1 This tests the constructor for the KeyboardEvent DOM class. | 1 This tests the constructor for the KeyboardEvent DOM class. |
2 | 2 |
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". | 3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType').bubbles is false | 6 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType').bubbles is false |
7 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType').cancelable is false | 7 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType').cancelable is false |
8 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType').view is null | 8 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType').view is null |
9 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType').detail is 0 | 9 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType').detail is 0 |
10 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType').keyIdentifier is "" | 10 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType').keyIdentifier is "" |
(...skipping 28 matching lines...) Expand all Loading... |
39 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: null }).keyIdentifier is "n
ull" | 39 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: null }).keyIdentifier is "n
ull" |
40 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: false }).keyIdentifier is "
false" | 40 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: false }).keyIdentifier is "
false" |
41 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: true }).keyIdentifier is "t
rue" | 41 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: true }).keyIdentifier is "t
rue" |
42 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: 12345 }).keyIdentifier is "
12345" | 42 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: 12345 }).keyIdentifier is "
12345" |
43 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: 18446744073709551615 }).key
Identifier is "18446744073709552000" | 43 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: 18446744073709551615 }).key
Identifier is "18446744073709552000" |
44 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: NaN }).keyIdentifier is "Na
N" | 44 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: NaN }).keyIdentifier is "Na
N" |
45 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: [] }).keyIdentifier is "" | 45 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: [] }).keyIdentifier is "" |
46 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: [1, 2, 3] }).keyIdentifier
is "1,2,3" | 46 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: [1, 2, 3] }).keyIdentifier
is "1,2,3" |
47 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: {koakuma: 12345} }).keyIden
tifier is "[object Object]" | 47 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: {koakuma: 12345} }).keyIden
tifier is "[object Object]" |
48 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: {valueOf: function () { ret
urn 'koakuma'; } } }).keyIdentifier is "[object Object]" | 48 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyIdentifier: {valueOf: function () { ret
urn 'koakuma'; } } }).keyIdentifier is "[object Object]" |
49 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: 0 }).keyLocation is 0 | 49 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATIO
N_STANDARD }).keyLocation is KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD |
50 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: 1 }).keyLocation is 1 | 50 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATIO
N_LEFT }).keyLocation is KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_LEFT |
51 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: 4294967294 }).keyLocation is
4294967294 | 51 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: 4294967294 }).keyLocation is
4294967294 |
52 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: 4294967295 }).keyLocation is
4294967295 | 52 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: 4294967295 }).keyLocation is
4294967295 |
53 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: 9007199254740991 }).keyLocati
on is 4294967295 | 53 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: 9007199254740991 }).keyLocati
on is 4294967295 |
54 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: 18446744073709551615 }).keyLo
cation is 0 | 54 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: 18446744073709551615 }).keyLo
cation is KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD |
55 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: 12345678901234567890 }).keyLo
cation is 3944679424 | 55 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: 12345678901234567890 }).keyLo
cation is 3944679424 |
56 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: -1 }).keyLocation is 42949672
95 | 56 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: -1 }).keyLocation is 42949672
95 |
57 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: 123.45 }).keyLocation is 123 | 57 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: 123.45 }).keyLocation is 123 |
58 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: NaN }).keyLocation is 0 | 58 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: NaN }).keyLocation is Keyboar
59 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: undefined }).keyLocation is 0 | 59 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: undefined }).keyLocation is K
60 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: null }).keyLocation is 0 | 60 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: null }).keyLocation is Keyboa
61 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: '' }).keyLocation is 0 | 61 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: '' }).keyLocation is Keyboard
62 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: '12345' }).keyLocation is 123
45 | 62 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: '12345' }).keyLocation is 123
45 |
63 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: '12345a' }).keyLocation is 0 | 63 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: '12345a' }).keyLocation is Ke
64 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: 'abc' }).keyLocation is 0 | 64 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: 'abc' }).keyLocation is Keybo
65 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: [] }).keyLocation is 0 | 65 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: [] }).keyLocation is Keyboard
66 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: [12345] }).keyLocation is 123
45 | 66 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: [12345] }).keyLocation is 123
45 |
67 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: [12345, 67890] }).keyLocation
is 0 | 67 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: [12345, 67890] }).keyLocation
68 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: {} }).keyLocation is 0 | 68 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: {} }).keyLocation is Keyboard
69 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: {moemoe: 12345} }).keyLocatio
n is 0 | 69 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: {moemoe: 12345} }).keyLocatio
70 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: {valueOf: function () { retur
n 12345; }} }).keyLocation is 12345 | 70 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { keyLocation: {valueOf: function () { retur
n 12345; }} }).keyLocation is 12345 |
71 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { ctrlKey: false }).ctrlKey is false | 71 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { ctrlKey: false }).ctrlKey is false |
72 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { ctrlKey: true }).ctrlKey is true | 72 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { ctrlKey: true }).ctrlKey is true |
73 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { altKey: false }).altKey is false | 73 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { altKey: false }).altKey is false |
74 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { altKey: true }).altKey is true | 74 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { altKey: true }).altKey is true |
75 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { shiftKey: false }).shiftKey is false | 75 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { shiftKey: false }).shiftKey is false |
76 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { shiftKey: true }).shiftKey is true | 76 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { shiftKey: true }).shiftKey is true |
77 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { metaKey: false }).metaKey is false | 77 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { metaKey: false }).metaKey is false |
78 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { metaKey: true }).metaKey is true | 78 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { metaKey: true }).metaKey is true |
79 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).bubbles is true | 79 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).bubbles is true |
80 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).cancelable is true | 80 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).cancelable is true |
81 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).view is window | 81 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).view is window |
82 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).detail is 111 | 82 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).detail is 111 |
83 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).keyIdentifier is "chocolate" | 83 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).keyIdentifier is "chocolate" |
84 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).keyLocation is 222 | 84 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).keyLocation is 222 |
85 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).ctrlKey is true | 85 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).ctrlKey is true |
86 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).altKey is true | 86 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).altKey is true |
87 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).shiftKey is true | 87 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).shiftKey is true |
88 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).metaKey is true | 88 PASS new KeyboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: win
dow, detail: 111, keyIdentifier: 'chocolate', keyLocation: 222, ctrlKey: true, a
ltKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true }).metaKey is true |
89 PASS successfullyParsed is true | 89 PASS successfullyParsed is true |
90 | 90 |
92 | 92 |