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Unified Diff: test/codegen/expect/lib/convert/encoding_test.js

Issue 2128353002: Check in codegen test expectations. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 5 months ago
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Index: test/codegen/expect/lib/convert/encoding_test.js
diff --git a/test/codegen/expect/lib/convert/encoding_test.js b/test/codegen/expect/lib/convert/encoding_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7e058fc6adee50e99c09379266c4bc0963a3e8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/codegen/expect/lib/convert/encoding_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+dart_library.library('lib/convert/encoding_test', null, /* Imports */[
+ 'dart_sdk',
+ 'async_helper',
+ 'expect'
+], function load__encoding_test(exports, dart_sdk, async_helper, expect) {
+ 'use strict';
+ const core = dart_sdk.core;
+ const async = dart_sdk.async;
+ const convert = dart_sdk.convert;
+ const _interceptors = dart_sdk._interceptors;
+ const dart = dart_sdk.dart;
+ const dartx = dart_sdk.dartx;
+ const async_helper$ = async_helper.async_helper;
+ const expect$ = expect.expect;
+ const encoding_test = Object.create(null);
+ const unicode_tests = Object.create(null);
+ let ListOfint = () => (ListOfint = dart.constFn(core.List$(;
+ let StreamOfListOfint = () => (StreamOfListOfint = dart.constFn(async.Stream$(ListOfint())))();
+ let ListOfObject = () => (ListOfObject = dart.constFn(core.List$(core.Object)))();
+ let JSArrayOfObject = () => (JSArrayOfObject = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSArray$(core.Object)))();
+ let ListOfList = () => (ListOfList = dart.constFn(core.List$(core.List)))();
+ let StringTodynamic = () => (StringTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionType(dart.dynamic, [core.String])))();
+ let ListOfintAnddynamicTovoid = () => (ListOfintAnddynamicTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionType(dart.void, [ListOfint(), dart.dynamic])))();
+ let VoidTodynamic = () => (VoidTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionType(dart.dynamic, [])))();
+ let ListOfObjectToListOfObject = () => (ListOfObjectToListOfObject = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionType(ListOfObject(), [ListOfObject()])))();
+ let VoidToListOfList = () => (VoidToListOfList = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionType(ListOfList(), [])))();
+ encoding_test.runTest = function(bytes, expected) {
+ let controller =;
+ async_helper$.asyncStart();
+ convert.UTF8.decodeStream(StreamOfListOfint()._check( => {
+ expect$.Expect.equals(expected, decoded);
+ async_helper$.asyncEnd();
+ }, StringTodynamic()));
+ let i = 0;
+ while (i < dart.notNull(bytes[dartx.length])) {
+ let nextChunk = [];
+ for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ if (i < dart.notNull(bytes[dartx.length])) {
+ nextChunk[dartx.add](bytes[dartx.get](i));
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ controller.add(nextChunk);
+ }
+ controller.close();
+ };
+ dart.fn(encoding_test.runTest, ListOfintAnddynamicTovoid());
+ encoding_test.main = function() {
+ for (let test of unicode_tests.UNICODE_TESTS) {
+ let bytes = dart.dindex(test, 0);
+ let expected = dart.dindex(test, 1);
+ encoding_test.runTest(ListOfint()._check(bytes), expected);
+ }
+ };
+ dart.fn(encoding_test.main, VoidTodynamic());
+ unicode_tests.INTER_BYTES = dart.constList([195, 142, 195, 177, 197, 163, 195, 169, 114, 195, 177, 195, 165, 197, 163, 195, 174, 195, 182, 195, 177, 195, 165, 196, 188, 195, 174, 197, 190, 195, 165, 197, 163, 195, 174, 225, 187, 157, 195, 177],;
+ unicode_tests.INTER_STRING = "Îñţérñåţîöñåļîžåţîờñ";
+ unicode_tests.BLUEBERRY_BYTES = dart.constList([98, 108, 195, 165, 98, 195, 166, 114, 103, 114, 195, 184, 100],;
+ unicode_tests.BLUEBERRY_STRING = "blåbærgrød";
+ unicode_tests.SIVA_BYTES1 = dart.constList([224, 174, 154, 224, 174, 191, 224, 174, 181, 224, 174, 190, 32, 224, 174, 133, 224, 174, 163, 224, 174, 190, 224, 174, 174, 224, 174, 190, 224, 175, 136, 224, 174, 178],;
+ unicode_tests.SIVA_STRING1 = "சிவா அணாமாைல";
+ unicode_tests.SIVA_BYTES2 = dart.constList([224, 164, 191, 224, 164, 184, 224, 164, 181, 224, 164, 190, 32, 224, 164, 133, 224, 164, 163, 224, 164, 190, 224, 164, 174, 224, 164, 190, 224, 164, 178, 224, 165, 136],;
+ unicode_tests.SIVA_STRING2 = "िसवा अणामालै";
+ unicode_tests.BEE_BYTES = dart.constList([240, 144, 144, 146],;
+ unicode_tests.BEE_STRING = "𐐒";
+ unicode_tests.DIGIT_BYTES = dart.constList([53],;
+ unicode_tests.DIGIT_STRING = "5";
+ unicode_tests.ASCII_BYTES = dart.constList([97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122],;
+ unicode_tests.ASCII_STRING = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+ unicode_tests.BIGGEST_ASCII_BYTES = dart.constList([127],;
+ unicode_tests.BIGGEST_ASCII_STRING = "";
+ unicode_tests.SMALLEST_2_UTF8_UNIT_BYTES = dart.constList([194, 128],;
+ unicode_tests.SMALLEST_2_UTF8_UNIT_STRING = "€";
+ unicode_tests.BIGGEST_2_UTF8_UNIT_BYTES = dart.constList([223, 191],;
+ unicode_tests.BIGGEST_2_UTF8_UNIT_STRING = "߿";
+ unicode_tests.SMALLEST_3_UTF8_UNIT_BYTES = dart.constList([224, 160, 128],;
+ unicode_tests.SMALLEST_3_UTF8_UNIT_STRING = "ࠀ";
+ unicode_tests.BIGGEST_3_UTF8_UNIT_BYTES = dart.constList([239, 191, 191],;
+ unicode_tests.BIGGEST_3_UTF8_UNIT_STRING = "￿";
+ unicode_tests.SMALLEST_4_UTF8_UNIT_BYTES = dart.constList([240, 144, 128, 128],;
+ unicode_tests.SMALLEST_4_UTF8_UNIT_STRING = "𐀀";
+ unicode_tests.BIGGEST_4_UTF8_UNIT_BYTES = dart.constList([244, 143, 191, 191],;
+ unicode_tests.BIGGEST_4_UTF8_UNIT_STRING = "􏿿";
+ unicode_tests._TEST_PAIRS = dart.constList([dart.constList([dart.constList([], dart.dynamic), ""], core.Object), dart.constList([unicode_tests.INTER_BYTES, unicode_tests.INTER_STRING], core.Object), dart.constList([unicode_tests.BLUEBERRY_BYTES, unicode_tests.BLUEBERRY_STRING], core.Object), dart.constList([unicode_tests.SIVA_BYTES1, unicode_tests.SIVA_STRING1], core.Object), dart.constList([unicode_tests.SIVA_BYTES2, unicode_tests.SIVA_STRING2], core.Object), dart.constList([unicode_tests.BEE_BYTES, unicode_tests.BEE_STRING], core.Object), dart.constList([unicode_tests.DIGIT_BYTES, unicode_tests.DIGIT_STRING], core.Object), dart.constList([unicode_tests.ASCII_BYTES, unicode_tests.ASCII_STRING], core.Object), dart.constList([unicode_tests.BIGGEST_ASCII_BYTES, unicode_tests.BIGGEST_ASCII_STRING], core.Object), dart.constList([unicode_tests.SMALLEST_2_UTF8_UNIT_BYTES, unicode_tests.SMALLEST_2_UTF8_UNIT_STRING], core.Object), dart.constList([unicode_tests.BIGGEST_2_UTF8_UNIT_BYTES, unicode_tests.BIGGEST_2_UTF8_UNIT_STRING], core.Object), dart.constList([unicode_tests.SMALLEST_3_UTF8_UNIT_BYTES, unicode_tests.SMALLEST_3_UTF8_UNIT_STRING], core.Object), dart.constList([unicode_tests.BIGGEST_3_UTF8_UNIT_BYTES, unicode_tests.BIGGEST_3_UTF8_UNIT_STRING], core.Object), dart.constList([unicode_tests.SMALLEST_4_UTF8_UNIT_BYTES, unicode_tests.SMALLEST_4_UTF8_UNIT_STRING], core.Object), dart.constList([unicode_tests.BIGGEST_4_UTF8_UNIT_BYTES, unicode_tests.BIGGEST_4_UTF8_UNIT_STRING], core.Object)], ListOfObject());
+ unicode_tests._expandTestPairs = function() {
+ dart.assert(2 == unicode_tests.BEE_STRING[dartx.length]);
+ let tests = [];
+ tests[dartx.addAll](unicode_tests._TEST_PAIRS);
+ tests[dartx.addAll](unicode_tests._TEST_PAIRS[](ListOfObject())(dart.fn(test => {
+ let bytes = test[dartx.get](0);
+ let string = test[dartx.get](1);
+ let longBytes = [];
+ let longString = "";
+ for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ longBytes[dartx.addAll](core.Iterable._check(bytes));
+ longString = dart.notNull(longString) + dart.notNull(core.String._check(string));
+ }
+ return JSArrayOfObject().of([longBytes, longString]);
+ }, ListOfObjectToListOfObject())));
+ return ListOfList()._check(tests);
+ };
+ dart.fn(unicode_tests._expandTestPairs, VoidToListOfList());
+ dart.defineLazy(unicode_tests, {
+ return unicode_tests._expandTestPairs();
+ }
+ });
+ // Exports:
+ exports.encoding_test = encoding_test;
+ exports.unicode_tests = unicode_tests;
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