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Unified Diff: media/capture/video/

Issue 2121043002: 16 bpp video stream capture, render and WebGL usage - Realsense R200 & SR300 support. Base URL:
Patch Set: rebase Created 4 years, 2 months ago
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Index: media/capture/video/
diff --git a/media/capture/video/ b/media/capture/video/
index 333bca72ba09e6691058f4fcffa8a795adfc8962..d1e6ed2cded79889c7ece8452afec4eb9a029407 100644
--- a/media/capture/video/
+++ b/media/capture/video/
@@ -28,11 +28,36 @@ namespace media {
static const float kPacmanAngularVelocity = 600;
// Beep every 500 ms.
static const int kBeepInterval = 500;
+// Gradient travels from bottom to top in 5 seconds.
+static const float kGradientFrequency = 1.f / 5;
static const uint32_t kMinZoom = 100;
static const uint32_t kMaxZoom = 400;
static const uint32_t kZoomStep = 1;
+// Starting from top left, -45 deg gradient.
+void Draw16BitGradient(uint8_t* const pixels,
+ base::TimeDelta elapsed_time,
+ const gfx::Size& frame_size) {
+ uint16_t* data = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(pixels);
+ // We calculate the color difference to the neighbour on the right or bellow,
+ // so that value change from top left to bottom right is 65535 (pixel values
+ // are wrapped arounf uint16_t).
+ const float color_step =
+ 65535 / static_cast<float>(frame_size.width() + frame_size.height());
+ float start =
+ fmod(65536 * elapsed_time.InSecondsF() * kGradientFrequency, 65536);
+ for (int j = 0; j < frame_size.height(); ++j) {
+ float value = start;
+ uint16_t* row = data + j * (frame_size.width());
+ for (int i = 0; i < frame_size.width(); ++i) {
+ *row++ = static_cast<unsigned>(value) & 0xFFFF;
+ value += color_step;
+ }
+ start += color_step;
+ }
void DrawPacman(bool use_argb,
uint8_t* const data,
base::TimeDelta elapsed_time,
@@ -114,9 +139,11 @@ void DoTakeFakePhoto(VideoCaptureDevice::TakePhotoCallback callback,
FakeVideoCaptureDevice::FakeVideoCaptureDevice(BufferOwnership buffer_ownership,
- float fake_capture_rate)
+ float fake_capture_rate,
+ VideoPixelFormat pixel_format)
: buffer_ownership_(buffer_ownership),
+ pixel_format_(pixel_format),
weak_factory_(this) {}
@@ -141,22 +168,25 @@ void FakeVideoCaptureDevice::AllocateAndStart(
capture_format_.frame_size.SetSize(1280, 720);
else if (params.requested_format.frame_size.width() > 320)
capture_format_.frame_size.SetSize(640, 480);
- else
+ else if (params.requested_format.frame_size.width() > 96)
capture_format_.frame_size.SetSize(320, 240);
+ else
+ capture_format_.frame_size.SetSize(96, 96);
+ capture_format_.pixel_format = pixel_format_;
if (buffer_ownership_ == BufferOwnership::CLIENT_BUFFERS) {
capture_format_.pixel_storage = PIXEL_STORAGE_CPU;
capture_format_.pixel_format = PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB;
DVLOG(1) << "starting with client argb buffers";
} else if (buffer_ownership_ == BufferOwnership::OWN_BUFFERS) {
capture_format_.pixel_storage = PIXEL_STORAGE_CPU;
- capture_format_.pixel_format = PIXEL_FORMAT_I420;
- DVLOG(1) << "starting with own I420 buffers";
+ DVLOG(1) << "starting with own" << VideoPixelFormatToString(pixel_format_)
+ << "buffers";
- if (capture_format_.pixel_format == PIXEL_FORMAT_I420) {
+ if (buffer_ownership_ != BufferOwnership::CLIENT_BUFFERS) {
fake_frame_.reset(new uint8_t[VideoFrame::AllocationSize(
- PIXEL_FORMAT_I420, capture_format_.frame_size)]);
+ pixel_format_, capture_format_.frame_size)]);
beep_time_ = base::TimeDelta();
@@ -235,11 +265,15 @@ void FakeVideoCaptureDevice::CaptureUsingOwnBuffers(
base::TimeTicks expected_execution_time) {
const size_t frame_size = capture_format_.ImageAllocationSize();
- memset(fake_frame_.get(), 0, frame_size);
- DrawPacman(false /* use_argb */, fake_frame_.get(), elapsed_time_,
- fake_capture_rate_, capture_format_.frame_size, current_zoom_);
+ if (capture_format_.pixel_format == media::PIXEL_FORMAT_Y16) {
+ Draw16BitGradient(fake_frame_.get(), elapsed_time_,
+ capture_format_.frame_size);
+ } else {
+ memset(fake_frame_.get(), 0, frame_size);
+ DrawPacman(false /* use_argb */, fake_frame_.get(), elapsed_time_,
+ fake_capture_rate_, capture_format_.frame_size, current_zoom_);
+ }
// Give the captured frame to the client.
base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
if (first_ref_time_.is_null())
@@ -264,12 +298,17 @@ void FakeVideoCaptureDevice::CaptureUsingClientBuffers(
DLOG_IF(ERROR, !capture_buffer) << "Couldn't allocate Capture Buffer";
DCHECK(capture_buffer->data()) << "Buffer has NO backing memory";
- DCHECK_EQ(PIXEL_STORAGE_CPU, capture_format_.pixel_storage);
- DCHECK_EQ(PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB, capture_format_.pixel_format);
- uint8_t* data_ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(capture_buffer->data());
- memset(data_ptr, 0, capture_buffer->mapped_size());
- DrawPacman(true /* use_argb */, data_ptr, elapsed_time_, fake_capture_rate_,
- capture_format_.frame_size, current_zoom_);
+ if (capture_format_.pixel_format == media::PIXEL_FORMAT_Y16) {
+ Draw16BitGradient(static_cast<uint8_t*>(capture_buffer->data()),
+ elapsed_time_, capture_format_.frame_size);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_EQ(PIXEL_STORAGE_CPU, capture_format_.pixel_storage);
+ DCHECK_EQ(PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB, capture_format_.pixel_format);
+ uint8_t* data_ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(capture_buffer->data());
+ memset(data_ptr, 0, capture_buffer->mapped_size());
+ DrawPacman(true /* use_argb */, data_ptr, elapsed_time_, fake_capture_rate_,
+ capture_format_.frame_size, current_zoom_);
+ }
// Give the captured frame to the client.
base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
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