(Empty) | |
1 # This file is read into the GN build. | |
2 | |
3 # Files are relative to third_party/skia. | |
4 { | |
5 # Shared defines for all builds. | |
6 'skia_feature_defines': [ | |
7 'GR_GL_CUSTOM_SETUP_HEADER="GrGLConfig_chrome.h"', | |
8 'GR_GL_IGNORE_ES3_MSAA=0', | |
24 ], | |
25 | |
26 'skia_gpu_sources': [ | |
2014/04/09 14:22:27
can you do something like...
2014/04/09 16:22:43
This file is not processed by GYP. It's read
| |
27 'include/gpu/GrBackendEffectFactory.h', | |
28 'include/gpu/GrClipData.h', | |
29 'include/gpu/GrColor.h', | |
30 'include/gpu/GrConfig.h', | |
31 'include/gpu/GrContext.h', | |
32 'include/gpu/GrContextFactory.h', | |
33 'include/gpu/GrCoordTransform.h', | |
34 'include/gpu/GrEffect.h', | |
35 'include/gpu/GrEffectStage.h', | |
36 'include/gpu/GrEffectUnitTest.h', | |
37 'include/gpu/GrFontScaler.h', | |
38 'include/gpu/GrGlyph.h', | |
39 'include/gpu/GrKey.h', | |
40 'include/gpu/GrPaint.h', | |
41 'include/gpu/GrPathRendererChain.h', | |
42 'include/gpu/GrPoint.h', | |
43 'include/gpu/GrRect.h', | |
44 'include/gpu/GrRenderTarget.h', | |
45 'include/gpu/GrResource.h', | |
46 'include/gpu/GrSurface.h', | |
47 'include/gpu/GrTBackendEffectFactory.h', | |
48 'include/gpu/GrTexture.h', | |
49 'include/gpu/GrTextureAccess.h', | |
50 'include/gpu/GrTypes.h', | |
51 'include/gpu/GrUserConfig.h', | |
52 | |
53 'include/gpu/gl/GrGLConfig.h', | |
54 'include/gpu/gl/GrGLExtensions.h', | |
55 'include/gpu/gl/GrGLFunctions.h', | |
56 'include/gpu/gl/GrGLInterface.h', | |
57 | |
58 'src/gpu/GrAAHairLinePathRenderer.cpp', | |
59 'src/gpu/GrAAHairLinePathRenderer.h', | |
60 'src/gpu/GrAAConvexPathRenderer.cpp', | |
61 'src/gpu/GrAAConvexPathRenderer.h', | |
62 'src/gpu/GrAARectRenderer.cpp', | |
63 'src/gpu/GrAARectRenderer.h', | |
64 'src/gpu/GrAddPathRenderers_default.cpp', | |
65 'src/gpu/GrAllocator.h', | |
66 'src/gpu/GrAllocPool.h', | |
67 'src/gpu/GrAllocPool.cpp', | |
68 'src/gpu/GrAtlas.cpp', | |
69 'src/gpu/GrAtlas.h', | |
70 'src/gpu/GrBinHashKey.h', | |
71 'src/gpu/GrBitmapTextContext.cpp', | |
72 'src/gpu/GrBitmapTextContext.h', | |
73 'src/gpu/GrBlend.cpp', | |
74 'src/gpu/GrBlend.h', | |
75 'src/gpu/GrBufferAllocPool.cpp', | |
76 'src/gpu/GrBufferAllocPool.h', | |
77 'src/gpu/GrCacheID.cpp', | |
78 'src/gpu/GrClipData.cpp', | |
79 'src/gpu/GrContext.cpp', | |
80 'src/gpu/GrDefaultPathRenderer.cpp', | |
81 'src/gpu/GrDefaultPathRenderer.h', | |
82 'src/gpu/GrDistanceFieldTextContext.h', | |
83 'src/gpu/GrDistanceFieldTextContext.cpp', | |
84 'src/gpu/GrDrawState.cpp', | |
85 'src/gpu/GrDrawState.h', | |
86 'src/gpu/GrDrawTarget.cpp', | |
87 'src/gpu/GrDrawTarget.h', | |
88 'src/gpu/GrDrawTargetCaps.h', | |
89 'src/gpu/GrEffect.cpp', | |
90 'src/gpu/GrGeometryBuffer.h', | |
91 'src/gpu/GrClipMaskCache.h', | |
92 'src/gpu/GrClipMaskCache.cpp', | |
93 'src/gpu/GrClipMaskManager.h', | |
94 'src/gpu/GrClipMaskManager.cpp', | |
95 'src/gpu/GrGpu.cpp', | |
96 'src/gpu/GrGpu.h', | |
97 'src/gpu/GrGpuFactory.cpp', | |
98 'src/gpu/GrIndexBuffer.h', | |
99 'src/gpu/GrInOrderDrawBuffer.cpp', | |
100 'src/gpu/GrInOrderDrawBuffer.h', | |
101 'src/gpu/GrLayerCache.cpp', | |
102 'src/gpu/GrLayerCache.h', | |
103 'src/gpu/GrMemoryPool.cpp', | |
104 'src/gpu/GrMemoryPool.h', | |
105 'src/gpu/GrOrderedSet.h', | |
106 'src/gpu/GrOvalRenderer.cpp', | |
107 'src/gpu/GrOvalRenderer.h', | |
108 'src/gpu/GrPaint.cpp', | |
109 'src/gpu/GrPath.cpp', | |
110 'src/gpu/GrPath.h', | |
111 'src/gpu/GrPathRendererChain.cpp', | |
112 'src/gpu/GrPathRenderer.cpp', | |
113 'src/gpu/GrPathRenderer.h', | |
114 'src/gpu/GrPathUtils.cpp', | |
115 'src/gpu/GrPathUtils.h', | |
116 'src/gpu/GrPictureUtils.h', | |
117 'src/gpu/GrPictureUtils.cpp', | |
118 'src/gpu/GrPlotMgr.h', | |
119 'src/gpu/GrRectanizer.cpp', | |
120 'src/gpu/GrRectanizer.h', | |
121 'src/gpu/GrRectanizer_skyline.cpp', | |
122 'src/gpu/GrRedBlackTree.h', | |
123 'src/gpu/GrRenderTarget.cpp', | |
124 'src/gpu/GrReducedClip.cpp', | |
125 'src/gpu/GrReducedClip.h', | |
126 'src/gpu/GrResource.cpp', | |
127 'src/gpu/GrResourceCache.cpp', | |
128 'src/gpu/GrResourceCache.h', | |
129 'src/gpu/GrStencil.cpp', | |
130 'src/gpu/GrStencil.h', | |
131 'src/gpu/GrStencilAndCoverPathRenderer.cpp', | |
132 'src/gpu/GrStencilAndCoverPathRenderer.h', | |
133 'src/gpu/GrStencilBuffer.cpp', | |
134 'src/gpu/GrStencilBuffer.h', | |
135 'src/gpu/GrTBSearch.h', | |
136 'src/gpu/GrTraceMarker.cpp', | |
137 'src/gpu/GrTraceMarker.h', | |
138 'src/gpu/GrTracing.h', | |
139 'src/gpu/GrSWMaskHelper.cpp', | |
140 'src/gpu/GrSWMaskHelper.h', | |
141 'src/gpu/GrSoftwarePathRenderer.cpp', | |
142 'src/gpu/GrSoftwarePathRenderer.h', | |
143 'src/gpu/GrSurface.cpp', | |
144 'src/gpu/GrTemplates.h', | |
145 'src/gpu/GrTextContext.cpp', | |
146 'src/gpu/GrTextContext.h', | |
147 'src/gpu/GrTextStrike.cpp', | |
148 'src/gpu/GrTextStrike.h', | |
149 'src/gpu/GrTextStrike_impl.h', | |
150 'src/gpu/GrTexture.cpp', | |
151 'src/gpu/GrTextureAccess.cpp', | |
152 'src/gpu/GrTHashTable.h', | |
153 'src/gpu/GrVertexBuffer.h', | |
154 | |
155 'src/gpu/effects/Gr1DKernelEffect.h', | |
156 'src/gpu/effects/GrConfigConversionEffect.cpp', | |
157 'src/gpu/effects/GrConfigConversionEffect.h', | |
158 'src/gpu/effects/GrBezierEffect.cpp', | |
159 'src/gpu/effects/GrBezierEffect.h', | |
160 'src/gpu/effects/GrConvolutionEffect.cpp', | |
161 'src/gpu/effects/GrConvolutionEffect.h', | |
162 'src/gpu/effects/GrConvexPolyEffect.cpp', | |
163 'src/gpu/effects/GrConvexPolyEffect.h', | |
164 'src/gpu/effects/GrBicubicEffect.cpp', | |
165 'src/gpu/effects/GrBicubicEffect.h', | |
166 'src/gpu/effects/GrCustomCoordsTextureEffect.cpp', | |
167 'src/gpu/effects/GrCustomCoordsTextureEffect.h', | |
168 'src/gpu/effects/GrDistanceFieldTextureEffect.cpp', | |
169 'src/gpu/effects/GrDistanceFieldTextureEffect.h', | |
170 'src/gpu/effects/GrOvalEffect.cpp', | |
171 'src/gpu/effects/GrOvalEffect.h', | |
172 'src/gpu/effects/GrRRectEffect.cpp', | |
173 'src/gpu/effects/GrRRectEffect.h', | |
174 'src/gpu/effects/GrSimpleTextureEffect.cpp', | |
175 'src/gpu/effects/GrSimpleTextureEffect.h', | |
176 'src/gpu/effects/GrSingleTextureEffect.cpp', | |
177 'src/gpu/effects/GrSingleTextureEffect.h', | |
178 'src/gpu/effects/GrTextureDomain.cpp', | |
179 'src/gpu/effects/GrTextureDomain.h', | |
180 'src/gpu/effects/GrTextureStripAtlas.cpp', | |
181 'src/gpu/effects/GrTextureStripAtlas.h', | |
182 | |
183 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLBufferImpl.cpp', | |
184 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLBufferImpl.h', | |
185 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLCaps.cpp', | |
186 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLCaps.h', | |
187 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLContext.cpp', | |
188 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLContext.h', | |
189 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLCreateNativeInterface_none.cpp', | |
190 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLDefaultInterface_none.cpp', | |
191 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLDefines.h', | |
192 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLEffect.h', | |
193 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLVertexEffect.h', | |
194 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLExtensions.cpp', | |
195 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLIndexBuffer.cpp', | |
196 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLIndexBuffer.h', | |
197 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLInterface.cpp', | |
198 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLIRect.h', | |
199 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLNoOpInterface.cpp', | |
200 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLNoOpInterface.h', | |
201 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLPath.cpp', | |
202 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLPath.h', | |
203 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLProgram.cpp', | |
204 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLProgram.h', | |
205 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLProgramDesc.cpp', | |
206 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLProgramDesc.h', | |
207 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLProgramEffects.cpp', | |
208 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLProgramEffects.h', | |
209 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLRenderTarget.cpp', | |
210 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLRenderTarget.h', | |
211 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLShaderBuilder.cpp', | |
212 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLShaderBuilder.h', | |
213 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLShaderVar.h', | |
214 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLSL.cpp', | |
215 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLSL.h', | |
216 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLSL_impl.h', | |
217 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLStencilBuffer.cpp', | |
218 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLStencilBuffer.h', | |
219 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLTexture.cpp', | |
220 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLTexture.h', | |
221 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLUtil.cpp', | |
222 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLUtil.h', | |
223 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLUniformManager.cpp', | |
224 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLUniformManager.h', | |
225 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLUniformHandle.h', | |
226 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLVertexArray.cpp', | |
227 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLVertexArray.h', | |
228 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLVertexBuffer.cpp', | |
229 'src/gpu/gl/GrGLVertexBuffer.h', | |
230 'src/gpu/gl/GrGpuGL.cpp', | |
231 'src/gpu/gl/GrGpuGL.h', | |
232 'src/gpu/gl/GrGpuGL_program.cpp', | |
233 | |
234 # Sk files | |
235 'include/gpu/SkGpuDevice.h', | |
236 'include/gpu/SkGr.h', | |
237 'include/gpu/SkGrPixelRef.h', | |
238 'include/gpu/SkGrTexturePixelRef.h', | |
239 | |
240 'include/gpu/gl/SkGLContextHelper.h', | |
241 | |
242 'src/gpu/SkGpuDevice.cpp', | |
243 'src/gpu/SkGr.cpp', | |
244 'src/gpu/SkGrFontScaler.cpp', | |
245 'src/gpu/SkGrPixelRef.cpp', | |
246 'src/gpu/SkGrTexturePixelRef.cpp', | |
247 | |
248 'src/image/SkImage_Gpu.cpp', | |
249 'src/image/SkSurface_Gpu.cpp', | |
250 | |
251 'src/gpu/gl/SkGLContextHelper.cpp' | |
252 ], | |
253 | |
254 'skia_core_sources': [ | |
255 'src/core/ARGB32_Clamp_Bilinear_BitmapShader.h', | |
256 'src/core/SkAAClip.cpp', | |
257 'src/core/SkAnnotation.cpp', | |
258 'src/core/SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics.cpp', | |
259 'src/core/SkAlphaRuns.cpp', | |
260 'src/core/SkAntiRun.h', | |
261 'src/core/SkBBoxHierarchy.h', | |
262 'src/core/SkBBoxRecord.cpp', | |
263 'src/core/SkBBoxRecord.h', | |
264 'src/core/SkBBoxHierarchyRecord.cpp', | |
265 'src/core/SkBBoxHierarchyRecord.h', | |
266 'src/core/SkBitmap.cpp', | |
267 'src/core/SkBitmapDevice.cpp', | |
268 'src/core/SkBitmapFilter.h', | |
269 'src/core/SkBitmapFilter.cpp', | |
270 'src/core/SkBitmapHeap.cpp', | |
271 'src/core/SkBitmapHeap.h', | |
272 'src/core/SkBitmapProcShader.cpp', | |
273 'src/core/SkBitmapProcShader.h', | |
274 'src/core/SkBitmapProcState.cpp', | |
275 'src/core/SkBitmapProcState.h', | |
276 'src/core/SkBitmapProcState_matrix.h', | |
277 'src/core/SkBitmapProcState_matrixProcs.cpp', | |
278 'src/core/SkBitmapProcState_sample.h', | |
279 'src/core/SkBitmapScaler.h', | |
280 'src/core/SkBitmapScaler.cpp', | |
281 'src/core/SkBitmapShader16BilerpTemplate.h', | |
282 'src/core/SkBitmapShaderTemplate.h', | |
283 'src/core/SkBitmap_scroll.cpp', | |
284 'src/core/SkBlitBWMaskTemplate.h', | |
285 'src/core/SkBlitMask_D32.cpp', | |
286 'src/core/SkBlitRow_D16.cpp', | |
287 'src/core/SkBlitRow_D32.cpp', | |
288 'src/core/SkBlitter.h', | |
289 'src/core/SkBlitter.cpp', | |
290 'src/core/SkBlitter_A8.cpp', | |
291 'src/core/SkBlitter_ARGB32.cpp', | |
292 'src/core/SkBlitter_RGB16.cpp', | |
293 'src/core/SkBlitter_Sprite.cpp', | |
294 'src/core/SkBuffer.cpp', | |
295 'src/core/SkCanvas.cpp', | |
296 'src/core/SkChunkAlloc.cpp', | |
297 'src/core/SkClipStack.cpp', | |
298 'src/core/SkColor.cpp', | |
299 'src/core/SkColorFilter.cpp', | |
300 'src/core/SkColorTable.cpp', | |
301 'src/core/SkComposeShader.cpp', | |
302 'src/core/SkConfig8888.cpp', | |
303 'src/core/SkConfig8888.h', | |
304 'src/core/SkConvolver.cpp', | |
305 'src/core/SkConvolver.h', | |
306 'src/core/SkCoreBlitters.h', | |
307 'src/core/SkCubicClipper.cpp', | |
308 'src/core/SkCubicClipper.h', | |
309 'src/core/SkData.cpp', | |
310 'src/core/SkDataTable.cpp', | |
311 'src/core/SkDebug.cpp', | |
312 'src/core/SkDeque.cpp', | |
313 'src/core/SkDevice.cpp', | |
314 'src/core/SkDeviceLooper.cpp', | |
315 'src/core/SkDeviceProfile.cpp', | |
316 'src/lazy/SkDiscardableMemoryPool.cpp', | |
317 'src/lazy/SkDiscardablePixelRef.cpp', | |
318 'src/core/SkDistanceFieldGen.cpp', | |
319 'src/core/SkDistanceFieldGen.h', | |
320 'src/core/SkDither.cpp', | |
321 'src/core/SkDraw.cpp', | |
322 'src/core/SkDrawLooper.cpp', | |
323 'src/core/SkDrawProcs.h', | |
324 'src/core/SkEdgeBuilder.cpp', | |
325 'src/core/SkEdgeClipper.cpp', | |
326 'src/core/SkEdge.cpp', | |
327 'src/core/SkEdge.h', | |
328 'src/core/SkError.cpp', | |
329 'src/core/SkErrorInternals.h', | |
330 'src/core/SkFilterProc.cpp', | |
331 'src/core/SkFilterProc.h', | |
332 'src/core/SkFilterShader.cpp', | |
333 'src/core/SkFlattenable.cpp', | |
334 'src/core/SkFlattenableSerialization.cpp', | |
335 'src/core/SkFloat.cpp', | |
336 'src/core/SkFloat.h', | |
337 'src/core/SkFloatBits.cpp', | |
338 'src/core/SkFontHost.cpp', | |
339 'src/core/SkFontDescriptor.cpp', | |
340 'src/core/SkFontDescriptor.h', | |
341 'src/core/SkFontStream.cpp', | |
342 'src/core/SkFontStream.h', | |
343 'src/core/SkGeometry.cpp', | |
344 'src/core/SkGlyphCache.cpp', | |
345 'src/core/SkGlyphCache.h', | |
346 'src/core/SkGlyphCache_Globals.h', | |
347 'src/core/SkGraphics.cpp', | |
348 'src/core/SkInstCnt.cpp', | |
349 'src/core/SkImageFilter.cpp', | |
350 'src/core/SkImageInfo.cpp', | |
351 'src/core/SkLineClipper.cpp', | |
352 'src/core/SkMallocPixelRef.cpp', | |
353 'src/core/SkMask.cpp', | |
354 'src/core/SkMaskFilter.cpp', | |
355 'src/core/SkMaskGamma.cpp', | |
356 'src/core/SkMaskGamma.h', | |
357 'src/core/SkMath.cpp', | |
358 'src/core/SkMatrix.cpp', | |
359 'src/core/SkMatrixClipStateMgr.cpp', | |
360 'src/core/SkMatrixClipStateMgr.h', | |
361 'src/core/SkMessageBus.h', | |
362 'src/core/SkMetaData.cpp', | |
363 'src/core/SkMipMap.cpp', | |
364 'src/core/SkOffsetTable.h', | |
365 'src/core/SkPackBits.cpp', | |
366 'src/core/SkPaint.cpp', | |
367 'src/core/SkPaintOptionsAndroid.cpp', | |
368 'src/core/SkPaintPriv.cpp', | |
369 'src/core/SkPaintPriv.h', | |
370 'src/core/SkPath.cpp', | |
371 'src/core/SkPathEffect.cpp', | |
372 'src/core/SkPathHeap.cpp', | |
373 'src/core/SkPathHeap.h', | |
374 'src/core/SkPathMeasure.cpp', | |
375 'src/core/SkPathRef.cpp', | |
376 'src/core/SkPicture.cpp', | |
377 'src/core/SkPictureFlat.cpp', | |
378 'src/core/SkPictureFlat.h', | |
379 'src/core/SkPicturePlayback.cpp', | |
380 'src/core/SkPicturePlayback.h', | |
381 'src/core/SkPictureRecord.cpp', | |
382 'src/core/SkPictureRecord.h', | |
383 'src/core/SkPictureStateTree.cpp', | |
384 'src/core/SkPictureStateTree.h', | |
385 'src/core/SkPixelRef.cpp', | |
386 'src/core/SkPoint.cpp', | |
387 'src/core/SkProcSpriteBlitter.cpp', | |
388 'src/core/SkPtrRecorder.cpp', | |
389 'src/core/SkQuadClipper.cpp', | |
390 'src/core/SkQuadClipper.h', | |
391 'src/core/SkQuadTree.cpp', | |
392 'src/core/SkQuadTree.h', | |
393 'src/core/SkQuadTreePicture.cpp', | |
394 'src/core/SkQuadTreePicture.h', | |
395 'src/core/SkRasterClip.cpp', | |
396 'src/core/SkRasterizer.cpp', | |
397 'src/core/SkReadBuffer.cpp', | |
398 'src/core/SkRect.cpp', | |
399 'src/core/SkRefDict.cpp', | |
400 'src/core/SkRegion.cpp', | |
401 'src/core/SkRegionPriv.h', | |
402 'src/core/SkRegion_path.cpp', | |
403 'src/core/SkRRect.cpp', | |
404 'src/core/SkRTree.h', | |
405 'src/core/SkRTree.cpp', | |
406 'src/core/SkScaledImageCache.cpp', | |
407 'src/core/SkScalar.cpp', | |
408 'src/core/SkScalerContext.cpp', | |
409 'src/core/SkScalerContext.h', | |
410 'src/core/SkScan.cpp', | |
411 'src/core/SkScan.h', | |
412 'src/core/SkScanPriv.h', | |
413 'src/core/SkScan_AntiPath.cpp', | |
414 'src/core/SkScan_Antihair.cpp', | |
415 'src/core/SkScan_Hairline.cpp', | |
416 'src/core/SkScan_Path.cpp', | |
417 'src/core/SkShader.cpp', | |
418 'src/core/SkSpriteBlitter_ARGB32.cpp', | |
419 'src/core/SkSpriteBlitter_RGB16.cpp', | |
420 'src/core/SkSinTable.h', | |
421 'src/core/SkSpriteBlitter.h', | |
422 'src/core/SkSpriteBlitterTemplate.h', | |
423 'src/core/SkStream.cpp', | |
424 'src/core/SkString.cpp', | |
425 'src/core/SkStringUtils.cpp', | |
426 'src/core/SkStroke.h', | |
427 'src/core/SkStroke.cpp', | |
428 'src/core/SkStrokeRec.cpp', | |
429 'src/core/SkStrokerPriv.cpp', | |
430 'src/core/SkStrokerPriv.h', | |
431 'src/core/SkTextFormatParams.h', | |
432 'src/core/SkTileGrid.cpp', | |
433 'src/core/SkTileGrid.h', | |
434 'src/core/SkTileGridPicture.cpp', | |
435 'src/core/SkTLList.h', | |
436 'src/core/SkTLS.cpp', | |
437 'src/core/SkTraceEvent.h', | |
438 'src/core/SkTSearch.cpp', | |
439 'src/core/SkTSort.h', | |
440 'src/core/SkTypeface.cpp', | |
441 'src/core/SkTypefaceCache.cpp', | |
442 'src/core/SkTypefaceCache.h', | |
443 'src/core/SkUnPreMultiply.cpp', | |
444 'src/core/SkUtils.cpp', | |
445 'src/core/SkValidatingReadBuffer.cpp', | |
446 'src/core/SkWriteBuffer.cpp', | |
447 'src/core/SkWriter32.cpp', | |
448 'src/core/SkXfermode.cpp', | |
449 'src/doc/SkDocument.cpp', | |
450 'src/image/SkImage.cpp', | |
451 'src/image/SkImagePriv.cpp', | |
452 'src/image/SkImage_Codec.cpp', | |
453 'src/image/SkImage_Picture.cpp', | |
454 'src/image/SkImage_Raster.cpp', | |
455 'src/image/SkSurface.cpp', | |
456 'src/image/SkSurface_Base.h', | |
457 'src/image/SkSurface_Picture.cpp', | |
458 'src/image/SkSurface_Raster.cpp', | |
459 'src/pipe/SkGPipeRead.cpp', | |
460 'src/pipe/SkGPipeWrite.cpp', | |
461 'include/core/SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics.h', | |
462 'include/core/SkBitmap.h', | |
463 'include/core/SkBitmapDevice.h', | |
464 'include/core/SkBlitRow.h', | |
465 'include/core/SkBounder.h', | |
466 'include/core/SkCanvas.h', | |
467 'include/core/SkChecksum.h', | |
468 'include/core/SkChunkAlloc.h', | |
469 'include/core/SkClipStack.h', | |
470 'include/core/SkColor.h', | |
471 'include/core/SkColorFilter.h', | |
472 'include/core/SkColorPriv.h', | |
473 'include/core/SkColorShader.h', | |
474 'include/core/SkComposeShader.h', | |
475 'include/core/SkData.h', | |
476 'include/core/SkDeque.h', | |
477 'include/core/SkDevice.h', | |
478 'include/core/SkDeviceProperties.h', | |
479 'include/core/SkDither.h', | |
480 'include/core/SkDraw.h', | |
481 'include/core/SkDrawFilter.h', | |
482 'include/core/SkDrawLooper.h', | |
483 'include/core/SkEndian.h', | |
484 'include/core/SkError.h', | |
485 'include/core/SkFixed.h', | |
486 'include/core/SkFlattenable.h', | |
487 'include/core/SkFlattenableSerialization.h', | |
488 'include/core/SkFloatBits.h', | |
489 'include/core/SkFloatingPoint.h', | |
490 'include/core/SkFontHost.h', | |
491 'include/core/SkGeometry.h', | |
492 'include/core/SkGraphics.h', | |
493 'include/core/SkImage.h', | |
494 'include/core/SkImageDecoder.h', | |
495 'include/core/SkImageEncoder.h', | |
496 'include/core/SkImageFilter.h', | |
497 'include/core/SkImageInfo.h', | |
498 'include/core/SkInstCnt.h', | |
499 'include/core/SkMallocPixelRef.h', | |
500 'include/core/SkMask.h', | |
501 'include/core/SkMaskFilter.h', | |
502 'include/core/SkMath.h', | |
503 'include/core/SkMatrix.h', | |
504 'include/core/SkMetaData.h', | |
505 'include/core/SkOnce.h', | |
506 'include/core/SkOSFile.h', | |
507 'include/core/SkPackBits.h', | |
508 'include/core/SkPaint.h', | |
509 'include/core/SkPath.h', | |
510 'include/core/SkPathEffect.h', | |
511 'include/core/SkPathMeasure.h', | |
512 'include/core/SkPathRef.h', | |
513 'include/core/SkPicture.h', | |
514 'include/core/SkPixelRef.h', | |
515 'include/core/SkPoint.h', | |
516 'include/core/SkPreConfig.h', | |
517 'include/core/SkRasterizer.h', | |
518 'include/core/SkReader32.h', | |
519 'include/core/SkRect.h', | |
520 'include/core/SkRefCnt.h', | |
521 'include/core/SkRegion.h', | |
522 'include/core/SkRRect.h', | |
523 'include/core/SkScalar.h', | |
524 'include/core/SkShader.h', | |
525 'include/core/SkStream.h', | |
526 'include/core/SkString.h', | |
527 'include/core/SkStringUtils.h', | |
528 'include/core/SkStrokeRec.h', | |
529 'include/core/SkSurface.h', | |
530 'include/core/SkTArray.h', | |
531 'include/core/SkTDArray.h', | |
532 'include/core/SkTDStack.h', | |
533 'include/core/SkTDict.h', | |
534 'include/core/SkTInternalLList.h', | |
535 'include/core/SkTileGridPicture.h', | |
536 'include/core/SkTRegistry.h', | |
537 'include/core/SkTSearch.h', | |
538 'include/core/SkTemplates.h', | |
539 'include/core/SkThread.h', | |
540 'include/core/SkTime.h', | |
541 'include/core/SkTLazy.h', | |
542 'include/core/SkTypeface.h', | |
543 'include/core/SkTypes.h', | |
544 'include/core/SkUnPreMultiply.h', | |
545 'include/core/SkUnitMapper.h', | |
546 'include/core/SkUtils.h', | |
547 'include/core/SkWeakRefCnt.h', | |
548 'include/core/SkWriter32.h', | |
549 'include/core/SkXfermode.h', | |
550 'src/lazy/SkCachingPixelRef.cpp', | |
551 'src/lazy/SkCachingPixelRef.h', | |
552 'include/pathops/SkPathOps.h', | |
553 'src/pathops/SkAddIntersections.cpp', | |
554 'src/pathops/SkDCubicIntersection.cpp', | |
555 'src/pathops/SkDCubicLineIntersection.cpp', | |
556 'src/pathops/SkDCubicToQuads.cpp', | |
557 'src/pathops/SkDLineIntersection.cpp', | |
558 'src/pathops/SkDQuadImplicit.cpp', | |
559 'src/pathops/SkDQuadIntersection.cpp', | |
560 'src/pathops/SkDQuadLineIntersection.cpp', | |
561 'src/pathops/SkIntersections.cpp', | |
562 'src/pathops/SkOpAngle.cpp', | |
563 'src/pathops/SkOpContour.cpp', | |
564 'src/pathops/SkOpEdgeBuilder.cpp', | |
565 'src/pathops/SkOpSegment.cpp', | |
566 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsBounds.cpp', | |
567 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsCommon.cpp', | |
568 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsCubic.cpp', | |
569 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsDebug.cpp', | |
570 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsLine.cpp', | |
571 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsOp.cpp', | |
572 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsPoint.cpp', | |
573 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsQuad.cpp', | |
574 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsRect.cpp', | |
575 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsSimplify.cpp', | |
576 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsTriangle.cpp', | |
577 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsTypes.cpp', | |
578 'src/pathops/SkPathWriter.cpp', | |
579 'src/pathops/SkQuarticRoot.cpp', | |
580 'src/pathops/SkReduceOrder.cpp', | |
581 'src/pathops/SkAddIntersections.h', | |
582 'src/pathops/SkDQuadImplicit.h', | |
583 'src/pathops/SkIntersectionHelper.h', | |
584 'src/pathops/SkIntersections.h', | |
585 'src/pathops/SkLineParameters.h', | |
586 'src/pathops/SkOpAngle.h', | |
587 'src/pathops/SkOpContour.h', | |
588 'src/pathops/SkOpEdgeBuilder.h', | |
589 'src/pathops/SkOpSegment.h', | |
590 'src/pathops/SkOpSpan.h', | |
591 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsBounds.h', | |
592 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsCommon.h', | |
593 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsCubic.h', | |
594 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsCurve.h', | |
595 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsDebug.h', | |
596 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsLine.h', | |
597 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsPoint.h', | |
598 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsQuad.h', | |
599 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsRect.h', | |
600 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsTriangle.h', | |
601 'src/pathops/SkPathOpsTypes.h', | |
602 'src/pathops/SkPathWriter.h', | |
603 'src/pathops/SkQuarticRoot.h', | |
604 'src/pathops/SkReduceOrder.h', | |
605 ], | |
606 | |
607 'skia_effects_sources': [ | |
608 'src/effects/Sk1DPathEffect.cpp', | |
609 'src/effects/Sk2DPathEffect.cpp', | |
610 'src/effects/SkArithmeticMode.cpp', | |
611 'src/effects/SkAvoidXfermode.cpp', | |
612 'src/effects/SkBicubicImageFilter.cpp', | |
613 'src/effects/SkBitmapSource.cpp', | |
614 'src/effects/SkBlurDrawLooper.cpp', | |
615 'src/effects/SkBlurMask.cpp', | |
616 'src/effects/SkBlurMask.h', | |
617 'src/effects/SkBlurImageFilter.cpp', | |
618 'src/effects/SkBlurMaskFilter.cpp', | |
619 'src/effects/SkColorFilters.cpp', | |
620 'src/effects/SkColorFilterImageFilter.cpp', | |
621 'src/effects/SkColorMatrix.cpp', | |
622 'src/effects/SkColorMatrixFilter.cpp', | |
623 'src/effects/SkComposeImageFilter.cpp', | |
624 'src/effects/SkCornerPathEffect.cpp', | |
625 'src/effects/SkDashPathEffect.cpp', | |
626 'src/effects/SkDiscretePathEffect.cpp', | |
627 'src/effects/SkDisplacementMapEffect.cpp', | |
628 'src/effects/SkDropShadowImageFilter.cpp', | |
629 'src/effects/SkEmbossMask.cpp', | |
630 'src/effects/SkEmbossMask.h', | |
631 'src/effects/SkEmbossMask_Table.h', | |
632 'src/effects/SkEmbossMaskFilter.cpp', | |
633 'src/effects/SkGpuBlurUtils.h', | |
634 'src/effects/SkGpuBlurUtils.cpp', | |
635 'src/effects/SkKernel33MaskFilter.cpp', | |
636 'src/effects/SkLayerDrawLooper.cpp', | |
637 'src/effects/SkLayerRasterizer.cpp', | |
638 'src/effects/SkLerpXfermode.cpp', | |
639 'src/effects/SkLightingImageFilter.cpp', | |
640 'src/effects/SkLumaColorFilter.cpp', | |
641 'src/effects/SkMagnifierImageFilter.cpp', | |
642 'src/effects/SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter.cpp', | |
643 'src/effects/SkMatrixImageFilter.cpp', | |
644 'src/effects/SkMergeImageFilter.cpp', | |
645 'src/effects/SkMorphologyImageFilter.cpp', | |
646 'src/effects/SkOffsetImageFilter.cpp', | |
647 'src/effects/SkPaintFlagsDrawFilter.cpp', | |
648 'src/effects/SkPerlinNoiseShader.cpp', | |
649 'src/effects/SkPictureImageFilter.cpp', | |
650 'src/effects/SkPixelXorXfermode.cpp', | |
651 'src/effects/SkPorterDuff.cpp', | |
652 'src/effects/SkRectShaderImageFilter.cpp', | |
653 'src/effects/SkStippleMaskFilter.cpp', | |
654 'src/effects/SkTableColorFilter.cpp', | |
655 'src/effects/SkTableMaskFilter.cpp', | |
656 'src/effects/SkTestImageFilters.cpp', | |
657 'src/effects/SkTileImageFilter.cpp', | |
658 'src/effects/SkTransparentShader.cpp', | |
659 'src/effects/SkXfermodeImageFilter.cpp', | |
660 | |
661 'src/effects/gradients/SkBitmapCache.cpp', | |
662 'src/effects/gradients/SkBitmapCache.h', | |
663 'src/effects/gradients/SkClampRange.cpp', | |
664 'src/effects/gradients/SkClampRange.h', | |
665 'src/effects/gradients/SkRadialGradient_Table.h', | |
666 'src/effects/gradients/SkGradientShader.cpp', | |
667 'src/effects/gradients/SkGradientShaderPriv.h', | |
668 'src/effects/gradients/SkLinearGradient.cpp', | |
669 'src/effects/gradients/SkLinearGradient.h', | |
670 'src/effects/gradients/SkRadialGradient.cpp', | |
671 'src/effects/gradients/SkRadialGradient.h', | |
672 'src/effects/gradients/SkTwoPointRadialGradient.cpp', | |
673 'src/effects/gradients/SkTwoPointRadialGradient.h', | |
674 'src/effects/gradients/SkTwoPointConicalGradient.cpp', | |
675 'src/effects/gradients/SkTwoPointConicalGradient.h', | |
676 'src/effects/gradients/SkTwoPointConicalGradient_gpu.cpp', | |
677 'src/effects/gradients/SkTwoPointConicalGradient_gpu.h', | |
678 'src/effects/gradients/SkSweepGradient.cpp', | |
679 'src/effects/gradients/SkSweepGradient.h', | |
680 | |
681 'include/effects/Sk1DPathEffect.h', | |
682 'include/effects/Sk2DPathEffect.h', | |
683 'include/effects/SkXfermodeImageFilter.h', | |
684 'include/effects/SkArithmeticMode.h', | |
685 'include/effects/SkAvoidXfermode.h', | |
686 'include/effects/SkBitmapSource.h', | |
687 'include/effects/SkBlurDrawLooper.h', | |
688 'include/effects/SkBlurImageFilter.h', | |
689 'include/effects/SkBlurMaskFilter.h', | |
690 'include/effects/SkColorMatrix.h', | |
691 'include/effects/SkColorMatrixFilter.h', | |
692 'include/effects/SkColorFilterImageFilter.h', | |
693 'include/effects/SkCornerPathEffect.h', | |
694 'include/effects/SkDashPathEffect.h', | |
695 'include/effects/SkDiscretePathEffect.h', | |
696 'include/effects/SkDisplacementMapEffect.h', | |
697 'include/effects/SkDrawExtraPathEffect.h', | |
698 'include/effects/SkDropShadowImageFilter.h', | |
699 'include/effects/SkEmbossMaskFilter.h', | |
700 'include/effects/SkGradientShader.h', | |
701 'include/effects/SkKernel33MaskFilter.h', | |
702 'include/effects/SkLayerDrawLooper.h', | |
703 'include/effects/SkLayerRasterizer.h', | |
704 'include/effects/SkLerpXfermode.h', | |
705 'include/effects/SkLightingImageFilter.h', | |
706 'include/effects/SkOffsetImageFilter.h', | |
707 'include/effects/SkMorphologyImageFilter.h', | |
708 'include/effects/SkPaintFlagsDrawFilter.h', | |
709 'include/effects/SkPerlinNoiseShader.h', | |
710 'include/effects/SkPixelXorXfermode.h', | |
711 'include/effects/SkPorterDuff.h', | |
712 'include/effects/SkRectShaderImageFilter.h', | |
713 'include/effects/SkStippleMaskFilter.h', | |
714 'include/effects/SkTableColorFilter.h', | |
715 'include/effects/SkTableMaskFilter.h', | |
716 'include/effects/SkTileImageFilter.h', | |
717 'include/effects/SkTransparentShader.h', | |
718 'include/effects/SkMagnifierImageFilter.h', | |
719 ], | |
720 | |
721 'skia_pdf_sources': [ | |
722 'include/pdf/SkPDFDevice.h', | |
723 'include/pdf/SkPDFDocument.h', | |
724 | |
725 'src/pdf/SkPDFCatalog.cpp', | |
726 'src/pdf/SkPDFCatalog.h', | |
727 'src/pdf/SkPDFDevice.cpp', | |
728 'src/pdf/SkPDFDocument.cpp', | |
729 'src/pdf/SkPDFFont.cpp', | |
730 'src/pdf/SkPDFFont.h', | |
731 'src/pdf/SkPDFFontImpl.h', | |
732 'src/pdf/SkPDFFormXObject.cpp', | |
733 'src/pdf/SkPDFFormXObject.h', | |
734 'src/pdf/SkPDFGraphicState.cpp', | |
735 'src/pdf/SkPDFGraphicState.h', | |
736 'src/pdf/SkPDFImage.cpp', | |
737 'src/pdf/SkPDFImage.h', | |
738 'src/pdf/SkPDFPage.cpp', | |
739 'src/pdf/SkPDFPage.h', | |
740 'src/pdf/SkPDFResourceDict.cpp', | |
741 'src/pdf/SkPDFResourceDict.h', | |
742 'src/pdf/SkPDFShader.cpp', | |
743 'src/pdf/SkPDFShader.h', | |
744 'src/pdf/SkPDFStream.cpp', | |
745 'src/pdf/SkPDFStream.h', | |
746 'src/pdf/SkPDFTypes.cpp', | |
747 'src/pdf/SkPDFTypes.h', | |
748 'src/pdf/SkPDFUtils.cpp', | |
749 'src/pdf/SkPDFUtils.h', | |
750 'src/pdf/SkTSet.h', | |
751 ], | |
752 | |
753 'skia_library_sources': [ | |
754 'src/core/SkFlate.cpp', # this should likely be moved into src/utils in ski a | |
755 | |
756 'include/images/SkImageRef_GlobalPool.h', | |
757 'include/images/SkImageRef.h', | |
758 'include/images/SkMovie.h', | |
759 'include/images/SkPageFlipper.h', | |
760 'include/ports/SkTypeface_win.h', | |
761 'include/utils/mac/SkCGUtils.h', | |
762 'include/utils/SkDeferredCanvas.h', | |
763 'include/utils/SkEventTracer.h', | |
764 'include/utils/SkMatrix44.h', | |
765 'include/utils/SkNullCanvas.h', | |
766 'include/utils/SkNWayCanvas.h', | |
767 'include/utils/SkPictureUtils.h', | |
768 'include/utils/SkProxyCanvas.h', | |
769 'include/utils/SkRTConf.h', | |
770 'src/fonts/SkFontMgr_fontconfig.cpp', | |
771 'src/images/SkScaledBitmapSampler.cpp', | |
772 'src/images/SkScaledBitmapSampler.h', | |
773 'src/ports/SkFontConfigInterface_android.cpp', | |
774 'src/ports/SkFontConfigInterface_direct.cpp', | |
775 'src/ports/SkFontConfigParser_android.cpp', | |
776 'src/ports/SkFontHost_fontconfig.cpp', | |
777 'src/ports/SkFontHost_FreeType_common.cpp', | |
778 'src/ports/SkFontHost_FreeType_common.h', | |
779 'src/ports/SkFontHost_FreeType.cpp', | |
780 'src/ports/SkFontHost_linux.cpp', | |
781 'src/ports/SkFontHost_mac.cpp', | |
782 'src/ports/SkFontHost_win.cpp', | |
783 'src/ports/SkFontHost_win_dw.cpp', | |
784 'src/ports/SkFontMgr_default_gdi.cpp', | |
785 'src/ports/SkGlobalInitialization_chromium.cpp', | |
786 'src/ports/SkImageDecoder_empty.cpp', | |
787 'src/ports/SkOSFile_posix.cpp', | |
788 'src/ports/SkOSFile_stdio.cpp', | |
789 'src/ports/SkOSFile_win.cpp', | |
790 'src/ports/SkThread_win.cpp', | |
791 'src/ports/SkTime_Unix.cpp', | |
792 'src/ports/SkTLS_pthread.cpp', | |
793 'src/ports/SkTLS_win.cpp', | |
794 'src/sfnt/SkOTTable_name.cpp', | |
795 'src/sfnt/SkOTTable_name.h', | |
796 'src/sfnt/SkOTUtils.cpp', | |
797 'src/sfnt/SkOTUtils.h', | |
798 'src/utils/debugger/SkDebugCanvas.cpp', | |
799 'src/utils/debugger/SkDebugCanvas.h', | |
800 'src/utils/debugger/SkDrawCommand.cpp', | |
801 'src/utils/debugger/SkDrawCommand.h', | |
802 'src/utils/debugger/SkObjectParser.cpp', | |
803 'src/utils/debugger/SkObjectParser.h', | |
804 'src/utils/mac/SkCreateCGImageRef.cpp', | |
805 'src/utils/SkBase64.cpp', | |
806 'src/utils/SkBase64.h', | |
807 'src/utils/SkBitmapHasher.cpp', | |
808 'src/utils/SkBitmapHasher.h', | |
809 'src/utils/SkBitSet.cpp', | |
810 'src/utils/SkBitSet.h', | |
811 'src/utils/SkBoundaryPatch.cpp', | |
812 'src/utils/SkFrontBufferedStream.cpp', | |
813 'src/utils/SkCamera.cpp', | |
814 'src/utils/SkCanvasStack.h', | |
815 'src/utils/SkCanvasStack.cpp', | |
816 'src/utils/SkCanvasStateUtils.cpp', | |
817 'src/utils/SkCubicInterval.cpp', | |
818 'src/utils/SkCullPoints.cpp', | |
819 'src/utils/SkDeferredCanvas.cpp', | |
820 'src/utils/SkDumpCanvas.cpp', | |
821 'src/utils/SkEventTracer.cpp', | |
822 'src/utils/SkFloatUtils.h', | |
823 'src/utils/SkGatherPixelRefsAndRects.cpp', | |
824 'src/utils/SkGatherPixelRefsAndRects.h', | |
825 'src/utils/SkInterpolator.cpp', | |
826 'src/utils/SkLayer.cpp', | |
827 'src/utils/SkMatrix44.cpp', | |
828 'src/utils/SkMD5.cpp', | |
829 'src/utils/SkMD5.h', | |
830 'src/utils/SkMeshUtils.cpp', | |
831 'src/utils/SkNinePatch.cpp', | |
832 'src/utils/SkNWayCanvas.cpp', | |
833 'src/utils/SkNullCanvas.cpp', | |
834 'src/utils/SkOSFile.cpp', | |
835 'src/utils/SkParse.cpp', | |
836 'src/utils/SkParseColor.cpp', | |
837 'src/utils/SkParsePath.cpp', | |
838 'src/utils/SkPictureUtils.cpp', | |
839 'src/utils/SkPathUtils.cpp', | |
840 'src/utils/SkProxyCanvas.cpp', | |
841 'src/utils/SkSHA1.cpp', | |
842 'src/utils/SkSHA1.h', | |
843 'src/utils/SkRTConf.cpp', | |
844 'src/utils/SkThreadUtils.h', | |
845 'src/utils/SkThreadUtils_pthread.cpp', | |
846 'src/utils/SkThreadUtils_pthread.h', | |
847 'src/utils/SkThreadUtils_pthread_linux.cpp', | |
848 'src/utils/SkThreadUtils_pthread_mach.cpp', | |
849 'src/utils/SkThreadUtils_pthread_other.cpp', | |
850 'src/utils/SkThreadUtils_win.cpp', | |
851 'src/utils/SkThreadUtils_win.h', | |
852 'src/utils/SkTFitsIn.h', | |
853 'src/utils/SkTLogic.h', | |
854 'src/utils/SkUnitMappers.cpp', | |
855 | |
856 #mac | |
857 'include/utils/mac/SkCGUtils.h', | |
858 'src/utils/mac/SkCreateCGImageRef.cpp', | |
859 | |
860 #windows | |
861 'include/utils/win/SkAutoCoInitialize.h', | |
862 'include/utils/win/SkHRESULT.h', | |
863 'include/utils/win/SkIStream.h', | |
864 'include/utils/win/SkTScopedComPtr.h', | |
865 'src/utils/win/SkAutoCoInitialize.cpp', | |
866 'src/utils/win/SkDWrite.h', | |
867 'src/utils/win/SkDWrite.cpp', | |
868 'src/utils/win/SkDWriteFontFileStream.cpp', | |
869 'src/utils/win/SkDWriteFontFileStream.h', | |
870 'src/utils/win/SkDWriteGeometrySink.cpp', | |
871 'src/utils/win/SkDWriteGeometrySink.h', | |
872 'src/utils/win/SkHRESULT.cpp', | |
873 'src/utils/win/SkIStream.cpp', | |
874 'src/utils/win/SkWGL_win.cpp', | |
875 | |
876 #testing | |
877 'src/fonts/SkGScalerContext.cpp', | |
878 'src/fonts/SkGScalerContext.h', | |
879 ], | |
880 } | |