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Unified Diff: test/codegen/expect/corelib/string_trimlr_test_01_multi.js

Issue 2128353002: Check in codegen test expectations. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 5 months ago
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Index: test/codegen/expect/corelib/string_trimlr_test_01_multi.js
diff --git a/test/codegen/expect/corelib/string_trimlr_test_01_multi.js b/test/codegen/expect/corelib/string_trimlr_test_01_multi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..edf91e04a5518119602bc8f667c4758d9c2b81a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/codegen/expect/corelib/string_trimlr_test_01_multi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+dart_library.library('corelib/string_trimlr_test_01_multi', null, /* Imports */[
+ 'dart_sdk',
+ 'expect'
+], function load__string_trimlr_test_01_multi(exports, dart_sdk, expect) {
+ 'use strict';
+ const core = dart_sdk.core;
+ const dart = dart_sdk.dart;
+ const dartx = dart_sdk.dartx;
+ const expect$ = expect.expect;
+ const string_trimlr_test_01_multi = Object.create(null);
+ let dynamicTodynamic = () => (dynamicTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionType(dart.dynamic, [dart.dynamic])))();
+ let VoidTodynamic = () => (VoidTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionType(dart.dynamic, [])))();
+ string_trimlr_test_01_multi.WHITESPACE = dart.constList([9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 32, 133, 160, 5760, 6158, 8192, 8193, 8194, 8195, 8196, 8197, 8198, 8199, 8200, 8201, 8202, 8232, 8233, 8239, 8287, 12288, 65279],;
+ string_trimlr_test_01_multi.main = function() {
+ function test(ws) {
+ expect$.Expect.equals("", dart.dsend(ws, 'trimLeft'), "K1");
+ expect$.Expect.equals("", dart.dsend(dart.dsend(ws, '+', ws), 'trimLeft'), "L2");
+ expect$.Expect.equals("a" + dart.notNull(core.String._check(ws)), ("a" + dart.notNull(core.String._check(ws)))[dartx.trimLeft](), "L3");
+ expect$.Expect.equals("a", dart.dsend(dart.dsend(ws, '+', "a"), 'trimLeft'), "L4");
+ expect$.Expect.equals("a" + dart.notNull(core.String._check(ws)) + dart.notNull(core.String._check(ws)), dart.dsend(dart.dsend(dart.dsend(dart.dsend(dart.dsend(ws, '+', ws), '+', "a"), '+', ws), '+', ws), 'trimLeft'), "L5");
+ expect$.Expect.equals("a" + dart.notNull(core.String._check(ws)) + "a", dart.dsend(dart.dsend(dart.dsend(dart.dsend(dart.dsend(ws, '+', ws), '+', "a"), '+', ws), '+', "a"), 'trimLeft'), "L6");
+ let untrimmable = "a" + dart.notNull(core.String._check(ws)) + "a";
+ expect$.Expect.identical(untrimmable, untrimmable[dartx.trimLeft](), "L7");
+ expect$.Expect.equals("", dart.dsend(ws, 'trimRight'), "R1");
+ expect$.Expect.equals("", dart.dsend(dart.dsend(ws, '+', ws), 'trimRight'), "R2");
+ expect$.Expect.equals("a", ("a" + dart.notNull(core.String._check(ws)))[dartx.trimRight](), "R3");
+ expect$.Expect.equals(dart.dsend(ws, '+', "a"), dart.dsend(dart.dsend(ws, '+', "a"), 'trimRight'), "R4");
+ expect$.Expect.equals(dart.dsend(dart.dsend(ws, '+', ws), '+', "a"), dart.dsend(dart.dsend(dart.dsend(dart.dsend(dart.dsend(ws, '+', ws), '+', "a"), '+', ws), '+', ws), 'trimRight'), "R5");
+ expect$.Expect.equals("a" + dart.notNull(core.String._check(ws)) + "a", ("a" + dart.notNull(core.String._check(ws)) + "a" + dart.notNull(core.String._check(ws)) + dart.notNull(core.String._check(ws)))[dartx.trimRight](), "R6");
+ expect$.Expect.identical(untrimmable, untrimmable[dartx.trimRight](), "R7");
+ }
+ dart.fn(test, dynamicTodynamic());
+ for (let ws of string_trimlr_test_01_multi.WHITESPACE) {
+ let c = core.String.fromCharCode(ws);
+ test(c);
+ }
+ test(core.String.fromCharCodes(string_trimlr_test_01_multi.WHITESPACE));
+ expect$.Expect.identical("", ""[dartx.trimLeft]());
+ expect$.Expect.identical("", ""[dartx.trimRight]());
+ for (let i = 0, j = 0; i <= 65536; i++) {
+ if (j < dart.notNull(string_trimlr_test_01_multi.WHITESPACE[dartx.length]) && i == string_trimlr_test_01_multi.WHITESPACE[dartx.get](j)) {
+ j++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (i == 8203) continue;
+ let s = core.String.fromCharCode(i);
+ expect$.Expect.identical(s, s[dartx.trimLeft]());
+ expect$.Expect.identical(s, s[dartx.trimRight]());
+ }
+ };
+ dart.fn(string_trimlr_test_01_multi.main, VoidTodynamic());
+ // Exports:
+ exports.string_trimlr_test_01_multi = string_trimlr_test_01_multi;
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