(Empty) | |
| 1 dart_library.library('lib/convert/line_splitter_test', null, /* Imports */[ |
| 2 'dart_sdk', |
| 3 'expect' |
| 4 ], function load__line_splitter_test(exports, dart_sdk, expect) { |
| 5 'use strict'; |
| 6 const core = dart_sdk.core; |
| 7 const convert = dart_sdk.convert; |
| 8 const math = dart_sdk.math; |
| 9 const _interceptors = dart_sdk._interceptors; |
| 10 const async = dart_sdk.async; |
| 11 const dart = dart_sdk.dart; |
| 12 const dartx = dart_sdk.dartx; |
| 13 const expect$ = expect.expect; |
| 14 const line_splitter_test = Object.create(null); |
| 15 let JSArrayOfString = () => (JSArrayOfString = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSAr
ray$(core.String)))(); |
| 16 let SinkOfString = () => (SinkOfString = dart.constFn(core.Sink$(core.String))
)(); |
| 17 let VoidTovoid = () => (VoidTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionType(da
rt.void, [])))(); |
| 18 let dynamicAndStringTodynamic = () => (dynamicAndStringTodynamic = dart.constF
n(dart.definiteFunctionType(dart.dynamic, [dart.dynamic, core.String])))(); |
| 19 let StringToString = () => (StringToString = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctio
nType(core.String, [core.String])))(); |
| 20 let dynamicTovoid = () => (dynamicTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionT
ype(dart.void, [dart.dynamic])))(); |
| 21 let StringTovoid = () => (StringTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionTyp
e(dart.void, [core.String])))(); |
| 22 line_splitter_test.lineTerminators = dart.constList(['\n', '\r', '\r\n'], core
.String); |
| 23 line_splitter_test.main = function() { |
| 24 line_splitter_test.testSimpleConvert(); |
| 25 line_splitter_test.testSplit(); |
| 26 line_splitter_test.testSplitWithOffsets(); |
| 27 line_splitter_test.testManyLines(); |
| 28 line_splitter_test.testReadLine1(); |
| 29 line_splitter_test.testReadLine2(); |
| 30 line_splitter_test.testChunkedConversion(); |
| 31 }; |
| 32 dart.fn(line_splitter_test.main, VoidTovoid()); |
| 33 let const$; |
| 34 line_splitter_test.testManyLines = function() { |
| 35 let breakIndex = 0; |
| 36 let inputs = const$ || (const$ = dart.constList(['line1', 'line2', 'long lin
e 3', ' line 4 ', 'l5'], core.String)); |
| 37 let buffer = inputs[dartx.fold](dart.dynamic)(new core.StringBuffer(), dart.
fn((buff, e) => { |
| 38 dart.dsend(buff, 'write', e); |
| 39 dart.dsend(buff, 'write', line_splitter_test.lineTerminators[dartx.get](br
eakIndex)); |
| 40 breakIndex++; |
| 41 breakIndex = breakIndex[dartx['%']](line_splitter_test.lineTerminators[dar
tx.length]); |
| 42 return buff; |
| 43 }, dynamicAndStringTodynamic())); |
| 44 let foo = line_splitter_test._getLinesSliced(dart.toString(buffer)); |
| 45 expect$.Expect.equals(inputs[dartx.join](), foo); |
| 46 }; |
| 47 dart.fn(line_splitter_test.testManyLines, VoidTovoid()); |
| 48 line_splitter_test._getLinesSliced = function(str) { |
| 49 let lines = null; |
| 50 let stringSink = convert.StringConversionSink.withCallback(dart.fn(result =>
lines = result, StringToString())); |
| 51 let sink = new convert.LineSplitter().startChunkedConversion(stringSink); |
| 52 let chunkSize = 3; |
| 53 let index = 0; |
| 54 while (index < dart.notNull(str[dartx.length])) { |
| 55 let end = math.min(core.int)(str[dartx.length], index + chunkSize); |
| 56 sink.addSlice(str, index, end, false); |
| 57 index = index + chunkSize; |
| 58 } |
| 59 sink.close(); |
| 60 return lines; |
| 61 }; |
| 62 dart.fn(line_splitter_test._getLinesSliced, StringToString()); |
| 63 line_splitter_test.testSimpleConvert = function() { |
| 64 let decoder = new convert.LineSplitter(); |
| 65 for (let lf of line_splitter_test.lineTerminators) { |
| 66 let test = dart.str`line1${lf}line2${lf}line3`; |
| 67 let result = decoder.convert(test); |
| 68 expect$.Expect.listEquals(JSArrayOfString().of(['line1', 'line2', 'line3']
), result); |
| 69 } |
| 70 let test = "Line1\nLine2\r\nLine3\rLine4\n\n\n\r\n\r\n\r\r"; |
| 71 let result = decoder.convert(test); |
| 72 expect$.Expect.listEquals(JSArrayOfString().of(['Line1', 'Line2', 'Line3', '
Line4', '', '', '', '', '', '']), result); |
| 73 }; |
| 74 dart.fn(line_splitter_test.testSimpleConvert, VoidTovoid()); |
| 75 let const$0; |
| 76 line_splitter_test.testReadLine1 = function() { |
| 77 let controller = async.StreamController.new({sync: true}); |
| 78 let stream = controller.stream.transform(core.String)(convert.UTF8.decoder).
transform(core.String)(const$0 || (const$0 = dart.const(new convert.LineSplitter
()))); |
| 79 let stage = 0; |
| 80 let done = false; |
| 81 function stringData(line) { |
| 82 expect$.Expect.equals(stage, 0); |
| 83 expect$.Expect.equals("Line", line); |
| 84 stage++; |
| 85 } |
| 86 dart.fn(stringData, dynamicTovoid()); |
| 87 function streamClosed() { |
| 88 expect$.Expect.equals(1, stage); |
| 89 done = true; |
| 90 } |
| 91 dart.fn(streamClosed, VoidTovoid()); |
| 92 stream.listen(stringData, {onDone: streamClosed}); |
| 93 controller.add("Line"[dartx.codeUnits]); |
| 94 controller.close(); |
| 95 expect$.Expect.isTrue(done, 'should be done by now'); |
| 96 }; |
| 97 dart.fn(line_splitter_test.testReadLine1, VoidTovoid()); |
| 98 let const$1; |
| 99 line_splitter_test.testReadLine2 = function() { |
| 100 let controller = async.StreamController.new({sync: true}); |
| 101 let stream = controller.stream.transform(core.String)(convert.UTF8.decoder).
transform(core.String)(const$1 || (const$1 = dart.const(new convert.LineSplitter
()))); |
| 102 let expectedLines = JSArrayOfString().of(['Line1', 'Line2', 'Line3', 'Line4'
, '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Line5', 'Line6']); |
| 103 let index = 0; |
| 104 stream.listen(dart.fn(line => { |
| 105 expect$.Expect.equals(expectedLines[dartx.get](index++), line); |
| 106 }, StringTovoid())); |
| 107 controller.add("Line1\nLine2\r\nLine3\rLi"[dartx.codeUnits]); |
| 108 controller.add("ne4\n"[dartx.codeUnits]); |
| 109 controller.add("\n\n\r\n\r\n\r\r"[dartx.codeUnits]); |
| 110 controller.add("Line5\r"[dartx.codeUnits]); |
| 111 controller.add("\nLine6\n"[dartx.codeUnits]); |
| 112 controller.close(); |
| 113 expect$.Expect.equals(expectedLines[dartx.length], index); |
| 114 }; |
| 115 dart.fn(line_splitter_test.testReadLine2, VoidTovoid()); |
| 116 line_splitter_test.testSplit = function() { |
| 117 for (let lf of line_splitter_test.lineTerminators) { |
| 118 let test = dart.str`line1${lf}line2${lf}line3`; |
| 119 let result = convert.LineSplitter.split(test)[dartx.toList](); |
| 120 expect$.Expect.listEquals(JSArrayOfString().of(['line1', 'line2', 'line3']
), result); |
| 121 } |
| 122 let test = "Line1\nLine2\r\nLine3\rLine4\n\n\n\r\n\r\n\r\r"; |
| 123 let result = convert.LineSplitter.split(test)[dartx.toList](); |
| 124 expect$.Expect.listEquals(JSArrayOfString().of(['Line1', 'Line2', 'Line3', '
Line4', '', '', '', '', '', '']), result); |
| 125 }; |
| 126 dart.fn(line_splitter_test.testSplit, VoidTovoid()); |
| 127 line_splitter_test.testSplitWithOffsets = function() { |
| 128 for (let lf of line_splitter_test.lineTerminators) { |
| 129 let test = dart.str`line1${lf}line2${lf}line3`; |
| 130 let i2 = 5 + dart.notNull(lf[dartx.length]); |
| 131 expect$.Expect.equals(5 + dart.notNull(lf[dartx.length]), i2); |
| 132 let result = convert.LineSplitter.split(test, 4)[dartx.toList](); |
| 133 expect$.Expect.listEquals(JSArrayOfString().of(['1', 'line2', 'line3']), r
esult); |
| 134 result = convert.LineSplitter.split(test, 5)[dartx.toList](); |
| 135 expect$.Expect.listEquals(JSArrayOfString().of(['', 'line2', 'line3']), re
sult); |
| 136 result = convert.LineSplitter.split(test, i2)[dartx.toList](); |
| 137 expect$.Expect.listEquals(JSArrayOfString().of(['line2', 'line3']), result
); |
| 138 result = convert.LineSplitter.split(test, 0, i2 + 2)[dartx.toList](); |
| 139 expect$.Expect.listEquals(JSArrayOfString().of(['line1', 'li']), result); |
| 140 result = convert.LineSplitter.split(test, i2, i2 + 5)[dartx.toList](); |
| 141 expect$.Expect.listEquals(JSArrayOfString().of(['line2']), result); |
| 142 } |
| 143 let test = "Line1\nLine2\r\nLine3\rLine4\n\n\n\r\n\r\n\r\r"; |
| 144 let result = convert.LineSplitter.split(test)[dartx.toList](); |
| 145 expect$.Expect.listEquals(JSArrayOfString().of(['Line1', 'Line2', 'Line3', '
Line4', '', '', '', '', '', '']), result); |
| 146 test = "a\n\nb\r\nc\n\rd\r\re\r\n\nf\r\n"; |
| 147 result = convert.LineSplitter.split(test)[dartx.toList](); |
| 148 expect$.Expect.listEquals(JSArrayOfString().of(["a", "", "b", "c", "", "d",
"", "e", "", "f"]), result); |
| 149 }; |
| 150 dart.fn(line_splitter_test.testSplitWithOffsets, VoidTovoid()); |
| 151 line_splitter_test.testChunkedConversion = function() { |
| 152 let test = "a\n\nb\r\nc\n\rd\r\re\r\n\nf\rg\nh\r\n"; |
| 153 let result = JSArrayOfString().of(["a", "", "b", "c", "", "d", "", "e", "",
"f", "g", "h"]); |
| 154 for (let i = 0; i < dart.notNull(test[dartx.length]); i++) { |
| 155 let output = []; |
| 156 let splitter = new convert.LineSplitter(); |
| 157 let outSink = convert.ChunkedConversionSink.withCallback(dart.bind(output,
dartx.addAll)); |
| 158 let sink = splitter.startChunkedConversion(SinkOfString()._check(outSink))
; |
| 159 sink.addSlice(test, 0, i, false); |
| 160 sink.addSlice(test, i, test[dartx.length], false); |
| 161 sink.close(); |
| 162 expect$.Expect.listEquals(result, output); |
| 163 } |
| 164 for (let i = 0; i < dart.notNull(test[dartx.length]); i++) { |
| 165 for (let j = i; j < dart.notNull(test[dartx.length]); j++) { |
| 166 let output = []; |
| 167 let splitter = new convert.LineSplitter(); |
| 168 let outSink = convert.ChunkedConversionSink.withCallback(dart.bind(outpu
t, dartx.addAll)); |
| 169 let sink = splitter.startChunkedConversion(SinkOfString()._check(outSink
)); |
| 170 sink.addSlice(test, 0, i, false); |
| 171 sink.addSlice(test, i, j, false); |
| 172 sink.addSlice(test, j, test[dartx.length], true); |
| 173 expect$.Expect.listEquals(result, output); |
| 174 } |
| 175 } |
| 176 }; |
| 177 dart.fn(line_splitter_test.testChunkedConversion, VoidTovoid()); |
| 178 // Exports: |
| 179 exports.line_splitter_test = line_splitter_test; |
| 180 }); |