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Unified Diff: chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/util/

Issue 2110543004: Move JNI bindings for url_formatter from chrome to //components/url_formatter (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase Created 4 years, 4 months ago
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Index: chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/util/
diff --git a/chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/util/ b/chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/util/
index 37815261aca5b6d536be3661402ccb23287a21de..7fee8620291a54c8b52db0d0f4457d34c5bdc022 100644
--- a/chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/util/
+++ b/chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/util/
@@ -79,47 +79,6 @@ public class UrlUtilities {
- * Refer to url_formatter::FixupURL.
- *
- * Given a URL-like string, returns a real URL or null. For example:
- * - "" -> ""
- * - "about:" -> "chrome://version/"
- * - "//" -> "file:///"
- * - "..." -> null
- */
- public static String fixupUrl(String uri) {
- if (TextUtils.isEmpty(uri)) return null;
- return nativeFixupUrl(uri, null);
- }
- /**
- * Builds a String that strips down the URL to its scheme, host, and port.
- * @param uri URI to break down.
- * @param showScheme Whether or not to show the scheme. If the URL can't be parsed, this value
- * is ignored.
- * @return Stripped-down String containing the essential bits of the URL, or the original URL if
- * it fails to parse it.
- */
- public static String formatUrlForSecurityDisplay(URI uri, boolean showScheme) {
- return formatUrlForSecurityDisplay(uri.toString(), showScheme);
- }
- /**
- * Builds a String that strips down |url| to its scheme, host, and port.
- * @param uri The URI to break down.
- * @param showScheme Whether or not to show the scheme. If the URL can't be parsed, this value
- * is ignored.
- * @return Stripped-down String containing the essential bits of the URL, or the original URL if
- * it fails to parse it.
- */
- public static String formatUrlForSecurityDisplay(String uri, boolean showScheme) {
- if (showScheme) {
- return nativeFormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(uri);
- } else {
- return nativeFormatUrlForSecurityDisplayOmitScheme(uri);
- }
- }
- /**
* Determines whether or not the given URLs belong to the same broad domain or host.
* "Broad domain" is defined as the TLD + 1 or the host.
@@ -342,9 +301,6 @@ public class UrlUtilities {
boolean includePrivateRegistries);
public static native boolean nativeIsGoogleSearchUrl(String url);
public static native boolean nativeIsGoogleHomePageUrl(String url);
- public static native String nativeFormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(String url);
- public static native String nativeFormatUrlForSecurityDisplayOmitScheme(String url);
- private static native String nativeFixupUrl(String url, String desiredTld);
private static native boolean nativeUrlsMatchIgnoringFragments(String url, String url2);
private static native boolean nativeUrlsFragmentsDiffer(String url, String url2);

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