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Unified Diff: test/codegen/expect/language/function_subtype_cast1_test.js

Issue 2128353002: Check in codegen test expectations. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 5 months ago
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Index: test/codegen/expect/language/function_subtype_cast1_test.js
diff --git a/test/codegen/expect/language/function_subtype_cast1_test.js b/test/codegen/expect/language/function_subtype_cast1_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e678edc63fc3ffcb64bc978fb16ff33a669e7f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/codegen/expect/language/function_subtype_cast1_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+dart_library.library('language/function_subtype_cast1_test', null, /* Imports */[
+ 'dart_sdk',
+ 'expect'
+], function load__function_subtype_cast1_test(exports, dart_sdk, expect) {
+ 'use strict';
+ const core = dart_sdk.core;
+ const dart = dart_sdk.dart;
+ const dartx = dart_sdk.dartx;
+ const expect$ = expect.expect;
+ const function_subtype_cast1_test = Object.create(null);
+ let Foo = () => (Foo = dart.constFn(function_subtype_cast1_test.Foo$()))();
+ let Class = () => (Class = dart.constFn(function_subtype_cast1_test.Class$()))();
+ let FooOfbool = () => (FooOfbool = dart.constFn(function_subtype_cast1_test.Foo$(core.bool)))();
+ let FooOfint = () => (FooOfint = dart.constFn(function_subtype_cast1_test.Foo$(;
+ let ClassOfint = () => (ClassOfint = dart.constFn(function_subtype_cast1_test.Class$(;
+ let ClassOfbool = () => (ClassOfbool = dart.constFn(function_subtype_cast1_test.Class$(core.bool)))();
+ let VoidToFooOfbool = () => (VoidToFooOfbool = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionType(FooOfbool(), [])))();
+ let dynamicTobool = () => (dynamicTobool = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionType(core.bool, [dart.dynamic])))();
+ let VoidToFooOfint = () => (VoidToFooOfint = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionType(FooOfint(), [])))();
+ let VoidTovoid = () => (VoidTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionType(dart.void, [])))();
+ function_subtype_cast1_test.Foo$ = dart.generic(T => {
+ const Foo = dart.typedef('Foo', () => dart.functionType(dart.void, [T]));
+ return Foo;
+ });
+ function_subtype_cast1_test.Foo = Foo();
+ function_subtype_cast1_test.Bar = dart.typedef('Bar', () => dart.functionType(dart.void, []));
+ function_subtype_cast1_test.Class$ = dart.generic(T => {
+ class Class extends core.Object {
+ bar(i) {
+ T._check(i);
+ }
+ }
+ dart.addTypeTests(Class);
+ dart.setSignature(Class, {
+ methods: () => ({bar: dart.definiteFunctionType(dart.void, [T])})
+ });
+ return Class;
+ });
+ function_subtype_cast1_test.Class = Class();
+ function_subtype_cast1_test.main = function() {
+ expect$.Expect.isNotNull(dart.bind(new function_subtype_cast1_test.Class(), 'bar'));
+ expect$.Expect.isNotNull(FooOfbool().as(dart.bind(new function_subtype_cast1_test.Class(), 'bar')));
+ expect$.Expect.isNotNull(FooOfint().as(dart.bind(new function_subtype_cast1_test.Class(), 'bar')));
+ expect$.Expect.isNotNull( function_subtype_cast1_test.Class(), 'bar')));
+ expect$.Expect.isNotNull(dart.bind(new (ClassOfint())(), 'bar'));
+ expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => FooOfbool().as(dart.bind(new (ClassOfint())(), 'bar')), VoidToFooOfbool()), dart.fn(e => true, dynamicTobool()));
+ expect$.Expect.isNotNull(dart.bind(new (ClassOfint())(), 'bar'));
+ expect$.Expect.isNotNull(dart.bind(new (ClassOfint())(), 'bar'));
+ expect$.Expect.isNotNull(dart.bind(new (ClassOfbool())(), 'bar'));
+ expect$.Expect.isNotNull(dart.bind(new (ClassOfbool())(), 'bar'));
+ expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => FooOfint().as(dart.bind(new (ClassOfbool())(), 'bar')), VoidToFooOfint()), dart.fn(e => true, dynamicTobool()));
+ expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => (ClassOfbool())(), 'bar')), VoidToFooOfint()), dart.fn(e => true, dynamicTobool()));
+ };
+ dart.fn(function_subtype_cast1_test.main, VoidTovoid());
+ // Exports:
+ exports.function_subtype_cast1_test = function_subtype_cast1_test;

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