(Empty) | |
| 1 dart_library.library('corelib/uri_file_test', null, /* Imports */[ |
| 2 'dart_sdk', |
| 3 'expect' |
| 4 ], function load__uri_file_test(exports, dart_sdk, expect) { |
| 5 'use strict'; |
| 6 const core = dart_sdk.core; |
| 7 const _interceptors = dart_sdk._interceptors; |
| 8 const dart = dart_sdk.dart; |
| 9 const dartx = dart_sdk.dartx; |
| 10 const expect$ = expect.expect; |
| 11 const uri_file_test = Object.create(null); |
| 12 let JSArrayOfString = () => (JSArrayOfString = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSAr
ray$(core.String)))(); |
| 13 let JSArrayOfObject = () => (JSArrayOfObject = dart.constFn(_interceptors.JSAr
ray$(core.Object)))(); |
| 14 let ListOfObject = () => (ListOfObject = dart.constFn(core.List$(core.Object))
)(); |
| 15 let JSArrayOfListOfObject = () => (JSArrayOfListOfObject = dart.constFn(_inter
ceptors.JSArray$(ListOfObject())))(); |
| 16 let ListOfString = () => (ListOfString = dart.constFn(core.List$(core.String))
)(); |
| 17 let JSArrayOfListOfString = () => (JSArrayOfListOfString = dart.constFn(_inter
ceptors.JSArray$(ListOfString())))(); |
| 18 let VoidToString = () => (VoidToString = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionTyp
e(core.String, [])))(); |
| 19 let dynamicTobool = () => (dynamicTobool = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionT
ype(core.bool, [dart.dynamic])))(); |
| 20 let StringAnddynamicAndboolTovoid = () => (StringAnddynamicAndboolTovoid = dar
t.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionType(dart.void, [core.String, dart.dynamic, core.
bool])))(); |
| 21 let VoidTodynamic = () => (VoidTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionT
ype(dart.dynamic, [])))(); |
| 22 let VoidToUri = () => (VoidToUri = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionType(core
.Uri, [])))(); |
| 23 let StringAndStringAndStringTodynamic = () => (StringAndStringAndStringTodynam
ic = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionType(dart.dynamic, [core.String, core.Str
ing, core.String])))(); |
| 24 let StringAndStringAndString__Todynamic = () => (StringAndStringAndString__Tod
ynamic = dart.constFn(dart.definiteFunctionType(dart.dynamic, [core.String, core
.String, core.String, core.bool])))(); |
| 25 let String__Todynamic = () => (String__Todynamic = dart.constFn(dart.definiteF
unctionType(dart.dynamic, [core.String], {windowsOk: core.bool})))(); |
| 26 uri_file_test.testFileUri = function() { |
| 27 let unsupported = new core.UnsupportedError(""); |
| 28 let tests = JSArrayOfListOfObject().of([JSArrayOfString().of(["", "", ""]),
JSArrayOfString().of(["relative", "relative", "relative"]), JSArrayOfString().of
(["relative/", "relative/", "relative\\"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["a%20b", "a b"
, "a b"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["a%20b/", "a b/", "a b\\"]), JSArrayOfString().
of(["a/b", "a/b", "a\\b"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["a/b/", "a/b/", "a\\b\\"]), JS
ArrayOfString().of(["a%20b/c%20d", "a b/c d", "a b\\c d"]), JSArrayOfString().of
(["a%20b/c%20d/", "a b/c d/", "a b\\c d\\"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///abs
olute", "/absolute", "\\absolute"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///absolute", "
/absolute", "\\absolute"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///a/b", "/a/b", "\\a\\b
"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///a/b", "/a/b", "\\a\\b"]), JSArrayOfObject().
of(["file://server/a/b", unsupported, "\\\\server\\a\\b"]), JSArrayOfObject().of
(["file://server/a/b/", unsupported, "\\\\server\\a\\b\\"]), JSArrayOfString().o
f(["file:///C:/", "/C:/", "C:\\"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///C:/a/b", "/C:
/a/b", "C:\\a\\b"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///C:/a/b/", "/C:/a/b/", "C:\\a
\\b\\"]), JSArrayOfObject().of(["http:/a/b", unsupported, unsupported]), JSArray
OfObject().of(["https:/a/b", unsupported, unsupported]), JSArrayOfObject().of(["
urn:a:b", unsupported, unsupported])]); |
| 29 function check(s, filePath, windows) { |
| 30 let uri = core.Uri.parse(s); |
| 31 if (core.Error.is(filePath)) { |
| 32 if (core.UnsupportedError.is(filePath)) { |
| 33 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => uri.toFilePath({windows: windows})
, VoidToString()), dart.fn(e => core.UnsupportedError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 34 } else { |
| 35 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => uri.toFilePath({windows: windows})
, VoidToString())); |
| 36 } |
| 37 } else { |
| 38 expect$.Expect.equals(filePath, uri.toFilePath({windows: windows})); |
| 39 expect$.Expect.equals(s, core.Uri.file(core.String._check(filePath), {wi
ndows: windows}).toString()); |
| 40 } |
| 41 } |
| 42 dart.fn(check, StringAnddynamicAndboolTovoid()); |
| 43 for (let test of tests) { |
| 44 check(core.String._check(test[dartx.get](0)), test[dartx.get](1), false); |
| 45 check(core.String._check(test[dartx.get](0)), test[dartx.get](2), true); |
| 46 } |
| 47 let uri = null; |
| 48 uri = core.Uri.parse("file:a"); |
| 49 expect$.Expect.equals("/a", uri.toFilePath({windows: false})); |
| 50 expect$.Expect.equals("\\a", uri.toFilePath({windows: true})); |
| 51 uri = core.Uri.parse("file:a/"); |
| 52 expect$.Expect.equals("/a/", uri.toFilePath({windows: false})); |
| 53 expect$.Expect.equals("\\a\\", uri.toFilePath({windows: true})); |
| 54 }; |
| 55 dart.fn(uri_file_test.testFileUri, VoidTodynamic()); |
| 56 uri_file_test.testFileUriWindowsSlash = function() { |
| 57 let tests = JSArrayOfListOfString().of([JSArrayOfString().of(["", "", ""]),
JSArrayOfString().of(["relative", "relative", "relative"]), JSArrayOfString().of
(["relative/", "relative/", "relative\\"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["a%20b", "a b"
, "a b"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["a%20b/", "a b/", "a b\\"]), JSArrayOfString().
of(["a/b", "a/b", "a\\b"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["a/b/", "a/b/", "a\\b\\"]), JS
ArrayOfString().of(["a%20b/c%20d", "a b/c d", "a b\\c d"]), JSArrayOfString().of
(["a%20b/c%20d/", "a b/c d/", "a b\\c d\\"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///abs
olute", "/absolute", "\\absolute"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///absolute", "
/absolute", "\\absolute"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///a/b", "/a/b", "\\a\\b
"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///a/b", "/a/b", "\\a\\b"]), JSArrayOfString().
of(["file://server/a/b", "//server/a/b", "\\\\server\\a\\b"]), JSArrayOfString()
.of(["file://server/a/b/", "//server/a/b/", "\\\\server\\a\\b\\"]), JSArrayOfStr
ing().of(["file:///C:/", "C:/", "C:\\"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///C:/a/b"
, "C:/a/b", "C:\\a\\b"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///C:/a/b/", "C:/a/b/", "C
:\\a\\b\\"])]); |
| 58 for (let test of tests) { |
| 59 let uri = core.Uri.file(test[dartx.get](1), {windows: true}); |
| 60 expect$.Expect.equals(test[dartx.get](0), uri.toString()); |
| 61 expect$.Expect.equals(test[dartx.get](2), uri.toFilePath({windows: true}))
; |
| 62 let couldBeDir = dart.test(uri.path[dartx.isEmpty]) || dart.test(uri.path[
dartx.endsWith]('\\')); |
| 63 let dirUri = core.Uri.directory(test[dartx.get](1), {windows: true}); |
| 64 expect$.Expect.isTrue(dart.test(dirUri.path[dartx.isEmpty]) || dart.test(d
irUri.path[dartx.endsWith]('/'))); |
| 65 if (couldBeDir) { |
| 66 expect$.Expect.equals(uri, dirUri); |
| 67 } |
| 68 } |
| 69 }; |
| 70 dart.fn(uri_file_test.testFileUriWindowsSlash, VoidTodynamic()); |
| 71 uri_file_test.testFileUriWindowsWin32Namespace = function() { |
| 72 let tests = JSArrayOfListOfString().of([JSArrayOfString().of(["\\\\?\\C:\\",
"file:///C:/", "C:\\"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["\\\\?\\C:\\", "file:///C:/", "C
:\\"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["\\\\?\\UNC\\server\\share\\file", "file://server/
share/file", "\\\\server\\share\\file"])]); |
| 73 for (let test of tests) { |
| 74 let uri = core.Uri.file(test[dartx.get](0), {windows: true}); |
| 75 expect$.Expect.equals(test[dartx.get](1), uri.toString()); |
| 76 expect$.Expect.equals(test[dartx.get](2), uri.toFilePath({windows: true}))
; |
| 77 } |
| 78 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.file("\\\\?\\file", {windows: t
rue}), VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 79 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.file("\\\\?\\UNX\\server\\share
\\file", {windows: true}), VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e),
dynamicTobool())); |
| 80 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.directory("\\\\?\\file", {windo
ws: true}), VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamicTobool()
)); |
| 81 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.directory("\\\\?\\UNX\\server\\
share\\file", {windows: true}), VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is
(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 82 }; |
| 83 dart.fn(uri_file_test.testFileUriWindowsWin32Namespace, VoidTodynamic()); |
| 84 uri_file_test.testFileUriDriveLetter = function() { |
| 85 function check(s, nonWindows, windows) { |
| 86 let uri = null; |
| 87 uri = core.Uri.parse(s); |
| 88 expect$.Expect.equals(nonWindows, uri.toFilePath({windows: false})); |
| 89 if (windows != null) { |
| 90 expect$.Expect.equals(windows, uri.toFilePath({windows: true})); |
| 91 } else { |
| 92 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => uri.toFilePath({windows: true}), Voi
dToString()), dart.fn(e => core.UnsupportedError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 93 } |
| 94 } |
| 95 dart.fn(check, StringAndStringAndStringTodynamic()); |
| 96 check("file:///C:", "/C:", "C:\\"); |
| 97 check("file:///C:/", "/C:/", "C:\\"); |
| 98 check("file:///C:a", "/C:a", null); |
| 99 check("file:///C:a/", "/C:a/", null); |
| 100 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.file("C:", {windows: true}), Vo
idToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 101 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.file("C:a", {windows: true}), V
oidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 102 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.file("C:a\b", {windows: true}),
VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 103 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.directory("C:", {windows: true}
), VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 104 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.directory("C:a", {windows: true
}), VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 105 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.directory("C:a\b", {windows: tr
ue}), VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 106 }; |
| 107 dart.fn(uri_file_test.testFileUriDriveLetter, VoidTodynamic()); |
| 108 uri_file_test.testFileUriResolve = function() { |
| 109 let tests = JSArrayOfListOfString().of([JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///a", "
/a", "", "\\a", ""]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///a/", "/a/", "", "\\a\\", ""
]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///b", "/a", "b", "\\a", "b"]), JSArrayOfString(
).of(["file:///b/", "/a", "b/", "\\a", "b\\"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///a
/b", "/a/", "b", "\\a\\", "b"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///a/b/", "/a/", "b
/", "\\a\\", "b\\"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///a/c/d", "/a/b", "c/d", "\\a
\\b", "c\\d"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///a/c/d/", "/a/b", "c/d/", "\\a\\b"
, "c\\d\\"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///a/b/c/d", "/a/b/", "c/d", "\\a\\b\\
", "c\\d"]), JSArrayOfString().of(["file:///a/b/c/d/", "/a/b/", "c/d/", "\\a\\b\
\", "c\\d\\"])]); |
| 110 function check(s, absolute, relative, windows) { |
| 111 let absoluteUri = core.Uri.file(absolute, {windows: windows}); |
| 112 let relativeUri = core.Uri.file(relative, {windows: windows}); |
| 113 let relativeString = dart.test(windows) ? relative[dartx.replaceAll]("\\",
"/") : relative; |
| 114 expect$.Expect.equals(s, dart.toString(absoluteUri.resolve(relativeString)
)); |
| 115 expect$.Expect.equals(s, dart.toString(absoluteUri.resolveUri(relativeUri)
)); |
| 116 } |
| 117 dart.fn(check, StringAndStringAndString__Todynamic()); |
| 118 for (let test of tests) { |
| 119 check(test[dartx.get](0), test[dartx.get](1), test[dartx.get](2), false); |
| 120 check(test[dartx.get](0), test[dartx.get](1), test[dartx.get](2), true); |
| 121 check(test[dartx.get](0), test[dartx.get](1), test[dartx.get](4), true); |
| 122 check(test[dartx.get](0), test[dartx.get](3), test[dartx.get](2), true); |
| 123 check(test[dartx.get](0), test[dartx.get](3), test[dartx.get](4), true); |
| 124 } |
| 125 }; |
| 126 dart.fn(uri_file_test.testFileUriResolve, VoidTodynamic()); |
| 127 uri_file_test.testFileUriIllegalCharacters = function() { |
| 128 let uri = core.Uri.parse("file:///a%2Fb"); |
| 129 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => uri.toFilePath({windows: false}), VoidTo
String()), dart.fn(e => core.UnsupportedError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 130 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => uri.toFilePath({windows: true}), VoidToS
tring()), dart.fn(e => core.UnsupportedError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 131 let illegalWindowsPaths = JSArrayOfString().of(["a<b", "a>b", "a:b", "a\"b",
"a|b", "a?b", "a*b", "\\\\?\\c:\\a/b"]); |
| 132 for (let test of illegalWindowsPaths) { |
| 133 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.file(test, {windows: true}),
VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 134 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.file(dart.str`\\${test}`, {wi
ndows: true}), VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamicToboo
l())); |
| 135 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.directory(test, {windows: tru
e}), VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 136 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.directory(dart.str`\\${test}`
, {windows: true}), VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamic
Tobool())); |
| 137 let uri = core.Uri.file(test, {windows: false}); |
| 138 let absoluteUri = core.Uri.file(dart.str`/${test}`, {windows: false}); |
| 139 let dirUri = core.Uri.directory(test, {windows: false}); |
| 140 let dirAbsoluteUri = core.Uri.directory(dart.str`/${test}`, {windows: fals
e}); |
| 141 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.file(test, {windows: true}),
VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 142 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.file(dart.str`\\${test}`, {wi
ndows: true}), VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamicToboo
l())); |
| 143 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.directory(test, {windows: tru
e}), VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 144 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.directory(dart.str`\\${test}`
, {windows: true}), VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamic
Tobool())); |
| 145 expect$.Expect.equals(test, uri.toFilePath({windows: false})); |
| 146 expect$.Expect.equals(dart.str`/${test}`, absoluteUri.toFilePath({windows:
false})); |
| 147 expect$.Expect.equals(dart.str`${test}/`, dirUri.toFilePath({windows: fals
e})); |
| 148 expect$.Expect.equals(dart.str`/${test}/`, dirAbsoluteUri.toFilePath({wind
ows: false})); |
| 149 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => uri.toFilePath({windows: true}), VoidT
oString()), dart.fn(e => core.UnsupportedError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 150 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => absoluteUri.toFilePath({windows: true}
), VoidToString()), dart.fn(e => core.UnsupportedError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 151 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => dirUri.toFilePath({windows: true}), Vo
idToString()), dart.fn(e => core.UnsupportedError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 152 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => dirAbsoluteUri.toFilePath({windows: tr
ue}), VoidToString()), dart.fn(e => core.UnsupportedError.is(e), dynamicTobool()
)); |
| 153 } |
| 154 illegalWindowsPaths = JSArrayOfString().of(["a\\b", "a\\b\\"]); |
| 155 for (let test of illegalWindowsPaths) { |
| 156 let uri = core.Uri.file(test, {windows: false}); |
| 157 let absoluteUri = core.Uri.file(dart.str`/${test}`, {windows: false}); |
| 158 let dirUri = core.Uri.directory(test, {windows: false}); |
| 159 let dirAbsoluteUri = core.Uri.directory(dart.str`/${test}`, {windows: fals
e}); |
| 160 core.Uri.file(test, {windows: true}); |
| 161 core.Uri.file(dart.str`\\${test}`, {windows: true}); |
| 162 expect$.Expect.equals(test, uri.toFilePath({windows: false})); |
| 163 expect$.Expect.equals(dart.str`/${test}`, absoluteUri.toFilePath({windows:
false})); |
| 164 expect$.Expect.equals(dart.str`${test}/`, dirUri.toFilePath({windows: fals
e})); |
| 165 expect$.Expect.equals(dart.str`/${test}/`, dirAbsoluteUri.toFilePath({wind
ows: false})); |
| 166 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => uri.toFilePath({windows: true}), VoidT
oString()), dart.fn(e => core.UnsupportedError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 167 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => absoluteUri.toFilePath({windows: true}
), VoidToString()), dart.fn(e => core.UnsupportedError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 168 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => dirUri.toFilePath({windows: true}), Vo
idToString()), dart.fn(e => core.UnsupportedError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 169 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => dirAbsoluteUri.toFilePath({windows: tr
ue}), VoidToString()), dart.fn(e => core.UnsupportedError.is(e), dynamicTobool()
)); |
| 170 } |
| 171 }; |
| 172 dart.fn(uri_file_test.testFileUriIllegalCharacters, VoidTodynamic()); |
| 173 uri_file_test.testFileUriIllegalDriveLetter = function() { |
| 174 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.file("1:\\", {windows: true}),
VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 175 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => core.Uri.directory("1:\\", {windows: tru
e}), VoidToUri()), dart.fn(e => core.ArgumentError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 176 let uri = core.Uri.file("1:\\", {windows: false}); |
| 177 let dirUri = core.Uri.directory("1:\\", {windows: false}); |
| 178 expect$.Expect.equals("1:\\", uri.toFilePath({windows: false})); |
| 179 expect$.Expect.equals("1:\\/", dirUri.toFilePath({windows: false})); |
| 180 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => uri.toFilePath({windows: true}), VoidToS
tring()), dart.fn(e => core.UnsupportedError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 181 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => dirUri.toFilePath({windows: true}), Void
ToString()), dart.fn(e => core.UnsupportedError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 182 }; |
| 183 dart.fn(uri_file_test.testFileUriIllegalDriveLetter, VoidTodynamic()); |
| 184 uri_file_test.testAdditionalComponents = function() { |
| 185 function check(s, opts) { |
| 186 let windowsOk = opts && 'windowsOk' in opts ? opts.windowsOk : false; |
| 187 let uri = core.Uri.parse(s); |
| 188 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => uri.toFilePath({windows: false}), Void
ToString()), dart.fn(e => core.UnsupportedError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 189 if (dart.test(windowsOk)) { |
| 190 expect$.Expect.isTrue(typeof uri.toFilePath({windows: true}) == 'string'
); |
| 191 } else { |
| 192 expect$.Expect.throws(dart.fn(() => uri.toFilePath({windows: true}), Voi
dToString()), dart.fn(e => core.UnsupportedError.is(e), dynamicTobool())); |
| 193 } |
| 194 } |
| 195 dart.fn(check, String__Todynamic()); |
| 196 check("file:///path?query"); |
| 197 check("file:///path#fragment"); |
| 198 check("file:///path?query#fragment"); |
| 199 check("file://host/path", {windowsOk: true}); |
| 200 check("file://user:password@host/path", {windowsOk: true}); |
| 201 }; |
| 202 dart.fn(uri_file_test.testAdditionalComponents, VoidTodynamic()); |
| 203 uri_file_test.main = function() { |
| 204 uri_file_test.testFileUri(); |
| 205 uri_file_test.testFileUriWindowsSlash(); |
| 206 uri_file_test.testFileUriDriveLetter(); |
| 207 uri_file_test.testFileUriWindowsWin32Namespace(); |
| 208 uri_file_test.testFileUriResolve(); |
| 209 uri_file_test.testFileUriIllegalCharacters(); |
| 210 uri_file_test.testFileUriIllegalDriveLetter(); |
| 211 uri_file_test.testAdditionalComponents(); |
| 212 }; |
| 213 dart.fn(uri_file_test.main, VoidTodynamic()); |
| 214 // Exports: |
| 215 exports.uri_file_test = uri_file_test; |
| 216 }); |