeviceInfoService::GetStorageKey(
- const syncer_v2::EntityData& entity_data) {
- DCHECK(entity_data.specifics.has_device_info());
- return entity_data.specifics.device_info().cache_guid();
-void DeviceInfoService::OnChangeProcessorSet() {
- // We've recieved a new processor that needs metadata. If we're still in the
- // process of loading data and/or metadata, then |has_metadata_loaded_| is
- // false and we'll wait for those async reads to happen. If we've already
- // loaded metadata and then subsequently we get a new processor, we must not
- // have created the processor ourselves because we had no metadata. So there
- // must not be any metadata on disk.
- if (has_metadata_loaded_) {
- change_processor()->OnMetadataLoaded(SyncError(),
- base::WrapUnique(new MetadataBatch()));
- ReconcileLocalAndStored();
- }
-bool DeviceInfoService::IsSyncing() const {
- return !all_data_.empty();
-std::unique_ptr<DeviceInfo> DeviceInfoService::GetDeviceInfo(
- const std::string& client_id) const {
- const ClientIdToSpecifics::const_iterator iter = all_data_.find(client_id);
- if (iter == all_data_.end()) {
- return std::unique_ptr<DeviceInfo>();
- }
- return CopyToModel(*iter->second);
-ScopedVector<DeviceInfo> DeviceInfoService::GetAllDeviceInfo() const {
- ScopedVector<DeviceInfo> list;
- for (ClientIdToSpecifics::const_iterator iter = all_data_.begin();
- iter != all_data_.end(); ++iter) {
- list.push_back(CopyToModel(*iter->second));
- }
- return list;
-void DeviceInfoService::AddObserver(Observer* observer) {
- observers_.AddObserver(observer);
-void DeviceInfoService::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) {
- observers_.RemoveObserver(observer);
-int DeviceInfoService::CountActiveDevices() const {
- return CountActiveDevices(Time::Now());
-void DeviceInfoService::NotifyObservers() {
- FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, OnDeviceInfoChange());
-// Static.
-std::unique_ptr<DeviceInfoSpecifics> DeviceInfoService::CopyToSpecifics(
- const DeviceInfo& info) {
- std::unique_ptr<DeviceInfoSpecifics> specifics =
- base::WrapUnique(new DeviceInfoSpecifics);
- specifics->set_cache_guid(info.guid());
- specifics->set_client_name(info.client_name());
- specifics->set_chrome_version(info.chrome_version());
- specifics->set_sync_user_agent(info.sync_user_agent());
- specifics->set_device_type(info.device_type());
- specifics->set_signin_scoped_device_id(info.signin_scoped_device_id());
- return specifics;
-// Static.
-std::unique_ptr<DeviceInfo> DeviceInfoService::CopyToModel(
- const DeviceInfoSpecifics& specifics) {
- return base::WrapUnique(new DeviceInfo(
- specifics.cache_guid(), specifics.client_name(),
- specifics.chrome_version(), specifics.sync_user_agent(),
- specifics.device_type(), specifics.signin_scoped_device_id()));
-// Static.
-std::unique_ptr<EntityData> DeviceInfoService::CopyToEntityData(
- const DeviceInfoSpecifics& specifics) {
- std::unique_ptr<EntityData> entity_data(new EntityData());
- *entity_data->specifics.mutable_device_info() = specifics;
- entity_data->non_unique_name = specifics.client_name();
- return entity_data;
-void DeviceInfoService::StoreSpecifics(
- std::unique_ptr<DeviceInfoSpecifics> specifics,
- WriteBatch* batch) {
- const std::string guid = specifics->cache_guid();
- DVLOG(1) << "Storing DEVICE_INFO for " << specifics->client_name()
- << " with ID " << guid;
- store_->WriteData(batch, guid, specifics->SerializeAsString());
- all_data_[guid] = std::move(specifics);
-bool DeviceInfoService::DeleteSpecifics(const std::string& guid,
- WriteBatch* batch) {
- ClientIdToSpecifics::const_iterator iter = all_data_.find(guid);
- if (iter != all_data_.end()) {
- DVLOG(1) << "Deleting DEVICE_INFO for " << iter->second->client_name()
- << " with ID " << guid;
- store_->DeleteData(batch, guid);
- all_data_.erase(iter);
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
-void DeviceInfoService::OnProviderInitialized() {
- has_provider_initialized_ = true;
- LoadMetadataIfReady();
-void DeviceInfoService::OnStoreCreated(Result result,
- std::unique_ptr<ModelTypeStore> store) {
- if (result == Result::SUCCESS) {
- std::swap(store_, store);
- store_->ReadAllData(base::Bind(&DeviceInfoService::OnReadAllData,
- weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
- } else {
- ReportStartupErrorToSync("ModelTypeStore creation failed.");
- // TODO(skym, Handle unrecoverable initialization
- // failure.
- }
-void DeviceInfoService::OnReadAllData(Result result,
- std::unique_ptr<RecordList> record_list) {
- if (result != Result::SUCCESS) {
- ReportStartupErrorToSync("Initial load of data failed.");
- // TODO(skym, Handle unrecoverable initialization
- // failure.
- return;
- }
- for (const Record& r : *record_list.get()) {
- std::unique_ptr<DeviceInfoSpecifics> specifics(
- base::WrapUnique(new DeviceInfoSpecifics()));
- if (specifics->ParseFromString(r.value)) {
- all_data_[specifics->cache_guid()] = std::move(specifics);
- } else {
- ReportStartupErrorToSync("Failed to deserialize specifics.");
- // TODO(skym, Handle unrecoverable initialization
- // failure.
- }
- }
- has_data_loaded_ = true;
- LoadMetadataIfReady();
-void DeviceInfoService::LoadMetadataIfReady() {
- if (has_data_loaded_ && has_provider_initialized_) {
- store_->ReadAllMetadata(base::Bind(&DeviceInfoService::OnReadAllMetadata,
- weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
- }
-void DeviceInfoService::OnReadAllMetadata(
- Result result,
- std::unique_ptr<RecordList> metadata_records,
- const std::string& global_metadata) {
- DCHECK(!has_metadata_loaded_);
- if (result != Result::SUCCESS) {
- // Store has encountered some serious error. We should still be able to
- // continue as a read only service, since if we got this far we must have
- // loaded all data out succesfully.
- ReportStartupErrorToSync("Load of metadata completely failed.");
- return;
- }
- // If we have no metadata then we don't want to create a processor. The idea
- // is that by not having a processor, the services will suffer less of a
- // performance hit. This isn't terribly applicable for this model type, but
- // we want this class to be as similar to other services as possible so follow
- // the convention.
- if (metadata_records->size() > 0 || !global_metadata.empty()) {
- CreateChangeProcessor();
- }
- // Set this after OnChangeProcessorSet so that we can correctly avoid giving
- // the processor empty metadata. We always want to set |has_metadata_loaded_|
- // at this point so that we'll know to give a processor empty metadata if it
- // is created later.
- has_metadata_loaded_ = true;
- if (!change_processor()) {
- // This means we haven't been told to start syncing and we don't have any
- // local metadata.
- return;
- }
- std::unique_ptr<MetadataBatch> batch(new MetadataBatch());
- DataTypeState state;
- if (state.ParseFromString(global_metadata)) {
- batch->SetDataTypeState(state);
- } else {
- // TODO(skym): How bad is this scenario? We may be able to just give an
- // empty batch to the processor and we'll treat corrupted data type state
- // as no data type state at all. The question is do we want to add any of
- // the entity metadata to the batch or completely skip that step? We're
- // going to have to perform a merge shortly. Does this decision/logic even
- // belong in this service?
- change_processor()->OnMetadataLoaded(
- change_processor()->CreateAndUploadError(
- FROM_HERE, "Failed to deserialize global metadata."),
- nullptr);
- }
- for (const Record& r : *metadata_records.get()) {
- sync_pb::EntityMetadata entity_metadata;
- if (entity_metadata.ParseFromString(r.value)) {
- batch->AddMetadata(, entity_metadata);
- } else {
- // TODO(skym): This really isn't too bad. We just want to regenerate
- // metadata for this particular entity. Unfortunately there isn't a
- // convenient way to tell the processor to do this.
- LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to deserialize entity metadata.";
- }
- }
- change_processor()->OnMetadataLoaded(SyncError(), std::move(batch));
- ReconcileLocalAndStored();
-void DeviceInfoService::OnCommit(Result result) {
- if (result != Result::SUCCESS) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Failed a write to store.";
- }
-void DeviceInfoService::ReconcileLocalAndStored() {
- // On initial syncing we will have a change processor here, but it will not be
- // tracking changes. We need to persist a copy of our local device info to
- // disk, but the Put call to the processor will be ignored. That should be
- // fine however, as the discrepancy will be picked up later in merge. We don't
- // bother trying to track this case and act intelligently because simply not
- // much of a benefit in doing so.
- DCHECK(has_provider_initialized_);
- DCHECK(has_metadata_loaded_);
- DCHECK(change_processor());
- const DeviceInfo* current_info =
- local_device_info_provider_->GetLocalDeviceInfo();
- auto iter = all_data_.find(current_info->guid());
- // Convert to DeviceInfo for Equals function.
- if (iter != all_data_.end() &&
- current_info->Equals(*CopyToModel(*iter->second))) {
- const TimeDelta pulse_delay(DeviceInfoUtil::CalculatePulseDelay(
- GetLastUpdateTime(*iter->second), Time::Now()));
- if (!pulse_delay.is_zero()) {
- pulse_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, pulse_delay,
- base::Bind(&DeviceInfoService::SendLocalData,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- return;
- }
- }
- SendLocalData();
-void DeviceInfoService::SendLocalData() {
- DCHECK(has_provider_initialized_);
- // TODO(skym): Handle disconnecting and reconnecting, this will currently halt
- // the pulse timer and never restart it.
- if (!change_processor()) {
- return;
- }
- std::unique_ptr<DeviceInfoSpecifics> specifics =
- CopyToSpecifics(*local_device_info_provider_->GetLocalDeviceInfo());
- specifics->set_last_updated_timestamp(syncer::TimeToProtoTime(Time::Now()));
- std::unique_ptr<MetadataChangeList> metadata_change_list =
- CreateMetadataChangeList();
- change_processor()->Put(specifics->cache_guid(), CopyToEntityData(*specifics),
- metadata_change_list.get());
- std::unique_ptr<WriteBatch> batch = store_->CreateWriteBatch();
- StoreSpecifics(std::move(specifics), batch.get());
- CommitAndNotify(std::move(batch), std::move(metadata_change_list), true);
- pulse_timer_.Start(
- FROM_HERE, DeviceInfoUtil::kPulseInterval,
- base::Bind(&DeviceInfoService::SendLocalData, base::Unretained(this)));
-void DeviceInfoService::CommitAndNotify(
- std::unique_ptr<WriteBatch> batch,
- std::unique_ptr<MetadataChangeList> metadata_change_list,
- bool should_notify) {
- static_cast<SimpleMetadataChangeList*>(metadata_change_list.get())
- ->TransferChanges(store_.get(), batch.get());
- store_->CommitWriteBatch(
- std::move(batch),
- base::Bind(&DeviceInfoService::OnCommit, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
- if (should_notify) {
- NotifyObservers();
- }
-int DeviceInfoService::CountActiveDevices(const Time now) const {
- return std::count_if(all_data_.begin(), all_data_.end(),
- [now](ClientIdToSpecifics::const_reference pair) {
- return DeviceInfoUtil::IsActive(
- GetLastUpdateTime(*pair.second), now);
- });
-void DeviceInfoService::ReportStartupErrorToSync(const std::string& msg) {
- DCHECK(!has_metadata_loaded_);
- LOG(WARNING) << msg;
- // Create a processor and give it the error in case sync tries to start.
- if (!change_processor()) {
- CreateChangeProcessor();
- }
- change_processor()->OnMetadataLoaded(
- change_processor()->CreateAndUploadError(FROM_HERE, msg), nullptr);
-// static
-Time DeviceInfoService::GetLastUpdateTime(
- const DeviceInfoSpecifics& specifics) {
- if (specifics.has_last_updated_timestamp()) {
- return syncer::ProtoTimeToTime(specifics.last_updated_timestamp());
- } else {
- return Time();
- }
-} // namespace sync_driver_v2
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