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Unified Diff: Source/platform/graphics/filters/FEGaussianBlur.cpp

Issue 215303003: Remove software path from filters: FEGaussianBlur. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Last changes. Created 6 years, 9 months ago
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Index: Source/platform/graphics/filters/FEGaussianBlur.cpp
diff --git a/Source/platform/graphics/filters/FEGaussianBlur.cpp b/Source/platform/graphics/filters/FEGaussianBlur.cpp
index 6b8e45f2e86e62ba0fb4fa12515e77a2c0858485..0db31daadce9bf502fa471e8037b4533008200cf 100644
--- a/Source/platform/graphics/filters/FEGaussianBlur.cpp
+++ b/Source/platform/graphics/filters/FEGaussianBlur.cpp
@@ -80,154 +80,6 @@ void FEGaussianBlur::setStdDeviationY(float y)
m_stdY = y;
-inline void boxBlur(Uint8ClampedArray* srcPixelArray, Uint8ClampedArray* dstPixelArray,
- unsigned dx, int dxLeft, int dxRight, int stride, int strideLine, int effectWidth, int effectHeight, bool alphaImage)
- for (int y = 0; y < effectHeight; ++y) {
- int line = y * strideLine;
- for (int channel = 3; channel >= 0; --channel) {
- int sum = 0;
- // Fill the kernel
- int maxKernelSize = min(dxRight, effectWidth);
- for (int i = 0; i < maxKernelSize; ++i)
- sum += srcPixelArray->item(line + i * stride + channel);
- // Blurring
- for (int x = 0; x < effectWidth; ++x) {
- int pixelByteOffset = line + x * stride + channel;
- dstPixelArray->set(pixelByteOffset, static_cast<unsigned char>(sum / dx));
- if (x >= dxLeft)
- sum -= srcPixelArray->item(pixelByteOffset - dxLeft * stride);
- if (x + dxRight < effectWidth)
- sum += srcPixelArray->item(pixelByteOffset + dxRight * stride);
- }
- if (alphaImage) // Source image is black, it just has different alpha values
- break;
- }
- }
-inline void FEGaussianBlur::platformApplyGeneric(Uint8ClampedArray* srcPixelArray, Uint8ClampedArray* tmpPixelArray, unsigned kernelSizeX, unsigned kernelSizeY, IntSize& paintSize)
- int stride = 4 * paintSize.width();
- int dxLeft = 0;
- int dxRight = 0;
- int dyLeft = 0;
- int dyRight = 0;
- Uint8ClampedArray* src = srcPixelArray;
- Uint8ClampedArray* dst = tmpPixelArray;
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- if (kernelSizeX) {
- kernelPosition(i, kernelSizeX, dxLeft, dxRight);
- if (!isAlphaImage())
- boxBlurNEON(src, dst, kernelSizeX, dxLeft, dxRight, 4, stride, paintSize.width(), paintSize.height());
- else
- boxBlur(src, dst, kernelSizeX, dxLeft, dxRight, 4, stride, paintSize.width(), paintSize.height(), true);
- boxBlur(src, dst, kernelSizeX, dxLeft, dxRight, 4, stride, paintSize.width(), paintSize.height(), isAlphaImage());
- swap(src, dst);
- }
- if (kernelSizeY) {
- kernelPosition(i, kernelSizeY, dyLeft, dyRight);
- if (!isAlphaImage())
- boxBlurNEON(src, dst, kernelSizeY, dyLeft, dyRight, stride, 4, paintSize.height(), paintSize.width());
- else
- boxBlur(src, dst, kernelSizeY, dyLeft, dyRight, stride, 4, paintSize.height(), paintSize.width(), true);
- boxBlur(src, dst, kernelSizeY, dyLeft, dyRight, stride, 4, paintSize.height(), paintSize.width(), isAlphaImage());
- swap(src, dst);
- }
- }
- // The final result should be stored in srcPixelArray.
- if (dst == srcPixelArray) {
- ASSERT(src->length() == dst->length());
- memcpy(dst->data(), src->data(), src->length());
- }
-void FEGaussianBlur::platformApplyWorker(PlatformApplyParameters* parameters)
- IntSize paintSize(parameters->width, parameters->height);
- parameters->filter->platformApplyGeneric(parameters->srcPixelArray.get(), parameters->dstPixelArray.get(),
- parameters->kernelSizeX, parameters->kernelSizeY, paintSize);
-inline void FEGaussianBlur::platformApply(Uint8ClampedArray* srcPixelArray, Uint8ClampedArray* tmpPixelArray, unsigned kernelSizeX, unsigned kernelSizeY, IntSize& paintSize)
- int scanline = 4 * paintSize.width();
- int extraHeight = 3 * kernelSizeY * 0.5f;
- int optimalThreadNumber = (paintSize.width() * paintSize.height()) / (s_minimalRectDimension + extraHeight * paintSize.width());
- if (optimalThreadNumber > 1) {
- ParallelJobs<PlatformApplyParameters> parallelJobs(&platformApplyWorker, optimalThreadNumber);
- int jobs = parallelJobs.numberOfJobs();
- if (jobs > 1) {
- // Split the job into "blockHeight"-sized jobs but there a few jobs that need to be slightly larger since
- // blockHeight * jobs < total size. These extras are handled by the remainder "jobsWithExtra".
- const int blockHeight = paintSize.height() / jobs;
- const int jobsWithExtra = paintSize.height() % jobs;
- int currentY = 0;
- for (int job = 0; job < jobs; job++) {
- PlatformApplyParameters& params = parallelJobs.parameter(job);
- params.filter = this;
- int startY = !job ? 0 : currentY - extraHeight;
- currentY += job < jobsWithExtra ? blockHeight + 1 : blockHeight;
- int endY = job == jobs - 1 ? currentY : currentY + extraHeight;
- int blockSize = (endY - startY) * scanline;
- if (!job) {
- params.srcPixelArray = srcPixelArray;
- params.dstPixelArray = tmpPixelArray;
- } else {
- params.srcPixelArray = Uint8ClampedArray::createUninitialized(blockSize);
- params.dstPixelArray = Uint8ClampedArray::createUninitialized(blockSize);
- memcpy(params.srcPixelArray->data(), srcPixelArray->data() + startY * scanline, blockSize);
- }
- params.width = paintSize.width();
- params.height = endY - startY;
- params.kernelSizeX = kernelSizeX;
- params.kernelSizeY = kernelSizeY;
- }
- parallelJobs.execute();
- // Copy together the parts of the image.
- currentY = 0;
- for (int job = 1; job < jobs; job++) {
- PlatformApplyParameters& params = parallelJobs.parameter(job);
- int sourceOffset;
- int destinationOffset;
- int size;
- int adjustedBlockHeight = job < jobsWithExtra ? blockHeight + 1 : blockHeight;
- currentY += adjustedBlockHeight;
- sourceOffset = extraHeight * scanline;
- destinationOffset = currentY * scanline;
- size = adjustedBlockHeight * scanline;
- memcpy(srcPixelArray->data() + destinationOffset, params.srcPixelArray->data() + sourceOffset, size);
- }
- return;
- }
- // Fallback to single threaded mode.
- }
- // The selection here eventually should happen dynamically on some platforms.
- platformApplyGeneric(srcPixelArray, tmpPixelArray, kernelSizeX, kernelSizeY, paintSize);
IntSize FEGaussianBlur::calculateUnscaledKernelSize(const FloatPoint& std)
ASSERT(std.x() >= 0 && std.y() >= 0);
@@ -288,34 +140,9 @@ FloatRect FEGaussianBlur::determineAbsolutePaintRect(const FloatRect& originalRe
void FEGaussianBlur::applySoftware()
- FilterEffect* in = inputEffect(0);
- Uint8ClampedArray* srcPixelArray = createPremultipliedImageResult();
- if (!srcPixelArray)
- return;
- setIsAlphaImage(in->isAlphaImage());
- IntRect effectDrawingRect = requestedRegionOfInputImageData(in->absolutePaintRect());
- in->copyPremultipliedImage(srcPixelArray, effectDrawingRect);
- if (!m_stdX && !m_stdY)
- return;
- IntSize kernelSize = calculateKernelSize(filter(), FloatPoint(m_stdX, m_stdY));
- IntSize paintSize = absolutePaintRect().size();
- RefPtr<Uint8ClampedArray> tmpImageData = Uint8ClampedArray::createUninitialized(paintSize.width() * paintSize.height() * 4);
- Uint8ClampedArray* tmpPixelArray = tmpImageData.get();
- platformApply(srcPixelArray, tmpPixelArray, kernelSize.width(), kernelSize.height(), paintSize);
-bool FEGaussianBlur::applySkia()
ImageBuffer* resultImage = createImageBufferResult();
if (!resultImage)
- return false;
+ return;
FilterEffect* in = inputEffect(0);
@@ -336,7 +163,6 @@ bool FEGaussianBlur::applySkia()
dstContext->drawImage(image.get(), drawingRegion.location(), CompositeCopy);
- return true;
PassRefPtr<SkImageFilter> FEGaussianBlur::createImageFilter(SkiaImageFilterBuilder* builder)
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