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Unified Diff: infra/bots/recipe_modules/skia/resources/

Issue 2175373002: Move Skia recipes from build repo (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Address more comments Created 4 years, 5 months ago
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Index: infra/bots/recipe_modules/skia/resources/
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipe_modules/skia/resources/ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/skia/resources/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f8c3c830ad7e42ede96647b38d6ff8567a47b9d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/skia/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,820 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Generate a spatial analysis against an arbitrary library.
+Adapted for Skia's use case from
+chromium/src/tools/binary_size/ Main changes:
+-- Cleans up some deprecated codes.
+-- Always use relative code path so the tree root is Skia repo's root.
+-- Instead of outputting the standalone HTML/CSS/JS filesets, writes the
+ TreeMap JSON data into a Google Storage bucket.
+-- Adds githash and total_size to the JSON data.
+-- Outputs another summary data in JSON Bench format for skiaperf ingestion.
+The output JSON data for visualization is in the following format:
+ "githash": 123abc,
+ "commit_ts": 1234567890,
+ "total_size": 1234567,
+ "key": {"source_type": "binary_size"},
+ "tree_data": {
+ "maxDepth": 9,
+ "k": "p", "children":[
+ {"k":"p","children":[
+ {"k":"p","children":[
+ {"k":"p","lastPathElement":true,"children":[
+ {"k":"b","t":"t","children":[
+ {"k":"s", "t":"t", "value":4029,
+ "n":"etc_encode_subblock_helper(unsigned char const*, ...)"
+ },
+ ......
+ }
+Another JSON file is generated for size summaries to be used in skiaperf. The
+JSON format details can be found at:
+In the binary size case, outputs look like:
+ "gitHash": "123abc",
+ "key": {
+ "source_type": "binarysize"
+ }
+ "results: {
+ "src_lazy_global_weak_symbol": {
+ "memory": {
+ "bytes": 41,
+ "options": {
+ "path": "src_lazy",
+ "symbol": "global_weak_symbol"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "src_lazy_global_read_only_data": {
+ "memory": {
+ "bytes": 13476,
+ "options": {
+ "path": "src_lazy",
+ "symbol": "global_read_only_data"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ...
+ }
+import collections
+import datetime
+import json
+import logging
+import multiprocessing
+import optparse
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import struct
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import time
+import urllib2
+import binary_size_utils
+import elf_symbolizer
+from recipe_engine.types import freeze
+# Skia addition
+from common.skia import global_constants
+# Node dictionary keys. These are output in json read by the webapp so
+# keep them short to save file size.
+# Note: If these change, the webapp must also change.
+NODE_CHILDREN_KEY = 'children'
+NODE_MAX_DEPTH_KEY = 'maxDepth'
+# The display name of the bucket where we put symbols without path.
+# Try to keep data buckets smaller than this to avoid killing the
+# graphing lib.
+# Skia addition: relative dir for from code base.
+LIBSKIA_RELATIVE_PATH = os.path.join('out', 'Release', 'lib')
+# Skia addition: dictionary mapping symbol type code to symbol name.
+# See
+SYMBOL_MAP = freeze({
+ 'A': 'global_absolute',
+ 'B': 'global_uninitialized_data',
+ 'b': 'local_uninitialized_data',
+ 'C': 'global_uninitialized_common',
+ 'D': 'global_initialized_data',
+ 'd': 'local_initialized_data',
+ 'G': 'global_small initialized_data',
+ 'g': 'local_small_initialized_data',
+ 'i': 'indirect_function',
+ 'N': 'debugging',
+ 'p': 'stack_unwind',
+ 'R': 'global_read_only_data',
+ 'r': 'local_read_only_data',
+ 'S': 'global_small_uninitialized_data',
+ 's': 'local_small_uninitialized_data',
+ 'T': 'global_code',
+ 't': 'local_code',
+ 'U': 'undefined',
+ 'u': 'unique',
+ 'V': 'global_weak_object',
+ 'v': 'local_weak_object',
+ 'W': 'global_weak_symbol',
+ 'w': 'local_weak_symbol',
+ '@': 'vtable_entry',
+ '-': 'stabs_debugging',
+ '?': 'unrecognized',
+def _MkChild(node, name):
+ child = node[NODE_CHILDREN_KEY].get(name)
+ if child is None:
+ child = {NODE_NAME_KEY: name,
+ node[NODE_CHILDREN_KEY][name] = child
+ return child
+def SplitNoPathBucket(node):
+ """NAME_NO_PATH_BUCKET can be too large for the graphing lib to
+ handle. Split it into sub-buckets in that case."""
+ root_children = node[NODE_CHILDREN_KEY]
+ if NAME_NO_PATH_BUCKET in root_children:
+ no_path_bucket = root_children[NAME_NO_PATH_BUCKET]
+ old_children = no_path_bucket[NODE_CHILDREN_KEY]
+ count = 0
+ for symbol_type, symbol_bucket in old_children.iteritems():
+ count += len(symbol_bucket[NODE_CHILDREN_KEY])
+ if count > BIG_BUCKET_LIMIT:
+ new_children = {}
+ no_path_bucket[NODE_CHILDREN_KEY] = new_children
+ current_bucket = None
+ index = 0
+ for symbol_type, symbol_bucket in old_children.iteritems():
+ for symbol_name, value in symbol_bucket[NODE_CHILDREN_KEY].iteritems():
+ if index % BIG_BUCKET_LIMIT == 0:
+ group_no = (index / BIG_BUCKET_LIMIT) + 1
+ current_bucket = _MkChild(no_path_bucket,
+ '%s subgroup %d' % (NAME_NO_PATH_BUCKET,
+ group_no))
+ assert not NODE_TYPE_KEY in node or node[NODE_TYPE_KEY] == 'p'
+ node[NODE_TYPE_KEY] = 'p' # p for path
+ index += 1
+ symbol_size = value[NODE_SYMBOL_SIZE_KEY]
+ AddSymbolIntoFileNode(current_bucket, symbol_type,
+ symbol_name, symbol_size)
+def MakeChildrenDictsIntoLists(node):
+ largest_list_len = 0
+ if NODE_CHILDREN_KEY in node:
+ largest_list_len = len(node[NODE_CHILDREN_KEY])
+ child_list = []
+ for child in node[NODE_CHILDREN_KEY].itervalues():
+ child_largest_list_len = MakeChildrenDictsIntoLists(child)
+ if child_largest_list_len > largest_list_len:
+ largest_list_len = child_largest_list_len
+ child_list.append(child)
+ node[NODE_CHILDREN_KEY] = child_list
+ return largest_list_len
+def AddSymbolIntoFileNode(node, symbol_type, symbol_name, symbol_size):
+ """Puts symbol into the file path node |node|.
+ Returns the number of added levels in tree. I.e. returns 2."""
+ # 'node' is the file node and first step is to find its symbol-type bucket.
+ node = _MkChild(node, symbol_type)
+ assert not NODE_TYPE_KEY in node or node[NODE_TYPE_KEY] == 'b'
+ node[NODE_SYMBOL_TYPE_KEY] = symbol_type
+ node[NODE_TYPE_KEY] = 'b' # b for bucket
+ # 'node' is now the symbol-type bucket. Make the child entry.
+ node = _MkChild(node, symbol_name)
+ if NODE_CHILDREN_KEY in node:
+ logging.warning('A container node used as symbol for %s.' % symbol_name)
+ # This is going to be used as a leaf so no use for child list.
+ node[NODE_SYMBOL_SIZE_KEY] = symbol_size
+ node[NODE_SYMBOL_TYPE_KEY] = symbol_type
+ node[NODE_TYPE_KEY] = 's' # s for symbol
+ return 2 # Depth of the added subtree.
+def MakeCompactTree(symbols, symbol_path_origin_dir):
+ result = {NODE_NAME_KEY: '/',
+ seen_symbol_with_path = False
+ for symbol_name, symbol_type, symbol_size, file_path in symbols:
+ if 'vtable for ' in symbol_name:
+ symbol_type = '@' # hack to categorize these separately
+ if file_path and file_path != "??":
+ seen_symbol_with_path = True
+ else:
+ file_path = NAME_NO_PATH_BUCKET
+ path_parts = file_path.split('/')
+ # Find pre-existing node in tree, or update if it already exists
+ node = result
+ depth = 0
+ while len(path_parts) > 0:
+ path_part = path_parts.pop(0)
+ if len(path_part) == 0:
+ continue
+ depth += 1
+ node = _MkChild(node, path_part)
+ assert not NODE_TYPE_KEY in node or node[NODE_TYPE_KEY] == 'p'
+ node[NODE_TYPE_KEY] = 'p' # p for path
+ depth += AddSymbolIntoFileNode(node, symbol_type, symbol_name, symbol_size)
+ result[NODE_MAX_DEPTH_KEY] = max(result[NODE_MAX_DEPTH_KEY], depth)
+ if not seen_symbol_with_path:
+ logging.warning('Symbols lack paths. Data will not be structured.')
+ # The (no path) bucket can be extremely large if we failed to get
+ # path information. Split it into subgroups if needed.
+ SplitNoPathBucket(result)
+ largest_list_len = MakeChildrenDictsIntoLists(result)
+ if largest_list_len > BIG_BUCKET_LIMIT:
+ logging.warning('There are sections with %d nodes. '
+ 'Results might be unusable.' % largest_list_len)
+ return result
+# Skia added: summarizes tree size by symbol type for the given root node.
+# Returns a dict keyed by symbol type, and value the type's overall size.
+# e.g., {"t": 12345, "W": 543}.
+def GetTreeSizes(node):
+ if 'children' not in node or not node['children']:
+ return {node['t']: node['value']}
+ dic = {}
+ for i in node['children']:
+ for k, v in GetTreeSizes(i).items():
+ dic.setdefault(k, 0)
+ dic[k] += v
+ return dic
+# Skia added: creates dict to be converted to JSON in bench format.
+# See top of file for the structure description.
+def GetBenchDict(githash, tree_root):
+ dic = {'gitHash': githash,
+ 'key': {'source_type': 'binarysize'},
+ 'results': {},}
+ for i in tree_root['children']:
+ if '(No Path)' == i['n']: # Already at symbol summary level.
+ for k, v in GetTreeSizes(i).items():
+ dic['results']['no_path_' + SYMBOL_MAP[k]] = {
+ 'memory': {
+ 'bytes': v,
+ 'options': {'path': 'no_path',
+ 'symbol': SYMBOL_MAP[k],},}}
+ else: # We need to go deeper.
+ for c in i['children']:
+ path = i['n'] + '_' + c['n']
+ for k, v in GetTreeSizes(c).items():
+ dic['results'][path + '_' + SYMBOL_MAP[k]] = {
+ 'memory': {
+ 'bytes': v,
+ 'options': {'path': path,
+ 'symbol': SYMBOL_MAP[k],}}}
+ return dic
+# Skia added: constructs 'gsutil cp' subprocess command list.
+def GetGsCopyCommandList(gsutil, src, dst):
+ return [gsutil, '-h', 'Content-Type:application/json', 'cp', '-a',
+ 'public-read', src, dst]
+def DumpCompactTree(symbols, symbol_path_origin_dir, ha, ts, issue, gsutil):
+ tree_root = MakeCompactTree(symbols, symbol_path_origin_dir)
+ json_data = {'tree_data': tree_root,
+ 'githash': ha,
+ 'commit_ts': ts,
+ 'key': {'source_type': 'binary_size'},
+ 'total_size': sum(GetTreeSizes(tree_root).values()),}
+ tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False).name
+ with open(tmpfile, 'w') as out:
+ # Use separators without whitespace to get a smaller file.
+ json.dump(json_data, out, separators=(',', ':'))
+ GS_PREFIX = 'gs://' + global_constants.GS_GM_BUCKET + '/'
+ # Writes to Google Storage for visualization.
+ subprocess.check_call(GetGsCopyCommandList(
+ gsutil, tmpfile, GS_PREFIX + 'size/' + ha + '.json'))
+ # Updates the latest data.
+ if not issue:
+ subprocess.check_call(GetGsCopyCommandList(gsutil, tmpfile,
+ GS_PREFIX + 'size/latest.json'))
+ # Writes an extra copy using year/month/day/hour path for easy ingestion.
+ with open(tmpfile, 'w') as out:
+ json.dump(GetBenchDict(ha, tree_root), out, separators=(',', ':'))
+ now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ ingest_path = '/'.join(('nano-json-v1', str(now.year).zfill(4),
+ str(now.month).zfill(2), str(,
+ str(now.hour).zfill(2)))
+ if issue:
+ ingest_path = '/'.join('trybot', ingest_path, issue)
+ subprocess.check_call(GetGsCopyCommandList(gsutil, tmpfile,
+ GS_PREFIX + ingest_path + '/binarysize_' + ha + '.json'))
+def MakeSourceMap(symbols):
+ sources = {}
+ for _sym, _symbol_type, size, path in symbols:
+ key = None
+ if path:
+ key = os.path.normpath(path)
+ else:
+ key = '[no path]'
+ if key not in sources:
+ sources[key] = {'path': path, 'symbol_count': 0, 'size': 0}
+ record = sources[key]
+ record['size'] += size
+ record['symbol_count'] += 1
+ return sources
+# Regex for parsing "nm" output. A sample line looks like this:
+# 0167b39c 00000018 t ACCESS_DESCRIPTION_free /path/file.c:95
+# The fields are: address, size, type, name, source location
+# Regular expression explained ( see also: ):
+# ([0-9a-f]{8,}+) The address
+# [\s]+ Whitespace separator
+# ([0-9a-f]{8,}+) The size. From here on out it's all optional.
+# [\s]+ Whitespace separator
+# (\S?) The symbol type, which is any non-whitespace char
+# [\s*] Whitespace separator
+# ([^\t]*) Symbol name, any non-tab character (spaces ok!)
+# [\t]? Tab separator
+# (.*) The location (filename[:linennum|?][ (discriminator n)]
+sNmPattern = re.compile(
+ r'([0-9a-f]{8,})[\s]+([0-9a-f]{8,})[\s]*(\S?)[\s*]([^\t]*)[\t]?(.*)')
+class Progress():
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.count = 0
+ self.skip_count = 0
+ self.collisions = 0
+ self.time_last_output = time.time()
+ self.count_last_output = 0
+ self.disambiguations = 0
+ self.was_ambiguous = 0
+def RunElfSymbolizer(outfile, library, addr2line_binary, nm_binary, jobs,
+ disambiguate, src_path):
+ nm_output = RunNm(library, nm_binary)
+ nm_output_lines = nm_output.splitlines()
+ nm_output_lines_len = len(nm_output_lines)
+ address_symbol = {}
+ progress = Progress()
+ def map_address_symbol(symbol, addr):
+ progress.count += 1
+ if addr in address_symbol:
+ # 'Collision between %s and %s.' % (str(,
+ # str(address_symbol[addr].name))
+ progress.collisions += 1
+ else:
+ if symbol.disambiguated:
+ progress.disambiguations += 1
+ if symbol.was_ambiguous:
+ progress.was_ambiguous += 1
+ address_symbol[addr] = symbol
+ progress_output()
+ def progress_output():
+ progress_chunk = 100
+ if progress.count % progress_chunk == 0:
+ time_now = time.time()
+ time_spent = time_now - progress.time_last_output
+ if time_spent > 1.0:
+ # Only output at most once per second.
+ progress.time_last_output = time_now
+ chunk_size = progress.count - progress.count_last_output
+ progress.count_last_output = progress.count
+ if time_spent > 0:
+ speed = chunk_size / time_spent
+ else:
+ speed = 0
+ progress_percent = (100.0 * (progress.count + progress.skip_count) /
+ nm_output_lines_len)
+ disambiguation_percent = 0
+ if progress.disambiguations != 0:
+ disambiguation_percent = (100.0 * progress.disambiguations /
+ progress.was_ambiguous)
+ sys.stdout.write('\r%.1f%%: Looked up %d symbols (%d collisions, '
+ '%d disambiguations where %.1f%% succeeded)'
+ ' - %.1f lookups/s.' %
+ (progress_percent, progress.count, progress.collisions,
+ progress.disambiguations, disambiguation_percent, speed))
+ # In case disambiguation was disabled, we remove the source path (which upon
+ # being set signals the symbolizer to enable disambiguation)
+ if not disambiguate:
+ src_path = None
+ symbol_path_origin_dir = os.path.dirname(library)
+ # Skia specific.
+ symbol_path_prefix = symbol_path_origin_dir.replace(LIBSKIA_RELATIVE_PATH, '')
+ symbolizer = elf_symbolizer.ELFSymbolizer(library, addr2line_binary,
+ map_address_symbol,
+ max_concurrent_jobs=jobs,
+ source_root_path=src_path,
+ prefix_to_remove=symbol_path_prefix)
+ user_interrupted = False
+ try:
+ for line in nm_output_lines:
+ match = sNmPattern.match(line)
+ if match:
+ location =
+ if not location:
+ addr = int(, 16)
+ size = int(, 16)
+ if addr in address_symbol: # Already looked up, shortcut
+ # ELFSymbolizer.
+ map_address_symbol(address_symbol[addr], addr)
+ continue
+ elif size == 0:
+ # Save time by not looking up empty symbols (do they even exist?)
+ print('Empty symbol: ' + line)
+ else:
+ symbolizer.SymbolizeAsync(addr, addr)
+ continue
+ progress.skip_count += 1
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ user_interrupted = True
+ print('Interrupting - killing subprocesses. Please wait.')
+ try:
+ symbolizer.Join()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ # Don't want to abort here since we will be finished in a few seconds.
+ user_interrupted = True
+ print('Patience you must have my young padawan.')
+ print ''
+ if user_interrupted:
+ print('Skipping the rest of the file mapping. '
+ 'Output will not be fully classified.')
+ symbol_path_origin_dir = os.path.dirname(library)
+ # Skia specific: path prefix to strip.
+ symbol_path_prefix = symbol_path_origin_dir.replace(LIBSKIA_RELATIVE_PATH, '')
+ with open(outfile, 'w') as out:
+ for line in nm_output_lines:
+ match = sNmPattern.match(line)
+ if match:
+ location =
+ if not location:
+ addr = int(, 16)
+ symbol = address_symbol.get(addr)
+ if symbol is not None:
+ path = '??'
+ if symbol.source_path is not None:
+ path = symbol.source_path.replace(symbol_path_prefix, '')
+ line_number = 0
+ if symbol.source_line is not None:
+ line_number = symbol.source_line
+ out.write('%s\t%s:%d\n' % (line, path, line_number))
+ continue
+ out.write('%s\n' % line)
+ print('%d symbols in the results.' % len(address_symbol))
+def RunNm(binary, nm_binary):
+ cmd = [nm_binary, '-C', '--print-size', '--size-sort', '--reverse-sort',
+ binary]
+ nm_process = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ (process_output, err_output) = nm_process.communicate()
+ if nm_process.returncode != 0:
+ if err_output:
+ raise Exception, err_output
+ else:
+ raise Exception, process_output
+ return process_output
+def GetNmSymbols(nm_infile, outfile, library, jobs, verbose,
+ addr2line_binary, nm_binary, disambiguate, src_path):
+ if nm_infile is None:
+ if outfile is None:
+ outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False).name
+ if verbose:
+ print 'Running parallel addr2line, dumping symbols to ' + outfile
+ RunElfSymbolizer(outfile, library, addr2line_binary, nm_binary, jobs,
+ disambiguate, src_path)
+ nm_infile = outfile
+ elif verbose:
+ print 'Using nm input from ' + nm_infile
+ with file(nm_infile, 'r') as infile:
+ return list(binary_size_utils.ParseNm(infile))
+PAK_RESOURCE_ID_TO_STRING = { "inited": False }
+def LoadPakIdsFromResourceFile(filename):
+ """Given a file name, it loads everything that looks like a resource id
+ with open(filename) as resource_header:
+ for line in resource_header:
+ if line.startswith("#define "):
+ line_data = line.split()
+ if len(line_data) == 3:
+ try:
+ resource_number = int(line_data[2])
+ resource_name = line_data[1]
+ PAK_RESOURCE_ID_TO_STRING[resource_number] = resource_name
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+def GetReadablePakResourceName(pak_file, resource_id):
+ """Pak resources have a numeric identifier. It is not helpful when
+ trying to locate where footprint is generated. This does its best to
+ map the number to a usable string."""
+ if not PAK_RESOURCE_ID_TO_STRING['inited']:
+ # Try to find resource header files generated by grit when
+ # building the pak file. We'll look for files named *resources.h"
+ # and lines of the type:
+ # #define MY_RESOURCE_JS 1234
+ PAK_RESOURCE_ID_TO_STRING['inited'] = True
+ gen_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pak_file), 'gen')
+ if os.path.isdir(gen_dir):
+ for dirname, _dirs, files in os.walk(gen_dir):
+ for filename in files:
+ if filename.endswith('resources.h'):
+ LoadPakIdsFromResourceFile(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
+ return PAK_RESOURCE_ID_TO_STRING.get(resource_id,
+ 'Pak Resource %d' % resource_id)
+def AddPakData(symbols, pak_file):
+ """Adds pseudo-symbols from a pak file."""
+ pak_file = os.path.abspath(pak_file)
+ with open(pak_file, 'rb') as pak:
+ data =
+ HEADER_LENGTH = 2 * 4 + 1 # Two uint32s. (file version, number of entries)
+ # and one uint8 (encoding of text resources)
+ INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE = 2 + 4 # Each entry is a uint16 and a uint32.
+ version, num_entries, _encoding = struct.unpack('<IIB', data[:HEADER_LENGTH])
+ assert version == PAK_FILE_VERSION, ('Unsupported pak file '
+ 'version (%d) in %s. Only '
+ 'support version %d' %
+ (version, pak_file, PAK_FILE_VERSION))
+ if num_entries > 0:
+ # Read the index and data.
+ data = data[HEADER_LENGTH:]
+ for _ in range(num_entries):
+ resource_id, offset = struct.unpack('<HI', data[:INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE])
+ data = data[INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE:]
+ _next_id, next_offset = struct.unpack('<HI', data[:INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE])
+ resource_size = next_offset - offset
+ symbol_name = GetReadablePakResourceName(pak_file, resource_id)
+ symbol_path = pak_file
+ symbol_type = 'd' # Data. Approximation.
+ symbol_size = resource_size
+ symbols.append((symbol_name, symbol_type, symbol_size, symbol_path))
+def _find_in_system_path(binary):
+ """Locate the full path to binary in the system path or return None
+ if not found."""
+ system_path = os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep)
+ for path in system_path:
+ binary_path = os.path.join(path, binary)
+ if os.path.isfile(binary_path):
+ return binary_path
+ return None
+def CheckDebugFormatSupport(library, addr2line_binary):
+ """Kills the program if debug data is in an unsupported format.
+ There are two common versions of the DWARF debug formats and
+ since we are right now transitioning from DWARF2 to newer formats,
+ it's possible to have a mix of tools that are not compatible. Detect
+ that and abort rather than produce meaningless output."""
+ tool_output = subprocess.check_output([addr2line_binary, '--version'])
+ version_re = re.compile(r'^GNU [^ ]+ .* (\d+).(\d+).*?$', re.M)
+ parsed_output = version_re.match(tool_output)
+ major = int(
+ minor = int(
+ supports_dwarf4 = major > 2 or major == 2 and minor > 22
+ if supports_dwarf4:
+ return
+ print('Checking version of debug information in %s.' % library)
+ debug_info = subprocess.check_output(['readelf', '--debug-dump=info',
+ '--dwarf-depth=1', library])
+ dwarf_version_re = re.compile(r'^\s+Version:\s+(\d+)$', re.M)
+ parsed_dwarf_format_output =
+ version = int(
+ if version > 2:
+ print('The supplied tools only support DWARF2 debug data but the binary\n' +
+ 'uses DWARF%d. Update the tools or compile the binary\n' % version +
+ 'with -gdwarf-2.')
+ sys.exit(1)
+def main():
+ usage = """%prog [options]
+ Runs a spatial analysis on a given library, looking up the source locations
+ of its symbols and calculating how much space each directory, source file,
+ and so on is taking. The result is a report that can be used to pinpoint
+ sources of large portions of the binary, etceteras.
+ Under normal circumstances, you only need to pass two arguments, thusly:
+ %prog --library /path/to/library --destdir /path/to/output
+ In this mode, the program will dump the symbols from the specified library
+ and map those symbols back to source locations, producing a web-based
+ report in the specified output directory.
+ Other options are available via '--help'.
+ """
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
+ parser.add_option('--nm-in', metavar='PATH',
+ help='if specified, use nm input from <path> instead of '
+ 'generating it. Note that source locations should be '
+ 'present in the file; i.e., no addr2line symbol lookups '
+ 'will be performed when this option is specified. '
+ 'Mutually exclusive with --library.')
+ parser.add_option('--destdir', metavar='PATH',
+ help='write output to the specified directory. An HTML '
+ 'report is generated here along with supporting files; '
+ 'any existing report will be overwritten. Not used in '
+ 'Skia.')
+ parser.add_option('--library', metavar='PATH',
+ help='if specified, process symbols in the library at '
+ 'the specified path. Mutually exclusive with --nm-in.')
+ parser.add_option('--pak', metavar='PATH',
+ help='if specified, includes the contents of the '
+ 'specified *.pak file in the output.')
+ parser.add_option('--nm-binary',
+ help='use the specified nm binary to analyze library. '
+ 'This is to be used when the nm in the path is not for '
+ 'the right architecture or of the right version.')
+ parser.add_option('--addr2line-binary',
+ help='use the specified addr2line binary to analyze '
+ 'library. This is to be used when the addr2line in '
+ 'the path is not for the right architecture or '
+ 'of the right version.')
+ parser.add_option('--jobs', type='int',
+ help='number of jobs to use for the parallel '
+ 'addr2line processing pool; defaults to 1. More '
+ 'jobs greatly improve throughput but eat RAM like '
+ 'popcorn, and take several gigabytes each. Start low '
+ 'and ramp this number up until your machine begins to '
+ 'struggle with RAM. '
+ 'This argument is only valid when using --library.')
+ parser.add_option('-v', dest='verbose', action='store_true',
+ help='be verbose, printing lots of status information.')
+ parser.add_option('--nm-out', metavar='PATH',
+ help='keep the nm output file, and store it at the '
+ 'specified path. This is useful if you want to see the '
+ 'fully processed nm output after the symbols have been '
+ 'mapped to source locations. By default, a tempfile is '
+ 'used and is deleted when the program terminates.'
+ 'This argument is only valid when using --library.')
+ parser.add_option('--legacy', action='store_true',
+ help='emit legacy binary size report instead of modern')
+ parser.add_option('--disable-disambiguation', action='store_true',
+ help='disables the disambiguation process altogether,'
+ ' NOTE: this may, depending on your toolchain, produce'
+ ' output with some symbols at the top layer if addr2line'
+ ' could not get the entire source path.')
+ parser.add_option('--source-path', default='./',
+ help='the path to the source code of the output binary, '
+ 'default set to current directory. Used in the'
+ ' disambiguation process.')
+ parser.add_option('--githash', default='latest',
+ help='Git hash for the binary version. Added by Skia.')
+ parser.add_option('--commit_ts', type='int', default=-1,
+ help='Timestamp for the commit. Added by Skia.')
+ parser.add_option('--issue_number', default='',
+ help='The trybot issue number in string. Added by Skia.')
+ parser.add_option('--gsutil_path', default='gsutil',
+ help='Path to gsutil binary. Added by Skia.')
+ opts, _args = parser.parse_args()
+ if ((not opts.library) and (not opts.nm_in)) or (opts.library and opts.nm_in):
+ parser.error('exactly one of --library or --nm-in is required')
+ if (opts.nm_in):
+ if
+ print >> sys.stderr, ('WARNING: --jobs has no effect '
+ 'when used with --nm-in')
+ if not
+ # Use the number of processors but cap between 2 and 4 since raw
+ # CPU power isn't the limiting factor. It's I/O limited, memory
+ # bus limited and available-memory-limited. Too many processes and
+ # the computer will run out of memory and it will be slow.
+ = max(2, min(4, str(multiprocessing.cpu_count())))
+ if opts.addr2line_binary:
+ assert os.path.isfile(opts.addr2line_binary)
+ addr2line_binary = opts.addr2line_binary
+ else:
+ addr2line_binary = _find_in_system_path('addr2line')
+ assert addr2line_binary, 'Unable to find addr2line in the path. '\
+ 'Use --addr2line-binary to specify location.'
+ if opts.nm_binary:
+ assert os.path.isfile(opts.nm_binary)
+ nm_binary = opts.nm_binary
+ else:
+ nm_binary = _find_in_system_path('nm')
+ assert nm_binary, 'Unable to find nm in the path. Use --nm-binary '\
+ 'to specify location.'
+ if opts.pak:
+ assert os.path.isfile(opts.pak), 'Could not find ' % opts.pak
+ print('addr2line: %s' % addr2line_binary)
+ print('nm: %s' % nm_binary)
+ if opts.library:
+ CheckDebugFormatSupport(opts.library, addr2line_binary)
+ symbols = GetNmSymbols(opts.nm_in, opts.nm_out, opts.library,
+, opts.verbose is True,
+ addr2line_binary, nm_binary,
+ opts.disable_disambiguation is None,
+ opts.source_path)
+ if opts.pak:
+ AddPakData(symbols, opts.pak)
+ if opts.legacy: # legacy report
+ print 'Do Not set legacy flag.'
+ else: # modern report
+ if opts.library:
+ symbol_path_origin_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(opts.library))
+ else:
+ # Just a guess. Hopefully all paths in the input file are absolute.
+ symbol_path_origin_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
+ DumpCompactTree(symbols, symbol_path_origin_dir, opts.githash,
+ opts.commit_ts, opts.issue_number, opts.gsutil_path)
+ print 'Report data uploaded to GS.'
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main())

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